Chapter 2 Cellar Dwelling
The moonlight slapped on the branches of the tree and shattered into quicksilver.

Everything is silent, and the night is like water.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Luo Xuan walked alone to the "breeding room" of the production team across the pond.

"Boom... Hu... Boom... Wuwu~"

A burst of snoring sounded like a burst, shaking the mud clods on the bamboo fence wall of the breeding room, rustling down.

"Uncle Zhou! Uncle Zhou!"

Luo Xuan slammed on the wooden door of the [breeder's lounge], trying to wake up the breeder, Uncle Zhou.

But it didn't work.

Luo Xuan is not gentle when he calls the door, and there is no habit of knocking gently in the countryside.

Uncle Zhou loves to drink, and he doesn't care about it when he's drunk, it's hard to wake him up.

"Hoo... woo..."

Luo Xuan's loud yelling only changed the tone of Uncle Zhou's snoring, and he still couldn't wake up.

The sound of the waves is still there.


Luo Xuan sat slumped on the stone slab under the eaves, quietly listening to the crowing of frogs in the distance and the noise of crickets nearby.

The entire brigade knows that Uncle Zhou, the breeder of the 6th production team, must drink whenever he drinks, and get drunk whenever he drinks.

Only at midnight, when he should get up to feed the old sow, will Uncle Zhou wake up on time to work.

after all.

Wine bowl is important, rice bowl is equally important.

Sitting on the rock with his chin resting, Luo Xuan felt a sense of desolation in his heart.

Everyone in the small mountain village went to bed early.

At this time, people are all under the quilt, dreaming of eating meat, or letting their stomachs eat rice.

But Luo Xuan could only sit in a daze alone in the cold night.

Like a stray dog.

Bored, Luo Xuan had no choice but to step into the space in his mind.

The space is not big, about 200 square meters, smaller than the house in my previous life.

Have a space in your head.

This is something that Luo Xuan had already discovered when he just traveled here.

In this space, there is nothing but a clear spring.

Luo Xuan still doesn't know: what is the use of this space?


The only thing Luo Xuan knows is that once he enters that space, the time and space outside will stop running.

It's actually quite easy to prove this: Throw a leaf into a stream, then dodge into space.

After staying inside for a while, when he came out again, Luo Xuan found that the leaf was still in its original position and did not flow away with the stream.

In the space, Luo Xuan looked at the broad beans he had planted out of curiosity a few days ago, and saw that it was still the same, only a little spores had sprouted.

After squinting in the space for a while, Luo Xuan stepped out of the space.

Although I can hide in the space and sleep, after all, I am in the space, no matter how long I sleep.

After coming out, the outside world still stays at the original time point.

Luo Xuan still needs to find a way to survive the long night.


Sitting on the stone platform, Luo Xuan looked at the distant mountains and thought to himself: If I can get enough food, my body can recover and I can live.

Living in this era, knowledge, money, insight, and skills are all secondary.

Only the precious food is the only guarantee for him to survive!

Thinking about it, Luo Xuan gradually felt drowsy, and slowly fell asleep while sitting on the rock.
"Ah tui!"

After an unknown amount of time, the door of the [breeder's lounge] was suddenly opened.

Uncle Zhou, who was wearing a torn jacket, spat out a mouthful of old phlegm into the courtyard dam outside the door!

Thick phlegm swirled and flew over Luo Xuan's head.

With a "click", it slammed heavily on the soil in front of Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan, who was in a daze, was suddenly awakened and stood up abruptly! .

"Hey, where did you come from, a thief boy?"

Uncle Zhou was also taken aback, and scolded: "You dog day wants to eat peanuts, how dare you sneak on the head of the public?!"

Looking at Uncle Zhou's burly figure, it would be no joke to be hit by his sand bowl-sized fist!
Luo Xuan hurriedly said, "Uncle Zhou, uncle! Don't kick, don't kick, it's me, Luo Xuan."

"I ran into a ghost! You didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and ran to sit in front of Laozi's door. Are you trying to scare Laozi to death?"

Uncle Zhou cursed a few words.

Suddenly he came back to his senses: "So it's Luo Xuan, you son of a bitch? Hey, have you been kicked out by your mother?"

Luo Xuan bowed his head and remained silent.

Uncle Zhou pulled the torn jacket that was about to fall off his shoulders, and grinned: "I'll just say it! If you are kicked out, it will be the same as my three retribution dolls will be recruited out to be someone else's son-in-law. Hey, sooner or later!"

