The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 874 Everyone is happy

"Your Majesty, I have returned." Zhang Fan and Zheng Chengxian returned to Zhu Yijun.Said.

"The two lovers have been away for so long. But what trouble did you encounter?" Zhu Yijun asked.Just now Zhang Fan and Zheng Chengxian did stay in front for a long time.And the two of them turned their backs to this side.Block that deer to death.You can't see what they're doing here.You can only see the two of them squatting down for a while.After a while I stood up again.and.It took so long to come back.Zhu Yijun couldn't help being a little curious.That's why he asked this question.

"No. The two ministers didn't encounter any trouble." Zheng Chengxian said.Immediately, he brought the deer that was riding on the horse behind him over.Bright in front of Zhu Yijun. "Weichen also specially brought back His Majesty's prey."

Zhu Yijun saw this.Naturally very happy.

"Your Majesty's divine power. It's really powerful." Zhang Fan said from the side. "However, I feel that His Majesty was able to hunt this deer this time. We must also thank Mr. Zheng. If Mr. Zheng hadn't said that there would be one in this forest, I am afraid that His Majesty would not have come here."

"The teacher is right." Zhu Yijun heard Zhang Fan say this.nodded.Said. "It's really thanks to Zheng Aiqing's guidance. Otherwise, I've been wandering around for so long. I'm afraid I won't be able to meet one now."

This is for Zhu Yijun.But a very big change.Before.This deer has not been hunted.Even when seeing this deer.Zhu Yijun can be said to be unhappy with Zheng Seung-heon.After all, he was at that time.Although issued a rhetoric.But he knows how much he owns.He worries about himself.Even if you meet a deer.But misses.If you can't shoot.Then the majesty of his emperor will be swept Jung Seung Heon said that there might be deer in the woods.Zhu Yijun even hated him a little in his heart.

but.Since I hate it so much.So if once reversed.Then the deeper the hatred.The more I like it, the more I like it.Today's Zhu Yijun is actually like this.

now.Zhu Yijun has fulfilled his promise.Really "hunted" a deer.Then his previous worry naturally completely disappeared.And with the worry gone.Joy has become Zhu Yijun's most realistic psychological portrayal today.If so.For those who help themselves fulfill this commitment.That is to say, Jung Seung Heon who gave him some advice.Zhu Yijun was full of hatred for him.It was also at this time that it turned into a liking.I feel what Jung Seung Heon said.It's not about harming him at all.Instead, it helped him a lot.So at the moment.Zhu Yijun for Zheng Chengxian.There is no discomfort at all.On the contrary, I am very happy.

this.It can be said that Zhang Fan helped Zheng Chengxian.Just now.The two people over there are filling in those omissions.Also talked about some gossip.certainly.The so-called gossip.Actually very important.It is about whether Zheng Chengxian will be in the position of military commander after Zhu Xizhong retires.Succession.

And Zheng Chengxian seemed to have figured it out after some consideration before.When Zhang Fan asked him about this matter again.He doesn't shy away from it.There was no concealment or embarrassment at all.Tell Zhang Fan very bluntly.I want to succeed.Take over the army.

But facing Zheng Chengxian's confession.Zhang Fan didn't think it was wrong.On the contrary, I feel happy.After all, the reason why he wanted Jung Seung Heon to sit in that seat.Just for the possible future.Let him help himself.But at the end of the day.Zhang Fan didn't plan to do it for a long time.And has been controlling Jung Seung Heon.That's not what he wanted.If.Jung Seung Heon is a wavering appearance, and his successor took over the rear army.It is impossible for Zhang Fan to stare at him every day.In this way.It is very likely that Zheng Chengxian will be taken advantage of by Seung Heon was so tough.On the contrary, Zhang Fan felt relieved.

And now that you've made up your mind.Then Zhang Fan didn't wait at all.Immediately began to consider creating momentum for Zheng Seung Heon.Like now.The reason why he said such a thing in front of Zhu Yijun.Remind Zhu Yijun that Zheng Seungheon is also responsible for this.The purpose is to make Zheng Chengxian feel good about Zhu Yijun.for future actions.It seems now.This step is considered a success.

"I'm ashamed to be a humble minister." Zheng Seung Heon was also very cooperative.Immediately, he showed a humble look.Said. "At that time, although I said it harshly, my heart was beating drums. If I said that there are no deer in this forest, then I would be ashamed of my Majesty."

