The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 734 Another chapter of the past

"Something happened, what happened?" Zhu Yijun was also deeply attracted by Zhang Fan's words now, following what Zhang Fan said, Zhu Yijun was already nervous, "Could it be that the younger brother , because the dosage of the medicine is wrong, killing...killing my brother will not work." Actually, Zhu Yijun would think of this, and it was not because he had a problem with his thinking, but because Zhang Fan just thought about it. What he said was really gloomy and dull, so Zhu Yijun couldn't help but think about it.

"That's not true," Zhang Fan said. Zhang Fan didn't show surprise at Zhu Yijun's exaggerated guess, perhaps it was because what he was going to say was a little too heavy. Fan himself said, "Although he didn't die, there were other problems. His elder brother was seriously ill because of this, and his family was in a hurry. He invited countless famous doctors and used countless expensive medicinal materials. In the end, he fell ill. It was cured, and there is nothing serious about his bones, but there is one thing, his elder brother has been unable to have children since then, "

"This..." Zhu Yijun didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. To be honest, this matter can be big or small. For a family, being a man who can't give birth is any different from killing people. Even speaking, The situation is even worse. After all, this is equivalent to breaking the incense of a family. This kind of thing is worse than killing people directly. After all, this is not only ruining one person, but also breaking the lifeline of the whole family. , and more importantly, this person may regret it for the rest of his life, even if his physical condition is not caused by himself at all.

"Fortunately," Zhang Fan said, "The two of them are not twin brothers. The elder brother is much older than the younger brother. At that time, they had already married and had a son,"

"Huh..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhu Yijun gasped, "This way, it's much better, and he is also a male in the family. Although this matter is difficult to deal with, I'm afraid that An older brother may hate his younger brother for the rest of his life, but it’s nothing to think about it. What’s more, the younger brother will not be able to take part in the provincial examination this time. There are so many things, and since my younger brother did it in secret, no one will know about it, right?"

"Your Majesty is right," Zhang Fan said, "If this younger brother really doesn't care about these things and pretends he doesn't know what's going on, it's impossible for his elder brother or his father to suspect him. Well, their family is in business, and businessmen are after profit, and some of them will use some shady means. There must be some enemy in their family, maybe it is the hands of a certain enemy in business. In short, as long as you do If I don’t tell my younger brother, I’m afraid no one will know about it.”

"Well, the teacher is right," Zhu Yijun said, "but, I'm afraid that's not the case. Since the teacher told me about this matter, it is obvious that it must not be the case,"

"That's right," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "It's true that the matter didn't end so simply. After all, his younger brother didn't do that because of any deep hatred with his older brother. On the contrary, the two brothers have always had a good relationship, but It was because he couldn't figure it out for a while, got into a dead end, and didn't understand it. In fact, the younger brother regretted it before his elder brother was drugged and poisoned. The elder brother was able to be cured so quickly. In fact, It was precisely because my younger brother's conscience could not bear it that he told the story on the spot."

"Well, no one can say for sure about such things as going crazy for a while," Zhu Yijun nodded and said, "However, there is no medicine for regret in the world. Since a big mistake has been made, even if you feel remorse in your heart, you can't do it." It’s hopeless.”

"Your Majesty's words are correct," Zhang Fan said with a sigh, "Although this younger brother already understands that he did something wrong, and it was a huge mistake, he can't turn back.

"That day, after he did this, he immediately told his father. Although the father who heard the news was angry, but it was very urgent at that time, and he didn't have time to take care of his son. So I went to ask someone to find a doctor to treat my eldest son.

"As for that younger brother, he was just flustered at the beginning, but he wasn't too flustered. Although he didn't know medical skills and used the wrong medicine, it was clearly written in the medical skills that that kind of medicine wouldn't kill anyone, so He didn't worry too much, he was already prepared, and when his brother got better, he would scold himself, or his father would beat him up, even if he was expelled from the house, he would not complain, but who He once thought that after his brother woke up, he was diagnosed as being unable to walk in a human way. After hearing about this incident, he really couldn't bear it, so he ran away from home alone.

