"Over there in the southwest..." I heard the news from the southwest.Zhang Fan also became a little vigilant.Although he judging from the news he has obtained now.Those two were still a long time away from rebelling.And it won't be a big deal.But Zhang Fan is still very concerned about this.Now I heard the news came.then asked. "Why didn't you say it just now?" Zhang Fan said for a while.He also thought that Wang Meng was thinking about his own affairs.That's why I didn't say it.

"No. It's not that I don't talk about humble positions." Naturally, Wang Meng understood what Zhang Fan was referring to.Said. "It's just that. I really feel that this matter is not too important. And I can't confirm its authenticity for a while. So I plan to let it go. After all, although the affairs of the court have come to an end, it is not over yet. I want to wait until the adults are really free to talk about this matter."

Zhang Fan listened to Wang Meng's words.nodded.Of course he can understand.He also knew that Wang Meng would definitely not be the one because he didn't want to offend Shangguan.And the person who suppresses any important news.Since Wang Meng said it was not important.That's certainly not a big deal.Wang Meng has never been a person who does not distinguish between priorities.at this point.Zhang Fan believed in him very much.

"Since everything has been said, let's talk about it. What is it?" Zhang Fan asked. "It's hard to say. Something happened in the southwest. Or something happened to the Five Poison Sect."

"None." Wang Meng shook his head.Said. "It's about the agreement between my lord and that Fang Yueling."

"That matter." Hearing Wang Meng mention that matter.Zhang Fan also understood.Speaking of the agreement between him and Fang Yueling.There is only one thing.That is about how to find Fang Yueling's father.Fang Zhen, the previous leader of the Five Poison Sect, did something.

This matter is for Zhang Fan.It's actually not that big of a deal.After all anyway.Whether it's Fang Yueling or Fang Zhenqian.They are all reckless rivers and lakes.No matter how high their status in the arena is.Nor can it change the nature of their reckless nature.And the reason why Zhang Fan made this agreement with Fang Yueling.Except that at that time he was forced to because of the critical situation.The two sides also have the meaning of mutual use.

but.Since it is an agreement.No matter who the opponent is.Zhang Fan will abide by it.As for whether they will fight back after completing the agreement.That is also for the future.But things in the agreement.Must be done.As an official of the court.If you are facing someone of the same status.Maybe talking doesn't count.After all, both parties will have such thoughts and actions.

But in the face of other people.Especially those common people.Or desperadoes like Jianghu Caomang.When they look down on someone.But he will definitely keep his promise.This is not some morbid psychology.On the contrary, this kind of psychology is very easy to guess.If your social status is higher than that of the other party.Then when you are dealing with the other party.Talking doesn't count.Wouldn't it be self-defeating?

but.Promise is promise.However, Zhang Fan didn't feel that this matter was worth going all out for.With the strength of the imperial court.It was Jin Yiwei again.find someone.Isn't it very easy?So the order Zhang Fan issued at that time was.Ask around for news about Fang Zhenqian.Or inquire based on Fang Yueling's description.

And those few people who were photographed by him playing Infernal Affairs in the southwest.Although it also has the mission of this level.But that's not their top priority.Their most important task is.Always watch out for those who want to rebel.Report as soon as there is any news.Inquire about Fang Zhenqian.It's just an additional small task.

But.What Zhang Fan never expected was that.This matter is not as simple as he thought on the surface.This is not.It's been several months.Almost a year has passed.But there is no news about Fang Zhenqian at all.Not to mention the news of exactly where he was locked up.Not even a little bit of hearsay.

Just about it.Zhang Fan didn't care too much.After all, so long has passed.so many years.Fang Yueling herself has been inquiring about her father all the time.But there is no news.Even if you know the general direction.But still did not know the whereabouts of Fang Zhenqian.And Zhang Fan himself did not take this matter as a serious matter.So he himself is not in a hurry.

And now.Wang Meng actually said that there was news about this matter.Although this is not news that Zhang Fan should get excited about.But it did interest him.

"The news came. What did you say?" Zhang Fan asked. "Do you know where Fang Zhenqian is being held?"

