The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 879 The reason

This thing before.Zhang Fan never thought of making use of it.after all.This is the first time he has done this kind of framing.Even the framed person is really restless.Even if it was framed.It won't end up being decapitated either.Even if Zhang Fan can let go of the burden in his heart.but.After all, this is a matter of framing people.From Zhang Fan's point of view.It's good that this thing can achieve its purpose.No plan to use it for anything else.

but.Today's Zhang Fan is also looking away.There's really nothing glamorous about this thing.But since he has already done it.Then there is no need to hide it.Not on the surface.After all, no matter what this matter is.It's better to keep it a secret.People who know about it now.Empress Dowager Li, Zhang Fan.Wang Meng and Liang Chao.besides.There is still one.A person that even Zhang Fan is not very familiar with.But it can be trusted.That's five in total.This matter is naturally going to be hidden on the surface.Otherwise, it will be seen by others as a problem.That would be troublesome.

The secretiveness mentioned here.In fact, it refers to Zhang Fan himself.Let him stop concealing himself.In fact, it is to let him stop being so self-deceiving.But now.Zhang Fan didn't have this problem anymore.He can be said to have let go of that bondage.

Since there is no bondage.Zhang Fan began to plan this matter carefully.From day one.That is, the day he talked with Jung Seung Heon.Zhang Fan was thinking about this matter.This matter is easy to say.It's not even that difficult to do.but.This thing wants to be perfect.But it is not so easy.In Zhang Fan's plan.It's best to be able to do it without anyone knowing or even being aware of it.It's better that even Zheng Seung-heon, who has benefited from this moment, should not see any flaws.If so.The difficulty of this matter has risen invisibly.And to a great height.

Jung Seung Heon seems like an honest guy.And now it is also because of Zhang Fan.It can be regarded as being under Zhang Fan's command.It's Zhang Fan's man.but.Jung Seung Heon is not an idiot.Zhang Fan would never think that he was stupid just because he groveled to him.In fact, you can understand this without analyzing Jung Seung Heon at all.Just imagine.He Zheng Chengxian was born as a commoner.The ancestors in the family did not have any prominent status.And such a person of to rise from the ground.Jung Seung Heon is not even 40 years old now.But he was able to sit in the first-rank position of Tongzhi, the commander of the rear army.A person who has no means and a little bit of brains.In this officialdom.It has long been suppressed.Not to mention this achievement.

But it's not right to say that Zheng Seung Heon is as wise as he is stupid.He just behaved more normally.Not very conspicuous.But Jung Seung Heon has opinions on many things.That's still pretty sharp.On this point, he must not be underestimated.

And Zhang Fan said it before.I want to help Jung Seung Heon go up.But I don't want to completely control him.Only at a later time when possible.Hope he can lend a helping hand.But this was only what Zhang Fan said out of desperation.Because he understands.If you want to completely control Jung Seung Heon.That is very difficult.But in Zhang Fan's heart.If you can fully control it.Of course he would want to.It's just a different form.

And now.Zhang Fan was thinking about this matter.he understands.This is not something that can be discussed.Zheng Chengxian must not let this matter know.Otherwise.On the contrary, this matter may be a handle held by Zheng Chengxian in his hands.Even Zhang Fan is not afraid of this trick.But if there is one less thing to worry about.Wouldn't it be better.

so.For the continuation of persistent troubles in the future.Might as well spend a little more time now.It's better to think of things as perfect.

but.This matter is really difficult.

this time.Although Zhang Fan had put down his official duties in the capital.Accompany Zhu Yijun here.But that doesn't mean.Zhang Fan had no contact with the capital at all.Actually.Every two days.Or Wang Meng.Or Liang Chao.Will come here in person.They came here to report to Zhang Fan.Or something else is wrong.Zhang Fan had to review the decision himself.

But it comes down to it.It's just an excuse.A very legitimate excuse.After all, during this time.The court is really very stable.Even if you look at the whole country.No big deal either.Only one thing to watch out for.It's the northeast side.Wang Gao planned to rebel.But now for many reasons.Wang Gao didn't make any big moves.He was concentrating on dealing with those few who harassed him.A person who specializes in assassinating his generals.In fact, it was the group of people led by Wang Degui.Those twenty people are really capable.Such a long time has passed.And did it so many times.Injuries are certain.But no one is in danger of life.

so.this time.Wang Meng and Liang Chaochao came to look for Zhang Fan.Basically, they are discussing this matter.Just like today...

