"This...more than 600 million taels of silver...this..." Hearing the number Zhang Yufang uttered, Zhang Fan was really shocked, "This is faster than robbing, hehe, this...to tell the truth Even my little nephew thinks that what this official is doing is meaningless, let alone not being corrupt, even if he is a corrupt official, how long will it take to get so many corrupt officials? Simply, my little nephew also resigned from office and went home to do business with his uncle. ,"

Faced with Zhang Fan's words, Zhang Yufang didn't care, and laughed out loud. He knew that what Zhang Fan said was just a joke, but then again, when he heard the number, he also made a bet. Datiao, the money earned on this trip is more than what my ancestors earned from doing business for more than 100 years. How can it not be surprising.

"But not so much was brought back," Zhang Yufang said, "The tax collected by the imperial court was 200%, and it was nearly [-] million taels when it was handed over. Although we paid so much, our family still earned a lot. don't care anymore,"

After being shocked in his heart, Zhang Fan also calmed down and said to Zhang Yufang, "By the way, where is my cousin? He was there before. Why didn't you come over together?"

"Oh, Yan'er went to pack up his things," Zhang Yufang said, "Didn't I mention it to Yuande once before that I wanted to open a shop in the capital, and during that time, due to some things, it was always difficult to turn around, and now I have a shop at home. A sum of money made me think about it. This time, I took the opportunity of going to Beijing to open our shop. No, this time I went to Beijing, although I received a letter from you, Yuande, and it was a little rushed. But I also brought some things, saying that when the shop is opened, it can’t have nothing, there must be some things to fill the facade, isn’t it?”

Although Zhang Yufang said lightly, but Zhang Fan naturally understood in his heart that no matter how you say it, this is a capital after all, and although there are many people, in the end there are still a lot of dignitaries and dignitaries. This vision is naturally much higher, Zhang Yufang said He was in a hurry, but since it was just for show, the things he brought would naturally not be too bad.

"It's so good," Zhang Fan was also happy to hear what he said. "There is a shop in the capital, so we can contact you in the future."

"Oh, don't be so troublesome," Zhang Yufang said, "I'm going to let Yan'er find a courtyard and live here. From now on, he will be the manager of the shops in the capital, so you can see each other often, right? ,"

"Of course that's good," Zhang Fan was even happier when he heard that, "But it doesn't have to be such a hassle, as long as you live here, the vacant room at home is not too crowded, so you don't need to look for another yard,"

"That's not good, it's a lot of trouble for this family to live here," Zhang Yufang naturally refused.

"Oh, if uncle said that, he would be out of sight," Zhang Fan said hastily, "We are a family after all, if my cousin doesn't live here, then I'd be out of sight. Besides, if I really let my cousin out If you don't, I'm afraid, mother will scold me to death."

After some evasion, Zhang Yufang couldn't say no to Zhang Fan after all, so he had to settle down.

"Father, cousin," the two were talking, when the voice came, it was Zhang Yufang's daughter, Zhang Ting, who was being dragged by Yingyue to somewhere, passing by here, but saw the two of them talking here, Stop by and say hello.

"Ting'er, come here," Zhang Yufang called his daughter over, "Why, I just came here, and I don't have to be reserved, I just know how to play." Although there were many reproaches in the words, the happy look on the face was not No reduction.

"Uncle, don't blame me," it was Zhaoxue who helped Ting'er out of the siege, "I dragged Ting'er's sister to talk,"

But Zhang Ting looked a little embarrassed standing on the side, occasionally raised her head to look, but saw Zhang Fan's face, then quickly lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong, Zhang Ting's appearance, The two big men Zhang Fan and Zhang Yufang naturally didn't notice it, but they still felt that she was a little embarrassed, and Zhaoxue beside her was not the kind of delicate person at all, and she didn't notice anything at all. If there was another person here, for example If you talk about Yingyue or Ruxue, you must be able to see something.

"By the way, Dad," Zhang Ting asked as if to get rid of the embarrassment she had caused herself, "What are you talking about with your cousin, he looks so happy,"

"Hehe, didn't you say you were going to open a shop in the capital?" Zhang Yufang said, "I decided to let you, Yan'er, be the shopkeeper. It's in the capital. No, Yuande asked Yan'er's family to live here in the future."

"Really," Zhang Ting also seemed very happy when she heard the news, "Dad, do you agree?"

He didn't speak, but Zhang Yufang nodded with a smile in agreement.

