Zhu Yijun's arrow made everyone around applaud, even Joanna, who already knew what was going on here, applauded and praised, but if the smile on her face could It would be fine to restrain yourself a little bit and not be so brilliant, but it doesn't matter now, after all, almost everyone's eyes are on Zhu Yijun, not Joanna's face.

And Zhang Fan was naturally in the ranks of applauding, but Zhang Fan's happiness was different from other people's. He was more happy. Zhu Yijun's arrow really hit the one. A deer who knows how to dodge, and, although Zhu Yijun's arrow is a little bit off, but the strength is not too small, Zhang Fan was still worried, what if Zhu Yijun hits the target, but the strength is not enough, and the arrow can't go in , that would be even more ridiculous, but now it's all right.

At this moment, Zhu Yijun also had a big stone in his heart fall to the ground. While relaxing, he seemed to have forgotten that his hands were already out of strength, but it didn't matter. After all, now he has fulfilled his promise and saved face. , It also saved him from the embarrassment that would make him lose face.

All in all, by the looks of it, things are happy.

But when Zhang Fan was happy, he suddenly caught sight of the people who were applauding. Suddenly, Zhang Fan found that the person he was looking at by chance, although he also had a very happy expression on his face, was completely celebrating. But there was a lot of doubt in that person's eyes, as if he saw something incredible.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but thump in his heart. It's undeniable that the matter has been exposed, but after Zhang Fan thought about it, he really didn't find any flaws in it. When looking at their faces, they saw exactly the same expressions as the man just now, all of them were happy, but their eyes were full of doubts.

Seeing this, although Zhang Fan still couldn't figure out where the flaw was, obviously, the flaw did exist, but he didn't see it, but these people did.

At this time, Zhu Yijun was still immersed in the joy of his success, and he didn't notice these details at all. Obviously, he himself didn't find any problems.

Zheng Chengxian, who was on the side, didn't do much, but from Zhang Fan's point of view, he should be able to know, but now...or because he was thinking about other things just now, he didn't notice it now. ; or he already knew it, so he doesn't look confused now.

However, at this moment, Zheng Chengxian had to open his mouth to praise Zhu Yijun, and it was this sentence that leaked the secret.

"Your Majesty is truly brave," Zheng Chengxian said with admiration but without flattery, "This arrow has an astonishing momentum, it hit the deer with such force that the deer didn't even have time to call out. fell down,"

As soon as Zheng Chengxian finished speaking, the scene suddenly fell silent. Almost everyone looked at Zheng Chengxian with strange eyes, which made Zheng Chengxian feel a little embarrassed, and gradually lowered his head. Not long after, he immediately raised his head. Obviously, he also thought of the problem with his words.

And after Zheng Chengxian's "prompt", Zhang Fan also understood what was going on.

Just now, Zheng Chengxian said in his words, "This deer didn't even have time to call, so it fell down."

Obviously, the problem lies in this sentence. Whether it is an animal or a human, it will definitely feel pain when it is hit by an arrow. If it feels pain, it will naturally scream. Not close, but if it is hit by an arrow, the cry must be shrill, and it is absolutely impossible not to hear it.

However, the actual situation just now is that the deer didn't even bark. After being hit by the arrow, it just fell down like this. Moreover, after it fell down, it didn't struggle at all.

If Zhu Yijun's arrow was really accurate, if it hit the deer's neck or head, it might not have time to call out.

But, after all, Zhu Yijun's arrow hit its body, and it was obviously not a vital place, let alone whether it would die, even if it died, it was absolutely impossible Not even a cry.

Also, even if it is shot in the neck, it will fall down without making a sound, but it is impossible to die immediately, it will definitely struggle twice, at least move, but it will not move at all. He moved, and fell flat on the ground.

Originally, this kind of thing, coupled with the fact that there were so many good players present, many of whom had hunted before, naturally could be seen, but because of Zhu Yijun, the people present only cared about congratulating him, but Yes forgot this.

But even if they forget, for many people, the knowledge that they already knew and existed in their minds is subconsciously stimulating their nerves, making them feel that something is wrong, but what exactly is it? Something was wrong, but they couldn't figure it out for a while.

However, now, Zheng Chengxian's words made them all understand, and with this understanding, they can guess what happened from the beginning to the end.