"The news came from the brothers who sneaked into the Southwest." Wang Meng said with a frown. "It's just that I only found out a little bit. Where exactly Fang Zhengan was locked up. It's still unknown."

turn out to be.Although this matter is not important to Zhang Fan.But no matter for Fang Yueling.It was still Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.It's all very important.Especially Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.Know the importance of Fang Zhenqian to Fang Yueling.It is clearer whether they can control the Five Poison Sect and continue to serve them.It's all on Fang Zhengan's body.So they are absolutely tight-lipped about this matter.And Fang Yueling's side.Although he has already been told where his father is.It's just that she just stopped mobilizing people on the surface.But secretly never stopped looking for his father.Those two knew it well.So it is very good to protect this secret.Even with them.A confidant who knows about this matter.It is also no more than five fingers.

That's why.People sent by Zhang Fan.They have already mixed with those two people.But still can't find any news about Fang Zhenqian.everyone.Whether you know it or not.Just mention it.All of them kept their mouths shut.Don't talk about it anymore.Because of this matter.Zhang Fan's people can't even be locked.After all, it was the confidantes of those two people who knew about this matter.

then.Things were delayed like this.Until the beginning of the month.At a banquet.Just when I was drunk.Someone accidentally mentioned this incident.And how sensitive the Jinyiwei people are.Mention this matter.Immediately alerted.only.The people over there are not bad either.Just when I was still looking for an opportunity to ask questions.Over there, he was reminded by his companion.Just never speak again.

Although I still haven't heard anything.But this matter told them the direction.then.These people will look for another opportunity.I want to ask for clarification.At the very least, it is necessary to set out roughly where it is located.

The so-called nothing is difficult in the world.A willing heart.Now that we have a plan.Then it's no problem to do it.finally.six days ago.Zhang Fan's people finally seized such an opportunity.I made an appointment alone with the person who knew what was going on.After some wine and meat.The man still refused to take the bait.Even the life-saving guy was taken out.

Said to be a life-saving guy.It's actually a drug.No one knows the origin of this **.It is said that Jinyiwei was passed down in Weizhong when it was founded.It's just that only successive commanders can inherit.now.This prescription is in Zhang Fan's hands.The medicinal materials in it are not expensive.But it's the kind of thing that's hard to find.

That's not the point.the most important is.What this thing is for.It is really broad.can do**.Spray the air.Toxic to many; can also come in contact with skin.To poison one person.Not only medicine powder can be made.It can also be accommodated in wine and dishes.Everyone eats it and it works.

And it works.It's very magical.According to the amount of medicine given.will have different effects.Less is top-heavy.Moderate amounts can make people lose their minds.Any more can make a person unconscious on the spot.

And this medicine is colorless and tasteless.It's almost impossible to notice.Actually.For this recipe.Jin Yiwei didn't know how many experiments he had done.No matter how spiritual a person is.Or a specially trained person.None of them can withstand the effects of this medicine.And no matter how powerful the poison is.It is also impossible to find out whether you have been poisoned.Even if you tell them that they have won.They still can't see it.

Several people even used this very rare life-saving item.This is what made that person speak.only.Obviously, the news about Fang Zhenqian was buried very deep in their hearts.Even in this kind of **.They still refused to say Fang Zhenqian's name.

Several people have no choice.I had no choice but to ask him another way.Finally it can be confirmed.That was indeed Fang Zhenqian.However, when he asked him where Fang Zhenqian was.Several people are confused.

The man said that he didn't know where Fang Zhenqian was.In fact, several of them sent Fang Zhenqian away.Just along the way.They are all led by one person.And everyone else was blinded by a drug.Wait until it's time for a substitution.Use the antidote again.

This sounds like a lot of trouble.But I have to admit it.Zhang Yong and Wang Xin really paid too much attention to this matter.

This person was not the last to place Fang Zhenqian.According to his account.He is the penultimate one to place Fang Zhenqian.The road he leads is already a place he doesn't know.It is said to be far to the southwest.and.local people.Speak with a different accent from them.But the difference is not too much.

and.The most important thing.said the man.He saw the sea.

"The sea..." I heard Wang Meng mention the sea.Zhang Fan couldn't help but become curious. "How can there be an ocean?"

"I'm afraid it's Guangxi or Guangdong." Wang Meng said.

"Yeah. But the sea. Why the sea." Zhang Fan was puzzled. "Obviously there are so many places to hide. Why must it be next to the sea?"

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