"In this case, the father of the two brothers was the one who hit the hardest. Although he was busy saving his eldest son at first, the father was indeed very angry with his younger son, but no matter what, it was his own fault. His own son, but he also had the idea of ​​driving him out of the house.

"But when he heard that the elder son was inhumane, his mind changed. Although the elder son had already given birth to a grandson for him, who wouldn't want to spread out and leave more incense? Now the elder son cannot There will be descendants again, this hope naturally falls on the youngest son, but he never expected that when he came to his senses, he would never find his youngest son again.

"All of a sudden, one son was crippled and another son was lost. The father of the two brothers couldn't bear the blow and fell ill, so he died. The elder son didn't blame his younger brother, he He is also a scholar. At that time, he had no less thoughts than his younger brother. He even thought in his heart that although his younger brother was not as good at studying as he was, the difference between the two brothers was not that big. If something happened to the younger brother, this honor would naturally fall. on his head.

"The difference between the two brothers is that they both thought about it, but the elder brother thought about it, but the younger brother did it. Although there is a big difference, to the elder brother, there is no difference between the two. He would not blame the younger brother at all. I was just very sad about the death of my father, but at that time, my younger brother had already lost track of him. I only knew that he had gone to the northwest, but there was no news of him. own brother,"

"This... is really unfortunate," Zhu Yijun sighed after listening to Zhang Fan's narration, but he could only say the word "unfortunate". No one has anything to say about the matter. First of all, it is a matter of other people's family. Even if I am the emperor, I don't seem to have any good solution. I have unlimited power, but I can't cure all diseases with one sentence.

Secondly, Zhu Yijun really didn't expect this kind of situation to happen, or even if he thought about it, he might not think about it in this way.

"Then what happened later," Zhu Yijun continued to ask after sighing, "What happened later, should there be more?"

"Yes," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "My younger brother escaped from the house with only a small amount of money on him, but he wanted to stay away from his home, so he went all the way to the northwest, and he didn't want to leave the house. I don't know how long I walked until I reached Shaanxi, Qingyang Mansion, and Anhua County, and finally stopped and settled there, "

"Teacher..." Hearing this, Zhu Yijun's body trembled. He wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. He looked at Zhang Fan with worried eyes.

But this time, Zhang Fan didn't stop, didn't even take another look at Zhu Yijun, and continued: "Because he really couldn't forgive what he did to himself, even though he arrived in a new place, no one knew about his past, but He himself could not forgive himself.

"It's just that, no matter what, he doesn't want to end his life, but after all, he wants to survive. He is just a scholar, and he has no power to farm and make a living. Originally, according to his knowledge, it is absolutely no problem to open a school. , but he didn't do that. He felt that he had done that kind of thing, and he was no longer worthy of holding a book in his hand, and he was even less worthy of teaching others, so as not to mislead his children.

"In desperation, he can only do business. Although he has never done these things since he was a child, after all, he was born in a merchant family. Even if he didn't touch it when he was young, he would understand it under his ears and eyes. However, business is such a thing. He can't forget his home and thinks about it all the time," he said.

At this time, Zhu Yijun looked at Zhang Fan completely changed.

"Afterwards, he lived in the Northwest, married a wife and had children, and he also had offspring. He hoped that his son would inherit his father's expectations and study for fame. It's just that his son was really not a student, but because of his heart What was on his mind was that he couldn't wait for long, and he passed away not long after, but before he died, he stayed and taught his family to tell his daughter-in-law about the family affairs, and said that if no one in the family can become an official , you will never be able to return to Yangzhou, and if after returning, the contemporary descendants of the family have no heirs, they will give birth to males and give them to them.

"This matter lasted until his grandson was born. His daughter-in-law always remembered these words of her father-in-law. After her husband died, even though she sold her family property and lived a poor life, she was determined to let her son study and pass the exam in the future. The purpose of fame is to pay for the wrong things that my younger brother did, that sin, "

"..." Zhu Yijun looked at Zhang Fan, unable to say anything at the moment,

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