The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 725 Chasing Time

Although Wang Meng had already found the key, but for a while, he couldn't figure out what message Zhang Fan wanted to convey to him through Zhang Juzheng. Naturally, Wang Meng would not think that Zhang Fan had something to do with him. What his family said, that is to say, in these words, there must be some message to tell him, and he has to find it out.

Moreover, although Wang Meng, who has been waiting outside the palace gate, does not know what happened in the early court, and from the early court to the retreat, the weather here is relatively harmonious, of course, at least the surface is very harmonious, Beneath the surface, Wang Meng had already discovered that there were many more guards walking back and forth at the palace gate. Obviously, those were all Feng Bao's people, and Feng Bao sent them out to investigate the situation.

In addition, although Zhang Juzheng spoke lightly and did not show any bad expressions, Wang Meng could also guess that Zhang Fan would replace him to give Zhu Yijun a lecture on scriptures, and there must be Feng Bao's reasons for it, that is to say, Now Zhang Fan is trapped in the palace by Feng Bao. Although Feng Bao didn't use any drastic measures, the situation is that he is trapped and unable to get out. Feng Bao must have a plan in everything he does, and he will never be aimless. In other words, Feng Bao must have some kind of plan to trap Zhang Fan.

Obviously, Feng Bao would not be bored enough to do these things because of Zhang Fan's family affairs, so Wang Meng began to think about what Zhang Juzheng said just now, he heard every word very clearly, and completely understood those words. All the words were recorded in his mind, and now, Wang Meng began to think about those words.

Obviously, Wang Meng didn't think too much about Zhang Fan's family affairs, but because of his cautious style of doing things, even if he didn't think much about these things, he didn't completely forget them, but let them go first. He didn't think it was important, but he couldn't rule out that there was nothing important in it.

Afterwards, among the words Zhang Juzheng passed on to him, there was only one place that attracted the most attention. Zhang Juzheng said that Zhang Fan's family now has an extra person, and only this point made Wang Meng a little concerned.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help asking the subordinates beside him: "Has someone been added to your lord's family recently?" Time, there are some things he is not very clear about, so he has to ask clearly.

"My lord doesn't know," said the subordinate who was asked by Wang Meng, "A few days ago, my lord's second wife gave birth to a new daughter, my lord."

"I know about this," Wang Meng nodded, and said, "When I returned to the capital today and went to the Yamen, someone told me about it." Immediately, Wang Meng began to think again, Zhang Fan's youngest daughter, Does it have anything to do with this matter? Impossible, not to mention that she is just born now, even when she grows up, in Wang Meng's view, it is absolutely impossible for her to have anything to do with Feng Bao or the government.

As for her mother Luo Linger, although many people know Luo Linger's identity, there are a few people in Jinyiwei, and there are Zhang Fan, Yingyue, Liang Chao and Wang Meng, but they all keep this secret very well. Okay, but, precisely because Wang Meng knew Luo Linger's previous identity, he would not feel that this matter had anything to do with Luo Linger.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Meng didn't find any problem. Could it be that his own understanding was wrong, or that Zhang Fan didn't plan to pass any other news to him, or that the news was hidden too deeply.

Impossible, the current situation definitely does not look like there is nothing wrong, Zhang Fan must have something to tell him, and if what Zhang Fan said is too cryptic, it is very unlikely, obviously, Wang Meng Now that I know what the situation is now, if Zhang Fan wants to send him a message, it must be because of this matter, and the importance of this matter, Zhang Fan is absolutely impossible to play something deep, and it will take Wang Meng a long time to think about it. Tell him what you want to say.

"By the way, my lord," the subordinate who had talked to Wang Meng before suddenly said again, "If there are new people added, it's not just the little lady."

"How do you say it?" Wang Meng hurriedly asked after hearing what he said, "Could it be that there is something that others can't do?"

"There is indeed someone else," the man continued, "Your Excellency must have heard about Liang Qianhu's matter. It is said that Liang Qianhu and the daughter of a long-term friend of Mr. Zhang are in love, and... And even did that kind of thing, my lord is very open-minded. Seeing that the two of them are also in love, there is no other way but to make the two of them get married, but I heard that my old friend also agreed to this matter. But because of illness, he will die soon, and hope to see Liang Qianhu and his daughter, no, Liang Qianhu left Beijing in a hurry with that woman yesterday, "

"I know all these things," Wang Meng nodded and said after hearing him finish, "but this matter, what does it have to do with the addition of someone to your family? If it's about that woman... the daughter of your old friend, it doesn't matter now. Did you also leave Beijing with Liang Chao? How can there be more people in your family?"

