The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 698 Ready to hit the road

"It's natural." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liang Hanshi naturally agreed wholeheartedly, "Since we want to get married, no matter how you do it, it is necessary to come to the door to ask for a marriage, so I will go to prepare the bride price. Ask Chaoer to take it with him when he goes."

"Well, Auntie is right, but..." Zhang Fan looked embarrassed, as if he didn't know what to say, and looked at Hong'er, and then he opened his mouth, and said slowly, "Auntie I don't know, the reason why I came today is because I want Liang Chao to leave this afternoon."

"This...why so fast," Liang Hanshi was very surprised when he heard it, and he couldn't react for a while, " lord, this world is really too hasty, and there is nothing at home. Prepare, it’s not good to just go like this, and Mr. Rong is ready to prepare, wait until the day after tomorrow, no, tomorrow will be fine, wait until tomorrow, can’t we go on the road again?”

"No, Auntie doesn't know, there are some reasons for it," Zhang Fan said with a rather difficult expression, as if he had made up his mind, "I think Auntie can also tell from Hong'er's age that my Old friend, in fact, is one of my old friends, Hong'er is his youngest daughter who is just over the age, she is very doted on, and now... oh... now my old friend wrote to say that she is already infected Seriously ill, I'm afraid...I'm afraid time is running out," said Zhang Fan choked up and looked at Hong'er beside him while bowing his head.

Originally, Hong'er really didn't know what Zhang Fan meant, but after hearing what he said just now and seeing Zhang Fan's eyes, she was quick-witted and immediately understood.

Immediately, Hong'er's complexion turned pale, she looked unsteady, and she was about to fall to the ground. Liang Chao, who was at the side, had quick eyesight and quick hands, and quickly supported her, still expressing concern in her mouth. Ask her what's wrong.

Waiting for a while, as if she had finally recovered, Hong'er rushed to Zhang Fan's side all of a sudden, looking worried that she was about to die, and asked, "I... what's wrong with my dad? "

Faced with Hong'er's appearance, Zhang Fan felt a little ashamed. At first he thought his acting skills were good, but he didn't expect that every mountain was as high as another mountain. Regardless of Hong'er's young age, this acting skill is completely proficient. .

"Hong'er, it's not that I don't say anything, it's just..." Zhang Fan immediately cooperated very much, and said, "It's just that I didn't know before, but this time, it's mentioned in your father's letter, and I don't know what kind of illness he has. , but it seems very difficult, the local doctors have invited countless, but they are all helpless, "

"Father," after hearing Zhang Fan's words, Hong'er immediately sat down on the ground and burst into tears, "My daughter is not filial, my daughter is not filial." Not only was her voice hoarse, but tears were actually streaming down her face. .

Seeing Hong'er's appearance, Zhang Fan and Liang Chao were dumbfounded on the spot. They looked at each other, but they both looked helpless. They didn't know what to say at all. They never thought of it. That would be the case, but after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, it is not too much for Hong'er to do so. After all, what Zhang Fan compiled is such a thing, and since Hong'er wants to act, she has to act with concentration. The daughter who had loved and grown up since she was a child, after learning the news that her father was seriously ill, it is not surprising that You Hong'er looks like this now.

Zhang Fan and Liang Chao didn't know what to do for a while, and Liang Hanshi couldn't stand it anymore, so he hurriedly stepped forward to help Hong'er up with his own hands, helped her to sit on a chair beside her, and even sat on the side He comforted me with kind words.

But even so, Hong'er still didn't stop crying. Although the crying was much quieter, the sobbing sound never stopped.

Seeing this appearance, Zhang Fan couldn't help but heaved a long sigh. While looking at Liang Chao, he glanced at Hong'er, and then secretly gave Liang Chao a thumbs up.

Seeing Zhang Fan making such jokes, Liang Chao felt a little embarrassed. To be honest, he really loved Hong'er, and Hong'er loved him very much. Although the two had been together for more than half a year, it was clear that Liang Chao still didn't like Hong'er. I don't understand, at least, looking at it now, Liang Chao feels that he doesn't understand Hong'er at all.

Obviously, what Hong'er showed was that she grew up doted on by her father, but she was not a very delicate girl, but she was also very obedient. Liang Hanshi persuaded her for a long time, but the crying stopped, but That look with tears on his face really made people feel very pitiful.

Apparently, Liang Hanshi had long regarded Hong'er as her own daughter, and now seeing her like this, her heart ached very much. At this moment, she also made a decision in her heart.

"Chaoer," Liang Hanshi called Liang Chao.

"Mom," Liang Chao hurried over when he heard his mother calling him.

