The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 963 Arrived in Shu

A month's work.Zhang Fan and his party finally reached the border of Sichuan.first place.It is Baoning Province.This place belongs to the Northern Sichuan Branch Road.After learning that Zhang Fan had arrived.The deputy envoy of the local procuratorate naturally came to greet him.But Zhang Fan and the others were not too polite.Just rested here for two days.

but.Such a month to go down.Plus the two days of rest in Baoning Province.The news of Zhang Fan's arrival should have spread throughout Sichuan long ago.But the first day was out of the local patrol road.No other officials came to see him.And in these two days.No one came either.Obviously.This is to show the face of Zhang Fan and his party.

but.This look.Although Zhang Fan and the others were unhappy.But there is no way.I have no right to be angry.After all, such a group of people came here.Although it is nominally to reward the three armies.But there is such a Jinyiwei commander as Zhang Fan.It is more obvious that they are here to check people.In this way.Naturally, officials from all over Sichuan did not look good to them.But for Zhang Fan and the others.Even those ministers from the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Rites who came along with them.This is also true.Although I don't like it.But he couldn't say anything.Who can blame this.It can only be blamed that their name for coming this time is a bit wrong.It can only be blamed that Zhang Fan took the lead and came along this time.

Even the local road patrol.If not for his duty.Can't leave the place.I'm afraid it will be avoided.Zhang Fan and others can clearly see it.When this person received his group.Such a lukewarm look.It even showed it on his face unabashedly.It can be seen how unpopular Zhang Fan and his party are now in Sichuan. this situation.It also made Zhang Fan understand a problem.That is the officials in Sichuan.Really solidarity.This situation.It's not like it hasn't happened before.Just like the last time Zhang Fan went to Jiangnan.This is exactly what happened.But there is an essential difference between the two.After all that time.Officials from several provinces in the south of the Yangtze River are all united.It is because they have ghosts in their hearts.They did something secretly that they didn't want Zhang Fan to bad.

And this time.Obviously, the positions of the two sides have changed.Sichuan is clearly the right side.But now.The imperial court made wild guesses about them.I think they lied about the military.That's why Zhang Fan was sent to investigate.That is.Zhang Fan's side is the bad side.

this transformation.It made Zhang Fan feel amusing and helpless.Although I understand that things are not as they seem on the surface.But thinking about it, no one would be calm in such a situation.

but.This opposite also stayed in Zhang Fan's mind for a while, and then he was thrown out of the sky.after all.What are you doing here this time?Zhang Fan never forgot.and.nowadays.This is the reaction to him in the official circles of Sichuan.In some ways.Just what he wanted.After all, it would be more beneficial for him to act in this way.

I want to understand these.Zhang Fan was no longer obsessed with these things.It's back to normal again.What to do.As if nothing could distract him.

but.Zhang Fan looked like he didn't care about anything.for him.Or Wang Meng and Liang Chao.Nature is a good thing.After all, there will be heavy problems for them to face.If you don't correct your mentality at this time.Of course not.

But in the eyes of others.But that's not the case anymore.Those officials who came with Zhang Fan.This attitude towards Zhang Fan is a big shake of the head.But he didn't say anything.After all this time.Zhang Fan is their leader.And it is the highest rank among them.He is the governor of Jinyiwei again.They are naturally untouchable.

And the patrolman from Baoning Mansion saw Zhang Fan like this.For his cold attitude.Zhang Fan couldn't help but express his anger.He also acted like he didn't care about anything.Knowing to hang out with Joanna all day long.Talking and laughing.This made the road patrol look hard to see.But he didn't say anything in the end.Perhaps it seemed to him.Zhang Fan is the same as those scum.It is entirely because of the favor of two generations of emperors that he ascended to his current position.about this point.In particular, Zhang Fan's title as the Imperial Tutor is the most convincing.Honorary titles like "Taifu".Most of them are given to officials who have already retired.Even those who have gone first.A person who can be the imperial tutor.Nothing is what everyone expects.And Zhang Fan.No matter how you look at it, you don't look like such a person.

Let's talk about it.Fortunately, Sichuan is too far away from the capital.certainly.The situation is not just because of this.After Zhang Fan took office as Jinyiwei.Indeed, many improvements have been made.It doesn't matter whether it is for Zhang Fan or not.Or for Jin Yiwei.Ideas have changed.

but.Someone who can think like this.But it is limited to a region.the capital.Including several provinces around the capital.All understand this.After all, it is very close to the capital.While things are being understood quickly.It's also a lot more real.

