Zhang Fan said that the money will come from him. This sentence itself is very simple and the reason is very clear. There is no ambiguity. The sentence is also very short and there will be no ambiguity at all. However, the point is not here , The point is, Zhang Fan's words made everyone present stunned.

How should I put it, the matter we are facing now is a major national event no matter what. Whether or not money will be paid in the end, it is a matter for the court and cannot be controlled by an individual. Zhang Fan now thinks What needs to be done, at a small scale, is to reduce disputes, and at a high level, participating in the preparation of war with one's own strength is just doing it for you.

Of course, although this matter sounds so incredible, it can be said that it is beyond one's ability to participate in this kind of matter with one's own strength, but it can also be said to be a kind of showing off. It's not that no one has done it. In fact, there were people in the Ming Dynasty who did it.

When the Ming Dynasty was founded, Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to build the Great Wall, but because he had no money, he had to find someone to build it with him, so he found the famous Shen Wansan, and Shen Wansan agreed, but Zhu Yuanzhang meant that one person would build half of it. , but Shen Wansan didn't think it was enough, he insisted on cultivating all of them.

This already made Zhu Yuanzhang very unhappy, but Shen Wansan was unconscious, and even said later that his money could not be spent, and he would distribute one tael of silver to all the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. It made Zhu Yuanzhang really angry. No matter how rich you are, Shen Wansan, you are just a merchant. Now you, a merchant, want to pay the army of Ming Dynasty. This is simply outrageous.

In the end, Shen Wansan's end was very sad. After all, even though Shen Wansan was as rich as an enemy, he was only a merchant after all, and his social status was not as good as that of a farm worker. As the emperor, it was not very easy for Zhu Yuanzhang to punish him.

In the end, just find any reason, and Shen’s house was ransacked three times, and Shen Wansan was also exiled in Yunnan three times. To despise everything, Shen Wansan paid the price for his arrogance.

It's just that, now that Zhang Fan has come forward to say this again, is it possible that he wants to follow in Shen Wansan's footsteps? No, of course Zhang Fan will not do that. First of all, his status is different from that of Shen Wansan back then. He is a soldier after all. , is the highest class in this society, second only to imperial power. Besides, he is different from Shen Wansan. The relationship between Shen Wansan and Zhu Yuanzhang, who is in power, is not good, and it can even be said to be bad. is unusual.

In short, the two are completely different existences, but this is not the case for the people present, especially those who were still singing the opposite tune just now.

"I don't know what the Grand Tutor means." Immediately, a person who came back to his senses said to Zhang Fan with a sneering look, "Could it be that the Grand Tutor feels that the imperial army needs the Taifu's money to pay for it?" It is not possible to make a sacrifice, or is it true that Lord Taifu really has so much money? Your Majesty, if I remember correctly, it has not been ten years since Lord Taifu became an official. How could there be such a thing? What about a million taels of silver?" He not only wanted to sue Zhang Fan for replacing him, but also sued Zhang Fan for corruption of ink.

Zhang Fan is very rich, and this matter has long been no secret in the court. So many banquets, including other kinds of people, have shown signs of this, but the people in the court know why Zhang Fan behaves like this. There are not many rich people, and there are actually only a few people who know the truth. For others, Zhang Fan's huge wealth actually comes from a series of "grey income", but because Zhang Fan is very favored, So no one wants to impeach him.

But now, it is different when Zhang Fan speaks out about it himself. Since he has admitted it himself, it is no problem to bring up this matter again. Therefore, everyone present also sees hope. .

To be honest, people in court don’t have too many thoughts about Zhang Fan. Firstly, it’s because Zhang Fan is really low-key and doesn’t make too much publicity. In the court, Fan almost never took the initiative to trouble anyone. Although Jin Yiwei's duty is inseparable from finding trouble, Zhang Fan will not do it blindly. The most important point is that if Jin Yiwei It is nothing short of a miracle to catch the wrong person and release him unscathed.

So for Zhang Fan, generally speaking, people's impressions are very good, but this does not mean that people will not have any thoughts about Zhang Fan, and it is precisely because Zhang Fan's performance never seems too much. For the tough reason, they all felt that maybe it was okay to make him trouble, but in fact, it was more of a jealous mentality.

