Zhu Yijun's words.It's too overwhelming.But Yu Menggui had no choice.As he said.Status is there.He is a subject.And Zhu Yijun is the emperor.As the saying goes.The king wants his subjects to die.The minister had to die.No matter from which aspect.If Zhu Yijun asked him to do something.He had no room for rebuttal at all.I can only obey obediently.And now.This is the case.Zhu Yijun, the emperor, did so without grace.The words have come to this stage.But he said it anyway.No one can blame him for anything.Even if you are dissatisfied.But you can't be dissatisfied with your mouth.

After Zhu Yijun finished speaking.Just sit there quietly.Looking at Yu Menggui.Wait for him to speak.He was in no hurry.He understood in his heart.I said so myself.Anyway.There are only two choices for Yu Menggui.One is to answer Zhang Siwei's words.Then lose face; the other is to hold back.But that is to be served by the imperial staff.

Now this court staff.That was in the hands of Feng Bao and Zhang Fan.If.If only Zhang Fan is in command.That would definitely save a life.But unfortunately.The imperial staff of the Ming court.It has always been controlled by eunuchs.Now it is Feng Bao.Now.It has been a while since the morning dynasty started.But Feng Bao didn't say a word.And no one paid attention to him.But occasionally.When I saw the person standing next to the dragon chair.Especially the one who glanced at him occasionally, although with a smile.But the eyes are behind the icy face.No one would think that Feng Bao was going to stand there today and do nothing.Even if he doesn't do anything now.But wait until later.It doesn't take long.It is after the early morning.I'm afraid someone will be unlucky.

Of course.If Zhu Yijun gave someone the punishment of the court rod now.All believe it.Feng Bao will definitely execute it happily.and.That standing look.And definitely toes inwards.It takes at least ten strokes of the court staff to complete the task.If Feng Bao did this.No more than five strokes.Then a human life has to be accounted for there.

After all.What is the backbone of this thing?Now it can barely be regarded as a peaceful and prosperous age.This is not the time for the country to be ruined.Nor did I face the kind of enemy that is either you die or I die.Even the more sticklers.Such a thing as backbone.It is also not worth the importance of life.Let alone this Yu Menggui.I'm afraid it will be replaced by another person.So it will be.

The reason why these people insist on clamoring against the "Testing Law" is because the "Testing Law" has harmed their interests.To put it bluntly.That's because the "Testing Method" blocked their way of making money.And obviously.No matter this way of making money is a broad road.It's still a sheep's intestines.None of them are worth your life to maintain.

In this way.Yu Menggui really couldn't keep his mouth shut.if not.He lost his life because he didn't want to lose face.It's really not worth it.

"If...if it is said..." Finally.Yu Menggui spoke now.Although it sounds very reluctant.But it's better than saying nothing. "Master Zhang. It's not that the lower officials don't answer. It's that the lower officials can't answer either. The lower officials are about to ask Master Zhang for advice." Okay.This change is really fast enough.Just now it was "as a colleague. Equal status".Now this immediately began to call himself a "lower official".This can be regarded as a big loss of face.I didn't see Yu Menggui saying these words at the same time.His face was flushed red.The expression on the face is as unnatural as possible.

but.Things have come to this point.But no one went back and laughed at him.This is not a concession.If you make concessions.He should have said that a long time ago.But it took him so long to say such a thing.Obviously, this is being forced to be helpless.There is only one way to go.

"Yeah. Master Yu's words. I can understand." Zhang Siwei saw that he was subdued.It didn't force me any more.But he still intends to curse him a few words. "After all, Master Yu is also busy with official duties. I think I haven't studied this kind of thing much. But it's nothing. I'm here to tell Master Yu.

"Now, the way the court manages officials. I don't need to talk about this anymore. I think everyone here must understand better than me. But now, the court just wants to add an additional "Testing Law". Presumably what is going on with the "Kaochengfa". I don't need to talk about it. However, everyone, please think about it. Whether to add this "Kaochengfa". What changes in the court. Not yet Do you still have to do something? This "Testing Method" is plain. It is just a means of supervision. It is not necessarily complicated to implement. It is just a few more procedures than before. As for Everything else. It's business as usual. Nothing has changed at all.

