The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 909 Those Guys

Since he is the emperor, he is the king of a country. In this country, he is the biggest. For the emperor, except for his parents and ancestors, there is no one who needs him to respect with words and deeds, but I want to If you want to get close to the emperor, that's another matter. Naturally, you don't need to talk about the past, just talk about the present, and talk about the present.

Zhang Fan is a living example. Zhang Fan's background and his family background are known to everyone in the imperial court. He was originally a very ordinary person, and his grandfather was such a person. , even after Zhang Fan recognizes his ancestors and returned to his clan, his family is at most a family of merchants, with some money, and no background such as a prominent background.

And such a Zhang Fan, through studying the imperial examinations, entered the officialdom, and then, because he was favored by the emperor, he was able to obtain such a prominent position in such a short period of time.

This is not to lament the unpredictability of fate, but to say that even in such a feudal era with distinct social classes, through hard work, a person at the bottom can have a lot of love with the person at the highest point. Contact, not to mention the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun, how can the word "good" be enough to describe it.

However, apart from people like Zhang Fan, there is another kind of people who don't need to work hard on their own, they are born with this right, and this kind of people are naturally all individuals in a group of so-called "relatives" .

As a royal family, and it is a royal family that has multiplied for two centuries, the blood in the middle has not been cut off. It is conceivable that in today's Ming Dynasty, there must be a very impressive number of people with the blood of the Zhu family. Some people have high status and status, they are princes, and they are real princes, powerful and powerful, and some people have money; while some have the status of a royal family, even though they really have Zhu Yuanzhang flowing in their bodies. The blood that has been passed down, but these people are not so easy.

But no matter what, the essence of their identities will not change, and if these people want to get close to Zhu Yijun, or want to know Zhu Yijun, it is very easy. They only need an excuse of "visiting relatives" to be able to Accomplishing this is simply impossible for others.

In other words, although the Queen Mother Li did not say who it was, everyone present thought of the only possibility. The Queen Mother Li simply said clearly that the person who sent an assassin to assassinate Zhu Yijun , is one of those royal families.

This is really a surprising guess. If it was put in the past, no, it doesn’t need to be put in the past, even if it was put in just now, before Queen Mother Li said what she just said, no one would think about it. , but now that Empress Dowager Li has said it, naturally no one would not think so. Moreover, from Zhang Fan's words just now, coupled with Empress Dowager Li's "reminder", in the hearts of these ministers, this The odds are growing.

And the reason why I was surprised was not because of this matter. After all, there are as many right and wrong among the royal family as a cow's hair. At least, this is the case even between brothers, let alone those relatives who are only connected by blood but not closely related.

However, what surprised them was that they couldn't think of anyone in the big circle of the royal family who could do such a thing.

All of a sudden, the main hall of the Compassionate Ning Palace was completely silent, no one spoke, they were all thinking, and the Queen Mother Li was also very patient, she didn't mean to urge them at all, and let them Think about it, this is also a necessary process.

To be honest, now that I think about it carefully, there is really no such person, at least these ministers can't think of it in their hearts.

This reason can be traced back to the Jiajing period. How Jiajing ascended to the throne is well known. It is because Emperor Zhengde has no heirs. This is why Zhu Houcong, a younger brother of the same generation, inherited the throne, and it is precisely because of this One point, after Zhu Houcong ascended the throne, he has always had a knot in his heart. He always felt that some people thought that his throne was not justified, and wanted to covet his throne. Therefore, the life of Zhu Houcong, the Jiajing emperor, was completely It was all spent in suspicion.

Even, in Jiajing's later years, he became suspicious even of his own sons who were bound to inherit his throne.

It is conceivable that even Emperor Jiajing, who was not close to his ministers and his own sons, would get close to those relatives who were originally in the same position as him.

Therefore, during the entire Jiajing Dynasty, for 45 years, except for the big day of worshiping the ancestors, the Emperor Jiajing rarely saw those relatives, and even if he did, most of them were in the capital, and there were no relatives. The powerful prince is also very cold.

