Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 530 Prepare to build another house [Thanks to the helmsman Taurus boss]

There is only one bamboo house with ventilation on all sides.

Moreover, there is only one bed made entirely of bamboo. The reason why it is called a bed.

Just because of this thing, it can't be called a bed.

It uses two thick bamboo poles, tied to the two walls of the house, and some thicker, battered bamboo pieces are placed in the middle.

Even the bed board.

A straw mat was randomly spread on the bed, and a thin quilt was thrown on it.

And the color of this quilt can no longer distinguish its original background color.Its blackness is comparable to that of the clay pot used to boil water.

Definitely have a fight.

Seeing that Luo Xuan hesitated, Lao Min scratched his head and chuckled, "I'm really sorry, I've been here all year round, and not a single person will come to visit.

And I hardly live here at night.So, it's a mess here. "

Luo Xuan asked him, "I heard from people in the Mengli Commune that you came here in 58. After such a long time, how do you usually cook?"

Old Min pointed to the firepit, "Here, sometimes I'm here to cook something casually.

And most of the time, I just eat whatever I can find in the wild.It's easy to get local materials and light a fire on the spot to roast them. "

Zhang Xiaoli wondered, "You waste so much time looking for food every day. Then don't you usually work in the production team?"

Lao Min smiled wryly, "Go! It's just that the production team doesn't have much work. In April, everyone has to set fire to the mountain.

At that time, I went to chop trees for a few days.After burning the wasteland, if you encounter those larger logs, they have not been burned through.

Let's go collect it together, put it on fire, and keep burning. "

"After finishing the work, I will rest for 10 days and half a month. The production team will come to greet everyone, and we will go to the fields to transplant rice seedlings together."

Lao Min smiled and said, "Then I just played for several months! I will not go to the mountains to help harvest upland rice until September.

Going to the paddy fields and harvesting rice for a year is considered a pass. "

Zhang Xiaoli also knows how to do farm work.

Hearing this, he was very curious, "The climate here is so hot. Can't we plant it twice a year? Besides, there are so many mountains, and there are a lot of dry land on the mountains, don't you grow corn and sweet potatoes?"

Lao Min was very helpless, "Planting for two seasons? Why do you have to plant so many? If it weren't for the fact that they would be hungry if they didn't plant the land, they probably wouldn't even want to plant for one season."

"And the people here don't grow corn and sweet potatoes very much."

Lao Min shook his head, "When you stay here for a long time, you will understand: grow corn and sweet potatoes here.

Hard work for nothing.Sometimes, even the seed money cannot be collected. "

It is said that one seed is sown in spring and ten thousand chestnuts are harvested in autumn.

So here, but don't grow crops such as sweet potatoes and corn with high yields?
Zhang Xiaoli looked at Luo Xuan, and stopped chatting with Lao Min.

These things, after you settle down in the future, you will naturally be able to understand them slowly.

Zhang Xiaoli was very concerned about Luo Xuan's feelings, she was unwilling to talk too much with strange men, for fear of causing Luo Xuan's dissatisfaction.

Although this is Zhang Xiaoli, she thinks too much, but she is such a character
No one can tell her wrong.

Luo Xuan put away his luggage, and took out two cans of beef and two dried mushrooms again.

Then take out the pots and pans that come with you, and prepare to light a fire and cook.

No firewood?
It's hard for Luo Xuan: tear down the bed!

Anyway, that "bed" was so dirty that people really didn't want to lie on it.

And Lao Min has already said: he doesn't sleep here at night.

Luo Xuan reckoned that every night he slipped into nearby villages to discuss ideas, talk about ideals, and look forward to life with those girls who were about to marry.

There are some villages nearby, which are not in the same category as Na Mu and the others, and "walking marriages" are practiced there.

Often those girls who want to marry will build a very simple hut with wood and bamboo chips outside the stockade.

If you meet a young junior who is interested in her.

Naturally, he would run over and meet the girl.

If the two sides see each other right, the man will go to the girl's house and help with farm work for four years.

If it develops to this stage, the marriage between the two parties will be considered a success.

If the two spend a night together and don't feel anything, then go back to their respective homes and find their own mothers.

