people who don't know.I thought Feng Bao's words were telling Zhang Fan something.The most direct is.let him.Or let his Jin Yiwei submit to Feng Bao.

certainly.Others thought of going elsewhere.Perhaps Feng Bao felt that his current power had really reached a level.Can be qualified to give orders to anyone.If Zhang Fan agrees.Then the entire imperial court today.That is, Feng Bao's court alone.The rest dared to fight against Feng Bao.No.Can't say it's right.It can only be regarded as not following Feng Bao.There was only one Ge Shouli.

Although it is said that Ge Shouli is honest and mature.And he is the elder of the Three Dynasties.Famous in court.Say what you say.There are also many people who will follow.But he is only one person after all.

And it turns out.Although Zhang Fan agrees with Feng Bao on many things.But anyone can see it.Zhang Fan was not on Feng Bao's side.Regarding what Feng Bao said.Good nature is to agree.He can also object to bad things.

Or is it.Has anything happened between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao recently?Completely broke.Feng Bao said so.In fact, he was giving Zhang Fan one last chance.Let him choose.If you don't stand over.That means the relationship between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao is completely over.The future will be hostile.

Both views.This is the thinking of many people in the court today.certainly.Naturally, some people linked this incident with what is happening today.I wonder if Feng Bao has any intentions in this regard.However, most people still care about it in their hearts.The matter between Feng Bao and Zhang Fan.

In some ways.Feng Bao's position in the imperial court is now unbreakable.Very solid.Many people fell to Feng Bao's side.Even those who maintain a neutral attitude.Or someone who can't understand Feng Bao.Now it's all gone.As long as Feng Bao doesn't do anything to seriously anger them.They just turn a blind eye.Don't ask at all.

From this point of view.If Zhang Fan also fell to Feng Bao's side.It's not a bad thing either.After all, if it comes like that.The situation of the imperial court has really become a one-sided situation.Then come.There may be things that a lot of people feel uncomfortable about.But at the same time it was absolutely calm.There will be no ups and downs.This is for many people.Not a bad situation either.

but.People who hold such thoughts in their hearts.After all, it is only a minority.Most people don't want to see this happen.It's not that these people are far-sighted.Just what will happen in the future.No one can tell.But there is one thing that many people can see clearly.That is Feng Bao's future.It must not be very glorious.

Today's Feng Bao.The word "oppression" can be used to describe how he treats Zhu Yijun.And Zhu Yijun is the emperor after all.Even though it's not right now.But in the future he cannot be powerless forever.Once Zhu Yijun came to power.The first unlucky one was Feng Bao.

And at that time.Zhu Yijun, who just took charge of the government.Want to fight against Feng Bao.It must be lack of strength.Although people understand.In the end, it must be the emperor who can win.But what price to pay.I really can't tell. that time.Zhang Fan was able to stand by Zhu Yijun's side.That's different.No one wants the court to experience too much ordeal.It is best to be able to transition smoothly.But obviously.That thought is settle for the next best thing.Even if there will be any disputes.It is also best to be able to minimize the chaos of things.

If Feng Bao and Zhang Fan really got mixed up.In the future, the strength here will be huge.If Zhu Yijun wants to resist over there.It was bound to be a protracted struggle.When it's over.What kind of endgame will it be?No one can know.No one wants to see it either.

if.If Zhang Fan does not go with Feng Bao.Then he must be on Zhu Yijun's side.Then come on.Once there is a dispute at that time.Zhu Yijun has Zhang Fan's help here.It will definitely increase in strength.Although Feng Bao also holds great power.But it will definitely be lower.

If so.Although there will still be a dispute.And there are also many problems left over from the disputes.But it will definitely be much better.

Since disputes cannot be avoided.Then minimize the impact of disputes.This is the most important thing.

all in all.Among the imperial court.There are a lot of people.Even including some people in Feng Bao's forces.They didn't want to see Zhang Fan and Feng Bao stand together.

originally.this kind of thing.It cannot be resolved in one go.Do it step by step.Plan slowly.Wait until the time is right.Can't act right away.Also look at trends.Take it one step at a time.

