Zhang Fan followed Yingyue's meaning and said such words. Of course, Zhang Fan knew in his heart that it was impossible for such a thing to happen. In the final analysis, it was Zhang Fan who did it himself. But Yue didn't know, so now Zhang Fan can only say so, and he has to show that if this is the case, he will be in trouble, but in his heart, Zhang Fan is apologizing to Yingyue. After all, when the truth couldn't be told, Yingyue's speculation that Zhang Fan couldn't comfort her, so how worried she would be about Zhang Fan.

But in fact, Yingyue is like this. When she was talking, she thought that it was very possible that the person who reported the letter was the person who planned the assassination. Yingyue's whole heart It was all mentioned in the throat. If her guess is correct, then no matter whether the other party is going to deal with the emperor or not, they have found Zhang Fan's house. In this way, things are very dangerous.

Yingyue wasn't worried about her own safety, even when she heard Wang Meng say that the assassin was very powerful yesterday, Yingyue wasn't worried, it wasn't that she was sure of repelling the enemy safely, it was just that she didn't put herself down much. Taking into account the life and death of Zhang Fan's family, and, anyway, Yingyue can be regarded as some people in Zhang Fan's family. If something happens, it is not impossible for her to escape.

However, what's the use of her escaping alone? She is not the only person in the Zhang family, and she is not the only woman in Zhang Fan. If something happens, what will happen to the other people? Is it possible to let her leave the others behind and run away alone? If that Yingyue who has not met Zhang Fan, she would definitely be able to do this kind of thing, and she would do it with confidence, at all There is no need to think about anything else, and there is absolutely no burden.

But now Yingyue, it is impossible for her not to think about this issue. What will she do then? If everything is safe, how can Yingyue still have the face to meet Zhang Fan? Moreover, even if Yingyue can save Zhang Fan One or two had to go, but it was also difficult for her to decide, with so many people in the Zhang family, which one should she save.

Mrs. Zhao is Zhang Fan's mother and the most important person to Zhang Fan. It is natural to save them whether they should be saved, but what about the others, what about Ru Xue and the others? Yue can even predict that when the time comes, Ru Xue and the others will never take the initiative to ask Yingyue to take her away. It's not that they don't want to live, but they will definitely leave this opportunity to Mrs. Zhao, or It's three kids.

By the way, the most important thing is the three children, they are Zhang Fan's flesh and blood, even if Yingyue is not their biological mother, but for Yingyue who has not been pregnant until now, The three children were no different from her own.

At that time, what should be done, Yingyue can't help but feel dizzy when she thinks about what may happen in the future.

And the reason why she is so worried about this matter is that the things about the Zhang family are actually nothing. What she is really worried about the most is actually Zhang Fan's safety. After all, if there is any follow-up development of this matter, it will definitely be Those who have something to do with Zhang Fan, at that time, Zhang Fan's life will be threatened.

Even if Zhang Fan was the governor of Jinyiwei, he would be surrounded by many experts to protect him, but Yingyue was really worried. Wang Meng was indeed a master of martial arts, but it was impossible for Wang Meng to be by Zhang Fan's side all twelve hours a day.

Have you never seen it? Those people planned to assassinate the emperor. Even Wang Meng is more skilled than any of those big internal guards, but after all, there is only one Wang Meng. However, even if it is the emperor, there are so many Didn't he almost succeed in the assassination last night? Even the emperor couldn't avoid it. If someone concentrates on planning the assassination of Zhang Fan, what should he do? Will Zhang Fan escape safely by then?

In just a split second, Yingyue thought of so many things, and because she herself brought out a potentially very dangerous situation, all the situations she imagined today are all very bad Yes, it can be said that all of them have endings that cannot make people feel happy. Thinking of this, Yingyue became more and more afraid, and began to tremble all over.

And Zhang Fan didn't notice Yingyue's situation right away. In fact, after Yingyue's words just came out, Zhang Fan was thinking about how to tell Yingyue. Naturally, he couldn't tell her the truth, but Zhang Fan also had to say, otherwise he knew that Yingyue would be very worried, but Zhang Fan really didn't know how to speak.

It's just that in such a short period of time, Zhang Fan didn't even make up his mind. The moment he occasionally raised his head, Zhang Fan found that Yingyue looked like this, trembling all over, with her hands crossed over her shoulders, It was as if he felt the weather of the twelfth lunar month, but Zhang Fan could tell at a glance that Yingyue was afraid, extremely afraid.

