The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 719 The So-called Influence

Looking at Zhang Juzheng with a smile, Zhang Fan also stood in the team. What happened just now was nothing, but it made Zhang Fan feel better at the moment, and even lifted his sleepy spirit. To be honest, Playing around with someone, especially watching that person look so distraught, or so embarrassed, in an otherwise promising situation, is really inspiring.

It's just that after being happy for a while, Zhang Fan's excitement subsided, and after that, he began to worry again.

After all, no matter how much Feng Bao knew, or Zhang Fan played tricks on those people, there is one thing that cannot be changed. Feng Bao has already known about this matter, so he Only then will they send someone to inquire about the news.

The question is, does Feng Bao know how much he doesn't know, is he just suspicious, or has he reached a serious level? Zhang Fan is worried about this, but the problem is that he can't know this, and he can't be like Feng Bao sent someone to find him to find out what, but now, Zhang Fan can more or less guess something, he knows that he still has time.

If it wasn't for the fact that the drums were already sounding at this moment, Zhang Fan would have gone to Wang Meng to make arrangements for him. At the beginning, he didn't want people to ask about this matter because he was afraid that his actions would make Feng Bao He noticed that this made Liang Chao more dangerous, but now, in this situation where it is not clear whether Feng Bao has acted or not, taking the initiative to attack can make things better.

It's just that now Zhang Fan also understands that he is not in a hurry. First of all, he really has no way to leave the team to inform Wang Meng to prepare, but the other party is also the same. Judging from the situation of those people just now, Feng Bao is very worried It may be that they haven't acted yet. In this case, those few people will also go to court together. Even if there is some secret signal between them and Feng Bao to pass information to each other on the court hall, it is impossible for Feng Bao to leave halfway.

However, Zhang Fan is very sure of one thing, that is, Feng Bao will definitely take some action. After all, what he said to those people just now was half-truth and half-false, and he also played tricks on those people. , but the problem is not here. Even if those few people can't understand what Zhang Fan said, they will definitely tell Feng Bao what they heard just now. Say something wrong.

However, Zhang Fan understands that Feng Bao is not so easy to fool, let alone tell him this in front of Feng Bao, even if he listens to others, he must have a lot of consideration, especially in this place. Regarding this matter, although Zhang Fan fooled those people, many of them were half-truths and half-false, but if these words were not heard from him face to face, but heard from others, how would you listen? How is it like a nonsense made up.

Feng Bao probably felt that what Zhang Fan said was deliberately concealing something, so he sent someone to inquire again.

But now, there is no rush, that is to say, Zhang Fan still has time to wait until after the morning court, and then ask people to prepare.

This situation has to be said to be very beneficial to Zhang Fan, he can use this time to think about how to deal with Feng Bao.

Thinking about it carefully, there is also a weird taste in this matter. According to Zhang Fan's understanding of Feng Bao, if he encountered such a suspicious thing, Feng Bao would never go to such a thing and let his own dog leg do it first. To inquire about something, one must directly send someone to do it, but this time, Feng Bao's actions are different.

Although on the surface, the reason for this is irrelevant, and Zhang Fan doesn't need to explore too much, but Zhang Fan doesn't think so. He thinks that if he understands this matter, what will happen to Feng Bao in the future? The action can also understand a little bit.

However, this matter was also revealing a weirdness. After much deliberation, Zhang Fan couldn't think of any better explanation. The only one that could make sense, Zhang Fan felt a little untenable.

Just imagine, Feng Bao wants to bring down Zhang Siwei, and judging from his actions on this matter now, Feng Bao also has a taste of unscrupulous means. He sent dead men to frame Zhang Siwei, not to mention, it is still so easy to expose Behind the scenes, he went to meet Zhang Fan under manipulative circumstances, in order to reverse the situation and make his plan succeed.

Moreover, Feng Bao dared to move Zhang Siwei, which meant that he was not afraid of anything else, he was not afraid of what Zhang Siwei would do against him, nor was he afraid that Zhang Siwei's good reputation in the court would make other officials stand up If you resist yourself, you will not be afraid that Zhang Siwei's uncle Wang Chonggu will oppose him. Naturally, with his current power and status in the court and the trust of Empress Dowager Li in him, Feng Bao actually doesn't need to be afraid of anything.