And now.Feng Bao was in such a scene.Said these words in front of so many people.This is undoubtedly for the calm lake today.A huge stone was thrown.Not just let the surface become turbulent.Even underwater is surging.

Since Feng Bao had already raised this issue.Whether Zhang Fan wants it or not.He had to answer now.

then.Almost everyone's eyes turned to Zhang Fan.Wondering how he would respond.certainly.Zhang Juzheng also stared at Zhang Fan.But that's not what he cares about.But something else.It has a superficial relationship with Feng Bao's question.

After Zhang Fan heard Feng Bao's words.There was no action.He stood in front of the hall.There are only a handful of people who can see the expression on his face.But the person staring at his back behind.Nor did Zhang Fan's figure change in any way.And actually.If only Zhang Fan's face could be seen.He is also indeed consistent.There is no change on the surface.On the contrary, it has become more and more peaceful.There are even quite a few smiles on his face.

"Your Majesty." Zhang Fan said.The sound didn't change in any way.It is also peaceful as before. "Since the father-in-law brought it up, I didn't have any objections. In fact, the first trial yesterday was conducted by Wei-chen and the father-in-law together. Although I didn't ask anything. But in fact, the father-in-law was involved in it. Now the father-in-law I want to bring someone to Dongchang for interrogation. Naturally, I have no objection. In fact, just like what my father-in-law said before, I am really busy recently. I really feel a little busy. I hope His Majesty will make amends." Said to here.Zhang Fan bowed.A look of deep apology.

"Teacher doesn't have to be like this." Zhu Yijun said quickly. "I also understand. And each family has a family. I don't blame the Taifu for these things. It's just that these things are not discussed now. What Feng Bao said just now. I don't know what the Taifu thinks. Yes Hand over the eight people who led the rebellion to Feng Bao. Let Dongchang go to trial. Or continue to let Jin Yiwei interrogate. This matter, I am also deeply confused. If the Taifu has any opinions, but it doesn’t matter.”

"If that's the case..." Zhang Fan made a long tone on purpose.There was a short pause.It felt like the atmosphere at the scene was overwhelmed by him.This is what he said. "Actually, this matter is nothing more than asking who ordered those eight people. It's all about what they want to do. This kind of thing. Whether it is handed over to Jinyiwei or Dongchang. Even if it is an ordinary yamen Go to the trial. There is no problem. Even Weichen dares to guarantee. No matter who goes to the trial, the reason will definitely be found out in the end. But, since it is now open to the public, Weichen is naturally not good at attracting people's beauty. And To put it another way, if the father-in-law's Dongchang comes to the trial, it is indeed the fastest. I think it will not take long. The father-in-law will be able to give an explanation to His Majesty and the Queen Mother."

"That is to say..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun was slightly surprised.He originally thought that Zhang Fan would not agree.But I didn't think of it.He actually agreed so simply. "What Taifu means is that this matter is left to Dongchang to handle."

"Your Majesty's words are very true. This is exactly what I mean." Zhang Fan nodded and said.

This time.people below.But it's just a discussion.And this kind of discussion.It's not like it used to be.Officials make eye contact.Actually.Many people talked about it.What are you talking about with the people around you.

This kind of scene.It's not like it hasn't happened before.But every time.It must be something big.And this time.Obviously it's a big deal.

Not to mention others.Zhang Juzheng at the side heard what Zhang Fan said.Immediately, he showed a worried look.Obviously.Zhang Fan's answer was not what he wanted.What he hopes most now is to be able to calm down.So that his "Testing Method" can be tried smoothly.Once something happens to Feng Bao.Of course it will affect him.

but.Zhang Juzheng was anxious.That is such a momentary thing.Then it calmed down.Why.Because he understands.Regardless of the starting point.He and Zhang Fan also did not want any confusion.

But Zhang Fan dared to say that now.There is only one possibility.That is, he has already thought of a solution.As for what exactly.Although Zhang Juzheng didn't know.But he also understands.Since Zhang Fan dared to say that.That must be the way to go.

And the following ministers.But I just got anxious.after all.This is the last thing they want to see happen.Now it happened.What kind of chaos will the future look like?neither knows.I don't want to know either.

And Zhang Fan didn't care about the chaos caused by his words at all.He opened his mouth and said, "However, I still have a request."

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