Above the Great Hall of the Emperor.A day in the Ming Dynasty.The morning court, which is no different from the past, is held here.Hundreds of officials stood on the left and right according to their official titles.Just north of the main hall.The young Ming Shenzong Zhu Yijun sat there.Somewhat reluctantly.And beside him.The chief eunuch Feng Baoli stood there.The expression is the same as usual.

under.All the officials have just stood still.Today's proposal is very simple.Don't think about it.Everyone knows.It is bound to mention yesterday's outside the city.The messy thing.Everyone seems to be prepared.This is already early from now on.However, many people are not as solemn and solemn as before.But you can see it by looking around.certainly.It seems that it is also because what I want to say today is really a bit unusual.And actually.This is not the first time the Ming Dynasty has encountered such an unusual situation.In fact this kind of thing.Daming can come across one or two pieces every year.All the officials have long been familiar with it.

certainly.Even so.After every encounter with this kind of thing.Officials are still discussing it.

And Zhang Fan.Stand at the front of the line.Beside Zhang Juzheng.He and Zhang Juzheng were also absent-minded.only.What Zhang Juzheng considered was the method of using silver mentioned in the "Tao Cheng Fa" and Zhang Fan.It's not that he doesn't care about Feng Bao and Zhang Siwei.It's just that he has more important things to consider now.Secondly, it is not convenient for him to come forward about this matter.It can only be handed over to Zhang Fan to deal with.

Zhang Fan also had a lot of things in mind.one thing.After he heard the direction Zhang Juzheng pointed out for him.Also have been thinking about how to do it.How can we find a way from Zhang Siwei.So that Feng Bao retreated in the face of difficulties.There is one more thing.Zhang Fan was worried.Although last night.He exerted great strength in front of Feng Bao.Consume lips.The acting is outstanding.This is the impulse that allowed Feng Bao to press down temporarily and immediately tell Queen Mother Li Zhang Siwei's name.But even so.Zhang Fan was not in the palace yesterday either.He didn't know whether Feng Bao had said it or not.

even though.Judging from the situation this morning.Many officials do not know.It seems that Feng Bao didn't say anything.If Feng Bao said so.Zhang Fan believed it.He didn't just talk to Queen Mother Li alone.He must let his minions spread the matter.So early this morning.You can definitely hear the voices of people talking.but.Zhang Fan didn't hear it.

But.To this.Zhang Fan was also a little wary.after all.Unpredictable.Who knows if Feng Bao will change his mind temporarily.Said the matter out.Don't talk about Zhang Fan who doesn't know much about Feng Bao.I'm afraid even Zhang Juzheng is not sure about this.

But now it seems.Zhang Fan's efforts last night were worthwhile.It seems that Feng Bao did not say anything.

Zhang Fan understood this truth.I was a little happy in my heart.At the same time, there are some concerns.Of course Feng Bao didn't say that he was happy.And there was one more thing that made Zhang Fan happy.Feng Bao was worried about what he would see.Or doubt what this is not said.This explains in a way.Zhang Fan's current status.It was enough to affect Feng Bao.Although Zhang Fan is not a person who is very obsessed with power.But happy to have encountered such a thing.It is also a matter of course.

And what Zhang Fan was worried about.And it is precisely this.Speaking up.Zhu Yijun is the emperor.He is the biggest person in the world.But Feng Bao was not worried about him at all.Why.Because Feng Bao felt that he could control Zhu Yijun.And for Zhang Juzheng.Feng Bao also had the same idea.compared to a position of power.Zhang Juzheng is even worse than Zhang Fan.But Feng Bao was not afraid of him.The reason is also because Feng Bao felt that he could control Zhang Juzheng.

And now.Feng Bao began to fear Zhang Fan.This is for Zhang Fan.There are joys and sorrows.And it’s a matter of more worry than joy.Actually.Since Zhu Yijun ascended the throne.He just gave Zhang Fan the title of Grand Tutor on his own initiative.It is an honorable title.Ranked third.It can be said to have reached the apex.but.And that's all.Tai Tuo is no longer the Tai Tuo in ancient times.Today's Taifu.In name only.There is nothing that can be taken in hand.

And at that time.Feng Bao was not as afraid of Zhang Fan as he is now.this point.Although Zhang Fan was in the game.But he can also see clearly.And at that time.Although Feng Bao also understands.The future Zhang Fan.The scenery is infinite.Will stand under one person.A seat above ten thousand people.But Feng Bao at that time was not worried about Zhang Fan.

For more than a year.Zhang Fan's status has not changed.No promotion.No honors either.But now.Feng Bao's attitude towards Zhang Fan has changed.

