The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 887 Alone Contest

Although.The person across from him had a playful smile on his face.Zhu Yijun was extremely angry.but.Since it is the emperor.That's how angry I can't be.You have to have the bearing of an emperor.If it's just because of a person opposite who doesn't know who he is, he expresses his anger and anger.That will inevitably lead to failure.will be laughed's Zhu Yijun.Although he wished in his heart that the person in front of him would be arrested and beaten severely.To vent the hatred in my heart.But on the surface, he still has to show a calm and breezy appearance.

certainly.As for why it wasn't killed directly.But it was just a beating.No matter how young Zhu Yijun is now.But some things are still understandable.Just like this person in front of him.Zhu Yijun absolutely did not believe that he came here by accident.There must be some purpose.You have to ask clearly.

As for Zhang Fan's words.Zhu Yijun also knew it well.Although Zhu Yijun himself is not proficient in martial arts.All he knows is one punch and two kicks.But his vision is not bad.Especially during the time Nurhachi was here.The place Zhu Yijun went to the most was the Martial Arts Field.When he doesn't understand.The guard on the side.Even Nurhachi would explain it to him.In this way.Zhu Yijun is concerned about these things.It is also somewhat understood.

And the viewing just now.It also made Zhu Yijun understand.This person in front of me.Absolutely extraordinary skill.And when it hurts people.It is also extremely calm.Definitely a seasoned master.and.Although the opponent's performance does not make people feel that the gap is too big.But obviously.These people present.Almost no one is his opponent.

Not to mention these officers and soldiers under Zheng Chengxian.Dozens of them surrounded each other and fought alone.It's been more than an hour.But not only did he not catch the opponent.Several more fell down.It can be seen from this point.How clever the opponent's methods are.

Zhu Yijun also understood.The other party is like this.If you fight alone.people present.Including these big inner guards around him.No one is his match.

And what Zhang Fan said.If Wang Meng is here.Definitely be able to capture this person.These words are not just for fame.After all, what is Wang Meng's ability.All the people in the court who knew knew it in their hearts.This is exactly why Zhang Fan said such a thing just now.It is almost the time to despise the words of these big inner guards.Although these people listen to their ears.But he didn't say anything.He didn't even show any strange eyes.That's why.They also agree with this in their hearts.He knew that what Zhang Fan said was not wrong at all.They also knew that they were indeed inferior to Wang Meng.

But now.Zhu Yijun already had an idea in his mind.

"Golden Tiger." Zhu Yijun said.But he didn't turn around. "Go up and try him. See if you can capture him. But be careful. Do what you can."

"Observe the order." Among the big inner guards beside Zhu Yijun.Come out of a medium build.Incredibly lean people.Come to Zhu Yijun.Cup your fists and bow.Then he walked towards that person.And those officers and soldiers who surrounded each other.It is also very conscious to give way.And quickly formed a bigger circle.It can be regarded as two people on the field.Created a fighting arena.

"Your Excellency, Jin Hu, the imperial guard. I'm here to ask you for advice." Jin Hu came to the man.He clasped his fists and said.I finished speaking.He just pulled out the long knife at his waist. "Your Excellency, please also report your name. Jinhu does not fight with unknown people."

"The name or something. I think it's better to forget it." The man still looked extremely calm.Said. "Even if I give my name now, it will be a pseudonym. Besides. Now that you are in this situation, do you still need to care about those things?" Finished.The man looked around.

It is true now.After all, there are so many people here.It feels like you're being bullied.But there is no burden here.Anyway, it was the other party who found this fault first.This is naturally to be taken over here.That being the case.Then the so-called guest follows the host.He has to follow the rules here.

"Okay." The Jinhu said.Not exactly a procrastinator.Lift the knife up.The feet are not slow.Immediately rushed towards the other party.

And over there.It is still a very calm appearance.Even Jin Hu rushed over so aggressively.But still very calm.

Jin Hu rushed to the man.The body stopped immediately.It makes people who see it feel amazing.After all, no matter how small he is.But rush over like this.But just stop and stop.This is almost impossible.But he did it.

Jin Hu stopped at his feet.The movements of the hands are not slow at all.One knife cut off the man's neck.It's just that Jin Hu didn't raise his saber as far as he could.such a short distance.Want to get full power.Almost impossible.

