The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 864 On the way

Because the Ming Dynasty never regarded autumn hunting as a tradition.There is no need to borrow it to keep something.So even if the autumn hunting started.But there is no specific place.Needless to say, of course.But if we talk about the most recent.For example, the Zhengde dynasty.That would be interesting.After all, Emperor Zhengde's temperament is there.If he said Qiushou.But according to the mood.There is absolutely no fixed place.Not to mention somewhere on the outskirts of the capital.It may even be in the other courtyard of the palace.Put some animals in for him to hunt.

certainly.This time Zhu Yijun's Qiushou couldn't do that.After all, the name has already been passed on.almost everyone.Even the common people know about it.Then if Zhu Yijun also learns from his grandfather, Emperor Zhengde.But it will make people laugh out loud.after all.Emperor Zhengde can be indifferent.Don't care about those.But he can't.Even if he wanted to.No one else will agree.

In short.That's how things settled down.It was early in the morning.Zhu Yijun has been since he ascended the throne.For the first time, I did not go to the morning court.Throw everything to the cabinet.No matter what other people in the court think.But only for the cabinet.Although the burden is heavy.But it doesn't make them feel too tired.After all, the "Testing Method" is in use now.In addition to dealing with things.other things.Just do it against that ledger.Besides.For Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Siwei.This opportunity is also an opportunity to test the established method.After all, when the time comes, it will really be found out that someone has committed something.I will not go to make a fuss in the court again.After all, the emperor is not here.What's the fuss about.Moreover.Although Queen Mother Li is now in power.It's just that he stayed in the Compassionate Ning Palace and couldn't come out.Concentrate on caring for your little son.Except for something big.Otherwise, there would be no question at all.These people want to speak in front of Empress Dowager Li.That is also impossible.

then.Early in the morning, Chen Shi had just arrived.Zhu Yijun's team left the palace mightily.When they came outside the city, they followed the rear army guarding them to the location.

Zhu Yijun also complained about this.Although the matter of Qiushou did interest him very much.After all, is it a boy?Naturally, people who dance swords and swords like it very much.Even if the object of hunting is only an animal.rather than people.But he was just as excited.But it's so early in the morning.It will come out in just a few hours.That means.He has to get up at midnight.This is no different from his usual wake-up time.This is what makes Zhu Yijun feel uncomfortable the most.

But fortunately.And Zhang Fan was by his side.This time Zhu Yijun came out for autumn hunting.Feng Bao did not follow.Others who are casual don't say anything.Zhang Fan is actually the only minister in the court.The emperor went hunting in autumn.Naturally, he would not sit in a sedan chair.Zhu Yijun went there on horseback.Zhang Fan was by his side.Thanks to Zhang Fan who said some interesting things by his side.Otherwise, I'm afraid this place has not arrived yet.He was about to start feeling bored again.

But here we go.I have to mention the rear army who is in charge of guarding this time.The emperor travels for a month-long autumn hunt.Naturally, there are guards around.For Zhu Yijun himself.The guards by his side.Naturally, Zhang Fan arranged for the Jinyiwei under his command.But these people are just protecting the emperor personally.After all, there are not many.

Although it is a peaceful day now.But the identity of the emperor is there.Many things have to be guarded against.Therefore, it is necessary to have a brigade of troops to guard it.And this time the emperor was escorted.It was the 1000-strong rear army led by Zheng Seung-heon.

only.Zhang Fan did not help with this matter.originally.The rear army belongs to the Royal Forest Army.Its duty is to protect the capital.It is also appropriate for them to protect the emperor's travels.

And for Zheng Seung Heon.Although Zhang Fan thought he was good.They even had someone check him out.No problem found.I also think he is a worthwhile person.However, the relationship between the two is good.But it doesn't need to go that far.Besides.Zhang Fan didn't think so either.Let Zheng Chengxian personally lead the team to guard Zhu Yijun will have any effect.This time Jung Seung Heon will come.It's just a coincidence.It's just because Zhu Yijun was choosing.I found that the only one who is free now is the rear army.That's how it is.

And for Zheng Seung Heon.He didn't know what the situation was like.Besides, it was impossible for the higher-ups to tell him that it was because they were busy.That's why they're here.However, it is precisely because of this ignorance.So for Jung Seung Heon.He thought it was because of Zhang Fan's recommendation.I am able to have such an errand.Although it is just to protect the emperor.But after finally coming back.There will definitely be a credit for him.not to mention.During autumn hunting.His most guarded general.Of course he wanted to see Zhu Yijun.In case Zhu Yijun appreciates him a lot and gives him some extra appreciation.That would be different.

