Say goodbye to things here for now.Zhang Fan rode his horse and walked slowly to Joanna's side.He said to her: "I'm very excited to see you today. But it's been four or five hours. I think you're a little tired. Why don't you let me accompany you to relax."

Joanna is just too straightforward.Or so to speak.The past she has come into contact with.Although there are all kinds of overt and covert methods.However, Europeans are slightly lower than Orientals in this respect anyway.And for Joanna.Although she was born in a noble family.Is a person of high society.I have also been educated by that.But her contact with nobles is actually not much.Mostly when she was underage.Then it was in the army.Although there is no less intrigue in the army than in the officialdom.But the behavior in the army is style.But it's a lot more straightforward.and.Joanna was of noble origin after all.Few people in the army dared to do anything to her.So in terms of observing words and colors.She can't.

therefore.This is what Zhang Fan said.Joanna almost instinctively replied that she wasn't tired.But this time.Joanna stopped before she could speak.Not because she saw anything.It was because of Zhang Fan's somewhat abnormal way of speaking.Let her be a little strange.and.these months.Joanna didn't come here for nothing.And these few months were different from her few months as a special envoy.even though.Even the seasons and times are similar.But it is two moods.

At that time, Joanna was in Daming as a special envoy.this identity.Let her mind be very clear.She was going to observe this which had never been before.What does the mysterious country that I have only seen in books look like.Also observe how the people here live.But she didn't need to learn the way of life of the people here.After all, she is just a guest here.Sooner or later I have to go back.So for Joanna at that time.She doesn't need to get used to it.Just have to watch it.

but now.The situation is different.She is going to live here.And it's permanent.In this way.She has to learn something.otherwise.Live so out of place.Maybe Zhang Fan himself doesn't care.But if it will cause trouble.That would be bad.The so-called environment changes people.That's it.No outsider insisted on forcing Joanna to make changes.But she herself had to make a change.

certainly.This is not to talk about these philosophical things.It means something funny.And that's what Joanna looks like now.Joanna actually learned it first.It is how to see people.certainly.She doesn't need to look at people's faces to act.After all, she lives in the Zhang family.There is always such an idea in my heart.And this time comes.Whether it's the moves of the Zhang family or the other women.Treated her very well.Except that the servants below expressed a lot of curiosity about her as a foreigner.But it's just the early days.It's all used to it now.

And Zhang Fan's side.Even more so.Not to mention that Zhang Fan had been in contact with Joanna relatively early.and.Zhang Fan can be said to be after Joanna landed on the land of the Ming Dynasty for the first time.The first person you meet who can talk to her.That alone.The relationship between the two will be much closer.And after that.Although there is not much intersection between the two.But the relationship between them is developing at a very steady pace.

Although I know now.Neither party has expressed a clear intention between the two.But people who know about it.Whether it is the people who are closer to the Zhang family.Or those people outside who know little about it.Even just people who have heard about it and made wild guesses.I understand everything in my heart.What is the relationship between Joanna and Zhang Fan?Not even now.But it's not far from that.

The topic is a bit far away.all in all.Since Joanna has made up her mind.This life is here.Then there are some things she can't of them.That naturally means learning how to see people.

only.She has some problems with this skill.After all speaking.This can be regarded as a tradition.Not much to brag about though.However, this is also a type of civilization inherited from China for 5000 years.And the so-called live and learn.Life-long learning.Even the aborigines who were born and raised on this land.Even those high-ranking officials who rely on this skill to make a living.There are still many people who are lacking in this aspect.

Needless to say these people.What's more, Joanna is such a newcomer.Still haven't had much contact with outsiders yet.

But it won't return.This is only illustrative.She hadn't touched it before.It can't be said that she is stupid.And actually.Joanna is very smart.And learn things very quickly.This is not.It's actually just a few months.She can already barely get started.This is for such a course.Joanna's progress could not be described as unhappy.But you can't just say nice things.Especially on something that needs to be used to deal with people.And Joanna's entry.Maybe just from her looks.It's already a pretty good thing.But actually.This is just getting started.It is absolutely not enough.It can't even be used practically at all.

But Joanna's smart.But it's not just about learning things.It's more about how she shows how to use it.Although her entry level in this area is not usable at all.But she is very self-aware.know about it.So she doesn't rush to do that.So as not to make a joke.

But she also knew.This world does not mean that you do not seek trouble.Things don't come to you.sometimes.You don't want trouble.But things just happen to find you.that time.You still have to keep going.Otherwise, there will be trouble as well.

And that's where she gets smart.Although what has been learned is still not practical.But she thought of a compromise.A method that can basically maintain more than half of the success rate.That is except for the people of the Zhang family.for anyone.She kept an extra eye on everything.It's not that her mind is a bad thing.But she felt that when talking to outsiders.You have to think carefully before you speak.

Although her approach seemed a bit too cautious.But now for her.But it is the best way.

And of course.In fact, she just planned this matter on her own.Didn't tell anyone.Even Zhang Fan is.

this time.Although what she was facing was Zhang Fan.But when answering Zhang Fan's question.In Joanna's mind, there was indeed something that needed to be considered a little bit.Thoughts that cannot be answered lightly.then……

"Okay." Joanna looked at Zhang Fan.He showed a very happy look.said with a smile.

Seeing Joanna promised herself.Zhang Fan felt relieved a lot.

Today since the hunt started.Joanna has always been in a very excited state.This may be true for others.Especially Zhu Yijun.It will make them feel very helpless.But what Zhang Fan was thinking about was not just his own helplessness.It's a question of why Joanna is the way she is.

at last.Zhang Fan could only draw one conclusion.Joanna is feeling homesick.The way she is.It's a way of being homesick.But it's not a way to vent.Vented the dissatisfaction in my heart.Venting her injustice towards God for her treatment.etc.

therefore.Just now Zhang Fan saw Zhu Yijun's appearance.I knew in my heart that it didn't matter what he said.But he is an emperor after all.And still a kid.At first, he, the emperor, has already boasted a lot.If there is really no gain today.That's really a loss of face.Second, he is a child.A child.There is inevitably a competitive heart in my heart.Especially this time.Although the other party is older than himself.But Joanna is a woman after all.A man loses to a woman.It's really disgraceful.

And Zhang Fan.It is precisely because of seeing this.That's why I said to let Joanna "take a break".Let Zhu Yijun show off his power.He even asked Zheng Chengxian to prepare.Not for anything else.At least it satisfied Zhu Yijun's mood.That's enough.

but.Zhang Fan felt a little conflicted in his heart.After all, if he wants to take care of Zhu Yijun.Then Joanna has to suffer some "wrongedness".even though.The so-called grievance is actually nothing at all.But Zhang Fan always felt unbearable.

so.This time Zhang Fan came in front of Joanna.When saying these words.It was actually meant to be a question.If Joanna disagrees.Then Zhang Fan took her to a farther place.certainly.For such a large open space.farther away.The gunshots were also very loud.It will definitely scare away Zhu Yijun's prey.But since he has already explained to Zheng Chengxian.That should work too.

either.It's up to him to teach Joanna archery.Although even he himself understands his shooting skills.It's really not flattering.But at least as a way to play it.

It's just that Zhang Fan really didn't expect it.Joanna didn't say anything at all.He directly agreed to his most hopeful possibility.This made Zhang Fan feel a little strange.But he really didn't expect it.The reason why Joanna agreed to him.Not because she really wanted to.But because she felt it.Zhang Fan would tell her this.There's a reason for that.

This is probably the so-called wrong and wrong.In short.The ending is the same.And for Joanna.To have Zhang Fan by her side.It is also a good thing.

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