The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 922 Deliberately making things difficult

The Emperor's Great Hall, which was in full swing just now, is silent now, and no one speaks. This situation really seems a bit strange. Moreover, it is not just as simple as silence now, in fact Above the current main hall, the entire hall reveals this oppressive atmosphere.

In fact, one only needs to see who is present in the main hall today, and one can understand that if, as in the past, it was Zhu Yijun who came to court, or even a little further forward, it was Zhu Zaihou who came to court when he was in power. If there is a big problem, it will be discussed later. After all, neither Zhu Yijun nor Zhu Zaihou will stop them from talking. Of course, Zhu Zaihou doesn’t want to, but Zhu Yijun does, but it’s probably useless if he speaks. .

And now, Queen Mother Li is sitting here. Even if she is not sitting on the dragon chair, no one in this hall dares to speak, not even coughing. Of course, Queen Mother Li never said that she must Let these people speak, and even let them speak freely, but, if these people present can't understand this pros and cons, then they are really living in vain.

In short, now that Empress Dowager Li is here, these people are naturally silent, for fear that they will cause some disaster by talking nonsense. Of course, if no one talks about this scene, it is obvious that today cannot end like this. Someone has to You just need to speak, but the person who speaks first is not chosen randomly, nor does it mean that there are so many people standing below, whoever wants to speak can speak.

Now, this is not the case. Since these people have stopped making noise when they saw her coming, Empress Dowager Li doesn't want to embarrass these people too much. What's more, she came here today not just to show off, there are some things Well, she wants to do it, so now she has found someone who can talk, Zhang Juzheng, to explain it to her.

Zhang Juzheng, who was named, didn't have any ideas. Anyway, he was called by the Empress Dowager Li, and Zhang Juzheng himself didn't need to take any responsibility. What's more, Zhang Juzheng also understood in his heart that even from yesterday to today, he also talked with other people. Like the ministers, he has always had an idea in his heart, thinking that this matter really has nothing to do with Zhu Xuanqi, the king of Shuduan, but he still has a trace of doubt in his heart. Behind the suspicion, it seems that It was someone who was manipulating this hall now, and now that Empress Dowager Li asked him to speak, he naturally had to speak.

It's just that Zhang Juzheng himself has no other thoughts about this matter, even if he has doubts. The head of the official, the chief assistant of the cabinet, but it is still not his turn to manage other people's family affairs, let alone the royal family, if it is not done well, it will be a big mistake.

That is to say, today's Zhang Juzheng seems to be on the sidelines. Anyway, no matter what the matter is, firstly, he won't be able to offend him, and secondly, if it is really what he guessed, then If it is done, it can be regarded as a good thing, but there is a prerequisite, that is, the person who does this thing must do it perfectly, otherwise it will be even more troublesome.

But now, Zhang Juzheng doesn't know what's going on, so naturally he can't make any assumptions, so at this time, Zhang Juzheng is quite well-behaved when he does things. Even if there is no offence, if the matter is not like that, at most it can be said that Zhang Juzheng did nothing on this matter, but he cannot be accused of anything; if the matter is really as he guessed, then Zhang Juzheng did nothing , it is completely showing the appearance of an ignorant person, which will reassure Queen Mother Li even more.

"Back to the Empress Dowager," Zhang Juzheng at this time, although there was no other expression on his face, but his appearance made it clear that he had an appearance of "I don't know anything" and "I'm innocent", " Just now in the early morning, all the lords were talking about the fact that His Majesty was assassinated by gangsters the day before yesterday when he was hunting outside in the field. It may be that the lords were angry about this matter, so they got excited and made a noise."

Zhang Juzheng said so much in these words, but he didn't mention it at all. The uproar in the end was because everyone heard that the matter was involved with a vassal king of the dynasty, so they asked those who knew the matter. He said that although what Zhang Juzheng said was incomplete, he did not deceive Queen Mother Li. More importantly, what he said really did not offend anyone.

