The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 862 is not a trivial matter

"Queen Dowager." Hearing that Empress Dowager Li asked him to enter the palace.Zhang Fan was a little confused.For a moment, he couldn't figure out what Empress Dowager Li would want to find him.At most, it was when he was told to accompany Zhu Yijun to Qiushou tomorrow.Just keep an eye on it.But these things.She had already explained to Zhang Fan.Queen Mother Li is not the kind of talkative person.What he said once, he won't say again. "The father-in-law who came to deliver the letter. Can you tell me what it is?"

"Return to the master. The father-in-law didn't say anything. He just said that the queen mother let the master into the palace." The servant replied. "Master. I also think this father-in-law is a bit strange. The master has explained it before. If any father-in-law in the palace comes to pass the news, they will give some money. This father-in-law is nice. It seems that there is something urgent. After saying this, he turned his head and left."

Listen to what the next person said.Zhang Fan also frowned.This all sounds a bit unbelievable.Empress Dowager Li asked him to enter the palace.That's nothing.After all, the relationship between him and Queen Mother Li.Although not as close as she is to Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng.But it's not bad either.If Empress Dowager Li had something to call Zhang Fan alone.It's not that Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.

only.The little eunuch who reported the letter.Not even silver.This is really a bit abnormal.It could even be said to be.Something that should never have happened.Now it happened.

Logically speaking.Think of people like eunuchs.Help the Empress Dowager deliver the message.That's as it should be.Even if you want to domineering.Or simply to ask for a little bargain or something.But it also depends on the object.Someone like Zhang Fan.Needless to say.He also can't hold the shelf.I can't afford to offend even more.

Of course.There is a good saying.I would rather offend a gentleman.Don't offend the villain.Although it is indeed somewhat biased to use the word "little man" to describe all eunuchs in general.But historical things.That seems to be the case.After all, eunuchs are flawed people.Physical defects bring about psychological changes.This is normal.The vast majority of eunuchs.They are all narrow-minded.And because of physical reasons.There will always be some inferiority complex.The development of this inferiority complex.In the end, it will also make them guard against others.always feel.People look at them with other emotions.therefore.Even if there is a little bit of contemptuous language and actions for them.Even if it wasn't intentional.It will also make them hate.

And for eunuchs.They are in the palace.Who knows when they will be spotted by some noble person in the palace.Soaring to the top.By the time.Whoever they hate is going to have this endless trouble.

certainly.This is not the point here.Only for eunuchs.Take the initiative not to ask for money.This is really confusing.unless.It was the person who asked him to report to him to tell him so.But Zhang Fan knew it was impossible without thinking about it.Empress Dowager Li is the empress dowager of a country.The emperor's biological mother.He is also the de facto ruler of the Ming Dynasty today.Her words and deeds are all intended to represent the image of such a huge empire.She would definitely not confess to a little eunuch.Let him not allow such things as taking people's money.

That is another possibility.That's what the little eunuch who came to report the letter knew in his heart.Empress Dowager Li wants Zhang Fan to pass by.It's something very important.even.Once he delays because of some selfishness.There is a good chance that big trouble will ensue.Even if it is because of this, it is possible to lose his head.

The important thing is not what will happen to the little eunuch.But through this little thing.Zhang Fan could tell.Empress Dowager Li is definitely not looking for him to make troubles.There must be something important to tell him.If so.Zhang Fan began to think in his mind.What important things will Empress Dowager Li do when she finds him?Actually.If you really think about it so carefully.Empress Dowager Li has nothing too important at all.Even if she holds real power now.But unless something really big goes wrong.Otherwise, he wouldn't ask too much.not to mention.Today's North Korea and China have no major problems at all.

About Zhu Yijun.Zhang Fan couldn't think of anything.If it is about autumn hunting.A few days ago, she had already explained to Zhang Fan.

So what's left.There is only one thing.And Zhang Fan also understood.If it's really about that thing.That's something to really think about.after all.The stakes are high.It is not too much to be cautious.

"Sanggong. Don't change the subject." And now.Zhaoxue didn't seem to realize the importance of the matter.He thought that Zhang Fan would take advantage of the fact that Empress Dowager Li summoned him to escape temporarily.Hurry up and talk. "Today. I must let Xianggong..."

Zhaoxue hadn't finished speaking.It was stopped by Yingyue pulling half of her sleeve.Yingyue had already noticed that something was wrong.After all, Zhang Fan's expression was there.Obviously thought of something important.But at this time.Zhaoxue still looked ignorant.Even talking to disturb Zhang Fan.Of course Yingyue had to hold her back.