"My lord doesn't know anything," the man continued, "Before Liang Qianhu left Beijing, my lord also considered that his mother was alone at home now, and without Liang Chao in Beijing, if there was anything he couldn't find Therefore, my lord took Liang Qianhu's mother to live in my lord's house for a period of time, and waited until Liang Qianhu came back."

"Liang Chao's mother," Wang Meng thought for a while when he heard the man's words, and suddenly he understood, "I have something to go to the yamen, you go to the lord's house and tell me, the lord is in the palace, I won't be going back at noon," Wang Meng didn't wait for others to answer, and galloped away after giving this order, leaving a group of people who were at a loss.

Wang Meng galloped all the way towards Jinyiwei's yamen. Along the way, he was also thinking in his heart. Obviously, Zhang Fan's so-called "there is a new addition to the family" refers to Liang Chao's mother. Liang Chao's mother is also inextricably linked to this matter, but the relationship is not serious. However, she is Liang Chao's mother after all, and when she is mentioned, Liang Chao will naturally be remembered. Obviously, Zhang Fan really informed With the name "Liang Chao" of Wang Meng, it is self-evident what he is asked to do next.

Along the way, Wang Meng also secretly scolded himself for being stupid. He had mentioned Liang Chao’s name just now, but he still didn’t think of it right away. For those who do not let go, since the mistake has already occurred, it is necessary to make some corrections quickly, not to mention, it is not too late now, it is just a little delay.

It's just that this matter must be more cautious. After all, this matter is related to Liang Chao's name, not to mention that Liang Chao is not going out alone, and Hong'er is added, that is two living lives.

Besides, even if these things were not considered, Liang Chao's life was directly related to the success of Zhang Fan's plan. Compared with this matter, other things were not important, and everything was important.

All Wang Meng needs to do now is to return to the Yamen, send people out of Beijing to chase after Liang Chao and the others, and then follow them to Shanxi, find Zhang Siwei and Wang Chonggu, and complete the task. It is best for people who can get past it, if they can’t get past it, they must protect Liang Chao and the others with all their strength. After all, Wang Meng doesn’t know what Zhang Fan is going to say to Zhang Siwei and the others. Only Liang Chao knows, so Liang Chao Chao's name must be preserved at all costs.

Moreover, even if Wang Meng knew about Zhang Fan's plan, he would not be able to entrust the matter to others.

Of course, the best way now is for Wang Meng to lead people there in person, but after thinking about it, Wang Meng dismissed this idea.

After all, judging from the current trends of the court and what he saw at the palace gate just now, the matter has not yet reached a very serious level. If Feng Bao made up his mind to stop Liang Chao, it would not be as he did just now. It is necessary to send someone to inquire about something at the palace gate, to inquire about the tone and so on. Feng Bao's doing so shows that he is not completely sure yet.

But now, Wang Meng has just returned to Beijing today. This matter is not kept secret. Many people know about it. Moreover, everyone knows that there is Dongchang's eyeliner in Jinyiwei's yamen, and even who it is is clear. Of course, not revealing it is just to maintain the current balance.

If Wang Meng left Beijing to assist Liang Chao in person, Feng Bao would definitely receive the news, and then it would be even more troublesome. Feng Bao would definitely send more and more vicious people to chase them, no, it should be said to hunt them down up.

At that time, even if Wang Meng's martial arts is high, it is estimated that adding him and Liang Chao will be difficult to defeat Feng Baozhi's open and dark arrows, which will ruin the big event.

After making up his mind in this way, Wang Meng galloped towards the yamen on a flying horse, and dispatched some of the most skilled and experienced people in the guard to leave Beijing to chase after Liang Chao and the others.

Finally, Zhang Fan spread the news, and Wang Meng also understood, and began to hurry up to prepare. Although it was only a few hours earlier, it allowed them to stand on the same starting line as Feng Bao. .

However, although this is safe, Zhang Fan in the palace can't rest assured. Although he believes that Wang Meng can understand what he means, but after all he doesn't know the situation, but he is also very worried.

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