This sword.Fast as a shooting star.Plus it's so dark today.Even with so many torches lit.But it's still unreal.Really have to look.The man was dressed in white.He moved towards Zhu Yijun so quickly.It's almost like a ghost.It's hard to figure out.

"Your Majesty." There were voices from all around.They roared in unison.The sound was like thunder.But the sound alone cannot stop the situation at hand.more than this.standing aside.Ruan Er, who traveled all the way today.See this scene.Immediately fainted.

Those big inner guards who originally guarded Zhu Yijun.The moment Zhu Yijun ran out.Just a little dazed.Just chased them out.But no matter what.Even so close.Even if they are all masters.But still can't catch up.He watched helplessly as Zhu Yijun was about to be stabbed.

And Zhu Yijun.I don't know if I was scared stupid.Or rather, the situation in front of him stunned him.In short.He is the agent staying put and not moving.Watching that bit of cold light quickly approaching between his eyes.And after that cold glow.The person opposite had a very calm smile.It was also caught in his eyes.But I couldn't figure out what to do.

at this time.Almost everyone present was shocked.But alone.But he also looked at all this with a smile on his face.Just like the man who was assassinating Zhu Yijun.good.This person is Zhang Fan.

this time.The protagonist is not Zhang Fan.After Zhu Yijun came here.Almost all of his energy was put on the fight on the field.Don't go back and worry about other things at all.And other court people.Apart from caring about the situation on the field.He just looked at Zhu Yijun worriedly.Not paying attention to others at now.What does Zhang Fan look like?No one noticed at all.It was all taken for granted by these people.

And the only person who might pay attention to Zhang Fan.In fact, there is only Joanna here.However actually.Joanna didn't look at Zhang Fan either.She was completely attracted by the fight on the field.After all.This was something she had never seen before.In Europe.Maybe those knights will also practice knight swordsmanship.But it's just a simple hack.Especially in this day and age.European countries.From soldiers to generals, almost all used muskets.Such a long sword and spear.It has been attributed to the ranks of decorations.And even in Daming.She has also seen how the people here fight.

But.Even these.But Joanna has never seen how these green forest people and these people who walk the rivers and lakes in the Central Plains fight.Now she sees it.Can't calm down at all.Eyes full of shock.One person can deal with dozens of people without losing.This overturned her cognition.Among the things she knew before.This is simply kind of thing happened before her eyes.How could she not pay attention.

And later.The man on the opposite side had a fight with Jin Hu.It is even more different from the combat skills on the battlefield.this.Joanna was even more shocked.So Joanna and Zhu Yijun are actually similar.After seeing the situation on the field.His eyes never left there.This has been the case until now.If you really want to say it.She straightened out that Zhu Yijun was even more fascinated by this.

certainly.These are not the main ones.The main thing is.During this time.No one went back to pay attention to what Zhang Fan looked like.but.If someone pays attention to Zhang Fan's expression.You will find many unusual things.And it's definitely something that people can't figure out.

If someone paid a little attention to Zhang Fan.can be found.When Zhang Fan just arrived here.Watching the fight on the field.There is a deep frown on his face.Even if the eyes are watching the fight on the field.But it is erratic.There will always be an incomprehensible look.Obviously.Zhang Fan at this time.I was thinking about something.

But it doesn't matter.After all, that was the situation at the time.Zhang Fan would show this kind of expression that made people look restless.It's also a very normal thing.

But wait until later.Zhu Yijun stopped.When you want your guards to fight that person alone.If you look at Zhang Fan again at this time.will find out.The cloudy expression on his face disappeared.became dull.

And then to the back.When Zhu Yijun ran forward because Jin Hu was injured and fell to the ground.When it was obvious that the other party was given a chance to assassinate him.Look at Zhang Fan again at this time.You will find him and the person opposite.Almost at the same time.There were smiles on their faces.

Of course it is said now.only.No one found out.

now.The man's speed.The point of his sword is within a short distance of Zhu Yijun.Zhu Yijun also closed his eyes at this moment.And the other people present.It seems that I can't bear to see what will happen next.Many people closed their eyes.

Everyone present thought that.When the tide is gone.Only a "clang" was heard.Another sound of gold and iron intersecting came.

