The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 679 Formation of Forces

The matter of Zhang Fan protecting Zheng Chengxian, at this moment, is a bit controversial. This matter can be said to be expected by people, but it is also somewhat unexpected. Although Zheng Chengxian, as the commander of the rear army Mansion, which is now the Zhili Weisuo, Daning Dusi, a first-rank Dudu Tongzhi, his official position is not low, but first of all, he is not a court official, and he cannot stand here to go to the early court. I don't know him well, and secondly, the Ming Dynasty's tradition of emphasizing civility over military affairs has not changed. Zheng Chengxian is a general who leads troops no matter what he says, so it is normal that he is not welcome.

The reason why Zhang Fan was a little surprised to save Zheng Chengxian was nothing more than the reasons of civil servants and generals, nothing else.

And I feel that it is even more simple within reason. After all, Zhang Fan has left a lot of images for people during his time as an official. After he took charge of the Jinyiwei, the settlement of various cases can It can be seen that if another person takes Zhang Fan's seat, it is most likely that that person will be assimilated by Jinyiwei soon, and Zhang Fan has changed the entire Jinyiwei. On the surface, it seems that Zhang Fan’s weakness and gentleness are the reason for this, but in fact it is not, this matter has to be looked at in reverse, it is precisely because of Zhang Fan’s tenacity and stubbornness that he can not be assimilated by Jin Yiwei , he was able to change Jin Yiwei.

But now, regarding Zheng Seung-heon's matter, first of all, it doesn't matter whether Zheng Seung-heon did this because he led the troops out without authorization, or whether Zhang Fan asked him to come. , both for the imperial court and for the common people, it is all a great thing.

And if Zheng Chengxian was severely punished for doing such a good thing that violated the government guidelines, if such things happen again in the future, who would dare to stand up again.

Therefore, from this point of view, it is only natural for Zhang Fan to protect Zheng Seung Heon, and there is no need for any further explanation.

However, on the other hand, not too many people think about it, but they are all very vigilant.

In this imperial court, one person made a big mistake, and it is very likely that he will not only lose his face, but also lose his head, but he was saved by others. The relationship between these two people can only be There are two kinds, one is friends who make friends like a real gentleman, they have no interest relationship between them, they just communicate with each other sincerely, and feel that the other party has done nothing wrong, or that even if the other party has done wrong, the crime is not worthy of death. Will be born to guarantee.

Of course, such ideal things are not to say that there are no such things, but they are very rare.

And there is another situation, that is, there is an interest relationship between those two people, and it is an extremely deep interest relationship. It will be of great use, so to keep him, another situation is that the interest relationship between the two allows both parties to know many secrets about each other. Maybe he would betray his former "ally". Naturally, it is impossible for the other party to let this kind of thing happen. Therefore, even though that person committed a heinous crime, he had to risk his life to save him.

From the perspective of outsiders, Zhang Fan's situation clearly belongs to the former. After all, as the commander of Jinyiwei, there is absolutely no reason for people in this position to threaten others.

But among these people, there are still some people who understand better. Although Zhang Fan's current situation belongs to the first kind, it is different from that kind. Yesterday, Zhang Fan and Zheng Chengxian met for the first time. The two people who met for the first time, no matter how they thought about it, they really couldn't find any relationship of interest.

Then, Zhang Fan would keep Zheng Seung-hyun, I am afraid there is only one possibility, he wants Zheng Seung-hyun to join his camp and expand his power in the court.

If you think about it this way, many people will think that it is very possible that Zhang Fan is in charge of Jinyiwei. Although Jinyiwei is fundamentally a guard and belongs to the military system, in fact, Zhang Fan is more inclined to be a civil servant. Even considering Zhang Fan's current title of Tutor, his weight in Zhu Yijun's heart, and his future development direction, Zhang Fan will definitely take the path of assisting Zhu Yijun politically in the end.

And even in this era, even if they haven't heard the phrase "government grows out of the barrel of a gun" said by the great man who will be born more than 300 years later, it doesn't mean that they don't understand this truth.

No matter how powerful the ruler is, if he does not have the support of the army behind him, there is no way to order and prohibit it. Moreover, Zhang Fan's title of Grand Tutor will always give people a feeling that in the future he must He will do his best to help Zhu Yijun.

