After listening to Wang Meng's words.Zhang Fan frowned deeply.It seems now.This matter is troublesome.What Wang Meng said explains the situation.The situation in the Northeast is now very critical.Wang Gao is actively preparing for the rebellion.certainly.It is not a day or two for Wang Gao to prepare these things.While he had premeditated.Whether it's Zhang Fan, the imperial court, or Li Chengliang who is guarding the Northeast.All understand this.Now it's just that Wang Gao has accelerated his actions.

But face this situation.Zhang Fan is now a little more impatient.But also helpless.and.Even if Zhang Fan wanted to do something, there was nothing he could do.What else could he do.Report this matter to the court.That certainly doesn't make sense.The imperial court knew this a long time ago.Zhang Fan raised it again now.It is also impossible to let the court take any action.Second, the current situation in the imperial court.Plus.The imperial court has never paid attention to the affairs of the Northeast.Has its.What this matter is related to is the Jianzhou Jurchen faction, which is not very large now.Mingting now.They are all busy with the infighting that is close at hand.

Or.Send someone to the northeast to inform Li Chengliang.It's a good idea though.After all, Li Chengliang was originally stationed there.His mission is to prevent Wang Gao's rebellion.But Zhang Fan also didn't think that would have any effect.The reason is very simple.Li Chengliang had long foreseen the possibility of Wang Gao's rebellion.He also made preparations for this long ago.And his preparations are relatively complete.

According to Zhang Fan's current understanding of the situation in the Northeast.Especially since he is also on the court's side.So compared to the Jurchens.He understood Li Chengliang's side better.That is.All Zhang Fan knew was.Li Chengliang had already made all preparations.certainly.At least for the northeast.For Li Chengliang.It's all ready.Zhang Fan didn't think his news was sent to Li Chengliang.What will make him move.After all, things over there can be said to be ready.And Zhang Fan really couldn't think of it.Even if he told Li Chengliang about it.With the defense he has now laid in the northeast.What else can be changed.

Both of the above.The most effective way.Now it is a dead end in front of Zhang Fan.No matter which way you go.In the end, it all seems to be in vain.

In this way.Zhang Fan still has one way left.That is to use Jin Yiwei's power to solve this matter.only.Said it was resolved.In fact, there is no good way.Jin Yiwei has the right to participate in military operations.But this participation.It's not that comprehensive.In fact, what Jinyiwei can do.That is his old line.intelligence matters.

So if this is the case.Things seem to be back to the original dead end.Jin Yiwei couldn't do anything else.Nor can the army be mobilized.So Zhang Fan can only work on intelligence.But now.The information is there.But Zhang Fan only had the imperial court and Li Chengliang for him to are back to square one.

"What are you thinking, my lord?" Wang Meng looked at Zhang Fan with his brows furrowed.Can't help but ask.

"This matter is quite troublesome." Zhang Fan couldn't help but sighed.Said. "Even if we know about this matter. To be honest, we can't do anything now. Tell the court. Don't say that the court is powerless. What's going on in the court now. If you think about it, you already know. When the time comes, don't say yes I asked about it. Maybe I just talked about it and put this matter behind me. It has no effect at all.

"As for the northeast side. Li Chengliang has been preparing for many years. He also knows that Wang Gao intends to rebel. It's just that he hasn't found his handle yet. Now let's tell him the matter. What can he do. And... this kind of thing. Even after Li Chengliang found out, there was nothing he could do if he was anxious. The reason why he has made so many preparations now is that he didn't do anything. He just waited for the other party to attack. It was because although he knew Wang Gao had objections, he had no reason to do so.

"The matter you mentioned. We have no way to make any articles on it. After all, what Wang Gao is doing now. No matter how unbenevolent he is. But after all, it is only a matter among their Jurchen tribe. Even if this matter It indicates that he is likely to rebel. But we have no right to intervene to stop him.

"Moreover. The imperial court's attitude towards foreigners, especially the aliens who belong to my Ming court. You don't know. The imperial court is eager for those aliens to kill each other. In order to weaken their strength How could they ask and obstruct this matter?"

