The so-called human nature.Naturally, you have to understand it very well.Many weekdays.Even if it is only among the most ordinary people.something that happened in their daily life.If put elsewhere.But it is extremely useful.

Just like what Zhang Fan did just now.He was ahead of the others.I asked Empress Dowager Li a question that she clearly hadn't thought through yet.And the Queen Mother Li who was asked.Not anyone in particular.Although it is the queen mother.But she is still human.Common sense applies to her.It couldn't be more suitable.

And whenever a person.He didn't know how to answer this question.But it's right in front of your eyes.When there is an imminent problem that needs to be solved.When he can't answer.Ten out of ten will ask the person who asked him the question.perhaps.In the eyes of many people.The other party will ask this because the other party has already thought of the answer.

This truth.No matter ordinary people.Still a court official.No one studies it.But that doesn't mean they don't understand why.Especially in the court.This principle is very useful.And now.Zhang Fan used such a method.only.Obvious now.Feng Bao also had this plan.But Zhang Fan beat him one step ahead.I feel a little uncomfortable.But that's all.Regardless of whether Feng Bao knew that Zhang Fan was obstructing his actions.In his opinion.Today's Zhang Fan will not say anything that can hinder him.

And was asked by Queen Mother Li.Zhang Fan naturally still had to put on a show.A look of frowning.After thinking for a while.That's when Zhang Fan said: "Queen Mother, this matter is of great importance. We need to proceed with caution. Although we can't be sure whether Zhang Siwei did this intentionally or someone put the blame on him. But the evidence now. All point to Zhang Siwei. This set of clues. We have to investigate."

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.Empress Dowager Li nodded.Agree with Zhang Fan's opinion.Then he opened his mouth and asked: "What Zhang Aiqing said is true. It's just that Aiqing also said it. This matter needs to be cautious. Is there any way."

"In my humble opinion..." Zhang Fan said this.paused.This is the continuation. "Here. We can't let go of those eight people. After all, what they said now and the letter that Eunuch Feng found are still not known to be true or not. Naturally, we must continue to interrogate. But Zhang Siwei's side. Of course, we can't let it go and ask. We have to investigate and see if he did it."

"Zhang Aiqing is right. It's just..." Obviously.For Zhang Fan's words.Empress Dowager Li agrees very much.only.She is in agreement as to.But also very puzzled. "This matter. What should we do? If we go to investigate, no matter who it is, they will not admit it when they encounter this kind of thing. In this way, we have reached a deadlock. It is not just Zhang Siwei. ...and make the entire court panic. That would be troublesome.

"Aijia means. Is there any way to solve this matter quickly. Find out whether Zhang Siwei did it as soon as possible. Instead of procrastinating like this. Make it full of wind and rain."

I heard what Queen Mother Li said.The following people all looked deep in thought.This matter is indeed difficult.People don't know what to do.But Feng Bao looks like Zhang Juzheng and Ge Shouli on the surface.It looked like he didn't know what to do.But actually.His heart had already blossomed with joy.on this matter.Feng Bao thought for a long time.Both pros and cons have been considered.But he didn't think of any good way.He doesn't believe it.In such a short time.Zhang Fan can think of any good way.

but.Obviously.Feng Bao underestimated Zhang Fan.When he was triumphant.Occasionally glanced at Zhang Fan.But he found that there was no panic on his face.On the contrary, he still looked confident.Now.Feng Bao was a little panicked.Although he still felt that it was impossible for Zhang Fan to come up with any solution.But Zhang Fan's expression.It made him very worried.

But next.But it's not just such a simple problem that makes Feng Bao worry.

"This method. I do have one." Zhang Fan said. "Although it is time-consuming to use. But it is much faster than the original method we used. It will not wrong good people."

"Oh." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Empress Dowager Li was very interested.quickly asked. "Tell me quickly."

"Queen Mother." Zhang Fan straightened his face.Open your mouth and say. "In the past. Whether it was in the yamen or in the imperial court. I encountered this kind of thing. This kind of evidence is in hand. There is only one thing for it. That is to try to connect the evidence in hand with the suspect. As long as you can contact One piece. That person's crime is confirmed. This method is indeed good. The best thing is to be able to verify it clearly.

"But this method is too time-consuming. Especially now. Facing a court official. We can't wrong him. But after Zhang Siwei heard about this matter, no matter whether he did it or not, he would strongly veto it. Such a Come on. Too late.

"Weichen is thinking. Can we change the way. Don't be like before. Try to find a way to get this matter. This letter is connected to Zhang Siwei. Instead, check it out. Is Zhang Siwei unable to do this? matter."

