"Since it has been decided. I don't know when the teacher plans to prepare for this matter." Finally, he made up his mind.Zhu Yijun couldn't help asking a question.Although Zhang Fan has long understood how much he attaches importance to this matter.But obviously.Zhu Yijun paid more attention to it than Zhang Fan expected.

"Since we already know about this matter, it is of course not too late." Zhang Fan said.These words are not to evade Zhu Yijun's words.Zhang Fan really thought so in his heart. "Although we don't know when Wang Gao will attack. But we also know that it was recently. Moreover, the method he used to incorporate his own tribe is really a bit fierce. It is not only against various tribes. It is said that he was at the same time. It's not just attacking a tribe. Weichen thinks. I'm afraid he also wants to speed up." In fact.The latter case.Zhang Fan was completely nonsense.Of course it is impossible for him to know this.And Wang Meng didn't say anything.He said so.In addition to helping Zhu Yijun respond to a scene.There is also his own desire to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

"That is to say. The teacher is going to prepare right away." Hearing Zhang Fan say this.Zhu Yijun felt a little relieved.There was also a smile on his face. "That's good. Arrange it one day earlier. It will be resolved sooner. It will also save a lot of trouble in the future. What's more, the court is already annoying enough. If there is any big trouble in the Northeast. That's really bad."

Zhang Fan heard Zhu Yijun say that the court is busy now.I was taken aback.I thought Zhu Yijun knew something.But the next moment.He also understood.It is impossible for Zhu Yijun to know this.I think so because I am really too worried now.That's why he misunderstood Zhu Yijun's words.

"Yeah." I don't know if it was because of the unreasonable nervousness just now or what happened.Zhang Fan opened his mouth involuntarily. "Although the court is relatively stable now, there are many things to do after all. It's better to keep this matter in private. If it comes to the table, let the ministers discuss it. It's really inappropriate."

"Isn't it?" Zhu Yijun echoed.But a smile appeared on his face immediately.Said. "But it's not that I'm heartless. It's just that those things. It's really not my turn to worry about them. Teacher. This is the first time I have discovered that sometimes such powerlessness is not a bad thing. Even so First, I can’t make decisions about some things. But sometimes, I also don’t need to get involved. That would be troublesome. How good it is now. Nothing to worry about. It’s very easy.” Speaking of the latter.Zhu Yijun already smiled smugly.

Zhu Yijun's words made Zhang Fan a little bit overwhelmed.After all, he really meant it.Or is he satirizing something with these words.But Zhang Fan who came back to his senses looked at Zhu Yijun carefully.I found him smiling very naturally.Not a trace of affectation at all.That is.What he said was sincere.That's exactly what I thought in my heart.

Understand this situation.Not only did Zhang Fan not feel relieved.Instead, I feel a little sad.why.Obviously.Zhu Yijun has been oppressed out of inertia.The former Zhu Yijun always felt that.Do it yourself.Although the emperor.But it can't do anything.that feeling.Zhu Yijun didn't like it very much.and.It wasn't just that he would show this feeling to Zhang Fan in private.Even outsiders.Even in front of Feng Bao or Queen Mother Li.Although he won't say it.The expression on the face will not pretend to be nothing.He still had a frowning look on his face.

But now.Zhu Yijun would actually say these words.This is obviously something that only those who have broken their cans and broken their hearts would say.But now.When Zhu Yijun said these words.The expressions are so natural.This made Zhang Fan feel uneasy for a while.Many thoughts popped up in my mind.But he couldn't say a word.

Do the ministers want to see such a Zhu Yijun?certainly.This is inevitable.It would be better if Zhu Yijun has developed such a Zhu Yijun who is hard to change now.Then come.Developed inertia.In the future, he will be in charge.But it will still work as it does now.Turn a blind eye to the government.This is the best way.

But does Zhang Fan hope?That is absolutely not the case.What Zhang Fan hoped for most.It is not that the Ming Dynasty will last long.Or something else.But hope this Central Plains land.able to prosper for a long time to come.Even in the future.No matter who is in charge of this land of Central Plains.It is absolutely impossible to let him be like his previous life.so much behind other countries.The bare minimum.In Zhang Fan's opinion.The starting point must not lose.perhaps.In many places.The land of the Central Plains is due to the problem of cultural inheritance.Many places cannot quickly accept new things.But today's Zhang Fan doesn't expect people to be able to do this ideologically.