"If there is really a problem, it is also its own problem. But it will definitely not affect the various matters in the court. What's more, so many adults are thinking about it now. I still haven't thought about it. There are some flaws. That's why this official said. The worry that Mr. Yu said is not a problem.

"Master Yu. I don't know what the official said. But I understand."

"Master Zhang's words are very clear. How could the lower officials not understand." Yu Menggui said.It's just that there is still some dissatisfaction on the face.It seems to be saying "Even if what you Zhang Siwei said makes sense. But use the emperor to suppress me. I just don't accept it". "only……"

Seeing Yu Menggui has already reached this point.But still refused to give up.Still want to say something to struggle.Zhang Siwei no longer had so many scruples.interrupted him.He opened his mouth and said, "By the way, Master Yu. I have something to ask you."

"I don't know what Mr. Zhang wants to ask. As long as the lower officials know, I should answer it myself." Yu Menggui at this time.It has changed back to the humble appearance at the beginning.He didn't even care about Zhang Siwei interrupting his words.It's not that he suddenly changed his temper.Only he realizes it.The situation today is that the situation is stronger than the people.If there is anything else he wants to say.Then you have to lower your eyebrows and be pleasing to the eye.Otherwise there would be trouble again.

"If so, I'm going to say something off topic here. Mr. Yu probably won't object." Zhang Siwei put on a very mysterious look.Said.

Hear what Zhang Siwei said.Yu Menggui frowned slightly.He couldn't figure it out at all for a moment.What Zhang Siwei wanted to say.But now Zhang Siwei has spoken.He is not good at refuting.Moreover.He had already lost his face before.Now even if it is a little more condescending.It's not too difficult: "Master Zhang, but it's okay to say. As long as His Majesty doesn't object. Naturally, I have nothing to say."

And Zhu Yijun.This time there is no need to remind at all.See someone looking at him.He just nodded.Agree.

"Since His Majesty has agreed. Then Lord Yu, I can just say it." Zhang Siwei looked at Yu Menggui.He looked at the other people who had been looking at him with curious eyes.Open your mouth and say. "The relationship between this official and Mr. Yu is not that deep. However, I have heard some things about Mr. Yu. If the news I heard is good, Mr. Yu is from Fengyang Mansion, isn't it?"

"Master Zhang is right. This official is from Fengyang Mansion. I am lucky to be born in the same place as His Majesty Taizu. It is really a blessing from several generations of cultivation." Yu Menggui said with a smile.But he still didn't understand in his heart.Why did Zhang Siwei say this?

And let alone Yu Menggui.Almost everyone present did not understand.Why did Zhang Siwei bring up this matter.It doesn't matter if Yu Menggui was born in Fengyang or Nanjing.This matter is completely different from whether the imperial court uses the "Tao Cheng Fa".

But at the same time.Everyone present also understood.Yu Menggui is definitely not a person who will aimlessly.Since he would say so.Then there must be a reason for this.

"Well. There is nothing wrong with that." Zhang Siwei said. "Master Yu is really kind. Born in such a place, it is really enviable. By the way, I heard that Fengyang Mansion has recently changed governors and inspectors. The original governor and inspectors of Fengyang Mansion are also the same. Nothing. But it is said that someone was offended. I don’t know who participated in several books. In the end, the cabinet was also under pressure. In addition, it was finally found out. The two of them are indeed corrupt officials. It is said that they often go to dinner No money. They also embezzled 18 taels of silver from a local member. The cabinet saw that the evidence was convincing, so it no longer considered it. The two of them were replaced. Now, the governor and governor of Fengyang have new people. The new The name of the governor is Wang Zongmu. The name of the new inspector is Zhang Genghua. According to the files obtained by the Ministry of Officials, these two people were also born in Fengyang. Yang. Will it. Between you. Get to know each other."

Zhang Siwei's words.What exactly does that mean.Perhaps no one could understand at first.But in the end.Almost everyone.Even Zhu Yijun understood what he meant.But for Yu Menggui.He himself knows best what he has done.Actually.When Zhang Siwei just said that Fengyang Mansion had recently changed its governor and governor.Yu Menggui already knew what Zhang Siwei was going to say in his heart.

This surprise.But it's a little different.If it was said that Yu Menggui's face had changed color or turned pale before.Now it is extremely pale.It was as if the soul had been taken away.

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