"What Aiqing means." Empress Dowager Li seemed to understand a little bit.But I still don't understand much.

"Master Zhang's method is good." Ge Shouli had already spoken. "Queen Mother. I agree with Mr. Zhang's method. If it is the same as usual, try to get Zhang Siwei to plead guilty. As Mr. Zhang said, no matter whether he does it or not, he will not admit it. However, if we try to find out Didn’t Zhang Siwei do it? But it’s very easy. I think Zhang Siwei himself will try his best to cooperate with us.

"If it is finally found out, Zhang Siwei still can't get rid of the responsibility. I'm afraid it will be difficult for him not to plead guilty. But if it can't find out what Zhang Siwei has to do with this case, then it will prove his innocence. In this way. It seems that no one hindered the investigation. It is also much faster."

"That's it." Hearing Ge Shouli's explanation.Empress Dowager Li also understood. "In that case..."

"Queen Mother. I'm afraid this is a bit inappropriate." Seeing Queen Mother Li, she was about to agree.Feng Bao hurriedly spoke out to stop it. "If this matter is really Zhang Siwei's work. He probably thought it would happen. He must have made a lot of preparations. Cover up his own evidence. If you let go of a culprit because of this, then..."

"Feng Bao. You are usually very smart. Why can't you figure it out now?" Queen Mother Li said with a smile. "No matter what. Isn't the reason the same? If Zhang Siwei really did this thing. As you said, he must have made preparations. To cover up his connection with this matter. In this way. It doesn’t matter whether we check whether he has contacted or not. Or check whether he did or not. Isn’t it all the same.”

"This..." Feng Bao was speechless for a while.He naturally thought of this question.But precisely because he thought about it.He couldn't agree more.He understood very well in his heart.If it is according to his method.Zhang Siwei basically couldn't run away.Take the initiative to look into this kind of thing.Even if Zhang Siwei didn't do it.But can't produce evidence.

But after changing Zhang Fan's method.Zhang Siwei is sure to be fine.

However.Just when Feng Bao wanted to say something more...

"In that case, it's settled." Queen Mother Li had already spoken. "This matter can't be dragged on for too long. Find out what's going on quickly. Send someone to Shanxi immediately. Find Zhang Siwei to find out what's going on. But it can't be sent here. Zhang Aiqing. This matter The matter will be checked by your Jinyiwei and Feng Bao's Dongchang. It doesn't matter whether the two parties cooperate or not. But it doesn't have to be like before. Whoever takes orders."

"Queen Mother. This matter. Our side is enough..." Feng Baogang wanted to veto it.But the next moment...

"Feng Bao." The Empress Dowager Li interrupted Feng Bao. "This matter is of great importance. Now is not the time to be a hero. Find a way to solve it as soon as possible. The Ai family has made up their minds now. This matter will be tried by Dongchang and Jinyiwei together. The same is true for the prisoners. It's up to you The two families go to interrogation together. There is no penalty. The Ai family doesn’t care. But we must find a reason for the Ai family.”

"Slaves..." "My servant complies with the order." Several people below said in unison.only.There was obvious bitterness in Feng Bao's voice.

It seemed that Feng Bao wanted to say something else.but……

"You all go down." Queen Mother Li said. "These things make Aijia really tired."

Several people listened.Leave in unison.only.The voices of the rest of the people sounded very happy.It's also a lot easier.And Feng Bao's voice.But with a lot of bitterness.

The four of them walked out of the Compassion Palace together.Standing outside the palace gate.Feng Bao seemed to want to say something to someone.But in the end still did not speak.Don't say a word.Turned around and left.

And Ge Shouli.I looked at Zhang Fan's face for a long time.In the end, he didn't say a word.left.only.Ge Shouli just left.The relaxed look on his face.Show it.

Ge Shouli didn't ask Zhang Fan what happened.He didn't ask Zhang Fan either.It's about how to solve this matter.It was not because Zhang Ju was present.It was inconvenient for him to speak.It's just that he believed in Zhang Fan.Now that he said it so confidently in front of Empress Dowager Li.There must be a solution.As for what exactly that is.But he didn't go back to ask.

Everyone else left.Only Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng were left.

Zhang Juzheng looked at Zhang Fan.There was a smile on his face.Obviously.He is like Ge Shouli.Although I don't know what Zhang Fan intends to do.But as long as he can sort it out.

It's just that there is no next moment.Zhang Ju's smile on the front.But it has become helpless.

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