I understand.This shows that it is not the sound that can be made after the sword tip stabs a person.After hearing this sound.Everyone is looking there.I saw the man standing in front of Zhu Yijun.It's just that the body is a little crooked.A look of unsteady standing.And his face.No longer the calm smile before.Instead, it looked cloudy and uncertain.And the sword in his hand was turned to the other side.Plus.Not far from him and Zhu Yijun.An ordinary official knife was stuck on the ground.Everyone understands.Someone must have thrown a knife in a hurry.He opened the sword that the man had stabbed at Zhu Yijun.

only.This knife.It's really dangerous and dangerous.after all.The distance between that person and Zhu Yijun just now was very close.And the tip of his sword is far from Zhu Yijun's forehead.Not even a foot away.Only a few inches.Throw the knife over.It must be accurate.But at the same time it has to be powerful.otherwise.It's not that it can't break the man's long sword.It is possible to hit Zhu Yijun.You can see the man throwing the knife.Extraordinary skill.

And that person.It seems that he didn't think of it at all.I can almost certainly kill the sword.It was actually cracked like this.The cloudiness on the face is uncertain.For the first time, he showed a desperate look.He saw Zhu Yijun standing in front of him.The man swung his sword again.By standing too close.This time he did it with a chop.

But this time.Everyone heard clearly. There was a sound of "whoosh".Another official knife.cut the air.Fly towards that person at extreme speed.this time.This knife is not aimed at the long sword in the man's hand.Instead, it flew towards the man's chest.visible.The knife just now.It was definitely not luck that hit the man's long sword.The man who threw the knife.Absolutely have this kung fu.Only with this confidence can you make a move.

And that person faced the knife.His complexion changed suddenly.The knife just now.Although it hit his sword.But he felt it very clearly.The strength in it is very strong.Now this knife.He flew towards him with an aura that was not inferior to that knife just now.If he doesn't dodge.It must be a lottery.

obviously.Compared to assassinating Zhu Yijun.That person cared more about his own life.He didn't want to swing his sword to resist.Instead, he stepped back.Dodge the knife.

And at the moment when that person stepped back.A figure rushed over quickly.In an instant, he stood in front of Zhu Yijun.separated that person.

"My minister came too late to save me. Please make amends, Your Majesty." The man did not salute Zhu Yijun.Instead, he holds a long knife in his hand.Look at the person in front of you.Said to Zhu Yijun behind him. "Now the enemy is at hand. Please forgive me for not being able to greet His Majesty."

"Wang Qing's family doesn't need to do this. You saved my name. How can I blame you." Zhu Yijun said.It's just his voice.Really did not hear any panic.This is quite a miracle.

"Wang Meng." Zhang Fan recognized him immediately.The person who came was his subordinate.Wang Meng.

"My lord." Wang Meng said to Zhang Fan. "There are some things in the guard tonight that need to be reviewed by adults. That's why I came here. Unexpectedly, I ran into a brother from the rear army. It said that His Majesty was assassinated. I rushed over immediately." Even in Wang Meng When saying these words.His eyes were also fixed on the person in front of him.He never averted his eyes at all.Not even blinking an eyelid.

"Be careful." Zhang Fan didn't talk too much nonsense with Wang Meng. "This man has extraordinary martial arts skills. If you can capture him alive, it is naturally the best. If you can't, it doesn't matter if you kill him."

"I understand the humble job." Wang Meng replied to Zhang Fan.He said to Zhu Yijun who was standing behind him. "Your Majesty. Please retreat, Your Majesty. We will wait until the minister captures this person."

"En." Zhu Yijun nodded obediently.Said to the Ouchi guard who came to him. "You guys. Go and bring Jinhu back. It's a good life to treat him."

"Follow the order." Immediately.There were two people going to the golden tiger.When passing by that person.These big internal guards are all vigilant.And Wang Meng clenched the handle of the knife tightly.

And that person.But there was no movement.It returned to its previous calm appearance.There was also a smile on his face.

And here.When Jin Hu was carried to Wang Meng's side.He tugged at the man who was carrying him.Make them stop.Said to Wang Meng: "Wang Qianhu. Be careful... what this person is playing. It is... the Qingcheng School's Songfeng swordsmanship."

"Songfeng swordsmanship..." Jin Hu said.Zhang Fan also heard it.Can't help but embarrass.The Qingcheng faction is alright.After all, there are also future generations.Also martial arts.But what is going on with this Songfeng swordsmanship.Could it be that there are heart-breaking palms, blue sand hands and so on.

"Thank you Jin Huwei for your point. Wang Meng will definitely capture this person. Take revenge for Jin Huwei." Wang Meng looked at the other party's eyes.It was much colder again.

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