No matter how much Zhang Fan thought about it before, he never thought that it would be like this. In other words, he never thought about it. Yingyue would be worried about this aspect. The matter, Zhang Fan himself hadn't thought about it at all.

But now, when Zhang Fan heard that Yingyue didn't tell him about this matter, what he was worried about was this. He was worried that the court would help these orphans without asking for anything in return, and that when they grew up, they would have to pay their entire lives. Repaying the imperial court, Zhang Fan was really at a loss for a moment, not because he heard something he hadn't thought of, but because he really couldn't imagine that Yingyue would think of herself like that. At this moment, Zhang Fan feel very disappointed.

Zhang Fan looked at Yingyue, with an expression on his face that showed his inner self and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, Zhang Fan couldn't utter a single word.

And Yingyue didn't understand. In fact, when she just said those words, she had already thought of the impact her words would have on Zhang Fan. In fact, since the very beginning, when When Yingyue asked Zhaoxue to follow her to keep this secret from Zhang Fan, she had already thought about it in her heart. Now that she had started to hide it, she must never let Zhang Fan know. She knew that if that was the case, Zhang Fan's misunderstanding How much impact will it have.

In fact, until just now, Yingyue still had no intention of telling Zhang Fan about the matter. If it wasn't for just now, Zhang Fan had been focusing on Zhaoxue, making Yingyue feel that if she just pushed everything to Her body really shouldn't be. This made her tell the truth in a restless state. However, she regretted it just after she finished speaking. Although she was excited just now, she still remembered what she said. She clearly understood that what Zhang Fan said just now would definitely misunderstand Zhang Fan, especially after seeing the expression on Zhang Fan's face, she regretted it very much.

However, the misunderstanding only occurred at that moment just now, and it is not too late, Yingyue naturally understands this truth.

"Sanggong, it's not what your husband thinks." Yingyue felt a little regretful in her heart, and hurriedly opened her mouth to make amends, "It's not because I don't believe in my husband, nor because I have other intentions,"

"You..." Hearing what Yingyue said, Zhang Fan's first reaction was not happiness, but surprise, very surprise. At this moment, he really couldn't figure out what Yingyue meant. , "What do you mean by saying that? Since it's not that you don't believe me, why didn't you tell me about it?"

"My concubine has never thought that if Xianggong finds out, he will have any bad intentions, please believe me, I will definitely not think that way," Yingyue repeated what she said before, as if to affirm something.

"I believe what you said," Zhang Fan nodded. This was not to deal with it. He really believed what Yingyue said, but this made people feel even more confused. "But this way I can't figure it out even more, why didn't you tell me, "

"The concubine is worried... worried..." Yingyue paused when she said this, and she still didn't want to say it at this time. Obviously, she wanted to hide the following words from Zhang Fan, but in the end, she still chose Tell Zhang Fan, "The concubine is worried, and the husband will not help himself,"

"I can't help myself," Zhang Fan didn't realize what Yingyue meant when he heard this word, but Zhang Fan turned the corner before Yingyue could explain. I understand what the so-called "involuntary" means.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan's previous doubts, doubts, even anger and disappointment all turned into a funny thought at this moment, but this thought didn't last long, and immediately turned into a warm feeling. Feel.

" can't really do what I think," Zhang Fan looked at Yingyue and asked in surprise.

She didn't speak, and Yingyue also understood that Zhang Fan had thought clearly, she didn't avoid her eyes, looked at Zhang Fan, and nodded.

"You are so stupid," Zhang Fan said, "Why would you think that way? Do you think your husband-in-law can be easily influenced by others like that?"

"No, I know that Xianggong is not that kind of person," Yingyue said hastily, "but this is what I am most afraid of. I am afraid that Xianggong will cause some trouble with other people because of this matter. That's why... I kept it from my husband, "

"You," Zhang Fan looked at Yingyue helplessly, shook his head, and said, "You were not like this in the past, you were very smart, why have you become stupid in this matter?"

"Master," Yingyue looked up at Zhang Fan in surprise after hearing what Zhang Fan said. She didn't blame Zhang Fan for saying that about herself, but she didn't know why Zhang Fan said that.

