The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 764 The So-Called Roughness

Zhang Fan and the others asked Wang Degui to lead him to find his superior. Hearing that Jin Yiwei was looking for him, the general was already very surprised. When he saw that it was Zhang Fan himself, he was shocked. When he got down, he seemed a little at a loss, but when he came back to his senses, he saw Zhang Fan and then Wang Degui, but he was thinking a lot.

Although Zhang Fan once talked to him, it was also about Wang Degui's affairs, but he didn't know what the relationship between Wang Degui and Zhang Fan was, and what Zhang Fan said to him that time meant that he understood everything, that is, Don't take more care of Wang Degui, just treat him equally. He is doing the same now, but there is still an idea in his heart, that is, the relationship between Wang Degui and Zhang Fan is not too deep, otherwise Zhang Fan I wouldn't tell him that. Relying on Zhang Fan's status, it is not a piece of cake to promote Wang Degui.

But now, his thoughts have changed again. In fact, before Zhang Fan and the others arrived in front of him, his subordinates came to inform him, but when he looked over from a distance, he saw Wang Degui and Zhang Fan walked side by side, this is already an extraordinary thing, but the situation is far more than that, Zhang Fan and Wang Degui are talking and laughing, like close friends who haven't seen each other for many years, this scene makes him feel really sad. He was a little surprised, the question that he couldn't figure out before, the topic of how Wang Degui got to know someone like Zhang Fan, reverberated in his mind again, but this time, the situation was still the same as before, he No matter how I think about it, I can't understand it, and the more I think about it, the more confused I become.

But now is not the time for him to think wildly. The most important thing for him is to figure out why Zhang Fan came to him this time. Obviously, no matter what it is, it is related to Wang Degui, but He racked his brains and couldn't figure out what was going on.

It wasn't until Zhang Fan came in and told him that he finally understood that Zhang Fan wanted Wang Degui to do something. Hearing this, this person felt a little envious of Wang Degui. After all, he was able to work with Jin Yiwei. Naturally, the future is boundless and the scenery is boundless, but he also understands that he is not that material, or that he himself has no such relationship.

But what Zhang Fan said to him next confused him.

In fact, when he just heard Zhang Fan express his intentions, he began to have doubts in his heart. After all, if Jin Yiwei was doing business and wanted to recruit someone, why would it need to be so troublesome? The paperwork is ready, and I have never seen a situation where the commander of Jin Yiwei needs to go into battle and speak in person.

Moreover, this person is also clear in his heart that this matter is indeed a bit confusing, not because of the relationship between Wang Degui and Zhang Fan, no matter what kind of relationship the two have, he doesn't need to do this, he can only think, The thing is that there is no secret.

But after he listened to Zhang Fan's words, he also understood that Zhang Fan came to him for Wang Degui's affairs, but it was different from what he thought. What Zhang Fan meant was that this time it was just Borrowing Wang Degui for a period of time is not intended to permanently pull him into Jinyiwei. In the future, when the matter is over, Zhang Fan hopes that Wang Degui can return to the army, especially, he hopes to give Wang Degui the position of Qianhu. Keep it, this is probably the first time Zhang Fan used his identity for Wang Degui.

This person can understand Zhang Fan's meaning, but he really can't figure it out. Why did Zhang Fan do this? Obviously, in his opinion, to have such a chance to enter Jinyiwei, it is naturally better to go there, and What he saw just now felt that the relationship between Zhang Fan and Wang Degui was good. It is impossible for Zhang Fan not to know why he didn't want Wang Degui to go to Jinyiwei to develop, but he wanted him to return to the army.

He can't figure out this question, and I'm afraid he may not be able to figure it out in the future, but these are not important anymore.

"My lord, although I was told to be a bandit, I don't know exactly what I was asked to do." When he came out of the army, Wang Degui didn't bring anything with him, so he just left with Zhang Fan. , he couldn't help asking about Zhang Fan, "Although I believe that the Lord will not let me do bad things, but this is the first time for me to be a bandit. I don't know if it will work. I used to only talk to Tatar I have fought in battle, and I have never seen a bandit until now."

