Ding Guangyou's half life.It's not going well.After all, it was a ten-year cold window.He didn't waste it in vain.Township examination, general examination, and palace examination.Although he is not top-notch.But I have never experienced such a thing as a re-examination.They are all on the list once.And after he finally won the title of Jinshi.He thought his day had finally come.

certainly.Ding Guangyou didn't think about doing those unsightly things in the past.That's right.Just unsightly.The things done by those who corrupted the law.In Ding Guangyou's eyes, it was an unsightly thing.after all.The original Ding Guangyou.There were such people in his old home.He naturally hated those people very much.And wait until he won the Jinshi.After being able to be an official.To say no to that sort of thing was more than just an embarrassment to him.He still has fear in it.

When Ding Guangyou was a Jinshi.It was the time when the court was controlled by Yan Song.Although it is the end of Yan Song.But it was also the period when Yan Song's influence was the greatest.that time.If Yan Song and his gang do anything illegal.Didn't even know how to cover up.It has reached a point of insanity.

but.Ding Guangyou didn't think they were very beautiful.on the contrary.He sees clearly.He knew that Yan Song's journey was coming to an end.If it is still the same as before.Doing that kind of deception.Even if they make a lot of noise.But it may not be immediately caught out.After all, they do.It means that they still have scruples.And under some scruples.What you did will naturally be covered up.

But.Once they feel that no one can get in their way anymore.They became rampant.Everything he did was exposed in broad daylight.Although.This is because they feel that no one can fix them.But on the other hand.What they did was also known without reservation.In this way.Evidence against them becomes very easy to collect.And the sanctions against them will come sooner.

In short.Anyway.Ding Guangyou saw this.so.When Yan Song's people came to find him.No matter what method they resorted to.Play hard and soft.He just refused.This is a kind of self-protection of Ding Guangyou.But at the same time, it is also the little responsibility in his heart.

then.Ding Guangyou, an underappreciated talent.Even with the title of Jinshi.But it was still thrown to this southwest corner.Come to be an official of the sixth rank.If this is a different person.Certainly not.After all, this is simply tantamount to denying his more than ten years of hard work and hard work.But Ding Guangyou did not.He didn't feel wronged.certainly.Not at all.It's just that it hasn't made him feel wronged to the point where he needs to complain.

Not just Ding Guangyou.His family did not complain too much about his experience.Especially his wife.Such a marriage was established by the parents.Ding Guangyou didn't think there was anything wrong.And just the opposite.They are very loving husband and wife.Maybe it's because I'm used to the poor days before.Neither Ding Guangyou nor his wife treated him even though he won the Jinshi.Now he is just a rank-[-] pusher and complains too much.after all.At that time their lives were much better than before.Also after all.They no longer have to look at other people's faces.

In short.This is a family that is easy to please.They don't ask for much.And when Ding Guangyou was working as a promotion official for two years.Moved up a level.After becoming an acquaintance of the fifth rank.This is for others.It's just as slow as a turtle crawling.But they are still very happy.

only.For those who are easy to please.Even the smallest blessing.In God's eyes, maybe it shouldn't be.Even Ding Guangyou has already achieved this.But what should come still has to come.finally.Something like that happened in his house.

And even his wife and brother went to prison because they were wronged.Although Ding Guangyou felt very sad.But his mind remained unchanged.I also want to behave like a decent human being.he understands.If he can have a little bit of power and connections.Even if it's just a little digging.My family felt that it was impossible to encounter such a thing.But he didn't regret it.

When he found Zeng Xingwu.But when it can't be solved.Although he didn't look for anyone again.But he didn't give up.only.He is a sixth-grade fellow acquaintance.It doesn't matter.No connections.Not even money.Even if he didn't give up on this matter.But there is also something that can't be done.

But after that.Ding Guangyou really felt that he could not agree with it.seem.There are people above who just want to be the most right with him.I don't know who he really provoked.Or those people thought he was a bully.

When Emperor Longqing died.Amnesty to the world.Almost nationwide.There is no one who committed a murder case.commutation of sentence.Some were released directly.And his brother-in-law was nothing more than the brother-in-law who was charged with the unwarranted crime of Ken Meng's abduction.Originally only three years in prison.It should have been released with this amnesty.But people did not come out.This was clearly done on purpose.

face this situation.The wife cried to death.But Ding Guangyou was helpless.Blame him for being incompetent?There are indeed some reasons for this.But more is because someone is obstructing it.

