The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 686 Random guessing

Natural disasters such as floods or droughts.It is a topic that Chinese people can never give up.No matter in the Ming Dynasty where various natural disasters occurred frequently.Or thousands of years ago.Or later years.whenever.Natural disasters will never stop.but.This is also thanks to the fact that China is such a vast country with abundant resources.No matter how difficult the disaster is, it will always survive.If it is a small country.Chances are that only a small exception range is needed.And the degree of destruction is not a great disaster.The country is doomed.

The Ming Dynasty was a dynasty full of disasters.Whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster.There is never a shortage here.And almost once or twice a year.For those who are just starting their careers.Maybe be surprised.How could this be so.After all, most of these people were studying at home.In the eyes of these people.The place where I live has bad feng shui.Often suffer from disasters.But when it comes to the imperial court, the vision is broad.A place where news gathers.He just found out.It seemed that he was not alone in suffering.There are many other places.

so.Over time.These people are used to it.Not so surprising anymore.up to now.This habit has turned into a kind of numbness.even.For many people.The occurrence of natural disasters.It just means such a thing as silver.

certainly.This numbness does not mean that people do not pay attention.Actually.The more you see, the more you see.It also pays more attention.And the more people in high positions.Also pay more attention time there is a flood.It can be said that the emperor and the ministers were all in a hurry.Although they are anxious to focus on different.What the emperor was worried about was that once the people complained.It may endanger his rule; and some ministers may be for merit.Some really just want to make the people live in peace.

But no matter what the situation and starting point.But the effect is the same.Hope it can be resolved soon.

now.Pan Jixun has already reported the amount of silver used for water control in Henan.The excerpt was also presented to Zhu Yijun by Zhang Juzheng.And Zhu Yijun's result is after the book.Look at the content above.His brows also gradually wrinkled.

The ministers standing below saw his appearance.Naturally, I understand it in my heart.It seems.The situation in Henan is not so good.

"This time. The flood in Henan is very serious." Zhu Yijun put down the notes.look up.Said. "Not only were more than ten prefectures and counties destroyed. Countless good fields were flooded. Tens of millions of people were also displaced. There was no food to go to the stove. Fortunately, although some people were injured by the floods, no one was killed. This is indeed true. a good thing."

Although Zhu Yijun said so.But it was true what he said.This is indeed a good thing.There have been floods in the past.More or less people will disappear or die as a result.And this time, no one really lost their lives because of the flood.Even after the various states and counties in Henan took in refugees.No one went to report that someone couldn't find it.

No matter what aspect this news is for.All good news.For the imperial court.If no one dies.The possibility of riots in the future will be greatly reduced.But for the common people.Perhaps the flood caused them to lose a lot of things.But as long as people are still there.There is still hope for everything.

"It's just..." Zhu Yijun continued. "Although no one is in danger of life this time. But the flood is too great. Three places suffered floods at the same time, but only one place in Henan. It will cost 50 taels just to control the water. After reconstruction Time. Don’t know how much it will cost.”

Although Zhu Yijun said such a very practical question.However, the ministers below are no longer in the same embarrassment as before.Today's Ming Dynasty is different from the past.In addition to those agricultural taxes.More is the tax brought back by merchant ships that go to sea.Those are a bit more than the agricultural tax.The officials present are naturally reason why Zhu Yijun frowned.It's just his personal factor.It has nothing to do with the court or the treasury.

It seems.Although Zhu Yijun's money-greedy character has not expanded yet.But it is also known to everyone.

And Zhang Fan on the side.In my heart, I despised many ministers present.At first.He proposed that the imperial court collect taxes from the sea merchants.The cost is nothing more than occasional management.And that can be used as an escort for military training.And that's it.To be on top of taxes.Write the merchant's name.But that's all.It makes these people feel as if they have suffered some great humiliation.Life and death do not agree.

at last.It still delayed the help of Feng Bao, Zhang Juzheng, Ge Shouli and others.And the approval of Queen Mother Li and Zhu Yijun.This is considered a hands-free pass.But even so.There are still many people who are against it.

And now.When you need money.This group of people is very atmospheric.It's just that they completely forgot the person who made them so awesome today.It was those businessmen they looked down on before.

