The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 926 Idle Chapter in the Palace

After Empress Dowager Li announced her retirement, she stood up and went back to the palace with her entourage without even waiting for so many ministers present to see her off. Knowing that Empress Dowager Li was about to walk out of the gate of Huangji Palace, everyone leaned over and shouted "Respectfully send off the Empress Dowager".

However, even though it was a little disrespectful, Empress Dowager Li did not mean to blame these people. After all, if these people did not have these reactions to today's events, the Empress Dowager would find it interesting. Now, the reactions of these people are all in Li It was in the queen mother's plan, so she didn't intend to make things difficult for these people too much. Now it is enough to let them know that this matter is very big and the people involved are also big.

But after Empress Dowager Li left, the people present were different, as if there was no restraint for a while. Originally, according to the thoughts of Zhang Fan and several other scholars and Lord Shangshu, it was inevitable for them to be questioned. Yes, but even if they are surrounded and questioned, they should wait until tomorrow, or this afternoon. In their view, after the scolding by Queen Mother Li just now, these people will restrain themselves a little bit. Yes, I won't do such nonsense in this court hall anymore, after all, although it is retreating from the court, this is the place of the Ming Dynasty's dignitaries after all.

However, they still underestimated the "hungry for knowledge" of these ministers. The Empress Dowager Li just left. In fact, she just turned around and made her figure disappear from everyone's eyes. She clearly knew that at this distance, Queen Mother Li could hear what was being said here, not to mention making a noise, but these people had already started.

Immediately, the originally quiet and orderly court hall became chaotic again. Once again, in front of the few people who knew the truth of the matter, there were a lot of people who asked questions. The vegetable market is even more chaotic. Those people still have a little self-consciousness as a scholar, a Jinshi, and an official of the court. Jinkou, who used to seldom talk except for the court, now seems to be free of money. Half spoke frequently.

But this time, these people still didn't ask anything. The people who were marked as "knowing the truth" in front of them didn't open their mouths. It doesn't mean that these people have already made up their minds. They didn't say anything, because they were completely confused by the situation in front of them for a while, and they couldn't react.

On the side, the only person who didn't go up to join in the fun was Ge Shouli, who just stood up and questioned Queen Mother Li. At this moment, Ge Shouli's face was full of rejoicing. He was glad that he didn't agree to Queen Mother Li. Tell yourself the truth alone, if he had agreed at that time... Ge Shouli couldn't help but look at the situation in front of him when he thought of this. It's getting cold.

Ge Shouli at this moment can only be described as extremely fortunate. Fortunately, he really did not agree to Queen Mother Li's words. If he had agreed, he could now go to the Palace of Compassion and Peace and escape this catastrophe. But when he came out, what would happen? You can't be like them, so Ge ​​Shouli at this moment has nothing else in his heart except for the word "lucky". Thinking of this, Ge Shouli slowly walked out of the hall.

On this side, these people were all being surrounded. After realizing it, it was no different from before, and they still didn't say anything, but even so, they couldn't get away.

There is only Zhang Fan. After all, he can be regarded as the youngest one in this hall. The youngest people who are older than him are all past forty years, and they are all scholars. The strength of a young man in his 20s.

Of course, in the face of these people, Zhang Fan didn't dare to use too much force, but there were too many people, and he had used a lot of brain and physical strength to break out of the encirclement.

Finally, Zhang Fan finally walked out of the gate, and Zhang Fan ran outside without looking back at all. Fortunately, he has privileges, even in the palace, so Running impolitely, but no one stopped him, but there were many strange eyes looking at him, but at this time Zhang Fan didn't care about those things at all, the most important thing for him now is to leave this right and wrong quickly. place.

Fortunately, the hall is very chaotic now. Even if Zhang Fan ran out, many people saw it, but no one chased him out. It's not that these people didn't want to chase, it was because they couldn't.

Zhang Fan, as the Grand Tutor of the current court, has a first-rank official title. Zhang Fan is also at the forefront in the morning, and even if he wants to, he can stand in front of the six great scholars in the cabinet, that is to say , Judging from the gate of Huangji Hall, Zhang Fan is standing in the innermost.