Zhang Fan hurriedly stood up, walked up to Yingyue, hugged her into his arms, comforted her lightly, and said, "Hao Yue'er, don't worry, nothing will happen, nothing will happen,"

It seems that because she found support, Yingyue put her face in Zhang Fan's arms, and it seemed that because of the warmth of Zhang Fan's embrace, she stopped fighting. However, Yingyue is Yingyue, even if she doesn't No matter how worried she was in the past when she could die at any time, she lived a comfortable life, but her nature made her extremely strong, even in a time that frightened her now, even if she had already lost Zhang Fan. With her existence, she no longer has to hide her true feelings, but Yingyue never cried out.

"But, Xianggong..." Although Yingyue didn't cry out, she choked up a little while speaking, "When I think about the possibility... I am really terrified, what if Xianggong really... ...then what to do, "

"Yue'er, my husband knows you are worried," Zhang Fan sighed, and said, "It's just that this matter really doesn't need to be like this. If you don't think about it, this is the capital city, and it is under the feet of the emperor. Even if someone wants to Doing any shady deeds is done in hiding, for fear of being discovered by others. Regardless of this time, even if someone wants to assassinate His Majesty, he will not do it until His Majesty leaves the capital. Now in the capital, Who has the guts to assassinate an important official of the court? You have to trust your husband, those people will figure it out clearly. If something happens to me, what will happen to the court, they may also be able to imagine it. No one is so unwise.

"However, there is some danger in the house. I will send more people over later, and watch over it openly and secretly, just in case something happens. Don't worry, Yue'er, everything will be fine."

"But..." Obviously, Yingyue is much better now than before, but she is still worried, "There is a saying, it is easy to hide a spear in the open, but it is difficult to guard against an arrow in the dark. Since he dared to assassinate the emperor, he didn't care too much about making things worse, so wouldn't Mr. Xiang be in danger?"

"Well, that's what you said." At this time, Zhang Fan was very smart. He didn't deny Yingyue's words, but agreed, "But now that things have happened, I have no other choice but to Accepted, um, I will pay more attention, it doesn’t matter if you are at home on weekdays, if you go out, no matter where you go, I promise Yue’er that there will definitely be guards by your side.”

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Yingyue also knew that there was indeed no way to do this, and it was impossible to escape. Even so, even if Zhang Fan had already said so and would strengthen the guards, Yingyue still She was a little worried, but now, she could only nod her head, agreeing with Zhang Fan's words.

"By the way, I still have something to ask." Zhang Fan felt very sorry in his heart, but he still wanted to ask, "Which one was guarding the porter last night?"

"Why is Xianggong looking for him?" Yingyue asked.

"I want to ask him what that person looks like, and see if he can find out any clues," Zhang Fan said. This is the real purpose of calling Yingyue to come to question him. It was all a mystery, and it was very difficult for Zhang Fan to even investigate, but who was the person who came to report the letter? This is the only breakthrough Zhang Fan can find now.

"I'm afraid Xianggong will waste his time on this matter," Yingyue said.

"What's going on," Zhang Fan asked in surprise after hearing what Yingyue said.

"Last night, when the servants came to report this matter, I found Lao Li who was guarding the gate last night and asked about this matter," Yingyue said, "It's just that Lao Li doesn't know what that person looks like. According to Lao Li, the man covered his face with a piece of cloth, and Lao Li did not open the door, but only opened the small window on the side door in front of the mansion. He only looked at the lantern on the mansion door, and he did not see it at all. I don't know the person's appearance, but Lao Li said that the man's figure looks about six feet, not tall, and very thin. I can't tell whether it is a man or a woman, but Lao Li said that the man's voice is , obviously a man,"

Hearing what Yingyue said, Zhang Fan frowned again. Judging from Yingyue's words, the messenger did not want this side to know his appearance at all.

In this way, it is very difficult to check.

"By the way, don't tell Mother and Ru Xue about this matter, I'm afraid they will worry," Zhang Fan instructed Yingyue.

Yingyue also obediently agreed, she naturally understood this truth.

Zhang Fan has been thinking about this matter in his heart, who is the person who reported the letter, or who sent him here, and the most important thing is why he came to report the letter. Regarding this point, Zhang Fan has no idea at all. clue,

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