But this matter, to be honest, they are just looking for trouble, and they don't expect to achieve anything, although they may succeed in suing Zhang Fan for being greedy for ink, after all, since Zhang Fan said something just now Words are the best evidence, even the emperor can't openly bless him, but they don't think what will happen to Zhang Fan, at most they will punish him a few words.

However, things will naturally not go as smoothly as they thought.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say about this matter." Before these people could figure out how to impeach Zhang Fan, someone stood up and spoke. It was Ge Shouli, "May I ask Your Majesty, If it is inconvenient for the court, it is not an exaggeration for the ministers to pay for the court affairs out of their own pockets."

"Of course it doesn't count," Zhu Yijun replied without thinking, "I have also received the scroll from Liaodong. Li Chengliang also spent a lot of money in order to resist Wang Gao, almost all of his salary was spent on In this regard, regardless of the amount of money, the nature of this matter is the same, if the courtiers are willing to pay, then there is no problem."

"In that case, my lords," after Ge Shouli finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at the people who were about to find fault, and said, "then there will be no problem for Mr. Zhang to do this matter, and you will not be impeached." Mr. Zhang's reason, "

In fact, ever since Ge Shouli stepped forward, these people have been quite puzzled. Everyone present couldn't be more clear about Ge Shouli's character. He was the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and he was almost in charge of such matters, but Ge Shouli would speak for Zhang Fan, which made these people puzzled.

"It's not wrong for the ministers to do something out of their own pockets," but even if they couldn't figure it out, some of them still wanted to say, "However, this matter cost millions of dollars, and what Mr. Zhang said is that all It's really nonsense for him to come out by himself. How much is the annual salary of a first-rank official in the court, and Mr. Zhang pays a million taels of silver as soon as he opens his mouth. Those who insult more than ten taels of silver will be divided into capital punishment, Your Majesty, if I remember correctly, this rule has not been abolished until now."

On the other hand, Zhu Yijun on the stage looked quite relaxed, sitting there without moving, as if he was not worried about Zhang Fan's troubles at all.

"Master Zhang," Ge Shouli didn't answer them immediately, but looked at Zhang Fan with a questioning look.

Facing Ge Shouli, Zhang Fan also smiled and nodded.

"Since Mr. Zhang agreed, I will tell you," Ge Shouli looked at those people again, and said, "Mr. Zhang does have the money, and it was when I was the Minister of the Ministry of Households that the emperor personally ordered it." It was awarded to Mr. Zhang, so now, how much Mr. Zhang wants to use it is Mr. Zhang's business, and it has nothing to do with corruption or the like."

"However, how could the former emperor have a million taels of silver?" Immediately, some people were surprised. Indeed, a reward of millions of taels of silver is indeed unusual, and it is even hard to figure out, but how could they You will understand that the reality is far from what they think.

"My lords still remember that year, Mr. Zhang was ordered by the late emperor to go to Jiangnan to investigate the corruption case," Ge Shouli said, "It's just that there are some things that your lords don't know. Back then, Mr. Zhang returned to Beijing from Jiangnan. At that time, a total of more than 5000 million taels of dirty silver was confiscated, "

"What, there are so many?"

"I really didn't expect..."


Immediately there was such a discussion below.

"The more than 5000 million taels of silver, according to the order of the late emperor..." Ge Shouli continued, "Thirty percent went to the treasury of the Ministry of Households, thirty percent went to His Majesty's internal treasury, and the remaining 2 percent, totaling more than [-] taels of silver , the former emperor gave all of them to Mr. Zhang, "

The more than 5000 million taels of silver just now, when this figure was reported, it really surprised everyone present, but that's all.

However, what Ge Shouli said next, 2000% of it, more than [-] million taels of silver, was all given to Zhang Fan by Zhu Zaihou, which is different.

After all, for a country, no matter how much money there is, it is nothing more than a surprise, but for a person, more than 2000 million taels, what kind of concept is that.

It's just that when these people were surprised, they really couldn't figure it out, but since Ge Shouli said it, then there is no question of whether it is true or not.

However, how could these people know that the inside story of why Zhu Zaihou rewarded Zhang Fan with so much money was purely for Zhu Zaihou's own indecent desires.

However, these are not important now. After all, it is enough to know that Zhang Fan's money came legally.

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