It's just that although these people can see the flaws and understand what's going on, it's all because they know about it. If you want them to guess who did it , this is not their strong point.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing that the people around him were silent, Zhu Yijun became puzzled. Obviously, even though he was so clearly "raised" by Zheng Chengxian, he didn't notice the irrationality in it, "Why? Otherwise, you will be silent."

"Weichen wait... This... was shocked by His Majesty's divine power, and was speechless for a while," Zhang Fan said these words bravely, and after he finished speaking, he blushed a little , Shameless words, since entering the officialdom, Zhang Fan has said a lot, but even so, he himself feels that this sentence is a bit unbearable.

Fortunately, since Zhu Yijun can't see anything about this matter, it's fine. Anyway, as long as Zhu Yijun is happy, it's fine. After what Zhang Fan said, the people around him all nodded in agreement.

Although he clearly knew that Zhang Fan was flattering him, Zhu Yijun at this moment was so happy in his heart that he couldn't care about it anymore. The outrageous ones, to him, are all extremely sweet and appropriate.

"That's very good," Zhu Yijun said, and was about to ride his horse forward, "I want to see my prey in person,"

This is good. Although the people next to him don't know who did it, but now that Zhu Yijun is going, the possibility of revealing his secrets will be greatly increased. If Zhu Yijun finds out and gets angry, that's terrible. There are some good-looking ones.

And the most terrified person is Zheng Chengxian himself. Zhu Yijun will definitely blame him when he sees that scene, and now, the more they praise them, the stronger Zhu Yijun's anger will be. After all, although Zhu Yijun can't see But after he knows the truth of the matter, he must understand that other people have known it for a long time, and the naming is cheating, and he still praises it like this, let alone the emperor, anyone who changes it will feel like a clown generally.

However, Zheng Chengxian was at a loss in panic, and there were people waiting to see the joke. Zhang Fan couldn't help but think in his heart, these people really have no brains. Some people are unlucky, but when the time comes, Zhang Fan doesn't believe that these people will survive the disaster, and they will definitely be implicated.

But Zhang Fan is not worried about these people, what will happen to them has nothing to do with him, at the moment, what he hopes most is to keep Zheng Chengxian.

"Please slow down, Your Majesty," Zhang Fan called out to stop Zhu Yijun who had already galloped forward a few steps.

"Teacher, why did you call me?" Zhu Yijun asked in doubt when he heard Zhang Fan calling him.

"Your Majesty, I'd better let the minister go and have a look," Zhang Fan said.

"How can this be done?" Zhu Yijun obviously would not agree, "This is my prey, I just have to go up to see it myself,"

"No, I don't mean that, I'm just worried," Zhang Fan said with a worried look, "I once heard Mr. Zheng say that there are some beasts like this deer. Even though they are down, they may not be dead, sometimes, they will take advantage of people approaching, and use their last breath to violently hurt people," Zhang Fan glanced at Zheng Chengxian at this point.

Seeing that Zhu Yijun was also looking at him, Zheng Chengxian nodded hurriedly, indicating that it was true, but the guards next to him were dumbfounded. Although they were big inner guards, they were quite knowledgeable, but this kind of nonsense with their eyes open Yes, it's really the first time I saw it with my own eyes.

"The Empress Dowager promised that I would accompany His Majesty to go hunting together. Before leaving, the Empress Dowager had told me that I must not put Your Majesty in danger," Zhang Fan said. This is not nonsense, Empress Dowager Li But he said this.

"That's it," Zhu Yijun hesitated when he saw what Zhang Fan said, and said after a while, "Since the teacher said so, let the teacher go up and take a look on my behalf, but since this beast may pretend to be dead, Isn't the teacher also in danger?"

For Zhu Yijun's concern, Zhang Fan was really touched.

Just when Zhang Fan was about to say that it was all right, Zheng Chengxian who was at the side said, "Your Majesty, I would also like to ask you to let me go with the Grand Tutor. If there is any danger, as a general, I can protect the Grand Tutor well."

"Well, Zheng Aiqing's consideration is very thorough," Zhu Yijun nodded upon hearing Zheng Chengxian's words, "Since that's the case, I'll trouble the two Aiqings to go and have a look."

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