"This, or Feng Bao really worked hard this time, and I don't know where to find Ziwei's handwriting when he was young," Zhang Siwei said with a surprised look, "Or this time, Feng Bao I was so lucky that I found someone to write this letter, but it happened to be exactly the same as Geng Ziwei's."

Hearing what Zhang Siwei said, Sun Piyang and the other three members of the Ministry of Criminal Justice were all silent. The two points Zhang Siwei said were nothing more than two things, strength and luck. It's scary. After all, they didn't know that Feng Bao had planned this incident from the very beginning. They thought Feng Bao had just improvised it because of the sudden riot. If this is the case, then they really have to admire it. Feng Bao, in such a short period of time, from the accident to finding the letter, it took only four or five days to find something that Zhang Siwei himself didn't know very well. Dongchang's strength really is extraordinary.

If it's luck, it doesn't make people feel at ease. After all, there is a way, people plan things, and heaven makes things happen. Many things still depend on luck. Whether it is on the battlefield of real swords and guns, Or in this kind of battle without gunpowder, the good luck that luck can bring is absolutely very important.

If this is the case, it will be troublesome. Of course, luck is something that cannot be seen or touched. Who knows if good luck will always patronize Feng Bao, maybe it will take turns, and now it has arrived It's not certain here, but it's also not certain, but what is certain is that if this is the case, good luck has given Feng Bao the upper hand, which is very unfavorable to Zhang Siwei.

However, among the people present, there were also people who were not too worried about it. Chen Wenchuan just had some thoughts in his heart, not really worried, but Zhang Siwei, who knew what would happen in the future, and Zhang Siwei who was involved in this matter. Zhang Fan, the planner, knew in his heart what would happen next. Speaking of which, such things as luck are indeed rare, but this does not mean that luck cannot be created by oneself.

"And..." Zhang Siwei looked at the letter in his hand again, and continued, "Not only the person who wrote this letter, but also other places have worked hard."

"What does Mr. Zhang mean by this?" Chen Wenchuan was a little surprised when he heard what Zhang Siwei said, and hurriedly asked.

"Oh, I mean the content of this letter," Zhang Siwei said with a smile, and raised the letter in his hand, "Honestly speaking, what I admire most about Feng Bao is what is written in this letter. Feng Bao asked someone to write it, or said it through his mouth. It can be seen that Feng Bao has already figured me out. The tone and wording of this letter, let alone someone else, even if it is me, I can't tell the difference. Fortunately, I know in my heart that I have not written this letter, or I will be fooled even myself. Also, what is particularly ingenious is that the signature on this letter is That logo, Ziwei himself has never used any logo, but it is precisely because of this that, looking at it this way, it seems to be seamless, even I think it is reasonable, and I can't see any flaws at all, let alone other people. up,"

Hearing what Zhang Siwei said, several people present, including Zhang Fan, all looked at each other in blank dismay. Originally, even Zhang Fan included, they thought that Feng Bao was just a good idea and wanted to kill Zhang Siwei. Pulled off the horse, and when this letter came out, they didn't think too much about it, thinking that it was just a formality added by Feng Bao. In their view, Feng Bao had already figured out a way to deal with Zhang Siwei It is too easy to pull down a minister with such a serious matter. This letter is just to deepen it. In fact, if you want to use this letter to convict Zhang Siwei It's impossible. After all, no matter how similar the description is, there is still the possibility of fraud. In fact, as long as it is in the end, even if the letter is written no longer, Zhang Siwei will not be able to argue.

But even so, in this matter, Feng Bao still displayed his attitude of perfection in doing things. Even for such a small detail, he did it so meticulously and seamlessly. How should I put it, although There is nothing commendable about Feng Bao's work itself, but his spirit of doing things is really nothing to say, and it is definitely worth learning from anyone in the court. It doesn't mean that you want to do bad things like him.

Just like now, although Feng Bao wanted to frame Zhang Siwei, the matter had already reached this point, and he did not even leave any possible flaws, although people hated him for doing too much, It was too extreme, but at the same time it was undeniable that his attitude was too strict, to the point that even an enemy would admire him.

