The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 972 Bewildering

In fact, what Zhang Fan guessed was not wrong at all.Ding Guangyou is now being dragged to this place.Sitting in vain for more than two hours did not see anyone.Speaking up.He would naturally feel nervous in his heart.After all, this situation of not knowing what happened.Anyone else would feel nervous.This is impossible.

But Zhang Fan said he wasn't afraid at all.This is also true.Ding Guangyou was dragged here by Zhang Fan's people to sit here.He really wasn't afraid at all.Think about it too.Why does he need to be afraid.No need at all.Do nothing bad.In this world, you know best in your own heart.Even if Jin Yiwei could really find out all the secrets in the world.But one thing that never happened at all.Unless someone deliberately framed it.Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to trouble you.

And Ding Guangyou knew it very well.I have never done anything worth worrying about.Think here.Ding Guangyou couldn't help but smiled in his heart.If he did anything.I'm afraid he won't end up like this now.

all in all.Ding Guangyou was dragged away by Jin Yiwei just now.Although the heart is nervous.But never scared.And after he got to the post house and sat down.He has no reason to be afraid.He understands in his heart.Since it is here.In other words, Zhang Fan planned to see him.Since it was Zhang Fan who wanted to see him.Then he is in no danger.If Zhang Fan wants to deal with him.Then you don't have to see him at all.Just put him on a random charge.Although Zhang Fan had no reason.But Ding Guangyou understood.if that is the case.I am sure to die.

and.Even if Zhang Fan really wanted to do this to him.He also had no reason to be afraid.Now he has lost everything.If it weren't for the usual reason, he could still control it.He has long since turned into a walking dead.die.For today's Ding Guangyou.Not terrible.

And now.After waiting for more than two hours.Ding Guangyou who was waiting was not just panicking.The whole body is a little sour.Zhang Fan finally appeared.

Before Zhang Fan appeared.Ding Guangyou has been thinking about why Zhang Fan wants to see him.He also had some ideas.After all, the situation after Zhang Fan arrived in Sichuan now.Ding Guangyou saw everything.His guess was that Zhang Fan might be using him to do something.And for that.Ding Guangyou thought about it carefully.He did not reject Zhang Fan's doing so.Although it is to use myself.But he had also heard about Zhang Fan.It is uncertain how much credibility the news from the distant capital still has.But he matter what.Since interests are involved.Then there is a deal in it.

Since Zhang Fan wants to use him to do something.Then the reverse is also true.Zhang Fan wanted to use him, Ding Guangyou.Then you have to give him some benefits.And money status or something.For Zhang Fan.It was easy to give him Ding Guangyou these things.But Ding Guangyou didn't care about these things.All he wanted was to be able to give himself justice.

right.Just being fair.Ding Guangyou understood.Zeng Xingwu made a lot of mistakes in this matter.But he wasn't so crazy that he only cared about revenge.Nothing else matters.He understands that Zeng Xingwu is not a bad person.Not a person who should be suppressed because of himself.Not to mention whether Zhang Fan agreed or disagreed.If Zhang Fan agrees.And he really did that.Can his heart disease be solved in the future?Solved it for a while.But I can't solve it forever.

He just wants to get justice.

So wait until Zhang Fan arrives.Ding Guangyou is ready to bargain with Zhang Fan.

but.Things are not that simple.Or.After Zhang Fan came.It didn't feel that way to him.Zhang Fan actually asked Ding Guangyou to drink with him at the table.This made Ding Guangyou feel something different.

Although Ding Guangyou is not sociable.In the officialdom for more than ten years.Not many friends either.But this does not mean that he does not understand things in the officialdom.Two people.Sit facing each other.Drink tea and talk about things.That's either business.Or it is a pure exchange of interests.But eating is different.This is not a Hongmen banquet.It is obvious that they want to build a relationship.

Ding Guangyou couldn't think of any reason for Zhang Fan to have a relationship with him.After all, my own situation.Like that.It's useless to have a relationship with him.Ding Guangyou didn't believe it.Except myself.Zhang Fan couldn't find another person in Chengdu who could break the deadlock he was facing now.

This is what confuses Ding Guangyou the most.He didn't know what Zhang Fan wanted to do.But.Zhang Fan didn't explain to him either.So he had no choice but to keep this doubt in his heart.Anyway.It won't be long before we get the answer.It's really not worth the candle to spend so much time on it now.

here.Ding Guangyou is still thinking about these things.Over there, Zhang Fan just walked into the room.Going to change clothes.Joanna followed immediately.Just when Zhang Fan was puzzled and wanted to ask her if there was anything wrong.But he saw Joanna's expression again.Zhang Fan could only sigh again.Said: "Don't worry. I won't embarrass him. If you don't worry anymore, then I can't help it. How about you come here at night. Just look at me."