After Jiajing passed away and Zhu Zaihou ascended the throne as Emperor Longqing, the situation did not change substantially. Emperor Longqing, perhaps because of his father Jiajing, all in all, he treats people very kindly. In fact, Zhu Zaihou, except for his habit of being obsessed with women, he can be regarded as quite well-behaved, without any major faults. Even the order of the switch was praised and criticized in the court at that time, not one-sided What's more, no one in the court has seen the benefits of the switch, and no one will deny or dare to deny the annual tax of tens of millions of taels of silver.

But even Zhu Zaihou didn't like to see these relatives at all. In this respect, Zhu Zaihou was very special like his father. It was necessary to meet, but it was also in a hurry, and it was very likely that I could not say a word, and left.

And if this happens, these "relatives" may be angry, but it is absolutely impossible to forge any hatred.

Now that Zhu Yijun is at this time, his level is only two years old. If it weren't for being an emperor, he would not even have passed the three-year filial piety period. Therefore, Zhu Yijun and these relatives, although not There is no intention of not waiting to see them, but there is absolutely no contradiction.

If it is possible, there is only one possibility, and it can only be that one possibility. The thing happened to Queen Mother Li.

It is also a well-known fact that the power of the imperial court is now in the hands of the Empress Dowager Li. Although it is inappropriate for these ministers to let a woman control the government, fortunately, these people all understand the character of the Empress Dowager Li. Well, Empress Dowager Li is not the kind of person who authorizes and abuses power. She is doing this now, after all, for her son. She hopes that when Zhu Yijun takes over the government in the future, he will take over a prosperous and stable country instead of a mess.

In addition, unless Empress Dowager Li encountered some major event, she usually didn't ask much about it, so the people in the court stopped saying anything.

As for this power, how much Empress Dowager Li has is uncertain, but judging from the current matter, in fact, this matter really has something to do with Empress Dowager Li.

After Zhu Yijun ascended the throne, these relatives of the royal family felt that there was a new emperor, who was still a child, and they should be easy to talk about, so they came again. However, Zhu Yijun has no power now, and it is all in the hands of Queen Mother Li. In other words, these If people want to see Zhu Yijun, they need Queen Mother Li to nod in agreement.

And if it is about what they want to achieve, tell Zhu Yijun that it is useless even if Zhu Yijun agrees. Without Queen Mother Li's nod, everything is empty talk.

As for the Empress Dowager Li, she didn't want Zhu Yijun to be distracted by this kind of thing. She refused all those who came to see the emperor. As for those people's requests directly to the Empress Dowager Li, at this point Above, what Empress Dowager Li did was not so extreme. As long as it was some innocuous and trivial matter, she would be generous if she could agree.

That is to say, the ministers present all thought of a possibility. Perhaps, the cause of this whole thing was that Queen Mother Li rejected the unreasonable request of a certain vassal king, so that the The vassal king was anxious to get angry, and finally got into the horns, and then did such a rebellious thing.

Moreover, the possibility that these ministers think about is becoming more and more possible, especially the obvious remarks made by Queen Mother Li just now seem to be saying that she has already thought of a certain possibility , or a certain person will say it.

"This... Queen Mother... I'm afraid it's impossible," said Zhang Fan, or he was the only one who spoke now, anyway, he was not afraid that Queen Mother Li would blame him for anything.

"It's impossible," said Empress Dowager Li with a sneer on her face, "You guys don't know what kind of virtue those guys are, how could the Ai family not know?" , " These words are quite serious, especially when the four seemingly vulgar words of "those guys" are used to describe the royal family, it can be seen how much Empress Dowager Li hates those people.

"Queen..." At this time, Zhang Juzheng said, "I don't know what the queen thinks, but I already have a general idea."

Zhang Juzheng half tentatively asked such a sentence,

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