The morning morning of the previous few days.Zhu Yijun's words really frightened many people.certainly.Especially those few people who deliberately wanted to provoke trouble.He was even "threatened" by Zhu Yijun.The "damage" they have suffered is also the greatest.

Speak the truth.Zhu Yijun really left a deep impression on the people present this time.If you say before.Even if he is angry again.No one thought it would matter.after all.He is an emperor.Occupy the name of the emperor.But there is no emperor's power.and.This face-to-face accusation is really nothing.After all, the anger was vented.After a while there will be nothing.

But this time.The way Zhu Yijun showed it was different.anger.Indeed there is.And even more than ever.But that's beside the point.The point is that Zhu Yijun expressed this anger in another way.Not that one-off catharsis.But in a depressive matter who.It doesn't matter whether he is an emperor or a commoner.It doesn't matter whether he has power or not.But this approach is often the most disturbing.

There is a saying that "a gentleman takes revenge. Ten years is not too late."Perhaps ten years is indeed a long time.But this sentence cannot be understood literally.sometimes.Time is much more than that.Goujian, the king of Yue at that time.Try your best. In 18 years, Wu State was destroyed.this hatred.It will only get deeper and deeper.

but.Use this deep hatred to describe the relationship between Zhu Yijun, the emperor, and his ministers.It's really inappropriate.But the reasoning is the same.this time.Zhu Yijun has already expressed his heart.No matter how long it takes.He wants to punish the minister who insulted him today.

This is for Zhu Yijun.There is no difficulty at all.He is only 11 years old this year.The body is also very healthy.And as the emperor, he.One day in the future he will take power and govern himself.Wait until then.His "revenge" can begin.And wait until then.Once Zhu Yijun's actions start.No one can stop him.

and.this time.No one thought Zhu Yijun looked like he was joking.Even those few people told themselves thousands of times in their hearts.Zhu Yijun just said it casually out of anger.But they are not deceiving themselves.

all in all.These people were in bad luck this time.It's not just that the desired ending was not achieved.It also made the emperor miss himself.How to say this.House seemingly endless rain.It's just that they all asked for it.

And for this matter.It's not just these few people who care.These few people just suffered direct firepower.indeed.They should be more worried.But more.But it gave others a warning.warn them.Don't underestimate Zhu Yijun.Although he is now just a man with the title of emperor.But a powerless child.But one day he will grow up and be in charge.

It is precisely because of this.In fact, this incident made everyone make a decision.That is, the way of treating Zhu Yijun needs to be changed in the future.turn out to be.When Zhu Yijun just sat on the throne.Although everyone in the court knows.He's just a puppet.Although only temporarily.But after all, there is no power to decide the government.

And the way the court treats Zhu Yijun.That is, it is divided into two types.One is those with orthodox thoughts.Feel it from the beginning.Since Zhu Yijun is the emperor.Then those of them who are courtiers naturally have to obey the imperial power.Even the emperor has no power.Also be respectful.certainly.After a while.This camp will naturally split again.

One is people like Ge Shouli and Zhang Fan.He continued to respect the title of emperor.And some people think so.The emperor Zhu Yijun had no power or power.It seems that there is no benefit to continue to be respectful.Gradually.The mindset of this group of people has changed.

There is another kind of person.They haven't paid much attention to Zhu Yijun since he took the throne.I feel that this emperor is really not worthy of his honor.If it is not the throne of the emperor, you must respect it.I'm afraid they just want to avoid kneeling.

This kind of person thinks.At this time, Zhu Yijun was just an empty shelf.An empty shelf with the title of emperor on it.Even one day in the future.He can govern himself.But he will not take revenge on those who have made him feel uncomfortable.After all, since it is the emperor.Then there must be the measure of the emperor.and.Another point.These people think.Zhu Yijun will be in power for at least ten years.Ten years of resignation.Even if it is pro-government.But it won't do anything.

so.Now these people have no respect for Zhu Yijun at all.If there is anything to argue about.Then argue hard.There is no need to distinguish between superiority and inferiority.only.What these people can't think of is.Not to mention Zhu Yijun's temperament.Even the education he received.It wouldn't let him do that either.The teachings referred to here are not the great teachings at the sutra feast.It's about personal instruction.What this refers to.In fact, it was Zhang Fan, the person who often stayed with Zhu Yijun, who taught him.