Actually it wasn't just Feng Bao.The whole court's attitude towards Zhang Fan changed.He is the commander of Jinyiwei.people in this position.It has always been hated by officials.Although Zhang Fan was not the first.But he is also the governor of Jinyiwei who can make hundreds of officials approach him.This point is very important.

And now.What Zhang Fan thought was not these.He is worried.Feng Bao is not one to let threats exist.Royal matters don't matter.As far as officials are concerned.if.Feng Bao found that Zhang Juzheng was no longer afraid of him.certainly.That kind of thing doesn't happen.Feng Bao holds many handles on Zhang Juzheng.But that's an assumption.if that happened.Feng Bao would not just watch.He will definitely be soft on Zhang Juzheng.Rather kill thousands of people by mistake.Don't miss one.That may be an extreme statement.However, it can also be regarded as a means to completely eliminate possible threats in the future.

now.Zhang Fan found out from one side.Entering the official career and enjoying unlimited scenery along the way.up to now.Finally stood firm.In the eyes of the court officials.He also has weight.However.Behind this good thing.It is the suspicion and fear that Feng Bao may initiate.perhaps.Maybe it will be Feng Bao's actual actions after that.

therefore.Compared to happy.This matter is even more worthy of Zhang Fan's worry.

certainly.Zhang Fan wasn't afraid of anything.It's the same old saying.If the trouble really came to the front.No one will be afraid.Just trying to find a solution.But if it can be solved before the trouble comes.That's even better.

But for this matter.Zhang Fan also had no choice.solve.Easier said than done.How to deal with it.Could it be that let him break with Feng Bao.Then wantonly attack failed.This simply won't work.He didn't tell Feng Bao that he hadn't reached that point yet.In fact, there are many reasons why Zhang Fan can catch Feng Bao now.But all is not a big deal.These things may greatly embarrass Feng Bao in front of the court and Queen Mother Li.But it can't actually cause any harm to him at all.and.Has been missed.Give the other party a chance to breathe.He must be the one who suffers in the future.Feng Bao will never let go of anyone who dares to oppose him.No matter who the opponent is.

However.Now this thing has happened.Although Zhang Fan was worried.But also helpless.He has no supernatural powers.It can make Feng Bao forget everything in an instant.It is also impossible for him to say that he feels too sharp now.Just hurry up and restrain yourself a little.Actually.about this point.I have to say it again.Zhang Fan has been in the official career for the past few years.It was indeed a drive at the beginning.But she didn't have the strength to use it yet.Then he met Xu Jie, the biggest resistance.That incident made Zhang Fan mature a lot overnight.From then on.Zhang Fan became very cautious in his conduct.But even so.up to now.Feng Bao still stared at him.

And this.What else can Zhang Fan do.Restrain a little more.Zhang Fan wanted to laugh.If so.He might as well just take a few years off.It's good to go home and avoid the limelight.

this.Another annoyance.

under.Zhang Fan who was standing was worried.above.Zhu Yijun who was sitting was also worried.

He had seen his father, Emperor Longqing Zhu Zaihou, go to court before.He also used to look forward to this time very much.But after he actually took this seat himself.He realized that was not the case at all.He is only a nominal emperor.And it's just another kid.

so.Zhu Yijun understood that he had no right to speak here.A few times he opened his mouth to speak.Made some self-righteous ideas.originally.And he was a little happy about it.But after.Feng Bao told Queen Mother Li about it.after that.It was Zhu Yijun who was summoned by Queen Mother Li to preach.

once.twice.Until the third time.Not to mention Zhu Yijun, a kid with a temper.Even if it is replaced by an adult.I'm afraid I have encountered such a scene over and over again.It is estimated that he also lost confidence.And Zhu Yijun is no exception.From then on.He also began to inherit another true inheritance from his father. .There was silence.

so.General morning.The time has come to speak up.Zhu Yijun basically couldn't speak.

And gradually.There was no way to do this in the first place.This year has passed.Gradually, it became a habit of Zhu Yijun.Him sitting here.It was no longer forced to speak.It's that he didn't want to speak on his own initiative.

And today...

What happened yesterday.Zhu Yijun naturally understood.He also knows.Today's morning will definitely talk about this matter.and.Now that this matter is mentioned.He, the emperor, does not care about things now.Everyone has to speak.

I used to really want to talk.But it is not allowed.But now he had to speak.But he didn't want to.

but.This is just Zhu Yijun alone.Time to speak.He couldn't stop it himself.

And in the hall.Hundreds of officials have already begun to discuss this matter.

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