The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 779 The Beginning of the Joint Trial

A meal at noon.There are definitely many people who are not good at eating.After all.It's all worrying about it now.No matter what kind of thoughts people hold in their hearts.Absolutely all restless.But in comparison.These people are outsiders.And Zhang Siwei himself who is really the party involved.It touches very calm.There was no sense of tension at all.

and.The Ministry of Punishment prepared a lot of food and wine for him today.Also very delicate.Zhang Siwei didn't care at all.His appetite was not affected at all by the things in front of him.He also specially took Sun Piyang to have a few drinks together.period.Zhang Siwei saw Sun Piyang's uneasy appearance.There is even spirit to tease him.Said he was too serious.The meal was too solemn.Just like the last meal.

Speaking up.The speaker is careless.The listener is interested.Zhang Siwei was not conscious at all.On the contrary, Sun Piyang supported what he said.The face is more worried.

But in the end.After all, Sun Piyang couldn't say anything.It's not that he despaired of anything.But he also understands.If Zhang Siwei can maintain such a relaxed attitude.The trial later will definitely be more beneficial to this side.It's just that Sun Piyang also understands.That's only compared to before.After all, Feng Bao has done so much work for this matter.Even if there is a great chance of winning here.It will definitely take a lot of effort to win.Instead of saying anything to discourage Zhang Siwei's enthusiasm.It's better to just keep silent.It's good to let him nourish his spirit.

Say something.This time is regarded as the second joint trial of the three divisions in the Wanli Dynasty.It's just that the last time was not the usual Sansi.And this time is different from the case of Minister Wang last time.Last time, after all, the nature of the matter was very bad.The matter of assassinating the emperor.That's no joke.And this time it was much better.So this time franchise.At the time of the trial.The ministers in the court can watch from the sidelines.Only this time.Empress Dowager Li also issued a decree.Auditors belong to auditors.If anyone rushes to speak during the trial.It's not just that person who wants a thirty-eight court staff.And everyone else will be expelled.Without exception.

Honestly.All of a sudden.That was pretty harsh.After all, Tingzhang.It is under the joint control of the Rites Supervisor and Jin Yiwei.It's just that it's shared.It was the supervisor of ceremonies who gave the order.The person who went up to play the board with his own hands belonged to Jin Yiwei.but.In fact, although this group of people bears the name of Jinyiwei.But almost all of them obey Feng Bao.

And on this matter.Feng Bao's position has already been made clear.If someone dares to stand up and say something that is not good for Feng Bao.The staff came down.Definitely a life.Actually.Even without hearing it.But everyone definitely thought of it a long time ago.Feng Bao must have explained it long ago.If someone is dragged to the imperial staff because of this.There is absolutely no return.

Thirty court rods.Say thirty.Actually.Really want to put people to death.There is no need to use so much.Ten strokes are enough.It's just that everyone understands.Feng Bao is definitely not such a "gentle" person.It is said to be thirty court rods.He will definitely not let people go to "enjoy Qingfu" in advance.It is absolutely necessary to play a full [-] boards.Made people suffer.It is estimated that it will take a few more days.Let the pain linger for a while longer.Then die again.

this point.It's not to blame Feng Bao for being cruel.It's just this thing now.Basically anyone can guess.Feng Bao would definitely do soon as the news came out.There was no gossip in the court.

So well.This is a must.But it is estimated that many people will "obey".Although forced.However.Many people also understand it.By the time.If the result of the trial really makes these people unhappy.It is estimated that there will still be troubles.certainly.that time.Feng Bao will not make things difficult for them anymore.After all.Trial is over.and.the most important is.As long as the outcome of the trial is certain.These people make trouble again.There is also no way to change it.

even though.Even if it is a joint trial by the three divisions.Want to convict.In the end, it is still necessary to leave the result of the trial to the emperor to decide.But this thing.After all, it is bad in nature.Even if the time comes, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty will oppose it.But as soon as the result came out.If the emperor forced himself to change.The consequences were unimaginable.In this way.No one can change anything.

afternoon.The time has just passed.Shen Shi only showed up.In the lobby of the trial of Dali Temple.It was already full and there were many people here.The one sitting on top is naturally the head of the third division.Sun Piyang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, Ge Shouli, Zuodu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Liu Siwen, Minister of Dali Temple.And aside.Also sitting were Feng Bao and Zhang Fan.

originally.These three divisions will try together.Naturally, no outsiders can be present.No matter how powerful Feng Bao and Zhang Fan are today.No way.Only this time it's different.After all, this time the case was not only investigated by the Ministry of Criminal first.Both Jinyiwei and Dongchang were involved.So it is right to let them come.It's also possible to provide clues, after all.