So when the news came.Zheng Chengxian brought his son Zheng Guotai to Zhang's residence together.Thank you Zhang Fan for a long time.even.Even when Zhang Fan entered the palace.Zheng Chengxian's daughter Yu'er also thanked him.This situation made Zhang Fan feel helpless.But it can't be broken.It cannot be said that it was not his fault at all.Otherwise.How embarrassing it is for this family surnamed Zheng.

But well.Since it was a misunderstanding.Then let it continue to be misunderstood.Anyway, this kind of misunderstanding is difficult to be pierced.It doesn't really matter.

correct.Now that it's mentioned.Let’s talk about Zheng Chengxian’s daughter Yu’er here.Actually.The number of times Zhang Fan saw her.Originally not many.But now there are more of them.At that time.When she was a showgirl.Empress Dowager Li once went to personally select the close-fitting maids.But he fell in love with Zhang Fan's commander, Queen Shuyuan, the queen of the dynasty.She was still a beautiful girl, so she went directly to the Compassion Ning Palace to be on duty.Serve by her side.

It sounds like a small thing.But for the people in the palace.That was a big deal.There is a world of freedom in the palace.There is actually not much difference between the layout and the imperial court's here.Empress Dowager Li, who is in charge of the harem, is the emperor.And these court ladies and eunuchs are ministers.

Such an encounter with Wang Shuyuan.It can be regarded as a minister.Suddenly, he was appreciated by the emperor.Thus one step up to the sky.It's just that it is much more convenient in the palace than in the court.There is no question of qualifications.As long as someone above likes it.Even if it is a beautiful girl who has just entered the palace.Just like Wang Shuyuan.The queen mother took a fancy to it at a glance.One step to the sky.For Wang Shuyuan.Perhaps many people in the palace will be jealous of her.jealous of her good fortune.Was caught by the Queen Mother.But these people can only be jealous.But nothing can be said.

And there are some things that Zhang Fan doesn't know.then.Regarding the matter of Wang Shuyuan.There are many jealous people in the palace.But let's talk about who is the most jealous.I am afraid that this Yu'er will be counted.After all, all Yu'er's thoughts are on how to obtain status and rights.And obviously.She as a daughter.Impossible to be like a man.Study and become an official.Well in this day and age.Want to be a woman of status.There is only one way.Lean on man.And the most prestigious man of this era.It is in the palace.So she came into the palace.

only.Temporary now.After Li proposed, he was even more powerful than Zhu Yijun.So in Yuer looks.Wang Shuyuan was able to be photographed by Queen Mother Li as soon as she entered the palace.So she became a personal maid.This is what she hates the most.Two people who have nothing to do with each other.But because of a certain reason.There was a kind of jealousy.It can be said.Wang Shuyuan is invisible.Because of his good luck, he has made a rival.

But then.Yu'er's jealousy is much less.The reason is when the draft is over.Her grades are excellent.And the place where Yu'er was assigned.It's even worse.Go directly to the Qianqing Palace.Became Zhu Yijun's personal maid.

This time.She has no balance at all.after all.Compared with the current scene of Queen Mother Li.She understood very well.Zhu Yijun is a potential stock.And Zhu Yijun's identity is there.After taking charge of the pro-government.Even more beautiful.

Yu'er's plan is.Now build a good relationship with Zhu Yijun.And let's talk about it later.She has this confidence and capital.Relying on himself, Zhu Yijun can definitely make Zhu Yijun completely listen to her.

And actually.this time.Zhang Fan also began to discover something.The relationship between Zhu Yijun and Yu'er.That's quite extraordinary.It's just that Zhang Fan didn't think so deeply.I didn't find out that Yu'er had any intentions.But then again.Who can think of it.What kind of evil intentions would a girl who is not even ten years old harbor?Moreover.this era.There is nothing wrong with being selfish even when you are young.

And actually.After all, Zhang Fan didn't take it seriously.

Even this time Zhu Yijun went out for autumn hunting.Except for the two little eunuchs beside him.The only one is this Yu'er.But even in such a scene.Zhang Fan still couldn't raise his guard.No.It should be said that Zhang Fan was unable to wake up.After all, Yu'er's age is there.It is really unexpected.

Wait until noon.This is the downside.

After arriving.Naturally, someone built what was needed.This time it was Zhu Yijun who ordered it.Must live in a tent.Say you want to feel it.

And over there.Zhang Fan is also starting to think about it.That's what Empress Dowager Li his heart.Still pretty drummed about it.I am afraid that something will go wrong.

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