"This is great," Zhang Ting said happily, but she was not happy about this matter. In fact, she didn't care about where her brother lived, but if he lived here , she has a reason to stay. If Zhang Yan doesn't live here, she has no reason to stay in the future. After all, she is a daughter's family, even if it is a relative's family, it is impossible to let her stay alone. here.

But if Zhang Yan is here, it is only natural that she wants to stay.

However, why Zhang Ting is so happy, I am afraid that only she knows what is going on in her heart.

"My husband and uncle still have something to talk about," Zhaoxue said from the side, "In that case, the concubine will not bother you, Sister Tinger, let's go to my room to talk," Zhaoxue pulled Zhang Ting left.

And Zhang Ting, who was pulled away by Zhaoxue, looked this way, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything in the end.

"This..." Zhang Fan was at a loss by Zhaoxue, so he had to put on an apologetic smile, and said to Zhang Yufang, "My nephew... made my uncle laugh."

"Where is that?" Zhang Yufang was the same, a little embarrassed by his daughter's actions, "the little girl is also a little..."

"By the way, uncle," Zhang Fan said, "Since we are going to open a shop in the capital, there is no news about the shop. My nephew will ask someone to go to the street in the afternoon to see if there is an empty shop in a good location."

"Oh, I don't need Yuande to bother you," Zhang Yufang naturally refused quickly, "Let Yan'er do this kind of thing. To be honest, I'm not too young now. I've been in the business world for so many years. , I am also a little tired. I want to think about Qingfu at home, but this family business cannot be cut off. I want to let Yan'er continue, but although Yan'er has some talents, when encountering things, he still needs to consult with me. After all, in this way, how can he take on this responsibility in the future, this time let him open a shop in the capital, the money and goods are ready, but that's all, the rest is still up to him Practice it a bit, this is the only way, if you have Yuande to help, I am afraid it will be meaningless."

"Well, it turns out that Uncle planned this," Zhang Fan nodded after hearing Zhang Yufang's words, and said, "My nephew understands Uncle's intentions. I'm not very familiar with it, but there is always someone to lead the way, so how about this, when I send people out in the afternoon, I will ask my cousin to go with them, so it will be fine."

"Well, that's exactly what you said," Zhang Yufang obviously considered Zhang Fan's words seriously, and said, "In this case, just follow Yuande's words, as long as someone leads the way."

At noon, Mrs. Zhao was very happy to hear that Zhang Yufang's family had arrived, and specially ordered the kitchen to prepare rich dishes. Seeing his mother chatting so happily with his uncle, Zhang Fan was also very concerned. When she was happy, her drinking capacity also increased. Although she drank a lot, she didn't get too drunk.

Just like that, Zhang Yufang's family came to the capital for a few days, and Mrs. Zhao was very happy. Over there, Zhang's shop in the capital was also opened, and Zhang Jiyu's shop was also opened. On the busiest street in Beijing, and in the best location.

Regarding this, Zhang Yufang knew it well. He knew that without Zhang Fan's help, no matter how much money he spent, he might not be able to buy that shop. It is also seamless, at least, people like Zhang Yufang who are not in the official career, even if they understand it in their hearts, they can't say anything.

Regarding this point, Zhang Yufang couldn't let go of it at first, but soon he figured it out.

This shop has only been open for a few days, but the business is good. First of all, the Zhang family's jade wares are quite famous, not to mention in Yangzhou, even in the capital, let alone a few pieces in the palace. The Zhang family, many princes and nobles are also the regular customers of the Zhang family. Now I heard that the Zhang family has opened a shop in the capital, and the business is naturally very good.

Secondly, this is due to Zhaoxue and the others. These days, especially Zhaoxue, likes to take Zhang Ting around. Just imagine, Zhang Fan's women are able to talk, and they are naturally of the same status. During the conversation, some news was occasionally revealed to let those people understand that Zhang Jiyu has something to do with Zhang Fan, and they need to visit frequently.

All in all, everything went well.

And five or six days later, less than three days before the full moon of Zhang Fan's youngest daughter, Zhang Lianqing, news came from the court.

The people sent by the Ministry of Criminal Justice to Shanxi came back, and by the way, even Zhang Siwei was brought back.

After hearing the news, Zhang Fan immediately put down other things in his hands and focused all his energy on this matter. He knew in his heart that a good show was about to be staged, but this time, he was also Among them, whether the performance is brilliant or not depends on his hard work.

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