"In the final analysis, you are just worried about me," Zhang Fan said, "But have you ever thought that what you are worried about is, in the final analysis, that you are afraid that I will tell this matter and let the court take over these children. , in that case, the situation you mentioned will happen in the end, but you haven't considered, can I not tell about this matter, it's just that I can't do it myself, "

"This...but..." Yingyue seemed to want to say something else.

"Could it be that you are worried about money?" Zhang Fan even thought of an even more ridiculous question, "Not to mention the situation at home, it's not like you don't know that even if there is no money at home, you think I'm the kind people?"

"No, Xianggong misunderstood," Yingyue said, "The concubine is not worried about money, just like what I said before getting up, some things, no matter how well thought out in advance, in the end, there will always be a lot of other things. And I can't help myself, these children may only be dozens of orphans, there are more than tens of millions of orphans in this world, but I don't dare to say how many people I want to save, but if the people who are close at hand don't save , that would be too chilling, my husband, this is a matter of life for more than 20 people, and I absolutely don't want to have any mistakes, "

Zhang Fan listened to Yingyue's words quietly, without saying anything, and he didn't have the previous thoughts in his heart, and he didn't think what Yingyue said was funny anymore. In fact, what Yingyue said was not at all. Wrong, many things cannot be avoided by talking about them yourself. When you can’t help yourself, no matter who you are or how much power you have in your hands, it’s useless. The emperor is big enough, but the emperor still has himself When he can't be the master, and Zhang Fan is only a courtier now, he doesn't have that qualification yet, if he really encounters a situation beyond his control in the future, I'm afraid he won't be able to control it.

These are all unpredictable things. Although Zhang Fan is now blaming Yingyue for not telling him the matter, after he listened to Yingyue's worries and her words, Zhang Fan fell silent and thought about it seriously. What Yingyue said is very possible.

"Master," Yingyue didn't know what Zhang Fan was thinking at the moment, she was very worried when she saw that Zhang Fan had stopped talking, so she asked.

"I see," Zhang Fan was awakened by Yingyue's words, and after regaining his senses, he said, "What you said makes sense. After all, no one knows if those things will happen, and if they do happen, even if you think about it. But I'm afraid there is no good way to solve it, and you are doing well,"

"My husband..." At this moment, Yingyue's eyes were foggy. To be honest, she understood and believed in her husband. She knew that Zhang Fan was not an unreasonable person, but a very reasonable person. Yes, if he explained the matter clearly to him, Zhang Fan would never fail to understand, but...

"But now, what should I do with this matter," Zhang Fan said, "If I don't know, it's fine, the most you can ask for more money from the family, and the family will not disagree, but now, after all, I have I know, that's different, how can I pretend that nothing happened when I already know something, "

Although Zhang Fan didn't say it clearly, the meaning is already very obvious, that is, he has to get involved in this matter now. In this way, people who pretend to know nothing but know everything in their hearts are everywhere in the court, and it can even be said that there is no exception.

But when it comes to private and private matters, this kind of seemingly ignorant situation can't be used. What you understand is understanding, and what you know is knowing. Perhaps this is also a characteristic of people who are officials in the court. No matter how bad people are, no matter how tricked and abducted, there are reasons for them, maybe for themselves, maybe for others, but why don't these people have that kind of thought in their hearts, wanting to put these things aside and relax.

Most officials are like this. In front of their colleagues, they are intriguing and can use any means, but when it comes to their own lives, they are jealous and want to abandon these things and live easily.

This may be a way to find a balance.

And this principle applies to almost everyone, even Zhang Fan is no exception. Besides, since he knew it, he couldn't ignore it and let Yingyue and Zhaoxue take care of it.

No reason, Zhang Fan just couldn't let it go.

"This..." Apparently, Yingyue understood why Zhang Fan said that, and she could understand it, but she really didn't know what to do now.

"Xiu'er," Zhang Fan called out suddenly, and it was Zhaoxue's personal maid, "Go and call Madam here."

"Master, what's the purpose of calling my sister here?" Yingyue asked curiously, not knowing why Zhang Fan asked Zhaoxue to come over.

"There are some things that I need to discuss with the two of you," Zhang Fan said with a smile,

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