The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 838 Continue to Embarrass

There are many unimaginable things in this world.There are many problems that people can't figure out and feel embarrassed.And now.Zhang Fan faced such a problem.

After Zhu Yijun asked the question.Zhang Fan froze immediately.Standing there is not moving.Did not say anything.And the face is turned green and white.It's like meeting a Tartar a loss.But it's right to think about it.Who could have imagined it.A child no more than 11 years old.Will ask such a question.

Zhang Fan's hearing is fine.He would never suspect that he had heard wrong.Not to mention that the question Zhu Yijun asked should be considered in a positive way.

Think about it too.Ask women what their "taste" is.No matter how you explain this problem, it will not become pure.and.When Zhu Yijun asked these words.It happened to be very smooth.There was no pause at all.Quite simply a seasoned "copper pea".And there was no embarrassment or embarrassment on his face.

In particular, such words came from Zhu Yijun's mouth.At first he spoke very smoothly.It's just a very experienced look.Second.If such words are said by others.Zhang Fan didn't think there was any problem.certainly.This is not because of Zhu Yijun's identity.Even an emperor.It's not that he can't say these words.Let’s talk about Zhang Fan’s personal experience.Longqing Emperor Zhu Zaihou.Lustful as one's life.The entire Qianqing Palace was decorated by him.There is no restraint at all.Moreover, Zhu Zaihou would not shy away from talking about this matter with Zhang Fan.

but.Now these words.His tone was exactly the same as that of Zhu Zaihou.But it was spit out from Zhu Yijun's mouth.Saying this in the voice of a child who is only 11 years old.Let alone Zhang Fan.I'm afraid anyone will find it weird when they hear it.

Unfortunately.The owner Zhu Yijun who said this was unconscious.Instead, he stared at Zhang Fan closely.Obviously, they were waiting for Zhang Fan's answer.

Zhang Fan wasn't wondering why Zhu Yijun knew these things.first.He is the prince after all.And as the only surviving son of Zhu Zaihou.Since Zhu Zaihou took the throne.After Zhu Yijun followed into the palace.Obviously.He also became the only prince.Trained as the heir to the throne.

And for an heir to the throne.Some things are important.Let's not talk about anything else.One of them.That is to spread branches and leaves.Let the royal bloodline Zhu Yijun is only 11 years old now.But he knows about men and women.This is not a strange thing for Zhang Fan.

Plus.Zhu Yijun has the pure presence of such a "maverick" father as Zhu Zaihou.Zhang Fan was even less curious.To know.Zhu Zaihou's special character was forced out by Emperor Jiajing.While making him very interested in that aspect.There is no scruple at all.Actually.No matter what Feng Bao said.Or Zhu Yijun said it unintentionally.Zhu Yijun himself has been to Qianqing Palace for a long time without knowing how many times.But I ran into Zhu Zaihou doing that kind of thing.

but.These are all very reasonable things.Zhang Fan wasn't surprised by this either.What's really weird about him is.What Zhu Yijun said.It doesn't matter if anyone else comes to listen.It is basically revealing a message.He has already tried what a woman "taste" is.That's why you're asking this question.

And obviously. Is it possible for 11-year-old Zhu Yijun?No.It's not a question of possibility.It's simply not possible.Even if he wanted to.It is also powerless.certainly.Feeling powerless is naturally temporary.

"Your" Zhang Fan didn't know what to say for a while.Just ignore these things and answer Zhu Yijun.Or just ask.

"What's wrong. Teacher." And Zhu Yijun at this time.He just put on a silly and naive look.Tilt your head.He looked like he didn't understand what was going on.Looking at Zhang Fan.asked. "I already asked. Why didn't the teacher answer me?"

Listen to him say these innocent words.Coupled with the innocent appearance when he said it just now.Overlaps with the question he just asked.Zhang Fan felt even more weird.Zhang Fan at this moment.I really regret it in my heart.He didn't know why he asked Zhu Yijun to ask questions.

If Zhu Yijun doesn't ask.That would be to let him look at him so weirdly for a few days at most.So what if it lasts for a month.There will always be a day that passes.but now.Zhu Yijun didn't seem to think so.But it seems that all the strange sights of that month have been concentrated.Zhu Yijun shot Zhang Fan all at once just now.

How can I describe Zhang Fan's feeling at this moment?Burn all five.It is also appropriate.And what Zhang Fan suffered was not only these.Even though it was already making him feel uncomfortable.But he had already promised Zhu Yijun just now.Will definitely answer him.