Hearing Wang Degui's words, Zhang Fan's group couldn't help but stop, looked at Wang Degui, and began to look carefully. Speaking of it, everyone seemed to have discovered it now. Wang Degui really didn't need to talk about the appearance of this bandit. I deliberately dressed up, and once I stood there, I looked like a bandit.

As far as Wang Degui is concerned, it looks like he has a thick back and a hunchback, although he has never had any fierce expression on his face, but he looks fierce, and he still has a beard, and he doesn't take care of it very much. Fan is clear that if Wang Degui is at home, his wife will naturally take care of him, and the situation will be much better. However, he spends most of his time in the army, so he naturally forgets such small things. It can even be said that things have never been taken seriously, which makes his face look daunting at first glance.

Also, Wang Degui's appearance and tone of voice are extremely "favorable" help, and he is not wearing Baihu's clothes now, and he still has a knife hanging by his waist. If you ask Wang Degui what he does, ten out of ten will give the same answer.

Looking at it this way, Zhang Fan and others were shocked. In other words, when Zhang Fan thought that Wang Degui was a suitable candidate, he really didn't think about it. At that time, he only started from the conditions of the original selection , but did not look at these external conditions, or it can be said to be such innate conditions.

But looking at it now, Wang Degui is really suitable, it can be said that he is the most suitable candidate. Apart from him, he does not think of anyone else, and even at this moment, Zhang Fan has a kind of ridiculous idea in his heart. It would be a pity if Wang Degui didn't become a bandit under such conditions.

As for the people next to him, they actually had the same thoughts as Zhang Fan.

As for Wang Degui himself, he didn't know anything. In fact, he was a little frightened when he was looked at by Zhang Fan and the others. He looked like he didn't know what was going on. He wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything. Even if Wang Degui's nerves were rough, he knew that Zhang Fan and the others must be doing this because of his own reasons. I really can't figure out why, I... it's nothing... I should...

"My... my lord... what's the matter?" Wang Degui looked at Zhang Fan and asked, his voice seemed to be trembling, "I... what's wrong with me, is there something on my face, or is it my clothes? Come on," Wang Degui looked at the crowd not only looking at his face, but as if his whole body was being watched by several people, he didn't know what was going on, this feeling was like a yellow flower that had been stripped naked The eldest daughter is being watched by several men, but unfortunately, these men don't seem to have that kind of meaning, as if they are looking at something interesting, these two feelings are the most weird.

For the first time in his life, Wang Degui felt awkward, or shy, and with this feeling, his body twisted unnaturally.

It's good that Wang Degui didn't move, this movement, the lethality is extraordinary, everyone who looked at Wang Degui just now came back to their senses, and when they saw Wang Degui's movement clearly, they all felt that there was something wrong with their stomachs. Feeling so uncomfortable, Zhang Fan even turned blue.

"My lord, you... what's wrong with you," Wang Degui was taken aback when he saw Zhang Fan like this, and hurried forward to check.

"'s nothing," Zhang Fan finally managed to recover, and deleted the disgusting image of jealousy from his mind just now, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Actually, this time, I want you to become a bandit and mix with a group of bandits,"

"To kill someone," Wang Degui's first question was not what to do, but this question.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Fan didn't find it weird. On the contrary, he thought it was normal for Wang Degui to ask such a question. Wang Degui is a person who has been on the battlefield for many years. Usually, this kind of person will develop in two directions. One is, The rise of killing on the battlefield, even at normal times, I still can't help but want to feel the feeling between life and death. The second is that no matter how brave you are on the battlefield, but on weekdays. I don't want to use knives or guns anymore, these are two extremes.

However, Wang Degui does not belong to any of these two types. In fact, Wang Degui's mentality is very stable, which may also have something to do with his rough nerves. He doesn't think much. Killing the enemy, and then how to save his own life, and in life, he will think about what to do when he encounters something in front of him. It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan, but for Wang Degui, this is enough.

"Of course I'm going to kill people," Zhang Fan said with a look of naturalness, "It's possible that you can kill those bandits. Of course, the most likely thing is to kill outsiders."

"Outsider, what outsider?" Wang Degui asked curiously.

"Jurchen," Zhang Fan replied,

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