"What did you say?" Obviously, Feng Bao couldn't believe Wang Youcai's words, and now he almost yelled these words, "What... what's going on, Wang Youcai, don't talk nonsense , this matter is related to our family... It is related to a major case of the court, and the queen mother will ask more questions. If you dare to talk nonsense, be careful that the queen mother of our family will copy and kill him, and the nine clans will be imprisoned." Obviously, Feng Bao at this time has some Out of control.

In fact, for such a trivial matter, or for a Zhang Siwei, it is not worth Feng Bao's behavior. The reason why Feng Bao lost control is really because a thing that was originally planned by him and could definitely be successful is now. It was because certain situations became impossible to realize at all. Therefore, what Feng Bao really cared about was not that Zhang Siwei could not be rectified, but that his plan failed.

But then again, for Feng Bao, he really didn't think about the failure of his plan. After all, Feng Bao's previous design was quite perfect. Of course, that was in his opinion. In fact, Feng Bao's design is indeed very perfect, except for some small flaws, there are also some small things that don't need to worry about.

But now, it seems that all the preparations and hopes have come to naught. It is clearly a possibility that is right in front of me, and it is very close to me, but it is flying away from me in this instant. Inside and outside, few people really like this feeling, and most importantly, for Feng Bao, this feeling is enough to make him lose control.

"Father-in-law, everything this officer said is true." Facing Feng Bao who was so tyrannical, even Feng Bao who threatened to kill his nine clans, Wang Youcai had a calm expression on his face, even though there was also a trace of anger on his face. He was a little frightened, but he was too scared to speak, but he was not too scared, "The next official was to diagnose Mr. Zhang's pulse, and what he said is indeed the truth. Please check it out, father-in-law."

What Wang Youcai said was so firm, and his expression showed no intention of giving in, but Zhang Fan felt something different in his heart when he heard these words. Zhang Fan was the first to not believe that Wang Youcai was so "kind".

"You..." He clearly knew that Wang Youcai was impossible, and he didn't dare to fight against him, but at this moment, Feng Bao listened to Wang Youcai's words, but it sounded like he was against him, "How dare you?" In this way, our family will find other imperial physicians to come, if we find that you have cheated our family, our family will tear your corpse into thousands of pieces and die without a place to bury you."

"The lower official still sticks to his own opinion. If my father-in-law doesn't believe me, I'll ask other imperial physicians to diagnose Mr. Zhang's pulse." Facing such a tough Feng Bao, Wang Youcai became tough for the first time, "Since my father-in-law said, The subordinate dares to guarantee with his life, everything the subordinate said just now is true, there is absolutely no lie, if it is not true, Wang Youcai will die without regret, "

It doesn't seem that Wang Youcai did this because he got into a fight with Feng Bao. Although the officials present were not very familiar with Wang Youcai, those who knew knew that Wang Youcai was not such a brave person. There is only one thing that can make a normally timid person make such a move, and that is the inner principle.

Wang Youcai is an imperial doctor. In the final analysis, he is just a doctor, but his medical skills are excellent. But for this kind of person, maybe he will lie to save his life, or he will have to hide the truth because of the situation in front of him. But the only thing this kind of people can't stand is their doubts about their own abilities. If someone dares to touch their place, they will never back down.

However, Wang Youcai's words undoubtedly added fuel to the fire. Feng Bao, who was already very angry because the plan failed, became even more angry, but it happened that he could not do anything to Wang Youcai at this moment. Let alone Feng Bao in this situation, anyone present would feel uncomfortable.

And Zhang Fan watched the whole process from the sidelines. When he saw this, he could already confirm one thing in his heart, and after confirming this matter, Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling like he wanted to laugh out loud. , It turns out that the situation that many acts of unrighteousness will lead to self-death is not ideal, it really exists, it turns out that God's will tricks people is not groundless, and now it is actually happening before our eyes.

Originally, his plan was to let the matter turn to this scene, and let Feng Bao change the topic to Zhang Siwei's physical condition. It became a matter of course.

He had already explained to Zhang Siwei how to speak in advance, but in fact, Zhang Fan's strategy was helpless, and there were big loopholes in it.

At that time, Zhang Fan didn't think about what problems Zhang Siwei would have, he just wanted to avoid Feng Bao, but Zhang Fan himself knew that there were big loopholes in his method.