"Xianggong." Knowing that Zhaoxue still has something to say.Yingyue speaks first.sealed her mouth. "There is something in the palace. My husband should go quickly. The queen mother wants to summon my husband. It must not be a trivial matter. I have a concubine here. Don't worry about me. If there is anything, I will talk about it after my husband comes back at night."

"En." Zhang Fan nodded.stood up.Said. "The Empress Dowager let me enter the palace at this time. It must not be a trivial matter. I have to go and have a look. If there is anything to do, let me talk about it when I come back." Finished.Zhang Fan raised his leg and walked out.

And looked at the back of Zhang Fan going out.Zhaoxue still looked unconvinced.The mouth pouted.He muttered in a very small voice: "In the end, he ran away. Hmph. When he comes back, I will definitely ask. I need an explanation."

Looking at Zhaoxue's appearance.Yingyue standing beside her showed a look of "I really can't do anything about you".Sighed: "You." Then he shook his head.Turned around and went back to the room.

Zhaoxue was left standing there alone.With a look of confusion: "What's the matter? It's all. It's all mysterious. Isn't it just summoned by the queen mother in the palace. What's so great about it." Dare to feel.She still hasn't figured out what's going on.Still not convinced.

Come out from home.Temporarily let go of the helplessness and laughter that Zhaoxue brought to me.Zhang Fan asked someone to lead the horse.Get on the horse and go straight to the palace.

all the way.Zhang Fan was thinking about Queen Mother Li looking for him.And thought about it.Zhang Fan also found it more and more tricky.If it is about the Empress Dowager Li looking for him.If it is one thing with what he thinks.That would be really difficult.and.Even Zhang Fan could guess what Queen Mother Li wanted him to do.Just that kind of thing.Zhang Fan didn't want to think about it at all.There's nothing wrong with doing it though.But once things come to light, it's a big problem.

Whether you want to think about it or not is one thing.If Queen Mother Li really wants him to do it.Then he has no choice.It has to be done.Just do it.He just had to be ready.It is best not to leave a little handle.Even if it makes people suspicious.But absolutely no evidence can be found.But we must not let the matter become the same as what happened to Feng Bao before.Haven't done it yet.It had already made him guess what was going on.

"Come here." Thinking of this.Zhang Fan no longer hesitated.Said to one of the guards beside him. "You go to the Yamen. Let Wang Meng and Liang Chao wait there. I will go see them after I leave the palace. I have something important to say."

"Understood." The man responded.Then he turned around and rode his horse towards the Yamen.

And Zhang Fan continued to walk towards the palace.Only at this moment.His mood also became more and more serious.

Come to the palace.This time, he didn't even need to show his waist badge.The guards at the door are all automatically released.obviously.This was explained by Queen Mother Li.this little thing.It also made the doubt in Zhang Fan's heart more convinced.

Walk quickly all the way to the Compassion Palace.No one blocked me on the way.Did not meet any acquaintances.But the more so.Zhang Fan's feeling is getting worse and worse.

Came to the gate of Compassionate Peace Palace.Zhang Fan didn't need to report at all.As soon as he saw Zhang Fan, someone welcomed him in.

"My humble minister, Zhang Fan. Kowtow to the Queen Mother." After Zhang Fan entered the door.I will bow down.

"There's no need for Zhang Aiqing." Empress Dowager Li was also impatient.Don't care about these etiquette at all.Said. "There is no one else here. Only Aijia and you. There is no need to talk about those etiquettes. It will cause trouble."

"Yes." Zhang Fan didn't seem stubborn.Just didn't kneel down.

"You know. Ai's family asked you to come here at this time. What's the matter?" Queen Mother Li stopped saying those polite words.Go straight.It can be seen that she is really anxious about this matter.

"This... Weichen is dull. What the Queen Mother is thinking. Weichen can't understand." Although Queen Mother Li said it very bluntly.But Zhang Fan didn't dare to accept it.That's all I can say.

"Hmph. Unexpected. I'm afraid I dare not say it." Queen Mother Li sneered.Said. "But this matter is of great importance after all. It is natural for you to be worried. But now. The matter has come to this point. It is not the time to hide it. It is better to say it directly. That's it. Today in In the Palace of Compassion and Ning. No matter what you say, the Ai family will forgive you for your innocence. Now you can talk about it. Why did the Ai family ask you to come here today. You have something to worry about."

"Return to the queen mother's words." Zhang Fan also stopped pretending.Said. "Weichen has some guesses. I don't know if I'm sure."

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