"No. Van." Joanna shook her head.Rejected Zhang Fan's invitation.Said. "It's not that I'm worried about you. It's just that I'm a little worried. But I believe in Fan. Now that you've said that, then I have nothing to worry about." After speaking, Joanna turned around and left.Although what she said was nice.But Zhang Fan could clearly see her indecision.Even before leaving.The steps seemed very hesitant.obviously.She didn't feel relieved at all.

But about it.What can Zhang Fan say?He just shook his head.

Not long.Liang Chao asked people to prepare the food and wine.And here.Zhang Fan and Ding Guangyou also sat at the table.A table is not much.But very delicate dishes.Plus good wine.It really makes people feel good.The index finger moved.but.Now these two people sitting at the table.Even hungry.But neither of them sat here in the mood to eat.They have something to talk about.

Wait until the person who poured wine for the two leaves.Zhang Fan held up the wine glass to Ding Guangyou.Said: "Come on, Master Ding. This is Zhang's first time drinking with his colleagues since he came to Sichuan. Zhang respects Master Ding."

"Don't dare to take it. Mr. Zhang is too serious." Although the mind is not on the wine.Even Ding Guangyou didn't want to drink at all.I want to discuss business with Zhang Fan right away.But Zhang Fan raised his glass.He couldn't refuse.Otherwise, it would be a little too ignorant of flattery. "Master Zhang came from the capital. The journey is far away. It must have been very tiring along the way. When I arrived here, I should let the lower officials and local colleagues clean up the dust for the adults. But now I want Master Zhang to be the host. The lower officials are really in their hearts. I am ashamed. This glass of wine cannot be regarded as a respect between adults. It is the lower officials who want to punish adults with wine to make amends."

"Master Ding is too polite." Hearing what Ding Guangyou said.Zhang Fan understood immediately.indeed.This Ding Guangyou was not as confused as he appeared on the surface.He understood many things in his heart.It seemed that Zhang Fan wanted to do something with him.He already had an idea in his mind.That being the case.Then the next thing will be easy to say.

The two drank the glass of wine.Zhang Fan picked up the chopsticks.Haven't touched the dish yet.Over there, Ding Guangyou said: "Your Excellency, I invite you to drink with me today. I am very grateful. It's just that I really have doubts in my heart. I hope my lord can explain it to me."

"Oh. I don't know what Mr. Ding can't figure out." Zhang Fan put back the chopsticks in his hand.Looking at Ding Guangyou said. "If Zhang Fan knows, he should answer a question or two for Mr. Ding."

"This Sichuan is a place of outstanding individuals." Ding Guangyou said. "Although Xiaguan is not a local, his hometown is not far away. Moreover, Xiaguan has been an official here for more than ten years. He is also very familiar with the situation here. So Xiaguan felt curious. Why did Master Zhang just come here today? When I came to Chengdu Mansion, no one else was invited, but I wanted to invite the lower officials.

"Xiaguan is just a mere sixth-rank acquaintance. In terms of status and official position, let alone in the eyes of Mr. Zhang. Even in this Chengdu mansion, they are all insignificant. People who are higher than Xiaguan's official position are even more important. All of them. Besides, it doesn't matter if you are a low official. Even if you have been in the officialdom for more than ten years, there is no one who can agree with you. In this way, why did your lord let a low official come over? Or, why would your lord It can be seen as an officer."

"Yes. Why." Zhang Fan did not answer Ding Guangyou's question.Instead, he asked rhetorically. "That. I also have a question to ask Lord Ding. Lord Ding's file. I have also read it. Jinshi in the 40th year of Jiajing. Palace Examination No. 10. Even if it was Yan Song's control of the government at that time. Let Mr. Ding has nowhere to show his ambition and talent. He was sent to such a place to take such an official position. But it took ten years. Not to mention that the court has already changed its appearance. Even if it is still the same as before. Why is Mr. Ding very angry? It took me two years. I was promoted to two levels. From a promotion official of the seventh rank to a fellow adjutant of the sixth rank. This is simply unreasonable. You must know that ten years is enough to go to Beijing to be a DPRK I'm an official. I don't know what the reason is for Master Ding."

"Huh..." Ding Guangyou let out a long sigh.Said. "Master Zhang. Both of you and I understand this matter in our hearts. If you don't believe me, Jin Yiwei can't find out about the matter of the lower official. Now the lower official is in front of the lord. I hope the lord can speak directly. This time Let the next official come here. What is the intention?"

It seems.Ding Guangyou is not going to play these games anymore.

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