And Jiangnan also knows something about it.after all.people over there.It can be regarded as a personal experience.Naturally, there will not be too much doubt.

besides.We must count the northwest side.It's from Zhang Fan's original hometown.but.The local people know Zhang Fan well.But it was also because Zhang Fan was born and raised there.Let the people over there have a general image of him.Then the news from the capital.Compare it with the image of Zhang Fan in people's minds.And so came the conclusion.

but.It's different here in Sichuan.Speaking of distance.They are farther away from the capital than the northwest side.Not to mention.It's hard to walk here.If it weren't for something serious.Or some important news.Who will run this way if nothing happens.Talk about news that people here don't really care about.Even if someone in the local area collects news in the capital.After hearing about Zhang Fan.Most likely, they would also feel that this is a deliberate appearance made by a person like Zhang Fan who climbed up by relying on connections.Actually not.In short.It can be said that it is on the Sichuan side.Views on Zhang Fan.It's similar to other Jinyiwei captains.But this one is pretty much the same.Not average.but a bad influence.After all, Jin Yiwei's previous reputation.Although better than Dongchang.But it didn't get any better.

so.It's no wonder these people have such big opinions on Zhang Fan.

And this Xun Dao looks like this.It was what Zhang Fan he is sure that everyone in Sichuan has received the news that he has arrived.same.What Zhang Fan has shown is such a sit-and-go.Don't ask about big things.I only know people who are obsessed with women all day long.This image of him.It spread quickly.According to the report from the local Jinyiwei.It started on the day when Zhang Fan set off from Baoning Prefecture again.People who go as far as the capital of Syria.Everyone already knew that he was such a person.

heard the news.While Zhang Fan was happy.But it can only be a wry smile.It's a good thing not to go out.Bad things spread far and wide.It really is a wise saying.not to mention.Now he has to stay in Sichuan for at least a month.In this way.He will also suffer at least a month of blank staring.Although it is not important to understand these.But when I think about it.Zhang Fan still couldn't help feeling very uncomfortable.But there is no way.He can only bear this matter.

And for another protagonist in this matter.It was also for Joanna, who cooperated with Zhang Fan to perform.She didn't know what Zhang Fan was doing in Sichuan this time.She's just like everyone else.Know what's on the surface.But what Zhang Fan did after he arrived in Sichuan.It made her suspicious at first.

but.Joanna also changed quickly.Although he is not as smart as Ru Xue and Ying Yue.Can think of so many things.But she's not stupid either.Zhang Fan still did this under such circumstances.Obviously it has other meanings.And for Joanna.Since she can't figure it out.I won't think too much about it.As long as they can cooperate with Zhang Fan well.Anyway.For her.Can help Zhang Fan.Nature is a good thing.

and.Moreover.Joanna's gotta do it.It's not troublesome.It can even be said to be very easy.She just needs to chat with Zhang Fan every day.Traveling in mountains and rivers is enough.this kind of thing.Anyone can do it.And for Joanna.There are many benefits.After all, although she has been here once before.But it is limited to the corner from the south of the Yangtze River to the capital.Although the scenery over there is needless to say.very good.But it's not bad here.Not to mention the experiences along the way.

So many different landforms and landscapes can be seen in one country.For the former Joanna.This is absolutely unimaginable.And now.All she has to do is travel around the mountains and rivers.this kind of thing.Well done to anyone else.And Joanna.Especially happy to do it.

In short.Zhang Fan and his party just arrived at the border of Sichuan.That's what it looks like.

And when they continued to go to Chengdu Mansion.Also pass by Shunqing Mansion.But it is still the same as the one encountered in Baoning Mansion.No.we can even say.It is even worse than the situation encountered in Baoning Prefecture.

but.Zhang Fan didn't care about it.Even what he showed was a little too much.This.Except for the officials who followed him to shake their heads and sigh.It also made the officials in the Shu region despise him even more.

In short.After entering Sichuan.It has been nearly seven or eight days.Zhang Fan and his group.This is the destination reached this time.Chengdu mansion.And in Chengdu Mansion.What else is waiting for them... Zhang Fan always thought.This made him look forward to it.

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