The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 840 Feng Bao Was Surprised

"Master Zhang." Feng Bao was thinking about something.Walking slowly.Just passing by the gate of Qianqing Palace.Instead, he saw Zhang Fan coming out in a hurry.And not just fast.He also looked a little anxious on his face.Feng Bao who didn't know what was going on.Called Zhang Fan.Want to ask.

"Oh. It's Eunuch Feng." Zhang Fan was stopped by someone.stopped.Just happened to see Feng Bao. "I don't know if my father-in-law called Yuande. Something can't be done."

"No. Mr. Zhang misunderstood. There is nothing wrong with our family." Feng Bao said with a smile. "It's just that our family saw Mr. Zhang coming out of His Majesty in a hurry. In addition, Mr. Zhang will leave within an hour after entering the palace. Could it be that something happened?"

"No. Father-in-law misunderstood. There is really nothing wrong with Yuande. It's just that I don't want to stay here anymore." Zhang Fan looked helpless.Said to Feng Bao. "No. I'll come out right away."

"What's the matter?" Feng Bao said something inexplicably when he saw Zhang Fan and was about to leave.Hastily grabbed him.asked curiously. "Could it be that something unpleasant happened between Mr. Zhang and His Majesty? Oops. Mr. Zhang, don't blame our family for being naughty. Your Majesty is the Ninth Five-Year Lord after all. Mr. Zhang is a courtier. Even if there is any unhappiness between the courtier and the king A courtier can't just wave his sleeves and leave like this. What's more, the relationship between Lord Zhang and His Majesty is obvious to all the ministers in the court. There is no unpleasant thing that can't be said."

"Oh, Eunuch Feng. Don't say any more. It's not what Eunuch thinks." Zhang Fan broke away from Feng Bao's hand that was holding onto his sleeve.Said helplessly. "My father-in-law just said that. How could Yuande not know. If there is really any disagreement between Your Majesty and Yuande, Yuande is a subject. How can he just leave like this."

"Then... please forgive us for being curious. Why is Master Zhang?" Feng Bao asked.

Seeing Feng Bao's curious look.Zhang Fan didn't intend to say anything at first.After all, this kind of thing is getting more and more chaotic.It's better not to say it.But Feng Bao's appearance.It made Zhang Fan feel a little bit worried.Maybe the eunuchs are gossiping.Or maybe Feng Bao has been too bored recently.Take care of everything.When you encounter something curious, you must check it out.In short.Although Feng Bao didn't say anything now.But from Zhang Fan's point of view.If you don't say it yourself.I'm afraid Feng Bao will also go to someone to inquire about it.

even though.When Zhu Yijun told him about those things just now.Just the two of them.No outsider heard it.But Dongchang's ability.Zhang Fan still understood.Just in case.Ask Feng Bao to inquire about the news.That's another endless hassle.

Think again.Zhang Fan felt down.Instead of hiding it like this.Let Feng Bao check it out himself.Then make it known to everyone.Knowing that Zhu Yijun asked Zhang Fan these questions.It's better to just tell Feng Baolai like this.At least.This is just to let Feng Bao know alone.And be able to speak clearly.otherwise.Everyone had the same thought.It was impossible for Zhang Fan to explain to them one by one.Second, he even explained it.I'm afraid no one will believe it.Only Feng Bao's words.Fortunately, explain a little bit.

"Alas..." Zhang Fan let out a long sigh.Not that he was pretending.In fact, even if he has already made up his mind to tell Feng Bao about it.But for a while, he didn't know what to say.Think for a long time.It was Feng Bao's side.He whispered to him, "Your Majesty is asking me about women. I'm not good at answering. This is how I escaped."

"So that's what happened." Feng Bao listened to Zhang Fan's words.A look of sudden realization.But right away.His complexion changed again.Looking at Zhang Fan.Said. "No. Mr. Zhang is trying to lie to our family."

"This... what is the father-in-law talking about?" Zhang Fan was very embarrassed and said such words.But Feng Bao replied like this.Naturally, I was surprised.Also feel bad. "This... what I say is true. Father-in-law... how can you not believe it. "

"My lord Zhang. Don't say that your Majesty is young now. He won't ask you these things." Feng Bao looked at ease.Said to Zhang Fan. "Even if His Majesty asked, Mr. Zhang wouldn't have escaped in such embarrassment. It's not like Mr. Zhang has experienced nothing. Now it's not just wives and concubines. Recently, our family heard that the one who came to my Daming last time Special Envoy of Frangji. What is her name? Joanna seems to be. I heard that this Joanna is also because of the adults. Now she doesn’t even want the emperor of her own country, or even the title. She is willing to come to Daming to follow Master Zhang. It's not that our family is envious. Our family doesn't have the capital to be envious. But when it comes to this romance, it's very romantic. I'm afraid no one can match Mr. Zhang. Even if it's because His Majesty is young. Asking this kind of question It's not good for Master Zhang to tell His Majesty. But he shouldn't run away like this. What's more, although His Majesty is young, he has been a prince since childhood. Our family knows it best. Your Majesty knows it. Absolutely It's more than Mr. Zhang thought.

