Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 519 Abandon the car and prepare to walk

Chapter 519 Abandon the car and prepare to walk
The poker players had a lot of fun.

Zhang Xiaoli, who was sleeping, was snoring slightly, which was also very sweet.

But Luo Xuan felt very irritated.

This is because the train was slow and slow, and finally stopped!

This green leather train was originally going slowly.Now even at a speed of 2 to 30 kilometers per hour, it is unwilling to run.

Like a late old man with a walking stick, he walked a few steps with difficulty.

After all, his legs still couldn't bear the ravages of time and couldn't walk anymore.

The scorching sun is in the sky, and the sun is like a fire.

The train is running slowly.But when it was running, at least there was a little wind blowing in from the outside of the car window.

So that the passengers in the crowded compartment can still feel the slightest touch of the breeze.

Now, the train is completely on its knees.

Right now, the temperature inside the carriage was like that of a little widow who hadn't touched a man for 10 years and saw a burly man with a masculine air all over her body.

The heat really skyrocketed!

It was as sultry as if thrown into a stove and scorched fiercely!

Luo Xuan sat in his seat, with Zhang Xiaoli on his back, and the unknown female classmate on his lap.

Sandwich-like situation,

It was only because Luo Xuan kept in his heart and silently recited the Taoist exercises countless times that he was able to temporarily keep himself from sweating profusely from the heat.

And the other people in the carriage could no longer stand such a high temperature.

Many male students who were a bit concerned about their own image also took off their shirts one after another and became 'Bang Ye'.

those schoolgirls.

Everyone was dripping with sweat, each took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and kept wiping the sweat off his face and neck.

To your surprise,
And the female classmate who was sitting on Luo Xuan's lap, still gritted her teeth and insisted on playing cards.

All over her body, she didn't seem to be sweating.

Everyone else is hot, like a drowned chicken that was picked up from the water.And there was not even a trace of sweat on her body.
"Stop playing?"

Zhang Haijun is lucky today, more wins than losses.

But I was very reluctant to give up, this kind of.Zhang Haijun, who has killed the Quartet and can win twice in every hand.

I was also irritated by the heat: "It's too hot! It makes people unable to calm down to play cards. Otherwise, I can win 20 more points if I win the card."

Everyone is too hot.

The female classmate next to Zhang Haijun saw the girl sitting on Luo Xuan's lap.He didn't even show much, he was upset and irritable after being heated.

He couldn't help asking her curiously, "Student, aren't you hot?"

"well enough."

The girl giggled, "I'm from the X family, and I've been used to being hot since I was a child. And no matter how hot it is, I hardly sweat."

If she doesn't sweat, it means that the pores on her body are very fine.

When the girl sat down to play cards earlier, everyone had clearly sensed that this slightly dark-skinned girl was probably not Han Chinese.

Because if it is a Han female student, most of them would not dare, as she is so generous and unscrupulous.

Dare to be in public, sit on a man's lap, and play cards without distraction.

"Then what's your name?"

The female classmate was very curious, "Where is your hometown?"

"My name is Na Mu. Actually, I should be considered an overseas student, right?"

The girl replied: "My hometown is in Liao State, which is across the river from China. Because we are from the same clan on the border.

Among each other, many people are relatives, even brothers.We would cross the river from time to time and visit each other. "

"So I can speak Chinese."

The girl smiled and said, "And the education over there is relatively backward. That's why I have been studying here since I was a child."

Na Mujiao laughed, "When it comes to playing cards, I'm not good at it. But when it comes to heat resistance, you guys can't compare to me in this respect."

They are chatting.

And Zhang Xiaoli was also awakened by the heat at this time.

"Why did the train stop? Is there any water? I'm a little thirsty."

Zhang Xiaoli said, "Before that, the salesperson sold us boiled water for 3 cents a glass. It's really too little."

Luo Xuan looked at the water tank,

Shaking his head: "There's no water. Why don't you wait here for a while, I'll squeeze over to the boiler room to see if I can get water?"

At this moment,

A woman squeezed through the aisle and said, "The boiler room is dry and there is no water.

The water on the salesman's trolley has risen to 1 cents a cup.

But just like that, she couldn't walk a few steps, and the boiled water was snatched away. Suffer!It's such a hot day, why can't people buy water to drink? "

This time the train stopped.

I don't know if this is a temporary stop, or because of the front, what accident happened?
The broadcast on the train did not say why.

The big guys are covered in clouds and mist, and no one knows how long it will take to stop this time?

If you just stay for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or even half an hour.

Believe that the big guy in the carriage, suffering is suffering, but they can still endure.

If you stop for a few hours
It is estimated that there will be more and more people in the carriage who fainted due to heatstroke
This is not,

In the middle of the carriage, there was already a student and an old man.

Because the temperature in the warm compartment is too high!

those two people

Already fainted due to heat stroke, the well-meaning passengers next to him were taking out toilet water, orange peels, Huoxiangzhengqi water, etc. in their bags.

He was in a hurry to help them.

But in fact, the effect they can achieve is extremely limited.

For people with heat stroke, it is especially important to maintain a cool and ventilated environment.