But now, after Feng Bao has paid so much for this matter, he stopped at the most important moment when no mistakes are allowed. This has to make people feel weird. Why is this?

Zhang Fan thought of many possibilities, but he gave up on them one by one. In the end, he thought of an improbable possibility. Although he was a little unconfident, he felt that it was very possible. Zhang Fan's reason.

Why did Zhang Fan say that this is unlikely? It's not that Zhang Fan is not confident that he can hold down Feng Bao, but Zhang Fan has not seen that possibility.

Maybe, maybe in some place that even Zhang Fan himself didn't notice, his influence has gradually expanded, which made Feng Bao have to look at him with admiration.

Maybe Zhang Fan didn't feel it before, but the actual situation is that although Zhang Fan has not been in the official career for a long time, since he took charge of the Jinyiwei, especially since he has won the extreme trust of the emperors of the two dynasties. A newcomer will greatly improve his status in the imperial court in a very short period of time. Of course, if he is raised quickly, it is very likely that the foundation will be unstable, but this is something that needs to be considered in the future But now, at the very least, Zhang Fan has reached a height, a height that Feng Bao has to pay attention to.

The reason why Feng Bao didn't show anything about it now, but he still maintained a very good relationship with Zhang Fan, and in this matter, although he considered the trouble that Zhang Fan might bring to him, Feng Bao Bao still didn't take any tough attitude.

Of course, this situation is not unexpected by Zhang Fan, it's just that Zhang Fan doesn't want to see this situation, he can't see the future situation, and he doesn't know whether his future self will have trouble with Feng Bao, but He didn't want it to be like this now, so Zhang Fan now tried to bear it as much as he could, and tried not to have any conflicts with Feng Bao.

However, this does not mean that Zhang Fan is afraid of this happening. Now, without realizing it, he has grown to the point where even Feng Bao has to pay attention. This situation cannot be changed. So why don't you take advantage of this yourself?

Having figured this out, Zhang Fan began to think about the next thing. At this time, people had already stood on the main hall of the Huangji Palace.

Since Feng Bao didn't take any action before due to his own reasons, then after hearing what those people said, Feng Bao should take some action. After all, even Zhang Fan can already influence Feng Bao today. Bao shouldn't watch his plan that he worked so hard for so long just go to waste.

But now that Feng Bao has been affected, Feng Bao's subsequent actions will definitely not be as drastic as what he did before. There is an [-]% possibility that Feng Bao will not directly attack Liang Chao.

Don't underestimate the possibility of [-]%, for these people in the court, [-]% already means that it is completely possible.

So where Feng Bao was going to attack first, although what Zhang Fan told those people sounded like a fabrication, Feng Bao should send someone to verify it.

That is to say, the most important thing for Zhang Fan now is to get someone to make arrangements to make Feng Bao think that this is indeed the case. over his mother.

But now, just in case, Zhang Fan has taken Liang's mother to his home. In this way, it is impossible for Feng Bao to find out the matter by contacting Liang's mother.

Then there is only one place where Feng Bao is most likely to attack, and that is to confirm the authenticity of this matter by investigating Hong'er's identity.

If this is the case, that would be really great. After all, Hong'er's identity is real, and Zhang Fan doesn't need to make any preparations at all. Let Feng Bao investigate, and it will definitely be what he wants in the end. .

If things went well, Liang Chao's crisis would have come to an end, and this matter would be considered over.

However, what Zhang Fan considered was not only these, but also some other things, which were related to Liang Chao's personal affairs.

He was worried that Feng Bao's investigation might spread the matter to the outside world, so that many people would know that a thousand households in Jinyiwei married a brothel woman. This kind of thing has always been a hot gossip in this era. It's nothing for Liang's mother to live in Zhang Fan's house now, but she will always go back. If she hears about this after she goes back, it will be a trouble.

But now, it's not the time for Zhang Fan to think about these things, let's talk about it later, at least solve the immediate problem now,

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