Although Wang Youcai can be secretly manipulated so that he is the only one who can come today, or the actual situation is the same, today is really a coincidence, but it is Wang Youcai's turn to be on duty at the Tai Hospital, but since it is called the Tai Hospital, then Wang Youcai is not the only imperial physician among them.

Once it turns out that Feng Bao is dissatisfied with the final situation, he is likely to change someone else, but for Zhang Fan, there is no way out, after all, he cannot buy all the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital, even if He could buy everything, but he was also worried. After all, other people did not owe him life-saving grace like Wang Youcai, and more importantly, familiarity with Wang Youcai made Zhang Fan believe that Wang Youcai was a useful person.

If it is said that Zhang Fan went to find other people, then it is uncertain. It is very likely that these people agreed under the pressure of Zhang Fan or Jin Yiwei. When they faced Feng Bao again, they would It is very likely that because of fear of Feng Bao, he said something that should not have been said, that would be a huge trouble, and this kind of trouble is definitely not what Zhang Fan wants to encounter, so he only I found Wang Youcai for one.

There is another reason. After all, the nature of the matter is there. Naturally, the less people know about it, the better, lest in case something happens in the future, the news leaks out and a big mistake is made.

Therefore, Zhang Fan has always been worried about this matter. Yes, this step he arranged is definitely a key step that can turn the situation around. If this step is taken correctly, it is very likely that Feng Bao His plan stopped here, so that all the troubles now will disappear, everything will return to the way it was before, and the court will be able to settle down.

However, if Feng Bao is very persistent, it will be troublesome. What Zhang Fan is most afraid of is that Wang Youcai's words alone cannot conquer Feng Bao. In case Feng Bao finds another imperial physician to see Zhang Siwei If so, this lie will be exposed immediately. At that time, not only will Zhang Siwei not be saved, but Wang Youcai will have to be added, and these are not important. After a while, the imperial court will be in chaos again, and this is what Zhang Fan is most worried about.

But now it seems that everything is different. The possibility that I never thought of at first has actually appeared in front of me. It was originally a problem that I was absolutely worried about not happening, and it was also the biggest worry. It has become a situation where there is no need to worry at all.

To be honest, this kind of situation is what I hope to see, but it makes people feel a little unnatural, and there is a feeling that the gap is too big. This feeling is not pleasant at all.

This may be the so-called, people in the world have their own worries, but the things they worry about are different.

At this moment, Feng Bao's expression became more and more fierce, but facing Wang Youcai, he did not flinch at all this time. Even his waist, which had been bent long ago and could not straighten up, could not be straightened now. It was trying to straighten up, as if telling the other party his determination.

"Don't panic, father-in-law. I'll wait until the official asks about the situation." Liu Siwen hurried out to smooth things over, and asked Wang Youcai, "Prince Wang, what's going on? What's the condition of Mr. Zhang? Please tell the doctor clearly." ,"

"Master Liu," Wang Youcai stopped asking Feng Bao, turned to Liu Siwen, and said, "Just now, I have seen Master Zhang, and Master Zhang's health is indeed a problem, but now it has improved a lot. , will soon be cured, "

"Oh, what's going on?" Obviously, Liu Siwen still couldn't figure it out, "Since Mr. Zhang is sick, why can he practice like an ordinary sergeant in the army?"

"Returning to my lord, the condition of my lord Zhang is actually a little bit like that of all the lords present," Wang Youcai said. "It's still not moving around very much on weekdays. It seems that even if you come to the court, you will ride a horse and a sedan chair. The only ones who have to walk In the palace, that is, at home, and most of the time of the day is spent sitting, after a long time, the Qi and blood are not smooth, and the body is weak, so it is easy to do so,"

"So that's the case," Liu Siwen said, "It's just that there are many adults present, and some of them are older than Lord Zhang and have been in court for a longer time. Why did Lord Zhang's condition be so serious before? "

"I heard from the lower officials that Mr. Zhang was ordered by the former emperor to copy the "Yongle Dadian"," Wang Youcai said. For half a year or nearly a year, he was almost sitting, and rarely stood up and walked around, which is why he has become what he is now."

"That is to say..."

"That's right, as long as Mr. Zhang can exercise more now, his condition will naturally improve, and there is no need to take medicine at all. However, this also requires persistence," Wang Youcai said.

But Feng Bao cried out unwillingly,

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