But nothing more.These people are not the only ones sitting here.Several Cabinet Grand Masters also have seats.The first person is naturally Zhang Juzheng himself.And as for other people who came to watch and listen.Of course there are no seats.After all, no matter how big this place is.It's not always possible to find a seat for everyone.

Application time has passed.It's time to start asking questions.The three people in the upper seat looked at each other.Although said here.The status of the three is equal.Although it is said that the power to execute prisons lies with the Ministry of Punishment.But this is the site of Dali Temple after all.As for Ge Shouli.His biggest role here is to ensure the fairness of the trial.This.It is also the biggest "test" for Feng Bao.The three looked at each other.See so.Liu Siwen no longer declined.He opened his mouth and said: "The case of inciting people to make trouble outside the capital the day before yesterday. The trial will start today."

Liu Siwen said this.The discussion below also disappeared.visible.that warning.It was really remembered by everyone.Nobody wants to commit a crime afterward.Feng Bao found some reason and then disappeared.

"Everything is ready now." Liu Siwen took a look.Said. "Take the prisoner."

immediately.The yamen guards put eight of them in dirty prison uniforms.Although there are no obvious scars on the outside.But they were also brought up by depressed people.It was the eight people who led the disturbance that Zhang Fan captured at the scene that day.

"Who is kneeling down? Report your name." Liu Siwen shouted.

"Crassman Zhang Debiao." "Lin Yue." "Wang San'er." "Zhao Ming." "Liu..." Several people reported their names one by one.And between words.A look of despondency.It was like being sentenced to death.A lifeless general appearance.Not at all angry.

Zhang Fan who was sitting on the side.Even if it has been sighed countless times.Now I can't help but sigh again in my heart.Have to admire.Feng Bao's people are really dedicated.Even at this time.It also looks like the whole body is full of drama.The appearance of vowing to carry out the duties to the end.It makes people dissatisfied.

"Where are you from?" Liu Siwen didn't ask these questions.continue to ask.But then again.Even someone like Zhang Fan who clearly knew what was going on couldn't quite figure it out.Liu Si asked this person who didn't know the inside story at all.Naturally, it is even more impossible to see anything.

"The eight Caomin...all are...from Shandong." One of them said.

"They are all from Shandong." Liu Siwen continued to ask. "Live in the same place. We have known each other before. Or have we never met before. We only know each other because of this matter."

"Responding to your lord's words..." another person said.The voice sounded a little trembling. "Caomin and others used to live in the same town. Naturally, they knew each other."

"That is to say..." Sun Piyang on the side spoke. "Before this, you were just taking orders from someone. This time, after getting news from him, you followed him to the capital. Then you mobilized other people to make trouble. Yes or no."

" the adults said. Exactly...exactly." The people below replied in a low voice.

"That's not surprising." Liu Siwen spoke. "Look at you. Since you can read and understand the letter, then think about it. You are also a person who has read the book. Since you have read the book, you will not know. If you do such a thing, what will happen. You know that you must die. There is no doubt about it. But we still have to do it. There must be some reason for it.”

"Master Liu is right." Sun Piyang said. "It can make people willing. Risking life and death to do things. Either that person spent a lot of money. Or there is no reason. I want to ask you. What is the reason?"

"This..." Several people hesitated.But one of them still spoke. "Return to your lord. Engong has saved the lives of the grass people. Although the grass people haven't read many books, they don't understand much of the truth. But if it wasn't for the rescue that day, the grass people would have been decapitated long ago. Yes. Now, benefactor wants Caomin and others to do something. Even if it costs their lives, Caomin and others are willing to do anything."

"Oh. Really." Sun Piyang said clearly.Not convinced by their answers.After all, it is easy to say.But doing it is difficult.Especially this kind of words that are more beautiful when they are said.It is even more difficult to do.

"My lord, everything the grass people said is true." Someone among them spoke immediately.That look of swearing and swearing. "Caomin and others have given us such a great favor for taking in our benefactor. There is no way to repay it. Now the benefactor has a request. How can Caomin refuse to agree."

"Yes. That's right." Liu Siwen continued. "It's just that. I don't believe it. The eight of you think so in your hearts. After all, this is a matter of life and death. Does it mean that none of you have other ideas. All of you are willing to die."

"This..." Obviously.Compared to pretty words.Liu Siwen's words are more reasonable.Let the following eight people be speechless for a while.

"Ahem. Master Liu. Our family has something to say." At this time.Feng Bao on the side couldn't hold back anymore.

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