Zhang Fan's teaching to Zhu Yijun is actually true.Very human.Zhang Fan never gave Zhu Yijun any hard and fast rules.Or insist on letting him do something.But this way of teaching.But it doesn't make Zhu Yijun weak.on the contrary.Let Zhu Yijun understand a lot of things.And Zhu Yijun is an emperor after all.Maybe he was born with such arrogance.Zhang Fan might be able to teach him patience.But he couldn't let him give up his anger.

And Zhang Fan naturally understood this.So he didn't intend to do much work on this aspect.It was just a waste of effort.and.Just like Dayu controlling the water.It is better to be sparse than to be blocked.Facing Zhu Yijun.Zhang Fan changed his method.He will not teach Zhu Yijun to give up.Instead, let him vent in another way.Nor is it purely suppressing anger.After all, what Zhu Yijun has suffered now.Everyone understands.If it is just a backlog blindly.Only bad things.

only.The method taught by Zhang Fan.It's actually kind of nasty.He told Zhu Yijun.Anyone who wants to bully him.Then make a note of him.There may be anger now.But now the problem is.I can't vent my anger.I can only suffer by myself.more uncomfortable.It's better to put it on the account.Remember to prepare for the fall.certainly.Will Zhu Yijun remember it by then?That's not Zhang Fan's business.

But apparently.This time Zhu Yijun was very concerned about this matter.both angry.Another way to buy it.Let everyone be memorable.Even these people don't know what Zhang Fan said to Zhu Yijun.But seeing Zhu Yijun's appearance.It is indeed terrible.

Another point.very important.Zhu Yijun is from the old Zhu family.Old Zhu's house.Especially since Zhu Dijing is hard to succeed.After sitting on the throne.The emperor of this line.Although those "personal preferences" may be different.But their temperaments are almost the same.

And this among them.The most memorable one is.These people are quite vengeful.For the people of Lao Zhu's family.Or hit back on the spot.And if you can't do anything because you are limited to the situation at the time.That's okay too.The people of Lao Zhu's family have a very good memory.Never forget these things.

The gentleman takes revenge.Ten years is not too late.For the emperor of the old Zhu family.Let alone ten years. 20 years, 30 years, 50 years.As long as people are alive.Then this enmity will be remembered.

This.For those who messed with them.But definitely not good news.Just like these people today.In fact, these people are the most unlucky.If you are facing an emperor who is in power.angered him.Or be beaten up.Or be beheaded.But it all happened on the spot.Even pain, even death.It's just a matter of time.

but.Their situation is different.They are now missed by Zhu Yijun, the little emperor who has not yet taken power.It doesn't sound scary.After all, even Zhu Yijun wanted revenge.Then we have to wait until after he takes office.And Zhu Yijun wants to be in charge of the government.At least it will take ten years.It's time to think about it.But it was also in time.

But.The fact is that's not the case at all.Just imagine.One can't cure you right now.But people who will surely be able to cure you in the future are thinking about you.How would you feel.Absolutely not good.And that's not all.This is for these ministers.It is almost equivalent to announcing their death sentence in advance.But implementation will take several years.

That sounds more generous.But think again.For those on death row.He clearly knew that he was going to die.It's just a matter of time.Then this time.It is simply suffering for them.In my mind, I kept thinking about what kind of tragedy I would be in then.And anyway.It will never be better.that feeling.that kind of day.It will last at least ten years.for anyone.It was all extremely tormenting.

It's okay to be mentally strong.Those who are not mentally strong will probably go crazy directly.

Especially for these few people.They did it this time.Not for the first time.That was enough long ago.Now it's time to find a way to fix it.It was already too late.

And the tragedy of these people.It is also a wake-up call to others.Perhaps Zhu Yijun is indeed still a child now.But precisely because he was a child.Still a child who will surely be in power in the future.Then it is even more impossible to offend.

perhaps.Even Zhu Yijun himself didn't know.What I did this time.On the contrary, it made his life much easier in the future.

But for Zhang Fan.These are nothing.He has no control over what Zhu Yijun will do in the future.Now for Zhang Fan.He just wanted to arrange things in Liaodong quickly.

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