Is there such a feeling.There are people who shouldn't be there where they shouldn't be.Or.You never think about it.Will meet people who are familiar with me in such a place that shouldn't be.Not that there would be any trouble if they met.But I always feel very weird in my heart.

now.This is the case with Yingyue and Zhaoxue.Actually.The two of them never thought about it.You won't be able to meet Zhang Fan here.But I really foresaw it.For two people.Still so weird.certainly.The two little maids on the side were already trembling with not know what to do with it.They don't think about it.

only.Although Zhaoxue and Yingyue were thinking so.But most of the time.The two are actually still thinking about it.How should this matter be resolved now.That weird thought just now.It just popped into my head all of a sudden.Even they themselves don't know why.

And while the two were thinking this way.Zhang Fan who walked in didn't think so in his heart.even though.Before he came here.Already knew the situation of the two of them here.It can be regarded as mentally prepared.But the moment he walked into this room.Such a feeling also arose in my heart.Thought it was so weird to see both of them here.

but.This feeling did not stay long in the hearts of the three of them.It's three of them were thinking about how to solve the problem in front of them.Yingyue is better.After all, she already understood it in her heart.Zhang Fan must have known that they were here.As for the play that was staged outside just now.Maybe it was just Zhang Fan telling them.This matter is not serious.It's just that their concealment made him very angry.

But Zhang Fan didn't worry too much.After all, before coming here.He has already investigated a lot of things.When he understood that the two of them hadn't gotten into any trouble.Nor was it deceived.Even after doing a good thing.Zhang Fan felt much better in his heart.

And now.My heart is the most restless.It's time to count Zhaoxue.Actually.Zhaoxue is not a stupid person.It's just that there are too few things in contact.And her thoughts are not as meticulous as her sister Ruxue's.Many things are under her omission.Although it doesn't make her incomprehensible.But she just couldn't see clearly.

And now.Even now.Everyone has already come to her.Although she was flustered.Can't make up my mind.I don't know what Zhang Fan will say.I don't know how to answer so as not to make Zhang Fan angry.But even so.He was still complaining in his heart.Complaining about your luck is really bad.Why did Zhang Fan come here to handle the case?Why should it be chosen when they are around.Why is it that they want to be in the room they are in now... dare to be so affectionate.What happened outside just now is very clear.Zhaoxue still didn't realize that Zhang Fan already knew about this matter.She thought it was a coincidence.

"It's really bad luck." I was in a very bad mood.Zhaoxue blamed himself for his bad luck.The resentment is so great.He even spoke out involuntarily.

Zhang Fan walked into the room.Just let the two maids go out.He just sat down.Haven't had time to speak yet.But I heard Zhaoxue's voice.He couldn't help but wondered.He asked, "What did you say?"

"I...I said, why are you so unlucky." Zhaoxue looked very aggrieved.Like an angry little daughter-in-law. "Why is it such a coincidence. Mr. Xianggong wants to work here. It happens to be this time. This place. This... this room..." said the back.Zhaoxue's voice is getting smaller and smaller.And the look of grievance on the face is getting deeper and deeper.

Hear her words.Yingyue at the side had a surprised look on her face.She understood that Zhaoxue was a very naive person.But it didn't occur to me.She would be "naive" to such an extent.But at this time.Blaming her didn't help either.Yingyue could only hold her forehead with her hand.Gently shook his head.A look of helplessness.

And the weirdest one is Zhang Fan.Actually.In his mind, Yingyue had the same thoughts.But it is deeper than Yingyue.His understanding of Zhaoxue is much deeper than that of Yingyue.But she didn't expect her to be like this.In this instant.Zhang Fan suddenly felt like laughing.However, it was discovered again.Now if you laugh it off.It would really destroy the atmosphere of self-led blame.So he could only force himself to hold back, which is why he didn't laugh.only.It still made him want to laugh.The desire to blame the two of them also faded a lot.

"You don't think it's a coincidence, do you?" Yingyue couldn't help it.Can't help but say.

"What. Isn't it." And even now.Zhaoxue is still sticking to her point of view. "But just now I heard what Xianggong said to sister Wei outside. Don't you know everything?"

"You idiot. If this is really a coincidence, why is Mr. Xiang not surprised to see us just now?" Yingyue couldn't help it.Involuntarily raised the volume slightly.