But it is such a knife that has no power in the eyes of others.But it made the face of the opposite person change.Starting from the appearance of Jinhu.The other party has always looked like he doesn't care.He didn't even mention the sharp sword that he held in his hand.Now facing Jin Hu's seemingly harmless knife.But he changed his face.The hands don't stop.In an instant, he raised the sword in his hand.He stopped Jin Hu's knife.And his body also moved at the same time.Take a step back.

It is a bit reluctant to say that it is holding up.Because although this sword held the knife.But it seems a little unstable.Staggered to go.immediately.Although the direction of the sword has been changed.But it didn't stop.Chop all the way down.

Fortunately, the man took a step back.The knife didn't hurt him.Not even the clothes were scratched.But because he retreated in a hurry.Hair flies forward.The knife cut off several strands of his hair.

But Jin Hu never thought that he could solve the trouble with his own sword.Missed.He immediately took another step forward.Turn split into pick.Turn right.Cut with the knife side up.

That person seemed to have expected this trick a long time ago.The sharp sword that was staggered just now also pressed down quickly.He wanted to block Jinhu's upward challenge.

But Jinhu didn't appreciate it.see him so.The knife in his hand hadn't touched his blade yet.Just turn around again.Change pick to sweep.Turn the knife face again.The blade slashed at his waist.

And this time.Although the first two knives are powerful and heavy.And extremely fast.It was also a bit difficult for that person to deal with it.But even so.That person has also slowed down.Although Jinhu's three knives.A knife is more threatening than a knife.But this third knife.The man turned around very calmly.Easily dodged.

to here.enough to see.Jinhu is definitely good at speed.It didn't detract from his lean, medium build in the slightest.Not just physical agility.Even his hand skills are superb.Although judging from Jinhu's figure.It is clear that he is a master who is good at speed.and.His actions now.This has also been proven.

but.When Jinhu's first knife.It is the person who knows martial arts or not.It doesn't seem to be very powerful when the knife is slashing at the opponent.The other party's expression changed immediately.It's not as calm as it used to be.Although he waved his sword to block it.But what was it like at the time.Everyone present could see it clearly.visible.Jinhu is not just relying on speed.While swinging the knife.The strength is also quite sufficient.

The man dodged Jin Hu's three swords.But he didn't fight back.Instead, he took three steps back.He looked at Jinhu with a smile.And Jin Hu saw him like this.But there is no intention of continuing to chase.Just stand where you are.Carrying a knife.Looking at each other coldly.

"It's a great move of Falling Leaf Saber. These three swords are Falling Leaf Wuxiang. It's really a great practice." The man said.Said to Jinhu. "However. If I remember correctly, the Fallen Leaf Sword Technique is a unique and extinct sect of the Jianshan Luoshui School. Your three swords are definitely [-]% ready."

"Your Excellency really has good eyesight. That's right. I'm using the Fallen Leaf Sword Technique." Jin Hu's voice was still cold.

"It's just. I still remember..." The man didn't look happy at all.Still continue to speak. "Those who can learn the Fallen Leaf Sword Art must be the direct disciples of the head of the Luoshui Sect. They are also the successors of the next head. The Luoshui Sect also has ancestral training. Anyone who joins the Luoshui Sect will be regarded as a disciple in the future." I was expelled from the division. I will definitely not be able to serve the court. If not, I will be deprived of martial arts. Looking at it now, Your Excellency does not look like a useless person. It seems that the court really has a way. Yes No. Zhou Yin."

"There has been no Zhou Yin in the world for a long time. Now there is only Jin Hu, the imperial guard." Even if he was told about his life experience by the other party.But Jin Hu still looks like an ancient well without waves.It's just that the eyes are even colder. "Also. Jinhu doesn't work for the imperial court. He only works for His Majesty."

"Oh." Hearing what Jin Hu said.The man looked at Jin Hu again.

For this conversation between the two.But no one bothered.Especially Zhu Yijun.It seems that he is more interested in the story behind this kind.

"However, Your Excellency is inferior to him. He is superior." Jin Hu said. "I only made one move. I let Your Excellency recognize the source. But I have watched Your Excellency do it for so long, but I can't see your routine."

"Hehe." The man heard what Jin Hu said.Hehe laughed.Said. "My housekeeping skills are easier to recognize than yours. It depends on whether you have the skills. Forced me to use them."

"Your Excellency is highly skilled in martial arts. I am ashamed of myself." Jin Hu said. "However. Since I have received His Majesty's order, even if I can't capture Your Excellency, this must be done."

"Then come on." This time.There was contempt in the man's words.

moment.The battle that just stopped not long ago.turned on again.

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