Now Zhang Fan is thinking about it.It's just a technical issue.For some of the more stubborn people.Perhaps this is hard to explain.But after all, it is much easier than making them change their minds.

But Zhang Fan also understood.Just let them change the way they move their hands.It's not enough to not change what they really think.The most important and fundamental.It's still a matter of thought.

But as I said just now.Can't do that yet.What Zhang Fan is thinking about now is.Should we start with technology first?Use these tangible things.Reality makes people understand the benefits.Then start with the mind.Let people identify with it step by step.

certainly.Zhang Fan also knew that this was very difficult.And he has already made plans for persistence and in case of setbacks.Perhaps many people will think so.If you start with the mind first.Get people to change their minds before doing it.Although the early stage will be difficult.But then the speed of development brought about.It must be fast.

But this method.It doesn't work in this vast expanse of land.for those European countries.Or for people from other places.This approach is difficult at best.But here.Be it anyone.We all know that this is basically impossible.

so.Zhang Fan had no choice but to go this way.Thankless.Extremely slow road.And for this matter.In fact, Zhang Fan was under a lot of pressure.even though.Today is the beginning of the colonial era.But actually.Many countries in Europe have begun colonial expansion.It's just that the scale is not very large.And here it hasn't started yet.

and.For those technical stuff.even though.a lot of things.The technological power on the land of the Central Plains is no weaker than that of Europe.Even stronger in many ways.but.people on this land.It is also because of cultural reasons.It's not that I hate innovation.It's because the mind with just old thoughts cannot broaden its horizons.Even with superb craftsmanship.But it can't do anything innovative.It's all the same old stuff.It's nice to be more refined.But it has always been old stuff.Nothing new.

That's not a bad thing though.But it's not a good thing either.

The topic is a bit far away.Anyway for now.Although there are many things to do in the court.However, this matter is considered urgent.

"Weichen has already made up his mind." Zhang Fan said. "Right now, I can't go away. But after I leave the palace, I will order someone to handle this matter immediately."

"En." Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Yijun naturally nodded in agreement. "Get ready sooner. Get this thing sooner. Save yourself the hassle.

"However. I am still a little worried. The Taifu said something about the court before, but it is not convenient to tell me. Let me ask again. Is it true that I can't say it?"

"This..." Zhang Fan didn't expect it.I told Zhu Yijun so much.Even just to divert his attention.It also specifically mentioned things in the Northeast.But Zhu Yijun was still concerned about this matter in the end. "It's nothing. It's not a big deal even if you tell His Majesty. It's not something you can't say. It's just that it's not something that makes people happy. Moreover. It's not that I have any thoughts. Your Majesty can't do anything about this matter. It's not...not because Your Majesty is now...even in the future. But there is nothing you can do about it."

Although Zhang Fan didn't explain clearly.But he made it clear.Today's Zhu Yijun has no power in his hands.Even if you tell him, he can't do anything.As for the latter sentence.It is said that there is nothing he can do even if he holds power after taking office.That was exactly what Zhang Fan was saying to comfort Zhu Yijun.after all.For an emperor who holds great power.Don't say it's such a thing.Even if it's trickier.Of course there is a way.

But Zhu Yijun seemed to be aware of it.He didn't take Zhang Fan's words too seriously.Just smiled.Even if it was uncovered.He didn't feel that what Zhang Fan said was an insult to him.It seems that he already has self-knowledge.

Seeing Zhu Yijun's smile.Zhang Fan's thoughts that had just passed away just now came back.

Zhu Yijun can't go on like this.future.This land doesn't just need him, Zhang Fan, and his knowledge from hundreds of years later.more important.in this era.An enlightened emperor is needed.

If Zhu Yijun is only enlightened.But there is power in hand.But don't use it when it should be used.That won't work.

Thought of these.Zhang Fan suddenly found out.Today he came to replace Zhang Juzheng to lecture Zhu Yijun.Maybe not a bad thing.Zhang Fan also found it.For the next hour.Something should be done.

"Your Majesty," Zhang Fan said. "Although there are things in "The Doctrine of the Mean", Your Majesty already knows about them. However, I feel that. Today's Jingyan, I still have something to tell Your Majesty."

I heard what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun was puzzled.

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