In addition, everyone is aware of the current state of the imperial court. That is to say, although Zhu Yijun in the future will inevitably gain the power of the real emperor in people's eyes, the process will inevitably have some twists and turns.

And in that tortuous process, no one can say what kind of situation will happen, whether it will be the time when the army needs to be dispatched one day.

Thinking of this, many people shudder, but no one will evade this question. In history, even in the Ming Dynasty, this kind of thing is not uncommon. At that time, Zhu Yijun grew up from the son of the emperor. , there is no military and political power in his hands, and he only relies on Zhang Fan.

And the Jinyiwei under Zhang Fan's control has only a few people, with an establishment of 1, and a maximum of [-]. [-] people are enough to stabilize the capital, but who knows if there will be something, after all, no one can say no to such things. Accurate.

At this time, Zheng Chengxian's joining is tantamount to giving Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun a great boost. Moreover, now Zhu Yijun has promoted Zheng Chengxian to a higher level. First level, that is the first rank, even though the rear military governor's mansion is above him, there are left and right governors, all of them are first rank, even if Zheng Chengxian wants to replace, now he can only replace the right governor who is slightly inferior in power and status , but he is currently a first-rank official position. If necessary, Zhu Yijun only needs an imperial decree, and he has the final say on the entire rear army.

Moreover, although it is said that even if he is promoted to the governor, he only has the right to command the troops. If he wants to transfer troops, he still needs the approval of the Ministry of War, but when that time comes, it will be the same as what was said before. With the decree, everything can pass without hindrance.

These are the imaginations of many people in the hall today. Of course, I have to admire the imagination of these people. Zhang Fan has never considered these things, but they have been thinking about them for such a long time.

Another point, in fact, the reason why Zhang Fan saved Zheng Seung-heon was indeed because he thought Zheng Seung-heon was very good, but Zhang Fan could also see yesterday that Zheng Seung-heon has been deliberately approaching him, it seems that he hopes to be able to join him. In fact, Zhang Fan didn't feel disgusted by this matter, after all, who in the entire imperial court was not like this, not to mention Zhang Juzheng, even Ge Shouli was the same.

Hai Rui is probably the only one who doesn't associate with cliques, or even has few friends. But look at Hai Rui now, even though he has a high official position and is loved by the common people, no matter whether the officials in the court like it Or those who don't like him will respect Hai Rui in their hearts, but no one wants to be like Hai Rui, and neither does Zhang Fan.

However, Zhang Fan in the past also took such a route, and did not take the initiative to make friends with anyone. He became close to Zhang Juzheng because of his relationship with Zhang Juzheng. If he became his disciple, it was normal for Zhang Fan to have a relationship with Zhang Juzheng.

The relationship with Feng Bao was actually not what Zhang Fan wanted, and Feng Bao at that time, whether in the court or among the people, had a high reputation and was extremely serious in his work, never going too far. It was only the gap between him and Gao Gong, and what really connected Feng Bao with Zhang Fan was not Zhang Fan's initiative, but because of the incident in Jiangnan and Feng Bao's initiative.

In order to be able to take the position of the eunuch in charge of the supervisor, Feng Bao did a lot of actions at that time, and even offered to help Zhang Fan, which can be regarded as indirectly saving his name. Therefore, Zhang Fan can't say anything about Feng Bao .

That is to say, the Zhang Fan in the past has been relying on the appreciation of the ruler to get to today, not relying on the interpersonal relationship in the court. However, this does not mean that the Zhang Fan in the future will not make friends. Going back to fight for cronies, neither outsiders nor Zhang Fan himself would think so.

So now, Zhang Fan kept Zheng Seung-heon, which gave people the feeling that Zhang Fan finally wanted to start forming his own power, and, with Zhang Fan's current status, the time was ripe for him to do so. The conditions are not lacking, so many people think so.

However, now is not the time to think about these things. Although Zhang Fan is likely to become very powerful in the future, it is still early days after all, and there is no need to pay so much attention to it. Nowadays, people are more concerned about the immediate matters.

Moreover, the emperor Zhu Yijun has already started to ask. Behind this matter, people also feel the undercurrent.

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