"Hey. You can't say that." Zhu Yijun waved his hand.Said. "After all, at that time. I haven't seen a deer after searching for so long. If I go into the woods, it can't be worse than then. Besides, the situation now... huh..."

immediately.Zhu Yijun, Zhang Fan and Zheng Chengxian all laughed.Joanna on the side didn't smile.Because she didn't understand what these three people were saying at all.I can't tell what's so ridiculous about it.

And the guards next to them.Now he is looking at these three people with even weirder eyes.One was not very glorious.Can't even say things out.into their mouths.Just hiding something.Instead, it became so radiant.this feeling.It didn't make these big inner guards feel contemptuous.On the contrary, it made them feel a lot of admiration in their hearts.After all, this kind of black and white is reversed.But it is still possible to do such a fair and aboveboard thing.It is indeed not something that ordinary people can do.Not to mention those people who can't even stand looking at them.

but.They are guards.And it's an Ouchi bodyguard.Nobody is responsible for protecting Zhu Yijun.More responsible to serve these people feel very uncomfortable in their hearts.But they still have to the three people in front of them laughed.These people just paused for a moment.They also laughed together.

And this scene.Let Joanna, who was a little confused to understand what happened.It's even more confusing.Maybe Zhang Fan and the three of them laughed.It can still be said.But what about these people.Joanna, who doesn't know much about the "customs and customs" here.Now it is completely confused.

"That's right." The laughter stopped.Zhu Yijun said. "Let me see my prey quickly."

Hearing what Zhu Yijun said.Jung Seung Heon is also unequivocal.He lifted the deer high in front of Zhu Yijun's eyes with both hands.He said in his mouth: "Your Majesty's arrow. It's really powerful. I didn't really see it from here before. But when I come to the front, I can understand it."

Following Zheng Chengxian's words.All the people present turned their eyes to the dead deer in his hand.I saw that arrow.It has not been moved by the two of them.It was still stuck in the place where Zhu Yijun shot before.only.The depth of this arrow is not right.Although everyone was not close before.But it can still be seen clearly.Although Zhu Yijun's arrow was quite powerful.But after the shot, it only penetrated three to five inches into the deer's body at most.

But look at it now.That arrow missed most of the deer's body.And from that side it comes out through the body.One through two holes.See here.Everyone couldn't help opening their eyes wide again.It's not surprising that Zhu Yijun has such strength.Instead, he was surprised that Zheng Chengxian was so shameless.

Actually.This is also after Zheng Chengxian and Zhang Fan watched the scene.Actions taken out of necessity.

This deer was hunted by Jung Seung Heon's men.And they used bows and arrows.It's just that the arrow hit the deer on the other side.Although the deer was not dead at the time.But I can't run anymore.This was caught by Zheng Chengxian's men.It was then estimated that there was excessive bleeding.This is dead.

And the reason why Zheng Chengxian and Zhang Fan planned this way.There is no other way.The arrow hole on the side of the deer's body.It's a coincidence.It was just opposite the arrow hole Zhu Yijun shot.impartial.In order not to let Zhu Yijun see the flaw.So the two of them are just doing one thing and doing the other.He stabbed the arrow hard.It came out with two holes.

The two did it out of desperation.But I really feel lucky in my heart.If the other arrow hole is somewhere else.Then this is not easy to do.At that time, Zhu Yijun will definitely see the flaws.

subsequently.The two stirred the arrow again.Got some blood out.That's the end of it.

And Zheng Chengxian's side.Anyway, all the face he should have lost before was lost.But it was only in the minds of those guards.So Jung Seung Heon is not worried about this.On the contrary, it made some broken jars.simply.That's how thick-skinned it is.Today's Jung Seung Heon.When saying these words.He didn't care about the strange eyes of the people next to him looking at him at all.

And Zhu Yijun.Didn't notice these at all.He was pushing too hard just now.After the excitement.Also some feel dizzy.So he didn't see clearly how deep the arrow he shot had penetrated.Now Zheng Chengxian puts the deer in front of him.He thought it was what he did.

"Okay. Let's see if that kid dares to say that I don't know martial arts anymore." Zhu Yijun muttered.Said. "Well, let's stop here today. You guys, after you go back, take care of the deer I hunted. I have to celebrate tonight."

Say this.Zhu Yijun turned his horse's head and walked towards the camp.

A group of people followed.Those guards or something.All of them looked a little suffocated.

Only Zhang Fan and Zheng Chengxian were there.The downside is elation.He didn't take the contemptuous eyes of others into his eyes at all.

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