The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 944 Clear Promise

"Van, you're back,"

Zhang Fan approached the house, and it was not Ru Xue and the others who came to greet him today, but Joanna. However, Zhang Fan was not surprised about this, and in his heart, he still thought it was a good idea. Thinking of those, Zhang Fan There was a natural smile on Fan's face.

"What's the matter?" Joanna naturally didn't know what Zhang Fan was thinking, so she couldn't help feeling puzzled. Obviously, she didn't understand why Zhang Fan suddenly showed such a smile.

"It's nothing." Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "Didn't anything happen at home these few days, or did any outsiders come here?"

"What can happen at home?" Joanna was even more puzzled by Zhang Fan's constant asking of these questions, "Is it just outsiders? It seems that there are no outsiders except those who bring things here every day." , "Joanna's so-called gift-giving is not those annoying gift-giving, but just some daily necessities of delivering food, although most of the ingredients of the Zhang family are grown by the Zhao family in the backyard , but there is no way to raise things like meat.

In fact, Joanna seems to be very interested in this point, and always finds it very novel. In Europe, this kind of form naturally exists. My aristocratic friends, sometimes, when a few people are playing, they can also see such people, but they will never talk to them. They always feel that they are lowering their status, but it is completely different here. I realized that whether it was Zhang Fan, Ru Xue, or the Zhao family, when they met these people, they would not only nod and smile, but also go up and chat with them.

This situation, in her hometown, is simply unimaginable. You must know that the nobles over there think highly of themselves and will never directly link themselves with such lowly people, but it is different here. Even if there is a gap between people, there can be no barriers. This makes Joanna very curious about this matter, so she observes this aspect a lot every day.

Usually, it is precisely because of this curiosity that Joanna is always restless and likes to walk around. Of course, this so-called inability to calm down is naturally different from Zhaoxue and Yingyue. In short, because of this, Therefore, when Zhang Fan asked her if any outsiders had been here, she understood very well.

"That's good," Zhang Fan felt relieved after hearing Joanna's answer, but he said this involuntarily.

Although it was just such an ordinary sentence, Joanna heard it. Although she didn't understand why Zhang Fan asked such a question, she didn't know what happened to Zhang Fan. She asked a lot about his affairs, but she could tell that the current Zhang Fan obviously had intentions. However, even if she saw this, she didn't ask anything, but the worried face on the face The expression on his face was undisguised.

Zhang Fan also seemed to be aware of his momentary gaffe and said something that would cause people to worry. He couldn't help but look at Joanna. I made up my mind not to tell what happened today.

"By the way, Joanna," Zhang Fan said suddenly, changing the subject, trying to divert his attention, "I'm really sorry last time, this kind of thing happened, originally you came here, I wanted to bring I watched you look around, but now it's not working, and now, I'm busy because of that matter, and I don't have much time, "

"How can you blame Fan for this kind of thing?" Joanna shook her head and said, "Fan is an official of the empire, so he naturally has his own things to do, not to mention, now that the emperor has been assassinated by others, no matter what happens In any country, it is a top priority, and when I am appointed to investigate this matter, I still have a bit of sense, and I will not delay other people's work, especially yours, because of my own words."

Joanna's words are as bold as ever. If it were another person, Ru Xue and any of them, they would definitely have the same thoughts as Joanna, but they would definitely not Say things out, just put them in your heart.

This is not because Joanna insisted on letting Zhang Fan know her thoughts and making him feel how much she cared about Zhang Fan. It was just because of her own personality, and there were no other factors. In other words, the original Joanna was able to express her feelings very plainly, not to mention now, after going through so many things, she cherishes her current life even more. If she has any thoughts in her heart, she will naturally say Come out, not hide and tuck.

Although Joanna also understands that sometimes, being too straightforward may indeed hurt others, but she is even more afraid of misunderstandings caused by her lack of straightforwardness, and thus has regrets.

Moreover, what she said just now not only expressed her own feelings, but also told Zhang Fan something else.

How could Zhang Fan not understand the meaning of Joanna's words? However, even in the face of Joanna's straightforward confession, Zhang Fan could only sigh secretly in his heart and pretended not to hear it. It's not that Zhang Fan is heartless, nor is it because Zhang Fan doesn't want to respond to Joanna, he really wants to.

However, Zhang Fan also understands that it is not that time yet. Apart from being entangled in all kinds of things, there are still some things that he must care about. Facing Joanna at this moment during the romantic time, Zhang Fan could only say sorry in his heart, and wanted to let her down again.

After Joanna finished what she just said, she didn't leave, she didn't even leave Zhang Fan's face. She was obviously waiting for Zhang Fan's answer, although she still had a very natural expression on her face. She looked like a girl, but her heart was not calm. She was waiting for Zhang Fan's answer, and she also hoped to hear Zhang Fan's answer, but this time, she was destined to be disappointed again.

As time passed, the two just stood there, facing each other without speaking, and gradually, the expression on Joanna's face that was originally full of hope gradually sank and became very disappointed.

And Zhang Fan, who originally planned to avoid her in silence, suddenly became very unbearable when he saw her appearance, and wanted to say something to comfort her, but when the words came to his lips, it was I can't say anything anymore, even now Zhang Fan understands very well that if he said it, it must be some perfunctory words. Those words will only make Joanna more depressed. Now, Zhang Fan has fallen into This kind of dilemma is neither advancing nor retreating. You can't just let it go and say nothing, but you can't talk nonsense, so as not to make people more sad.

However, it was not a solution for Zhang Fan to keep silent. The two of them couldn't just stand still.

But Zhang Fan was still thinking about it, but Joanna said, "Fan, don't worry, I understand in my heart that now is indeed not the time to talk about these things, it's just something I'm worried about, now, I won't bother you," Joanna was as straightforward as ever, and after finishing speaking, she turned around and was about to leave.

Faced with what Joanna said, Zhang Fan couldn't remain indifferent. He grabbed Joanna's arm, looked at the doubtful face when he turned around, and said, "Joanna Anna, I know that no matter what I say now, it seems to be just an excuse to you, but I still want to say that I am really busy now, but I will never forget that day when I was with you by the river what was said.

"You wait for me, wait for me to solve the matter in front of me, and I will give you an answer, no, not an answer, I want you to be my woman and enter the gate of my Zhang family,"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Joanna swept away the previous haze on her face, smiled happily, nodded to Zhang Fan, and said, "Fan, I understand, I will wait Yes," once again, Joanna turned and left, although to Zhang Fan, looking from her back, it was exactly the same as before, but he could see that there was something very different.

As for Joanna, Zhang Fan said what she wanted to hear the most. Why did he come here all the way? It's not just because her hometown has abandoned her. That’s all, if it’s just because of that, the world is so big, the blank space on the map is decreasing every day, there are many places she can go to, but she came here anyway, why, isn’t it because of Zhang Fan .

However, she has been here for so many days, although the relationship between Zhang Fan and her is much closer than before, even, for the people here, anyone can see that Joanna What kind of relationship will she have with Zhang Fan in the future, but Joanna is not satisfied with these, maybe because of the differences between the two, she does not need that kind of confusing and ambiguous contact, she just needs Zhang Fan A clear promise.

But Zhang Fan never gave it to her, which made her very uneasy.

But today, just now, what Zhang Fan said was very clear, very straightforward, and not sloppy at all.

This time, Joanna felt that she could rest assured that nothing would trouble her anymore.

As for Zhang Fan, he also felt that after he said these words, he felt a lot more relaxed. Even the previous troubles, although he couldn't help them, made him feel very relaxed.

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