The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 692 Too Dramatic

After Zhang Fan ordered Liang Chao to wait here, he walked towards the back. Ru Xue naturally saw it, and said in a hurry, and hurriedly chased after him, leaving behind a bewildered Liang Chao, and if anyone The thoughtful Hong'er was in place.

"My husband," Ru Xue caught up with Zhang Fan, and asked, "What happened just now, although I don't know what's going on, I can tell something, is it Xiangmei and Liang Chao..."

"You can see it." Zhang Fan didn't want to tell Ru Xue about this matter at first, but since Ru Xue had already said that, he could only tell her, "Yes, Xiangmei told Liang Chao It's a bit... But, now it seems that Xiangmei is going to be sad, "

"When did this happen?" Ru Xue heard Zhang Fan say this. Although he had already guessed it, he was still slightly taken aback. "Why doesn't this concubine know anything about it?"

"Well, this matter has to start from yesterday," Zhang Fan sighed again, and said, "Ru Xue was also present at the incident outside the city yesterday. Wasn't Xiangmei injured at that time? I asked Liang Chao to replace her. It was bandaged, originally it was nothing, and at the time Xiangmei was in a coma and didn't know what was going on, so I didn't take it to heart.

"Afterwards, Ling'er gave birth at home, and they hurried back and didn't care. Xiangmei was left in the hospital like this, and I didn't remember it until night. I didn't think so much at the time, and Liang Chao was by my side, so I asked him to go to the hospital to bring Xiangmei back. In the end, Xiangmei didn't know where she knew that Liang Chao helped her twice. You also know that Xiangmei's current condition is At that age, it was also the time when love first started, and there was such a man who was willing to help twice, that would definitely make her remember, "

"Oh, Xiangmei girl..." After hearing Zhang Fan's words, Ru Xue also sighed, "So, this happened only last night."

"That's right," Zhang Fan nodded and said.

"Since Xianggong knew about it last night, why didn't you tell Xiangmei right away that Liang Chao already has a lover for marriage," Ru Xue asked, "I don't mean to blame Xianggong, but Xianggong should be able to understand , this long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. If I told Xiangmei last night, maybe she would be very sad, but it won't be like this. And last night, Xiangmei didn't know what to think, and today it is hard to It's changed, and now she knows the news again, it's really..."

"Ru Xue, I already told her yesterday, and I told her on the spot, but now..." Zhang Fan didn't know what to say next, and he really couldn't figure it out. Xiangmei had said it before, but it would still be like this.

"Hey, Xianggong, how do you know about the affairs of your daughter's family?" Ru Xue sighed again, and said, "Besides, Xianggong just talked like that yesterday, but Xiangmei, this is the first time she has fallen in love with a man." , how could she give up so easily, I'm afraid, after hearing what my husband said yesterday, although she felt sad, she probably hasn't given up hope yet, perhaps, she is still thinking that Hong'er will not be as good as her or something.

"Just now, Xianggong didn't find out. Although the concubine didn't know it, she could see it clearly. When Xiangmei came, her face was not very happy, but she was full of hope. She seemed to be expecting something. She waited until she saw Hong After a while, this is the big change in complexion, "

"Could it be..." Hearing what Ru Xue said, Zhang Fan was also very surprised, "Even if I said that yesterday, is she still not giving up?"

"The concubine is also a woman, so how can she not understand?" Ru Xue also sighed here, "Women are not willing to die until the Yellow River, and some don't want to give up even if the truth is right in front of them.

"Also, for Xiangmei, it's probably even more so,"

"How do you say that?" Zhang Fan couldn't understand Ru Xue's last sentence, "Why is this especially true for Xiangmei?"

"Because she has seen it before," Ru Xue said, "She knows that as long as she perseveres, she may not be unable to succeed."

"How do you say that?" Zhang Fan was a little confused by what Ru Xue said, but he didn't get confused for a long time before he understood, "You mean..."

"That's right." Nodding her head, Ru Xue said, "It's Zhao Xue's business."

That's right, what Ruxue was going to talk about was exactly Zhaoxue. Just imagine, anyone who has met Zhaoxue's love for Zhang Fan at the beginning probably understands it, let alone the people who live in Zhang's family. I don't know.

