The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 820 What Are Your Plans?

Zhang Fan really doesn't know why the Empress Dowager Li asked him about Zhang Siwei. Well, Zhang Fan can admit one thing. After the previous incident, the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhang Siwei is indeed very good. Not bad, but, after all, this time is very short, and Zhang Fan is not qualified to comment on Zhang Siwei to others, so just now, Zhang Fan didn't say anything when he answered Queen Mother Li's words, so he was considered impartial.

But when he said these words, Zhang Fan kept thinking about this, what was going on, why did the Empress Dowager Li ask him this question, why it was him, and regardless of other things, let’s just take why you asked him. Zhang Fan believed that Queen Mother Li must have asked other people this question, and even if she hadn't, after asking herself, she would ask others.

And this is obviously, Queen Mother Li must have some idea to ask this kind of question, and it is aimed at Zhang Siwei, but Zhang Fan is a little confused about what this idea is, of course, obviously this is not What a disaster, otherwise Empress Dowager Li would not have been able to ask such a question.

"Boldly, my minister, may I ask why the queen mother asked this question?" Zhang Fan, who really couldn't figure it out, felt that this matter was very important in his heart, so he couldn't help asking, but even though he didn't know, Zhang Fan felt that , this shouldn't be a bad thing.

"Well, this matter is actually nothing. It's okay to ask Aiqing to hear it." Obviously, Empress Dowager Li didn't intend to hide anything from Zhang Fan. Yesterday, when Zhang Qing’s family approached Ai’s family to talk about Jing Yan, and recommended Zhang Siwei, they mentioned one thing. Among the six senior scholars in the cabinet, Mr. Wang is over seventy years old, and he himself is also He wanted to retire, and mentioned it in front of Ai's family many times, and Zhang Qing's family also said the same thing, but at that time, the court was not as 'calm' as it is now, and there were not many people who could do it, so Ai The family did not express their position, and this matter was temporarily put aside.

"However, when Zhang Qing's family came here yesterday, they brought up this matter again, and the Ai family felt good about it. Moreover, the dictionary of Grand Scholar Wang has already been handed over to the Ai family, so..."

"The Empress Dowager wants to..." Hearing what the Empress Dowager Li said up to this point, Zhang Fan already understood what she meant, and it was natural to be surprised. "...I want Zhang Siwei to join the cabinet,"

"Why, is there any problem with this matter?" Seeing that Zhang Fan's reaction was so strong that it was a bit unexpected, Queen Mother Li couldn't help asking, "This matter is not a big deal in the first place. Why is Zhang Aiqing so angry? Surprised, I still say that Zhang Siwei will not be able to be a cabinet minister, "

"No, no, that's not what I mean," Zhang Fan immediately came back to his senses at the words of the Empress Dowager Li, and hurriedly said, "Whether it's the Queen Mother or Mrs. Zhang, I don't dare to choose people based on their ability." There are no complaints, but I am a little confused, why did I choose Zhang Siwei? Although there are not many people in the court who can take on this important task, there are still some, "

"Alas..." Empress Dowager Li sighed for a long time, and said with a helpless look, "As Ai Qing said, there are people in the court who can take on this important task, but there are really not many. Ge Shouli is a talented person, mature and prudent, and a veteran of the three dynasties. Regardless of knowledge or insight, he can be counted even if he is stricter. , and there are a lot of troubles, if he is asked to hold two positions, I am afraid that he is too old to do what he wants, "

"It''s..." Zhang Fan didn't refute Queen Mother Li's words.

"As for other people, some of them look like Ge Shouli, and their qualifications are enough, but some of them hold important positions, and some are quite old," said Queen Mother Li. That's the decision, but before issuing the decree, the Ai family also wanted to listen to other people's opinions, "

"If that's the case, I have no objection," Zhang Fan said, "As the humble official said, Zhang Siwei has no problem with taking on this important task in terms of qualifications, knowledge, or character. I want to object, but I have a question in my mind. People like Zhang Siwei are rare, but they are not uncommon. There are still a few people like him in the court. Why did the queen mother only take a fancy to him? ,"

Zhang Fan's question is not just that simple. After all, it wasn't long before Zhang Siwei was involved in a lawsuit. Empress Dowager Li made such a plan, and Zhang Fan had to think more about it. In fact, When thinking of this question, Zhang Fan already had two answers in his mind, two essentially the same answers.

In other words, after that incident, Empress Dowager Li has never done anything to Feng Bao, not even a beating that everyone, including Feng Bao himself, understood. Then this stick is too big and falls too heavy.