It's just that people are crowded in the carriages, and people are crowded with people, which can squeeze women into pregnancy and fat people into an environment.

Where did the conditions come from?

Let everyone move to the side so as to make room for these two heat stroke passengers?
I really can't avoid it!
"How about we get out of the car and have a look?"

At this moment, Zhang Haijun was too hot to hold back.

So he suggested: "Anyway, this train is slow, like an old cow in the production team. Shall I jump out of the window to have a look?

Even if the train is moving again, I only need to trot a few steps to catch up with it. "


With difficulty, Zhang Haijun got out of the half-open car window.

Just before jumping off the car,

He turned his head again, and told his companions in the carriage, "At that time, you have to reach out from the window and give me a hand!

If you leave me in this wilderness, then I will be miserable."

Sitting next to Luo Xuan, the female classmate who cheated with Zhang Haijun before said with a smile, "Don't worry, we won't abandon you if we leave anyone behind."

Hearing this, Zhang Haijun felt relieved and jumped out of the car window with a "squeak".

After about 10 minutes.

Zhang Haijun, who had long hands and long feet, ran back along the drain ditch beside the railway, sweating profusely.

"It's not worth it! Come down, everyone. I can't get on this train."

Zhang Haijun scolded angrily, "I call it a frog's leg! There is a large area of ​​landslide ahead. The falling rocks destroyed at least 100 meters of the railway. Take a hammer!"

It was already sweltering in the car.

When Zhang Haijun yelled like this, the big guy suddenly became confused!
When encountering such a large-scale landslide, not only huge rocks were pressed on the railway.

Even the railway embankment was washed away.

If you want to transfer the emergency repair team from the train station ahead, you will be delayed on the road.

At least half a day.

In addition to the emergency repairs of the construction, it doesn't take a day or two, don't even try to fix it!
In this sweltering, stove-like compartment, who can stay for a day or two?
Then why don't you just evaporate all the water from your body?

Luo Xuan also greeted Zhang Xiaoli and said, "Let's go, I'll put you down from the car window first. Then I'll hand you the luggage, and finally I'll go down."

Zhang Xiaoli was a little worried, "There are no villages or shops in this wilderness. Do we really have to rely on two legs to get out of these 10 mountains?"

"It's not that exaggerated."

Luo Xuan explained, "Go straight along the railway line until you reach the next, bigger railway station.

At that time, we will buy train tickets again and go to Spring City. "

This time I rushed to Laos County.

In the end, you need to go to Chuncheng to transfer to a car before you can get to Laos County.

Zhang Xiaoli has no idea.

Especially in front of Luo Xuan, she was obedient and would never disobey Luo Xuan's decision.

Wait until the two get out of the car.

The girl named Na Mu also got out of the car window.

This guy!
As soon as he jumped off the train, he did something incredible to Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli:
She was right next to the railway, taking off her pants and booing!
In public!
There were more than a dozen carriages, and there were quite a few passengers at this time, and they also got out of the windows one after another.

In front of so many men, women, old and young, and in front of so many men, women, old and young, Na Mu actually dared to show it openly and put her ass on her ass.

Put water there? !

Na Mu, on the other hand, was peeing profusely and her face was full of contentment.

But those passengers, who just got out of the car window, should be embarrassing.

Many gay men turned their heads away, not daring to look at Na Mu. Their own wives were still standing by, watching these men's reactions coldly!

Although Na Mu is beautiful.

But if you are in public, you will be slapped by your own mother-in-law!

Let's say "old and unscrupulous" again!
Wouldn't it make people feel ashamed and wish they could get into that gutter next to the railway? ?
Take a look and get a slap.

Then he was stared at by everyone with disdainful eyes.
No matter how it settles accounts, it doesn't make sense.

The old men dare not look at Na Mu and shush, and the young boys are even more afraid.

Especially those male students with thin skins, their faces flushed with shame on the spot!

They didn't even have the courage to glance over here.

Luo Xuan, who was standing next to Na Mu, was also a little dumbfounded by Na Mu's abrupt behavior: Na Mu really didn't feel embarrassed.

So embarrassing are those bustling passengers.

The sound of the water was gurgling, and Namu was humming.

What is this all about?

When Zhang Haijun and his party consisted of five or five people, plus Luo Xuan, Zhang Xiaoli and Na Mu, there were eight people in total.

After all got out of the car.

Everyone carried their luggage and began to climb to the top of the mountain.

The terrain here is a bit steep, with high mountains on the right hand side along the railway; and deep ravines on the left hand side.

So everyone can only climb up the mountain first, take a look at the nearby terrain and landforms, and then decide, how to go?
Originally, going straight along the drainage ditches beside the railway was the most trouble-free route.

But unfortunately,

In front of the railway line, the landslide was serious.

So that this way is blocked.The big guys can only climb to the top of the mountain first, and then make a decision.

Wait until there are hundreds of people.Working together, they struggled to carve out a path in the bushes with their bare hands.

Climb to the top of the mountain and have a look!
The heart of the big guy suddenly became cold and cold.
Look down and look forward.

The eyes are all lush, large tracts of miscellaneous forests, and bushes.


How can I see the way forward?
what should we do?

(End of this chapter)

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