Although at that time, many people were not optimistic about Zhaoxue's future, and thought it was just her wishful thinking. Although there was no law that stipulated that sisters could not marry the same husband's family at the same time, it was still No one was optimistic about it, especially, the reputation of the father of the two, Chen Wenchuan, was well known to many people, and they all felt that it was impossible for Chen Wenchuan to agree to it.

But even so, Zhaoxue never gave up, even though she felt the pain in her heart, she still endured it, but she definitely did not intend to give up.

And Zhaoxue's seemingly impossible persistence finally paid off in the end. Chen Wenchuan actually agreed to her, and didn't have any dissatisfaction with Zhang Fan. All in all, it's quite complete now.

As for this matter, although Xiangmei did not participate in it, she was always by the side, and she kept in mind all the ins and outs of this matter.

Now, it's her turn to do the thing, she knows it's impossible, and Zhang Fan told her the situation just after it happened, but because of Zhaoxue's incident, it didn't make Xiangmei happen Retiring, on the contrary, gave her that little bit of hope.

And it was this glimmer of hope that not only did not alleviate Xiangmei's fantasy, but on the contrary strengthened it a lot.

And after last night, don't underestimate this night. Sometimes, a decision made in a short period of time is likely to make people stick to it for a long period of time, and obviously , Xiangmei is exactly like this.

The short night yesterday allowed Xiangmei to strengthen her beliefs, but now, the cruel facts have dealt a heavy blow to her, don't underestimate Xiangmei's belief that it took less than half a day to form , This is different from the length of time, but depends on how deep her beliefs are in her mind.

Obviously, this belief in Xiangmei's mind is quite deep. Even though she established it last night, she still can't bear it after knowing the real situation today. Just imagine, let alone someone who hasn't experienced too much wind and rain. Little girl, even if it is a man with a firm mind and great ambitions, if the firm belief in his heart is shattered in such a short time, the situation may not be much better than that of Xiangmei.

All in all, now is one point, Xiangmei was hit hard, and it was a very heavy blow, and Zhang Fan and Ru Xue were worried about her. After all, even a strong man may not be able to withstand the blow. It's not certain what will happen to Xiangmei as a weak woman.

But in fact, Zhang Fan was most worried. Ru Xue was not that worried. Although Ru Xue was also worried for Xiangmei, she was not as worried as Zhang Fan.

As I said before, Ru Xue is also a woman herself. Although their lives and circumstances are different, she is a woman after all, and she is not ignorant of Xiangmei. In fact, Ru Xue Xue usually stays at home and doesn't like to go out. Ru Xue, who often stays at home, has nothing to do, so finding someone to talk to has become her thing most of the time.

In fact, there are not many speculators at home who can chat with her. Zhaoxue and Yingyue are restless and often go out. It was relatively late, and she became pregnant soon afterwards. Ru Xue often went to see her, and the two of them also talked.

As for Mrs. Zhao, I didn't say anything, but Mrs. Zhao didn't disturb others very often.

All in all, apart from these, Ru Xue usually has a lot of free time, and those times are basically spent by her and Xiangmei.

And as the two get along for a long time, they naturally get to know each other better.

Ru Xue knew that Xiangmei looked like a weak woman on the outside, and definitely a very weak one, as if she could be blown down by a gust of wind, but in her heart, she was also a very strong woman. people.

In fact, from what happened to Xiangmei back then, it can be seen that the reasons for the family, but Xiangmei never gave up on herself, and instead took good care of her sister, which can be seen Xiangmei's strength.

And Ruxue believes that although Xiangmei has encountered such a heavy blow now, she will not be depressed, and will always stand up again.

However, Ru Xue didn't know how long it would take for Xiangmei to stand up again, and this was exactly what Ru Xue was worried about.

"Then tell me, what should we do with this matter now," Zhang Fan lost his mind for a while, so he could only ask Ru Xue.

"Well, this matter can't be rushed," Ru Xue said, "How about this, isn't the mother calling the husband, the husband will take care of himself, and the concubine will go to Xiangmei's side to see if there is anything she can do."

"It's so good," Zhang Fan had no choice but to agree with Ru Xue's words.

The sun has gradually moved to the center of the sky, and the temperature is also rising little by little. What happened today is really too dramatic.

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