"So that's the case," and the Empress Dowager Li immediately made a look of sudden realization when she heard Zhang Juzheng's words, and said, "It turns out that all the lovers are outraged because of the assassination of the emperor's son. Talking so anxiously, the Ai family still thinks that someone dares to make a loud noise in the court, this is the only way to come and see, now that I think about it, it is the Ai family who wrongly blamed you dears, "

It is obvious that the words of the Queen Mother Li are ironic, and they clearly know that the words of the Queen Mother Li are satirizing them, but these people can't say anything, they can only stand where they are, except for the few people just now. Except for Zhang Fan, the bachelors and ministers who were questioned, the rest of them almost all had an unattractive look on their faces.

It's true after thinking about it, even if Zhang Juzheng said so and helped them expose the embarrassing thing just now, but what happened just now was done by them after all, so how can they feel at ease, after all, this I feel ashamed in my heart, but I feel ashamed in my heart, but now it’s impossible for any of them to stand up and speak out. They already feel ashamed, and they want to tell the embarrassing things, so why just now? Not to mention, now they all feel a bit late.

"No, how can you blame the Empress Dowager for this matter?" Zhang Juzheng immediately said, "In terms of this matter, it's all the ministers' fault. This place is above the palace. As ministers, the ministers should follow the etiquette education. The ministers and others were making noise here just now, it was the ministers' fault."

"Well, what Mr. Zhang said is naturally reasonable," Empress Dowager Li nodded, but her complexion changed, and she continued, "It's just that the news that Ai's family heard just now is a little different. How do you hear it? , There is chaos in the court, there are many Qing family around a few people asking what is going on, what is going on here, "

Hearing what Empress Dowager Li said, almost all the people present were stunned, and the fact that they were stunned for a while, all of these people laughed secretly, but the smiles were all wry smiles and self-deprecating.

Thinking about it, this matter is indeed a bit funny. Who is Queen Mother Li, and now she is the supreme ruler of this huge country, even if she is not in name, but she is real, and now the little emperor Zhu Yijun is old Still young and not yet married, Empress Dowager Li is also the owner of the entire palace, and here, this Huangji Palace, is the palace, and what happened in the palace, there is definitely no Empress Dowager Li who does not know.

When everyone thought about it, it was obvious that what happened under the nose of Queen Mother Li, how could she not know, and thanks to their so-called smart people, they still had that fluke mentality in their hearts, trying to get away with it in vain , Now that Queen Mother Li's words have punctured them, how can they not find it funny, but it's funny, it's just laughing at themselves.

"Oh," Empress Dowager Li did not wait for someone to answer her words in a hurry, but looked at the situation below, raised her eyebrows, and used an indescribable, even frivolous expression that should not come from The voice in the mouth of an empress dowager said, "It turns out that this is really the case. The Ai family thought it was not true just now. Now, looking at the appearances on the faces of you Aiqing, it seems to be true. Who will give it to you?" Aijia, tell me, what happened in the end?"

It was such a remark again, a remark that made these people extremely embarrassed, but no matter how embarrassing it was, these people have nothing else to say now, the Empress Dowager Li has already talked about this, what else can they say? That's right.

However, is it true that no one dares to speak out? Of course not. Some people dare to speak out like this. No, it should not be said that he dares or not, nor does it mean that he has nothing to fear, but some people are born with I don't think it will be any trouble this time.

For example, right now, as soon as Empress Dowager Li said these words, someone immediately stood up and spoke.

"The empress dowager, the ministers and others made noise just now because they heard something terrible," a figure stood up and accompanied the voice.

In an instant, all the people looked at that person. The ministers were all relieved when they saw that he had stood up to speak. After all, if he stood up to speak, Queen Mother Li would never scold him. On this matter, as long as Queen Mother Li doesn't scold the first person who speaks, she has no reason to scold others.

And just when these ministers felt relieved, Empress Dowager Li frowned when she saw this person who stood up to speak, just as the ministers below thought, facing this person, Empress Dowager Li If there is really nothing to say, she has no reason to scold him at all, and even Empress Dowager Li has no handle on the person in front of her, not because he really hides it very well, but because this person is simply He is very upright, and has never done anything that would be caught by others.

This person is none other than the elder of the three dynasties, Ge Shouli, the Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, who is now over seventy years old,

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