Bashu Province said that its children sometimes like to say "retribution": those two retributions in my family
This is similar to the meaning that the cultural people in ancient times called their children "dogs".

It was already midnight, and Uncle Zhou wanted to get up to feed the pregnant sow, so he opened the door.

Luo Xuan followed Uncle Zhou all the way to the kitchen on the side of the courtyard dam.

It is said to be a stove room, but it is actually a simple shed built with bamboo. There are two earthen stoves inside and two huge iron pots on it.

It is specially used for livestock to make swill.



Uncle Zhou blew on the torch, ignited the grain and grass, and then stuffed it into the stove to make a fire.

The flames in the stove gradually began to grow stronger.

Uncle Zhou pulled out a burning twig from the stove, and lit the leaf smoke in his mouth "pat-pat-pat".

After taking two deep breaths and exhaling a puff of extremely choking smoke, Uncle Zhou slowly got up.

I saw him turn around and in the large pottery jar on the side, scoop out two large spoonfuls of feed powder and pour them into the iron pot, which contained half of the pot of clear water that had been filled in advance.

Uncle Zhou reached in and stirred.

Then he took out an enamel bowl containing rice porridge from under the large pottery pot turned upside down, and heated it in the pot.

After finishing the work, Uncle Zhou sat down and continued to light the fire.

During the whole process, Uncle Zhou didn't say a word to Luo Xuan.


Steam began to rise from the iron pot, and the smell of food permeated the bamboo shed.

Not long after, the iron pot began to churn and churn.

Only then did Uncle Zhou stand up, picked up a large enamel bowl from the pig food, and placed it on the stove.

After letting it cool down a little bit, Uncle Zhou picked up the bowl and "hululu...hululu", turned the bowl in a circle, and drank the porridge in big gulps.

"Uncle Zhou, from today onwards, I'll be on watch for you at night."

Luo Xuan secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said, "Feed the old sow at night, and I will help you with these things."

I have nowhere to go.

Luo Xuan could only come to the breeding room and help Uncle Zhou with work for nothing in exchange for a night's shelter.


"Oh, tomorrow, I can't do it tonight, I'm too lazy to go back and call the door."

Uncle Zhou listened to Luo Xuan's suggestion, pondered for a while, then picked up the hog ladle used to feed the old sow, and scooped out half a spoonful of pig food from the big iron pot.

I thought about it.

Uncle Zhou poured back some of the pig food, and then handed the wooden ladle to Luo Xuan: "Eat it! Tonight is my treat. Don't say anything about it, or I will beat you to death!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his fist and slapped Luo Xuan fiercely.

Luo Xuan took the wooden ladle and began to drink the porridge without thinking.

These feeds include sweet potato powder, pea and broad bean powder, as well as aged oil and rice bran.

The taste is very strange, barely able to swallow.

It is definitely impossible not to drink.

This small half scoop of pig food is equivalent to my "vote certificate" to Uncle Zhou.If Luo Xuan didn't drink, Uncle Zhou would definitely not let him live here.

Poor people tend to have stronger self-esteem.

Uncle Zhou "rewarded" this small half spoonful of pig food to Luo Xuan with a sense of superiority, so Luo Xuan couldn't help but refuse to accept it.

While Luo Xuan was eating pig food, Uncle Zhou had already finished his rice porridge.

He put down the bowl, took out a large handful of chopped sweet potato vines from another large basket, and put them into a large iron pot to cook together with the pot of pig food.

Wait until the pig food is cooked.

Luo Xuan hurriedly picked up the slop bucket, scooped all the pig feed in the pot into the wooden bucket, and then fed it to the old sow with a big belly.

Get it all done.

Uncle Zhou lazily watched Luo Xuan finish his work, then stretched his waist and said to Luo Xuan, "Go back, I'm going to sleep."

"Lao Tzu" is a catchphrase and has no practical meaning, Luo Xuan doesn't care about it.

Now I am not qualified to argue with the poor peasant Uncle Zhou.

Luo Xuan turned around silently and walked towards the bamboo forest behind the breeding room.

There are sweet potato cellars dug by the production team.

Now the sweet potatoes in the cellar must be gone. In the empty cellar, there is a strong earthy and musty smell.

But there, it's the only place to pass the time
 【Manual of this book】(abbreviated version):
  This book is not a house fighting novel, and the protagonist's pattern is not so small.

  This book is not a harem novel either. In the eyes of the protagonist, food is more attractive than beautiful women.

  After appraisal, the toxicity of this book is not too strong, so you can take it with confidence.

  Hereby inform.

  ——Supported by the little ant.

(End of this chapter)

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