"Your Majesty." Zhang Juzheng said. "Although the money is indeed not a small amount. But the most urgent thing is not to care about the amount of money. It is fundamental to rescue the disaster as soon as possible."

"What Mr. Zhang said is true." Zhu Yijun nodded.Said. "There are priorities. Of course I understand this. But yesterday, the Queen Mother explained to me. This matter has to be heard by the Queen Mother. Only then can I make a decision. In my opinion, it is better to wait until after the court. Zhang Zhang Sir, go to the Compassion Palace in person and tell the Empress Dowager about the matter."

"My minister obeys the order." Zhang Juzheng was naturally happy.After all, it was the matter he discussed with Zhang Fan before.It is also necessary to go to Queen Mother Li to talk about it.

"Yes. The floods occurred in three places." Zhu Yijun continued. "Henan and South Zhili were more seriously affected by the disaster. I already knew this the day before yesterday. But what happened yesterday. It seems that the same is true in Shandong. Can we send people there now?"

"Return to Your Majesty. After receiving the news yesterday, I summoned several great scholars to discuss together." Zhang Juzheng replied. "Officials have gone to Shandong now. Check the situation."

"Yes. That's very good." Zhu Yijun nodded.Said. "It's better to be quick. After all, so many people are homeless. It's really not a good thing."

"Your Majesty is benevolent." Zhang Juzheng said. "After the humble minister falls to court, let someone pass the letter over. Urge it."

"That being the case, there is nothing else to say about other love affairs." Zhu Yijun seemed to be tired of it.Although he asked.But it's basically asking yourself.Haven't waited for anyone to act yet.He spoke immediately. "Since it's all right, let's retreat." After finishing speaking.Then stood up.

The eunuch over there saw that the emperor had stood up.Naturally, he immediately opened his mouth and shouted to retreat.And the officials below also knelt down and sent them off in unison.

after.Naturally, Feng Bao immediately left with Zhu Yijun.And the hundreds of officials above the main hall also filed out.certainly.Inevitably, we walked and talked at the same time.It's just that the enthusiasm that officials are talking about today is unexpectedly high.certainly.Most of them were discussing the conversation between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.

Many people had a lot of speculation about the truth of the matter before.But in the conversation between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.Get them all to drop that guesswork.Actually.Except for the two of them.Only Zhang Juzheng, who had already known the news for sure, believed it.But if it wasn't for him, he would have heard Zhang Fan say it before.I'm afraid he will also have doubts.

And after that.What Feng Bao said.It caused many people to have the idea that Feng Bao asked Zhang Fan to submit to him.And for many people.Even today's Feng Bao is very powerful.But still no one wants to see that happen.

And the result is.The confrontation between the two in the "eyes" of everyone is already over.Although it seems on the surface.Zhang Fan had already compromised.But this is for many people.They still don't understand.What happened in the end.It seems that Zhang Fan compromised.However actually.For those present.In their view.There is no visible result at all.

so.These people are all thinking deeply.What kind of game are Feng Bao and Zhang Fan playing?What more charades.Is there any mystery behind it?These people are all thinking about this.

Very few people will see it.Nothing can be seen on the surface.In fact, it means nothing.It's just that their hearts are playing tricks.

but.Few people can see though what happened just now made many people unable to their hearts.Still forced himself to put a kind of mind on himself.Although I don't know what's going on.But Zhang Fan still rejected Feng Bao.And it seems that the two of them had already reached an agreement in private.And actually.There is no such thing at all.

Feng Bao just used this matter to test Zhang Fan.See if he already knows his plan.And Zhang Fan just took advantage of Feng Bao's plan.Just to show something.not to mention.The two still have their own thoughts and plans in their hearts.As for other stuff.It's all other people's guesses.

But Zhang Fan didn't pay attention.In other words, he doesn't care what other people think now.Just went down.He found Zhang Juzheng.He planned to go with him to the Palace of Compassion and Ning to meet the Empress Dowager Li.

"Actually Yuande. You don't have to be with me." On the way.Zhang Juzheng said to Zhang Fan. "I'm going to see the Queen Mother alone. That's enough."

Zhang Fan naturally understood why Zhang Juzheng spoke like this.But he smiled.Said: "Students understand. They also know that the teacher alone is enough. But this matter, the students are also concerned about it. Even if they can't do anything here, they can also increase their bargaining chips.

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