"What's wrong. Teacher." Obviously.Zhu Yijun also noticed Zhang Fan's strange appearance.Especially the body that is standing still.Coupled with Zhang Fan's constantly changing expression.Zhu Yijun thought something was wrong. "Is it not feeling well? Teacher, sit down and talk quickly." Talking.Zhu Yijun didn't care about his status as emperor at all.Stand up while talking.He helped Zhang Fan to a chair beside him and sat down.

And Zhang Fan.Obviously still in that state of mind-wandering.Being supported by Zhu Yijun did not mean to refuse at all.Just like that, he was helped to a chair beside him and got down.only.Zhang Fan's eyes remained fixed on Zhu Yijun.Even if it goes on.Still staring at Zhu Yijun.

After helping Zhang Fan to sit down.Zhu Yijun stood in front of him.In his stature.Now he can follow Zhang Fan who is sitting.Look out at the same level.But Zhu Yijun didn't think there was anything wrong with being stared at by Zhang Fan.A very calm look.

Immediately afterwards.Zhu Yijun made a look of sudden realization.Said: "Oh. So that's the case. I understand."

Zhu Yijun's voice was a bit loud.Bring Zhang Fan back to his senses.Quickly asked: "Your Majesty understands something." Actually.At this moment, Zhang Fan didn't know what he was talking about.It was just a question that came naturally.He didn't expect Zhu Yijun to answer him.

But Zhu Yijun took it seriously.Seriously said: "I understand. Compared with the teacher, it must be due to 'working hard' day and night. Now this is the physical discomfort. Hmm, this is not good. The teacher is the pillar of the dynasty. There are many things that the teacher needs to deal with every day It would not be good if there is any delay because of female sex. But if the teacher is not close to female sex, it seems that I am a little unsatisfactory. How about it. I heard that a batch of medicinal materials have been imported into the palace recently. Among them There are some extremely precious tonics. I heard that even if you have money, it is difficult to buy them outside. After the meeting, I will let people go to some. Let the teacher bring them back to nourish the body."

When Zhu Yijun said these words.The tone is still serious.It doesn't look like you're joking at all.When it comes to the word "toil".He accentuated his tone a little.Everything else is very serious.

originally.It was Zhang Fan who was awakened by Zhu Yijun's voice.Hear what he said.Once again fell into a state of petrification.original.Zhang Fan already thought it was very strange that Zhu Yijun would ask this question.But before he figured out why.Zhu Yijun said such shocking words.And there is also a lot of "care" in it.

"Yeah. The teacher also thinks it's not enough." Zhu Yijun saw that Zhang Fan ignored him.Already made a claim.Helped Zhang Fan to answer his own words. "If that's the case. I heard that the palace didn't just bring in medicinal materials this time. There are also a lot of novelties. It can help the teacher..."

"Your Majesty." Zhang Fan finally came to his senses.Or maybe he was frightened by Zhu Yijun's words. "Your Majesty, please stop talking." Zhang Fan shouted loudly.

Zhu Yijun was startled by Zhang Fan's roar.Looking at Zhang Fan.Suspicion on the face: "Teacher, what's the matter."

"Why does Your Majesty ask such a question?" Zhang Fan calmed down.Said. "It was His Majesty who wanted to ask. Or someone else told His Majesty."

"Of course it's me... um. Not really." Zhu Yijun thought for a while.Said. "That day I also heard that Joanna came to Daming and lived in the teacher's house. It is said that she plans to live here. It is hard to say. The teacher is not interested in her. Impossible. If not, the teacher will do it. It's a big mistake. No matter what she said, she is also a woman. She has already lived in the teacher's house. If the teacher doesn't accept her, she will not be able to marry in the future."

"No. This is not what Wei Chen asked." Zhang Fan shook his head.Said. "Weichen is indeed interested in her. But it's not... no. These are not the point. The point is why His Majesty asked Weichen those questions just now. It's hard to say. This is what His Majesty wants to ask himself."

"That's not true." Zhu Yijun also confessed.Said very bluntly. "Actually, I didn't think about that at all. It was just that I heard two young eunuchs chatting in the palace the day before yesterday. I hid aside and listened. I thought what they said made sense. So I decided to ask the teacher. What is the matter?" Is it true?"

Hear what Zhu Yijun said.Zhang Fan finally recovered.even though.I still feel very uncomfortable.But at least.I know this is not what Zhu Yijun meant.That's enough.

"Your Majesty is waiting." Zhang Fan stood up. "Weichen has some things to do."

"Hey. Where are you going, teacher? The story is not over yet." Zhu Yijun said. "Is there anything that can't be said later."

"Your Majesty, this matter cannot wait." Zhang Fan said without turning his head.Just walked out.

Zhu Yijun was left alone.His face was inexplicable.Obviously.He really didn't know anything.or.He actually understood it in his heart.

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