"So. If Your Majesty asks about such things as Your Majesty, Your Majesty should explain it to His Majesty in detail. Now Your Majesty is so angry. This situation is really not like what Your Majesty said just now. Master Zhang. Our family It’s just a momentary curiosity. I just hope that the adults will tell our family. Our family promises to rot in the stomach. It will never be revealed. If the adults refuse to tell, then don’t blame our family to inquire about it.”

"Sigh. Father-in-law. Everything Yuande said is true." Zhang Fan didn't believe Feng Bao.I couldn't help but feel a little anxious.Said. "What's more. It's just like what my father-in-law said. If my father-in-law went to inquire about it, he would naturally be able to ask about it. Others don't know about his ability in this area. How can I not know about it. It's just that this is really the case .Yuande really didn't intend to deceive his father-in-law at all." When Zhang Fan said these words.The expression is also a little impatient.

And even Zhang Fan has already talked about this.Feng Bao still looked like he didn't want to believe it.even though.What Zhang Fan said was very sincere.Although a little impatient.But judging by Feng Bao's ability to see people for so many years.He really couldn't tell that Zhang Fan was lying.certainly.Zhang Fan has something to hide.Feng Bao can naturally see this.But it really couldn't be seen that Zhang Fan was lying to him.only.What Zhang Fan said itself.Feng Bao really couldn't believe it.

"Eunuch, Zhang Fan will tell you the truth." Zhang Fan still didn't believe him.I also understand in my heart.Today I have to explain this issue clearly.Otherwise, it will only get more and more messy.He looked.Although the nearest guards are far away from them.Shouldn't hear them talking.But Zhang Fan still pulled Feng Bao a little farther away.That's what he said. "Your Majesty did ask me about women."

And obviously.Feng Bao still didn't believe it.Talk again.

"Elder-in-law, don't panic. Just listen to me." Zhang Fan stopped him.Said. "Also. The question His Majesty asked. It was about me."

"Oh. About Mr. Zhang." Feng Bao heard what Zhang Fan said.I was also a little surprised.And there is some funny look in the surprise. "It's hard to say. His Majesty is asking. Ask Mr. Zhang"

And Zhang Fan.A look of extreme helplessness.nodded.

"This... this..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.At this time, even Feng Bao didn't know what to say for a while.It's not that he doesn't believe Zhang Fan's words.It was based on his understanding of Zhu Yijun.He knew that Zhu Yijun could really ask Zhang Fan like this.And now.this kind of thing.No matter who you ask.The other party will be a little overwhelmed.

at this time.Feng Bao's words that Zhu Yijun is the emperor just now are useless.this kind of thing.If peers ask.It's okay to talk about such dirty jokes.But for a child like Zhu Yijun.Let Zhang Fan know how to speak.

"And..." Zhang Fan nodded.continued. "My father-in-law has actually said this matter just now. It has something to do with Joanna."

"What..." Zhang Fan said.Feng Bao was surprised again. "Could it be that. His Majesty was just asking your lord, are you and that...then..."

Zhang Fan didn't speak.There is no need to say anything more.Just nodded.

All of a sudden.Feng Bao was really troubled in his heart.He didn't know what expression to use to face Zhang Fan.It's not just a matter of smiling.And in a eunuch.One is a eunuch though.But he has been on duty in the palace for so many years.Especially during the six years of Long Qing's reign.It can be said that Feng Baolai has seen all kinds of weird things.At this moment, he also didn't know how to talk to Zhang Fan.

then.I don't know if I was confused or what.Feng Bao actually looked unconscious.Said to Zhang Fan: "Then... I wonder if Mr. Zhang has tried it. What is it like?"

Zhang Fan was stunned immediately.He never thought of it.Feng Bao actually asked the same question.answer.This is a fart answer.Zhang Fan shook off Feng Bao.Turn around immediately.about to leave.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Zhang. Please wait, Mr. Zhang." Feng Bao also came to his senses.Hurry up and grab Zhang Fan.Said. "Don't blame Mr. Zhang. It's because our family didn't recover for a while. We said something wrong. I hope Mr. Zhang will forgive you."

"Father-in-law, I've finished what I need to say. If there is nothing else, please forgive Zhang Fan for leaving." Zhang Fan said helplessly.

"Master Zhang. Listen to our family." Feng Bao said. "Our family really needs to discuss other matters with Mr. Zhang. It's not a joke. It's definitely not a joke."

Listen to what Feng Bao said.That's when Zhang Fan stopped.turn around.

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