"My lord." When Wang Meng came in.Zhang Fan was talking to Joanna.But Wang Meng is in this regard.I don't know if it was occasional or intentional.In short, face this situation.He never showed any embarrassment or anything like that.It's as if I didn't see anything at all.

Zhang Fan faced Wang Meng like this.Apparently he was used to being surprised.Not surprised at all: "You are here. Sit down and talk."

Joanna saw Wang Meng coming.He knew in his heart that he and Zhang Fan must have something to say.This kind of thing has been going on for a long time.She didn't care either.It is very clear.Joanna nodded to Zhang Fan.Then out of the account.

"My lord." Wait until Joanna goes out.That's when Wang Meng opened his mouth. "In the past two days, Beijing has been the same as the previous days. Nothing happened. It was very peaceful."

"Yeah. That's great. Nothing happened. Then we can do less." Zhang Fan joked so blandly.Said. "How is it? Has the matter been found out?"

"Go back to your lord. The matter has been found out," Wang Meng said.Even when he comes in.Checked out.Knowing that there is no one at Zhang Fan's tent.But this matter is very important after all.He still lowered his voice and said to Zhang Fan. "But it's really hard to check over there. Although there are no people there, it is under the jurisdiction of the palace after all. In fact, someone from our Weizhong has mixed in. But it is said that it took a lot of effort to contact him."

"Yeah. It's about the same as what I thought." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "You have worked hard. Tell me. How is it going?"

"My lord. This matter is really considered good luck." Although Wang Meng said such words.But the expression on the face did not show much happiness.Still flat. "Prince Duan has been quite peaceful during this period. However, there are also some small actions in private. Most of them are related to going to sea. It's not a big deal."

Now the Daming sea ban has been lifted.Naturally, many people have seen the great wealth in it.Want to take the emperor started doing this.Although secretly.Then those princes, county kings and the like.Naturally, such an opportunity would not be missed.

And Zhu Xuanqi, king of Shuduan, also participated in it.But honestly.Zhu Xuanqi's Jiang Anguo is actually not short of money.first.That's the land of Shu.It was a rich place.Every year, it is just the production of grain.Give him the harvest brought by this prince.It is already quite rich.

but.Obviously.The so-called lack of human heart.The same is true for Zhu Xuanqi.

About that though.It makes sense.This is Zhu Xuanqi.It's his father.Shukang king Zhu Chengyu's concubine word.Although the eldest son.But it's a Chengyu also had no choice.That's why he was sealed as the son of the world.after all.This incense can not be broken.But Zhu Chengyu didn't like this son.He always felt.I can still give birth to a son born in the first line.However, he did not realize this wish until his death.

And it is precisely because of this.So Zhu Xuanqi didn't live comfortably when he was a child.Mainly because of his father.And wait until he sits on the throne.Maybe it's because no one can control him anymore.In short, Zhu Xuanqi was a lot more presumptuous after that.

And there were so many princes in the Ming Dynasty.Empress Dowager Li is not chosen by others.But he chose this king of Shuduan.There is also a reason.

In the 28th year of Jiajing, Zhu Chengyu, the king of Kang, became the king of Kang in Shu.He was only 24 years old at that time.But he was a short-lived prince.I have only been the king of Shu for nine years.Jiajing died in 37 years.Died at the age of 33.

And when he died.Zhu Xuanqi is only 15 years old.Dai Xiao for his father for three years.It has been 40 years since Jiajing.Zhu Xuanqi succeeded to the throne of King Shu.That is to say, the age when Zhu Xuanqi ascended the throne.Only.And because of this change.Plus he's still young.It's not the same thing when you get angry.Sudden changes in the environment.Zhu Xuanqi's state of mind also changed to say.It has become a little arrogant.

And after that.It was the year when Long Qing died.Zhu Xuanqi is 28 years old.At that time, although he restrained his temper a lot.But some things cannot be changed.that year.The eve of Zhu Yijun's succession to the throne.There was a prince who joined the play.Said that the Son of Heaven was young.Unable to govern the country.Want to elect a regent from among the princes.Help govern the country.And this memorial.Impressively, Zhu Xuanqi's name is at the forefront.

therefore.Empress Dowager Li wanted to deal with him.

And Zhang Fan asked Wang Meng to check Xie is also a response.

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