Although it is said that today's imperial court is almost completely controlled by Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng, and there is not much improvement if Zhang Siwei joins the cabinet, but this will cause big troubles in the future. If Queen Mother Li does this , then it is not a beating.

Or, because of what happened last time, Empress Dowager Li really felt dissatisfied with Feng Bao in her heart. In fact, speaking of it, this is worth pondering.

The current situation on the surface is that Feng Bao was favored by the Empress Dowager Li, and then took power and controlled the government, while Zhang Juzheng was attached to Feng Bao, and relying on Feng Bao's relationship, controlled the cabinet, and then controlled the government.

From this point of view, Feng Bao is the greatest, and Zhang Juzheng is just a person who climbed along the path and attached himself to Feng Bao.

But in fact, things are not like this. Feng Bao, in the final analysis, he is a eunuch, no matter how powerful he is now, this cannot be changed. In history, there are many eunuchs who cause chaos. But that is all because of the connivance of those in power. If the Empress Dowager Li wants to dismiss Feng Bao now, there will be troubles and the situation will be chaotic, but there is absolutely no major problem. The power vacuum, under her, the person who controls the real power, will immediately will be filled.

But in fact, Zhang Juzheng is the person that Empress Dowager Li needs to rely on the most. After all, according to the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty, the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics. She doesn't know how to do such things as listening to politics behind a curtain. It can be said that Queen Mother Li is a person who authorizes power without abusing it. In this regard, it is really commendable.

However, even so, she is a woman after all, and she is also a member of the harem after all. If the Ming Dynasty can prosper under her rule, then the halo must be placed on the emperor and those ministers who have made contributions. Although everyone will understand her achievements, they will definitely not sing her praises. Maybe there will be records in the history books, but there will not be too many.

However, if Da Ming went from bad to worse while she was in power, then the blame must be placed on her head.

That is to say, whether it is from the big aspect of good governance of Daming, or the small aspect of preserving her reputation, Empress Dowager Li must make the world of Daming better, and in this aspect, she can have It wasn't Feng Bao who acted, but Zhang Juzheng.

That is to say, although on the surface, there is Feng Bao between Zhang Juzheng and Queen Mother Li, but Feng Bao is not important as the center. If one day he is eliminated, there will be absolutely no problem, and it will only make the situation worse. Even better.

As far as Feng Bao is concerned, Zhang Juzheng's position is now supreme, but in fact, why doesn't he need to rely on Zhang Juzheng?

Could it be that Empress Dowager Li plans to abolish Feng Bao now.

"Hehe, this matter was not brought up by the Ai family." Facing Zhang Fan's question, Empress Dowager Li saw that he was also thinking hard, so she naturally understood what he was thinking, so she couldn't help but said, "Actually Come on, this is proposed by Zhang Qing's family, "

"What?" At this moment, Zhang Fan was really taken aback. This matter was actually proposed by Zhang Juzheng. He acts according to color, but now, Zhang Juzheng can't challenge Feng Bao.

Now Zhang Juzheng still has a lot of things that need to be attached to Feng Bao, and there are many handles in Feng Bao's hands. If Feng Bao was abolished by Queen Mother Li, then everything is easy to say, but if Zhang Juzheng participates in this matter , then everything is different.

Facing Queen Mother Li's words, Zhang Fan couldn't help but wonder: "It's always him...what is he planning to do?"

"Zhang Aiqing, the Ai family knows what you're thinking," and Empress Dowager Li said in front of Zhang Fan, "Actually, things are not as complicated as Aiqing thought. , it is also very useful for Aijia, "

"Queen Mother," although Queen Mother Li had punctured the matter in his heart, Zhang Fan didn't mean anything else, which was very obvious after all, "Then...could it be...the teacher recommended Zhang Siwei to join the cabinet... Could it be... "Zhang Fan also thought of a possibility.

"Yes, Zhang Siwei quite agrees with many things about Zhang Qing's family," said Queen Mother Li, "In the current cabinet, although Gaoyi is helping, the others are silent, but there is one more person It’s better than one less person, and Zhang Siwei is obviously a man who dares to speak, that’s enough,”

"I understand what the queen mother said, but..." Zhang Fan was still a little worried, "Is it really so simple?"

"Naturally. Could it be that Aiqing is still thinking about something else?" Queen Mother Li smiled and continued to walk forward.

But looking at the back of Queen Mother Li, and the graceful and luxurious smile without a trace of haze, Zhang Fan couldn't calm down.

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