The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 924 Accidental Discovery

Empress Dowager Li's words were addressed to Zhang Fan, and the blame in her words was undisguised, she blamed Zhang Fan for telling this matter out, but now, in the hearts of these ministers, it has long been I already had an opinion, and felt that what Zhang Fan said just now must have been instructed by Queen Mother Li, otherwise such a big matter would involve a prince, Zhang Fan should not have the guts to mess around with this kind of matter So now, even though Queen Mother Li's words to Zhang Fan are full of blame, no one thinks that Queen Mother Li really wants to blame Zhang Fan, these words are just for show. .

"Queen Mother, there is nothing I can do about it." Zhang Fan stood up, pretending that he was very wronged and couldn't help himself, and said, "Whether this kind of thing should be said, I naturally know in my heart." , But just now, I don’t know which adult got the news from where, and told about the matter involving a prince. Seeing this matter, I really couldn’t hide it, so I said it. "

"The news leaked out." The Empress Dowager Li frowned before Zhang Fan finished speaking, "Only Aijia, Aiqing, the cabinet's academicians and the six ministers knew about this matter. There are only so few people in the Compassionate Palace, Aijia believes that you will not tell the matter, oh yes, there is Feng Bao, but Aijia also believes that Feng Bao will not gossip about this matter, Since no one said anything about it, how did this matter get out?" After the Queen Mother finished speaking, her tone became more and more cold.

Although she hasn't said it yet, the people below have already understood the meaning of her words. Since none of the few people who know about this matter have said it out, it means that it is not just these few who know about this matter. Individuals, and others. As for who this other person refers to, I don’t know, so guess for yourself.

But here, Empress Dowager Li's words seem to be alluding to something. The most likely thing is the so-called eyeliner of various ministers in the palace. Of course, the so-called eyeliner is nothing more than a money transaction in the final analysis. The maids and eunuchs in the palace have some money to help them inquire about the news in the palace. Once there is any important matter, these ministers can know it at the first time. This way, it is good to be prepared.

It's just that other people don't know what happened in the Palace of Compassionate Ning yesterday, but Empress Dowager Li and Zhang Fan, as well as those ministers and academicians, are very clear about what happened in the Palace of Compassionate Ning yesterday. It is absolutely impossible to be heard by anyone other than these people. The two little eunuchs who cleaned the room at the beginning were ordered by Feng Bao to stay far away. In fact, at that time, There was no one outside the main hall of the Compassionate Ning Palace, even the guards were guarding from a distance, and they couldn't hear what was said in the main hall at all. As for those maids and eunuchs, the anger of Queen Mother Li at that time, It has almost scared them, how dare they get close.

But these ministers don't know about this situation. Now that Queen Mother Li said so, these ministers feel that someone among them must have bought the eyeliner in the palace. I actually said it, but I didn't know who it was. Even if it was the first person who said it just now, it was because the scene was chaotic at the time, and no one noticed who said it.

But these are indifferent now. What the ministers are concerned about is what is the intention of Queen Mother Li when she says this. Obviously, Queen Mother Li already knows that they have bribed eyeliners to inquire about them in the palace. What happened to Queen Mother Li just now Those words, presumably, were warning them that she already knew about this kind of thing, so don't go too far in the future.

All of a sudden, these ministers felt that they were really stupid. No, not only them, including the past 200 years, and even the ministers who did this in the past dynasties, are all fools who deceive themselves and others. This kind of thing, as the leader of the country People, the people in charge of the entire palace, how could they not know, you know, what they can get is just those yellow and white things, but what Queen Mother Li can give them is a lifetime of glory and wealth, Or the mass graves that don't even have tombstones, in comparison, which one is more important, I believe even a fool can understand it.

But unfortunately, these people are still doing this kind of obvious thing in a daze. In other words, these people have taken the initiative to send a handle that can put themselves to death into the hands of others. In the future, if you say Empress Dowager Li wants to punish one of them, all she needs to do is pull out the eyeliner, and then check it out. At that time, whether she wants to flatten, pinch, round, or kill the head, all depends on Empress Dowager Li's ideas up.