"But my lord..." I heard Zhang Fan say this.Wang Meng was also a little impatient.But Wang Meng is not a person who is too freewheeling.Just a momentary impatience.Wang Meng calmed down.And I still thought about it in my heart.I understood the correctness of what Zhang Fan said.but.Obviously, this matter is something that Wang Meng is very concerned about.first.Even Zhang Fan said there was no way.Even he himself knew there was no way.But he still spoke. "This matter is in front of our eyes now. We naturally want to find a way to solve it. How can we just pretend that nothing happened?"

Wang Meng's reaction.Zhang Fan was also very curious.He couldn't help looking at Wang Meng.There was also a curious look on his face.

Seeing Zhang Fan's expression.Wang Meng didn't show any embarrassment.That said.Or because he is very upright.Even if it makes people discover their embarrassing side.He won't try to hide it Zhang Fan's gaze.On the contrary, Wang Meng said very calmly. "My lord. I'm telling you the truth. I'm in such a hurry now. It's all because of Almu. After all, he has helped me. It can even be said that I can be where I am today. Without his help, it is impossible. Today Although he is safe and sound. But his tribe is in trouble. And, the adults know it. In their hearts, the tribe is more important than everything. It is more important than their own lives.

"Now. He has nothing else to do. And it's such a big deal. It's impossible for a humble job not to want to help."

"Well, don't be in a hurry. This has lost your old style again." Zhang Fan said. "Let's talk about it. Now I just say that this matter is difficult to handle. After all, whether it is the imperial court or Li Chengliang's path, it seems to be a dead end. If we want to do something, the same is true.

"But. I didn't say it. I will not ask about this matter at all. And. There are more than these two paths we can take now. There are other options."

"My lord means..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Wang Meng, who had calmed down, obviously thought of another possibility.

"It seems that this incident really bothers you very much." Zhang Fan saw Wang Meng's appearance.Can't help but said with a smile. "This matter. I thought you would think of it soon. But I didn't think of it. You will."

"I was worried about the humble job for a while. It really shouldn't be." Wang Meng apologized.

"You don't have to do that." Zhang Fan waved his hand.Said. "Everyone has seven emotions and six desires. No one will be extremely disturbed by something that is on their minds. What's more, you are not a monk who sees through the world. It is inevitable to encounter such a thing."

"Thank you for your understanding."

"Stop gossip," Zhang Fan said. "Now. Since we plan to do this, then we have to make plans."

Speaking of which.Zhang Fan and his party had already arrived outside the Meridian Gate.

"Now is not a good time. Let's talk about it later." Zhang Fan said.Then he got off his horse.

now.Zhang Fan felt refreshed.last night.Seriously speaking.Zhang Fan didn't close his eyes all night.Logically speaking.He should be very sleepy by now.but.After this conversation with Wang Meng along the way.Zhang Fan really couldn't get sleepy anymore.

Today's Zhang Fan.Already started thinking about it.How should things in the Northeast be resolved now.In this way.His mind instantly cleared up.together with.Mental energy is also much better.The drowsiness kind of thing was put aside.after all.Such a thing as sleep.When can't sleep.And an idea to solve the problem.It was just a flash of inspiration.Naturally, it was impossible for Zhang Fan to give up.

Such a moment.Zhang Fan has already thought of a very feasible solution.Followed.His footsteps are also brisk.Towards the place that I usually go to.Zhang Juzheng walked past.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Fan was in a good mood at the moment.all in all.this way.He didn't see it.Wait until he walks to Zhang Juzheng's side.This is the discovery.Zhang Juzheng was surrounded by many people.talking about something.And Zhang Juzheng smiled all over his face.But at first glance, it was clear that it was a fake smile.It's all about dealing with these people.

Zhang Fan turned his gaze to those people again.I also understood a little bit in my heart.He is not very familiar with these people.But there is one thing he understands.These people are all Feng Bao's people.

It seems now.Feng Bao is already convinced of Zhang Juzheng.After all, facing so many dogleg tasks.Zhang Juzheng also had to be case.

But Zhang Fan was not worried about these.After all, during this time.He couldn't think of anything.What will Zhang Juzheng do?Feng Bao needs to send someone to investigate.

and.There is another problem.These few people.Not Feng Bao's confidant.Most of them are the kind of people who switched to Feng Bao because of the coercion of power.It's not really a grass on the wall.But he is also the kind of weak-hearted master.

Now these people are here.Zhang Fan didn't understand what Feng Bao wanted to do.

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