And this time.Ding Guangyou intends to swallow his anger again.It's been almost a year anyway.Hold on for another year.Wait until his wife and brother are released.Even if it's all right.That's right.Although very wronged.Although it shouldn't be.But Ding Guangyou decided to swallow this breath.Don't want to make trouble anymore.

But.Things are mortal.As a result, what Gao Gong's subordinates did arbitrarily happened.The result is.Preparations for the Bo people's conquest have begun here.And his wife and brother.He was also pulled to be a pioneer.That is cannon fodder.

Now.Ding Guangyou couldn't sit still.Although he has never been on the battlefield.But also understand.to do that kind of thing.Eighty percent of them are gone and never returned.Obviously someone who has never done anything.Now he will be dragged to the battlefield to die.How could he sit still.

Faced with this situation.Ding Guangyou mustered up his courage again.I went to find Zeng Xingwu.And Zeng Xingwu, who originally looked down on him.After what happened last time.Ding Guangyou also didn't like to see him very much.After a serious conversation between the two of them.This matter is considered to be a complete blowout.

But Ding Guangyou was not appointed this time.He even went to find Liu Xian.But Liu Xian was even more merciless than Zeng Xingwu.Although he and Ding Guangyou didn't have any problems.But Liu Xian is a soldier.It's the general.Those pioneer cannon fodder.It was originally sent to die.Although there are not many people.But for him, it was also a necessary plan to conquer the Bo people this time.Now Ding Guangyou wants to release one of them.How could Liu Xian agree to such a thing.Let alone such a powerless Ding Guangyou.I'm afraid it will be replaced by anyone.Unless the emperor personally issued an edict.Otherwise, Liu Xian would not have agreed.

then.after that.It is his wife and brother.He died there the first time he entered the battlefield.In the end, not even a corpse could be found.And Ding Guangyou's wife.After learning about this matter.Cry a lot.fall sick.It didn't take long before he passed away.

less than a month.Let Ding Guangyou lose two relatives.One is still a wife who has loved him very much for more than ten years.How to say this.Now Ding Guangyou is not crazy yet.It's already considered that he has extraordinary determination.

In short.Today's Ding Guangyou can be said to have lost everything.but.Although he has the idea of ​​revenge in his heart.But it is not certain.The so-called injustice has its head and its debtor has its owner.What happened to Ding Guangyou.Speaking of it, Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian should be blamed.But Ding Guangyou did not lose his mind.He understood that Liu Xian was not primarily responsible for this matter.After all, judging from the situation at the time.Liu Xian was not the person he was looking for now.After all, Liu Xian was just performing his duties.

That is.Ding Guangyou's target is actually only one person.It was Zeng Xingwu.

But about that.Ding Guangyou is very contradictory.after all.Zeng Xingwu is not a big treacherous person.And the opposite is true.Zeng Xingwu is a good official.Since Zeng Xingwu arrived in Sichuan as governor.No matter what he does.As small as those trivial things.As big as, for example, the conquest of the Bo people.These are all good things.

And even the matter of Ding Guangyou.In the final analysis, Zeng Xingwu was deceived by the people below.If you really want to care about this matter.Of course, Zeng Xingwu's responsibility is not small.But Ding Guangyou feels that he himself is partly responsible.

But Ding Guangyou had no choice.If he doesn't do something about it.He was afraid that his dead wife and brother-in-law would not let him go.He was afraid that he would really go crazy.

And now.Someone from the court came.The one who came was still the current imperial tutor.He is the governor in charge of Jinyiwei.Ding Guangyou thinks this is an opportunity.Maybe it can help him fulfill his wish.But Ding Guangyou wasn't sure if he wanted to do this.Or maybe he's not sure what to do locally.

And that's exactly what it is.After Zhang Fan uttered those provocative words on the way here.Although Ding Guangyou wanted to talk.But in the end he shut his mouth.he thinks.Zhang Fan didn't seem like a good candidate.Such bold words.It made local officials not want to see him.If you are mixing it up yourself.Not necessarily a good thing.

but.Ding Guangyou didn't expect it.Just when he was about to give up this opportunity again.Jin Yiwei took the initiative to come to the door.This made Ding Guangyou wonder when he couldn't figure it out.But there was also a glimmer of hope in his heart.perhaps.He might be able to find a way.

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