"This..." Thinking about these problems, Sun Piyang also looked very worried, "In this way, it seems that this situation is very unfavorable to Mr. Zhang,"

"Master Sun filtered it," Zhang Siwei said, "Originally, as long as this kind of thing is in 'here', anyone may encounter it, but now it's just me who has encountered this kind of thing. It's a pity, and besides, whether Ziwei himself has done such a thing, I can't be more clear in my heart. If I have done it, then I should do whatever I want, but if I haven't done it, Ziwei Wei is also not afraid of others finding fault. If he has never done it before, something will happen in the end. To be honest, Ziwei does not feel that there is any pity. After all, Ziwei is not the first person who has encountered such a situation. This one, not the last one, it's not that Ziwei is gloating, it's just that the matter is like this, secondly, it also shows that Ziwei really has no ability, and there is no way out if he continues his career. , it is better to retreat earlier, "

"But..." Although Sun Piyang agrees with Zhang Siwei's words, he will not show it here, and, "Master Zhang, this matter is not so simple, either something happens or nothing happens, there are only two results , there is no third way to go, and, if something happens, it is not as simple as retiring from the official career, I am afraid..."

Although Sun Piyang did not say it in the end, all the people present understood what he meant. If something happened, it would not be as simple as quitting the official career. The nature of this matter is so serious. As a minister, he is absolutely certain to die, but how he will die at that time, I don't know.

At that time, the great eunuch Liu Jin just revealed a little bit of wanting to rebel and did nothing. As a result, Emperor Zhengde ordered him to be executed by Ling Chi.

But this time, Zhang Siwei's situation is actually even worse. After all, this time it is only because of the chaos that has already occurred, and this chaos is to provoke the people to rebel. More importantly, the place of rebellion is in the capital. If Zhang Siwei Once convicted, what will happen to him... is simply unimaginable.

In the face of Sun Piyang's worry, Zhang Siwei seemed to be fine, smiled, and said, "Ziwei thank you, Mr. Sun, for worrying, but now, His Majesty has ordered the three divisions to interrogate, and Ziwei's people are all concerned." We've already arrived here, I'm afraid, it's up to Ziwei to make the decision."

Although the few people present were still very worried, they felt helpless after hearing what Zhang Siwei said.

At this moment, someone came in and handed a booklet to Sun Piyang.

"What is this?" Sun Piyang took the brochure and asked.

"My lord, this..." The man looked at Zhang Siwei who was sitting beside him, with a very strange expression on his face, and said after a pause, "This is the file for investigating Mr. Zhang, which has been sorted out by the humble job, and now Present it to the grown-ups to read, "

"Understood, let's go," Sun Piyang waved his men away while opening the booklet to read.

And as Sun Piyang keeps turning the pages, people on the side can also see that the expression on his face has also undergone a huge change. Gradually, the frowning and deeply worried look at the beginning gradually changed. , turned into a slightly smiling appearance.

"Master Sun, what's the matter?" Zhang Fan, who was at the side, was very curious when he saw this, and couldn't help asking.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm just happy," Sun Piyang said with a smile, "Sure enough, as Mr. Zhang said just now, this 'don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door', now I understand it, Why is Mr. Zhang not afraid anymore?"

"Oh," hearing what Sun Piyang said, Zhang Siwei himself became a little confused, "This... No matter what, Ziwei is also suspected now, but Ziwei is really curious, and the booklet contains wrote something,"

"Hehe, it's okay to tell Mr. Zhang," Sun Piyang said, "There is nothing on it, it just records the process of the Criminal Ministry going to Shanxi to meet Mr. Zhang. Of course, it was in Mr. Wang's barracks, and after that, ask Mr. Zhang about these days. At the time of trace, after all, because Mr. Wang is Mr. Zhang's uncle, it is really troublesome to have this relationship there, so I just asked Mr. Wang's subordinates, but after many inquiries, nothing was beneficial to Feng Bao. Mr. Wang’s subordinates all agreed that Mr. Zhang has always been by Mr. Wang’s side, has been practicing with the army, and has never left. Moreover, the march often goes to some inaccessible places. I am afraid that even if Mr. Zhang wants to There is nothing to do when the news comes out.

"It seems that this time, Feng Bao's wishful thinking is about to come to nothing,"

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