Nowadays, so many people are crowded in front of a limited number of people. When Zhang Fan ran out, many people wanted to chase after him, but it was because there were too many people in front of them. They were there, but they wanted to go there at the same time. In this way, there was no way out, and Zhang Fan escaped.

And these people were not discouraged when they saw that Zhang Fan had been lost. After all, besides Zhang Fan, there were other people who knew about it, and those people were now in this hall, right in front of their eyes. Yes, then it doesn't matter where you ask from. Now, anyway, Zhang Fan has already escaped, and he can't catch up if he wants to catch up here. The people who followed Zhang Fan have now gone to other people, and these people are very good at distributing, even in this situation without prior ventilation, these people are evenly distributed in front of those people .

Seeing that there were a few more people in front of him, those great scholars and the Master Shangshu, they couldn't help complaining again, but at the moment they had no choice. They couldn't just push away everyone and run away like Zhang Fan did. They don't want to, it's just because they can't push it at all. After all, with such a status, they are already the top in the court to be able to sit in this position, and this means that they have to spend more These people in front of them have more time and energy, which also means that they are generally much older than the people blocking them in front of them. If so, how can they be like Zhang Fan.

At this time, these people really envied Zhang Fan, not because he was envious of him being able to sit in this seat at a young age, but because he was young, and when needed, such as now, he could still have a handful of Leach. Make it out, this is the most important thing.

Here, the court hall was still noisy, while Zhang Fan ran out of the Ningshou Gate, and then he slowed down. Looking back, he saw that no one was chasing him. Come on, Zhang Fan was relieved now, he patted his chest and let out a sigh of relief, he calmed down a lot, walked with full pace, and walked slowly towards the Meridian Gate.

The Huangji Hall is just to the east of the center of the Forbidden City. It sounds like it is not far away, but in fact, from the Ningshou Gate in front of the Huangji Hall to the exit of the entire Forbidden City, the Meridian Gate, and between the two gates, there is still There are many roads to go, and many palace gates to go through.

Walking forward, Zhang Fan suddenly saw a figure in front of him, it was Ge Shouli who came out one step earlier, because Ge Shouli was really old, and Zhang Fan was running until he left Ningshoumen just now. Yes, it won't take long to catch up with him.

Seeing Ge Shouli's figure, Zhang Fan's heart moved, and he walked up quickly.

"Master Ge," Zhang Fan called to stop Ge Shouli not far away. Seeing Ge Shouli stop, Zhang Fan quickened his pace and followed.

"Master Zhang," Ge Shouli looked a little surprised when he saw that Zhang Fan had called him, "Master Zhang actually came out ahead of time." It turned out that Ge Shouli was surprised that Zhang Fan was able to break through the encirclement and came out beforehand. , This really surprised him a bit.

"Hehe, Master Ge was just joking," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Zhang Fan was able to break free from those people because of his youth and strength, but he didn't expect that Master Ge It’s already here one step ahead.”

"Hey, what's the joke?" Ge Shouli waved his hand and said, "I saw what happened just now. It's said that it broke through the encirclement, but it's still a little light."

After the two said this, they looked at each other with insincere wry smiles.

"By the way, Master Zhang," Ge Shouli asked suddenly, "I don't know if Master Zhang called me, is there something wrong?"

"Master Ge, isn't it about that matter?" Zhang Fan said helplessly, "Speaking of which, Empress Dowager Li has already promised Master Ge to tell you, but Master Ge did not agree. Fan Xin naturally understands it." Having said this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but smiled wryly again.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang, don't bring up this matter again," Ge Shouli said in a very casual manner, "What will happen to this matter will naturally come to a conclusion at that time, and I don't need to worry about it." What's more, I'm already so old, and I can't stand that kind of situation," Ge Shouli said, looking in the direction of Huangji Hall.

"However, having said that," Zhang Fan said, "Master Ge really doesn't want to know. If he wants to, Zhang Fan can tell Master Ge if there is no one here."

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