Thinking of this, more than [-]% of the ministers present felt cold in their hearts, as if an invisible knife had been placed on their necks.

"However..." Seeing that my goal has been achieved, these ministers all showed a look of lingering fear, so Queen Mother Li decided to stop here, don't scare them anymore, there are other things to do today, "Since I've already said it all, but it's useless to find out who it is, so let's talk about the business.

"Yes, what Zhang Aiqing said is naturally true. The emperor was assassinated the night before yesterday. Although the reason for this incident has not been found out yet, it is indeed implicated in a prince of the current dynasty, and he is also a vassal prince. ,"

Although Queen Mother Li's words are equivalent to completely confirming the news, everyone has heard it just now, and it is not as formal as this time, but they still believe Zhang Fan's words, so, Although the Queen Mother Li's words confirmed the news, these ministers did not seem too shocked, or they were no longer shocked.

"How about it, are you satisfied?" Empress Dowager Li looked at the ministers who were thinking about it, and said, "Now that you already know about this matter, there is no need to hide it." , in this case, the Ai family will simply tell you, lest you have to guess when you have time, if you don't say it annoyingly, it will delay the affairs of the court and state affairs, then it will be troublesome.

"Now, the Ai family has already told all the loves, I don't know all the loves, but do you have any questions?"

"Weichen has a question and wants to ask the Queen Mother boldly," Ge Shouli was still the one who came to fight this first.

"Ge Aiqing doesn't need to be like this. It's okay to ask if you have something to say." Empress Dowager Li also knew Ge Shouli very well, so he would not make things difficult for him at will. It was difficult for her to answer, but the Empress Dowager Li still would not speak harshly to Ge Shouli, she always spoke nicely.

This is exactly Ge Shouli's advantage, but in fact, Ge Shouli himself naturally understands this point. Ge Shouli, who has never done anything out of line or made himself feel ashamed in his life, now wants to use this advantage of his own. To seek some benefits, of course, even so, his so-called seeking benefits does not mean that he wants to seek benefits for himself, but just wants to know something.

This is just a very common thing. Almost everyone didn't care about it, and almost no one thought about what Ge Shouli was thinking at the moment. They all focused on Queen Mother Li, waiting for her to answer Ge Shouli. If so.

But I also said, almost, that is to say, there are still people who have noticed the strange situation of Ge Shouli doing this, but really not many, in fact there are only two people, one is Zhang Fan and the other is Zhang Juzheng. Two masters and apprentices.

Although Zhang Fan's relationship with Ge Shouli was really not long, after all, Zhang Fan had not been in the official career for a long time, but even in this short period of time, Zhang Fan and Ge Shouli were relatively close, and it was Because of this, Zhang Fan also had a certain understanding of Ge Shouli.

As for Zhang Juzheng, he wasn't close to Ge Shouli, but he knew him well. The more important point was that now that he knew what Empress Dowager Li would say, he didn't really care about it, so he focused his attention on it. It came to Ge Shouli.

To be honest, Ge Shouli would do this, using his old qualifications and the merits accumulated in the past, to ask Queen Mother Li something, and make her have to answer. This kind of thing seemed impossible in the past. Well, Ge Shouli is definitely not a person who would do such a thing.

But today, Ge Shouli did this, which made the two people who noticed this very surprised, but after being surprised, they thought deeply, and after thinking deeply, they became even more surprised.

Above, although Empress Dowager Li spoke, it was still a perfunctory-sounding perfunctory of Ge Shouli's words, while below, Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng, master and apprentice, were still thinking about Ge Shouli's question.

Why on earth would Ge Shouli do this, to do this kind of thing of relying on the old and selling the old? Looking at Ge Shouli, he was a veteran of the three dynasties. He is the oldest among the ministers present at this age. Here, it is really not easy.

Suddenly, both of them thought of a possibility and figured out why Ge Shouli did this.

Immediately, a smile appeared on Zhang Juzheng's face, a smile that was hard to detect.

Zhang Fan, on the other hand, raised his head in astonishment and looked at Ge Shouli.

For Ge Shouli at this age, doing something that goes against his previous style of doing things can only mean one thing,

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