"That's true." Zhaoxue was still confused.But this time.Yingyue said it so straightforwardly.It finally made her react.Then he looked surprised.said loudly. "What. My husband already knew about it."

Now.Zhang Fan is completely dead.Originally, I just wanted to laugh.But now.But it turned into a frustrated look.He opened his mouth and said, "You know what. I was planning to speak harshly about the two of you. You messed me up like this. I can't even say those words."

"That's it. Mr. Xiang doesn't plan to scold us anymore." Zhaoxue is good at beating snakes and sticks.Listen to what Zhang Fan said.He looked elated.Standing up, I wanted to come over to Zhang Fan.

"Sit down." Seeing that she was so aggressive.Zhang Fan couldn't help but let out a soft drink.

And don't call Zhang Fan like that.Zhao Xue was shocked.He quickly sat down obediently.His face was full of grievances again.

"I didn't mean you two." Zhang Fan said. "Don't say anything. You act so sneaky all day long. Do you know how much trouble it caused. When I first heard it. I thought you two were in some trouble. Do you know I know how long I've been worried. You two are fine. You've been acting like it's something all day long. Yingyue. Didn't you say that you won't hide anything from me in the future? What's going on now."

At first, Yingyue just listened to Zhang Fan's words silently.I heard him say that.She hurriedly wanted to explain something: "I'm not...I..."

Before Yingyue finished speaking.Zhang Fan interrupted her.Looking at Zhaoxue at the side, he said. "And you. Why don't you learn anything else. It's so mysterious. What a bad thing."

"I didn't...I..." Zhaoxue couldn't say anything.

"That day. If I hadn't heard Linger talk about Yingyue borrowing money, I'm afraid I've been kept in the dark until now." Zhang Fan didn't seem to want to hear what Zhaoxue had to say.said selfishly. "I've been worrying. Did you get involved in something? Until a while ago. Liang Chao finally figured it out. I'm relieved now. But I'm just wondering. This is another It's not a bad thing. And it's a good thing. What can't be said."

Obviously.Zhang Fan really wanted to ask the reason this time.But now.His words came out.But no one answered.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fan couldn't help but said. "The two of you wanted to talk just now. Why don't you speak now." Immediately.He looked at the two of them.

Yingyue lowered her head.Obviously.What is on her mind.On the other hand, Zhaoxue looked at Zhang Fan.But she also watched carefully.Seeing Zhang Fan looking at himself.Zhaoxue also hastily avoided her gaze.It seemed that he didn't dare to look at Zhang Fan.

All of a sudden.Zhang Fan also understood a little bit in his heart.immediately.He said to Zhaoxue: "Zhaoxue, what's going on here. Tell me. Why don't you tell me."

Hearing Zhang Fan's question.Zhaoxue raised her head in surprise.And the same is true for Yingyue at the side.She even wanted to say something.In the end, he didn't speak.

See this scene.Zhang Fan knew he was asking the right person.He had been curious about this matter before.After all, there is nothing in it that he thinks he can't tell has also been unable to figure it out.Why didn't the two of them talk about it.

and.Zhang Fan also tried to find out the reason before.The object of his attack.Naturally, it is easier to rehabilitate.However, even Zhaoxue.He didn't ask her why either.So Zhang Fan no longer bothered to find Yingyue.

But even though he didn't ask anything.But it also made him understand something.Zhaoxue is definitely not the kind of person who can hide things.And now even Zhaoxue doesn't say anything.There must be something wrong with it.and.Zhao Xue gave him the feeling.It's not that she doesn't want to say it herself.It seemed that there was some external reason for her not to speak.As for what is outside.In Zhang Fan's opinion.There is only one possibility.That is Yingyue.

The current situation looks like.Zhang Fan knew that his guess was right.This was indeed Yingyue's idea.But what the hell is going on.He still doesn't know.

However.Just when Zhang Fan was about to continue asking Zhaoxue.Yingyue at the side spoke.

"Sanggong." Yingyue said helplessly.It can only be like this.sighed.Said. "Don't embarrass sister Zhaoxue anymore. This matter is my idea. It's my concubine who asked my sister not to say it."

Yingyue's words.Attracted two pairs of curious eyes.Zhaoxue was curious.This is the first time Yingyue called her sister.Although she is indeed bigger than Yingyue.But this is indeed the first time Yingyue called her that.

But what Zhang Fan was curious about was.Listen to Yingyue's words.He sensed an emotion that had to be.what is it.

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