"Since this is the case, let's make it so," said Liang Hanshi, "just this afternoon, you should hurry up and pack up now, and go on the road with Hong'er in the afternoon. Alas, although the capital city is not far from Shaanxi, it is still far away. For the journey of thousands of miles, it would be fine if the old man was a few years younger, but now, I am afraid it is..."

"Auntie doesn't need to be like this," Zhang Fan said, "My old friend can understand if he thinks about it. By the way, there is one more thing. Now that Liang Chao is going back with Hong'er, he is worried about Auntie alone, so I want to ask Auntie Come and stay at my house for a few days, so I can take care of you."

"This..." Obviously, Liang's mother was very hesitant when she first heard the news, and she was quite opposed, "This is not very good, after all..." The first thing she thought of was Zhang Fan's identity After all, Zhang Fan is the superior of his son Liang Chao. Although she said that she was fine in the past, but now, she has to be cautious in doing things on weekdays, and she is very uncomfortable.

"Oh, my aunt is out of touch when you say that," Zhang Fan naturally persuaded, "Liang Chao is my most capable subordinate, aside from the subordinates, I am very good with him on weekdays, and we have almost nothing to say. Talk, and, even if you leave me and Liang Chao aside, it’s not like my aunt doesn’t know about Hong’er’s relationship with me. Although my father and I are good friends, Hong’er and I are also about the same age, and I have always regarded her as my younger sister. treat.

"Besides, after my mother heard the news, it was the same. She insisted on asking my aunt to live in the house for a few days, so she could talk about it."

"This..." Even though Zhang Fan said this, Liang Hanshi still hesitated.

Seeing that she was still unwilling, Liang Chao couldn't help but look at the two people on one side.

"Mother," Liang Chao also stepped forward to persuade, "Mother will go to live in the adult's house for a few days, and the child will leave home for a while, leaving the mother alone at home, the child is really worried."

As for Hong'er at the side, although she didn't say a word, she looked at Liang Hanshi with a lot of expectations in her eyes.

Originally, Liang Hanshi didn't want to agree to her son's persuasion, but when she saw Hong'er's expectant eyes, for some reason, she immediately changed her mind.

"In that case..." Although she was ready to agree, Liang Hanshi was still a little hesitant when she said it, "I'm going to bother you,"

"Oh, what did Auntie say?" Seeing her agreeing, Zhang Fan felt relieved and became happy, "In that case, please let Auntie go."

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Liang Hanshi was a little surprised: "'s this hour, I'm afraid I'm going now... Otherwise, it's not too late to go after dinner,"

"Oh, what did my aunt say?" Zhang Fan said, "I have already told my mother about this matter. My mother was very happy when she learned about it. She ordered the servants to prepare the dishes early on and asked my aunt to have dinner together at noon. How could my aunt not going,"

"Oh, I'm really ashamed that I've made my lord and Lingtang bother you," said Liang Han very politely, "In this case, if I refuse again, I don't know what to do, but please allow me some time, my lord. My son is going to be on the road in the afternoon, so it's good to let him clean up."

"It's natural," Zhang Fan said naturally.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan saw that Liang Han seemed to have something to say to Hong'er, so he left with Liang Chao.

"Well, this play is not bad," Zhang Fan said to Liang Chao after leaving the Liang family hall, "Not only did he find a reason for Ling Tang to stay at my house temporarily, but he also made all the important events of your life together." And solved, kill two birds with one stone,"

"Hehe, my lord has a great plan," Liang Chao really didn't know how to answer Zhang Fan's words, and he hesitated for a long time with an embarrassed look on his face before he said such a sentence.

"Don't be polite to me," Zhang Fan didn't care. "As long as you and Hong'er truly love each other, I will naturally help you. By the way, remember everything I told you."

"Please rest assured, my lord." Liang Chao was naturally very serious when he talked about business. "Everything my lord has told me, I will remember all the things that my lord has told me, and I will never dare to forget anything."

"Well, that's good," Zhang Fan said, "However, now that you have found such a reason, it seems that you and Hong'er will be away for a few more days. You go to Shanxi to meet Zhang Siwei. Go directly to Shaanxi, if there is no one, forget it, if you find someone following you, then you can find a way by yourself and arrange a play for them to watch."

"I understand the humble job," Liang Chao naturally understood what Zhang Fan was talking about.

"Well, that's it," Zhang Fan said, "Hurry up and pack your things. I've got my family ready for Hong'er. It's getting late now, and we have to go on the road in the afternoon."

Liang Chao responded, and went back to the house to tidy up.

And Zhang Fan looked at Liang Chao's back, his eyes looked like he was looking at the Liang family hall, and a doubtful expression flashed across his face. At this moment, he thought of something else in his heart, but he didn't say much. Thinking, shook his head, secretly said "impossible" and gave up,

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