Nothing happened to each other.
Seeing the canned food that Luo Xuan took out, Lao Min couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "Oh, this is a good thing. I think back then, when Ala was young at home, he always ate freshly grilled steaks."

Luo Xuan replied indifferently, "Sing the song of that mountain on whichever mountain.

I saw a lot of scalpers on the top of the mountain in the morning.Do you want to cut a piece off?Let's have a freshly grilled steak, how well done do you want? "

Old Min chuckled, "Ah, I don't dare to do that to death!

Those cattle were raised by those people in the village.How dare I touch a hair of it. "

Luo Xuan was a little surprised, "Aren't those cows raised by the production team?"

Lao Min shook his head, "No. This place is different from the mainland. There is no way to manage it in the production team. On the dozens of hills near these places, there are cattle breeding models everywhere."

The hills in this area are quite large.

The area of ​​any mountain top is estimated to be several square kilometers.

This is not to say that the circumference of these hills is that big.You must know that mountains stand upright, not flat ground.

If these hills are spread out, it is not surprising that the area exceeds 10 square kilometers.

So a production team only has 2 people.

Want to rely on the collective strength of members to manage dozens of hills?

That is impossible.

Lao Min quietly leaned into Luo Xuan's ear and said, "In the past, the collective was also used to manage these cattle. But when there was a shortage of food, one fell to death today, or another died of illness tomorrow.

The mountains are bitter!When you go up the mountain in the future, you will know after experiencing it a few times. "

Lao Min smiled and said, "In that kind of difficult environment, no one would bother to follow those scalpers and do nothing all day long.

Let those guys in the stockade stare at the cow's butt every day. Is that possible? "

Luo Xuan thought for a while, and felt that what Old Min said was reasonable:
There are many hills here, and the area is also large.

Those people in the village, don't say they like drinking and sleeping late.

Even if they are very diligent, they can't keep an eye on those cows every day. It takes a lot of effort to go up and down the mountain!
If it was windy and rainy, the people in the village might go to the mountains and stare at the collective property?

Not to mention the troubles caused by the change of weather to the mountain people.

Just the sight of snakes, ants, mosquitoes, leeches and beasts is unbearable.

"Leave him alone!"

Luo Xuan told Lao Min, "Go and tear down that broken bed of yours! There is no firewood now, and I am waiting for the firewood to make a fire."

Lao Min looked at Zhang Xiaoli,
Some worried, "It doesn't matter to me to tear down this broken bed. But how do you sleep at night?"

Luo Xuan replied, "I see that your house is dirty and messy. I guess there are quite a few fleas, right?

How could we live in such a broken house? "

Lao Min blushed, "How many fleas are there! I bet there will be no more than 100."

Luo Xuan laughed angrily at him, "That's all, you still think it's too little?"

Lao Min smiled and said, "I'm afraid you haven't been to the village to experience life, have you? If you sleep, I can guarantee that you will wake up the next day with no intact skin on your body."

There are too many cattle, sheep and dogs, and there are too many fleas.

This is unavoidable.

What is the green prairie, which looks infinitely beautiful?

Hehe, I only found out that gadflies, mosquitoes, and fleas, these inconspicuous little guys, can really bully people and make life worse than death!

"You're new here, I'm afraid you don't know how casual and lazy they are here."

Old Min said, "And they don't have any concept of numbers. When they do things, they can piss you off."

Luo Xuan said, "Go do your job! If you are very dark, then everything you see will be dim.

You may not be used to the people here doing things. But you and I will live here for a long time, so I advise you to look at the positive and sunny side more!

"Over time, you may find that they still have unique advantages."

Lao Min nodded, "Maybe you're right."

side said.

Lao Min was tearing down the bed board.

This dismantled bamboo slice is easy to burn.

Since Luo Xuan's rice is stored in the space, it is not convenient to take it out for cooking.

So Luo Xuan first boiled water and started cooking mushroom soup.

Old Min saw Luo Xuan, when he lit a match with a match, he just rubbed it fiercely on the phosphorus plate of the matchbox.

Then he said, "Student Luo Xuan, save your money. You just came here with a match, and you think it's not so precious.

After you stay here for a long time, you will know that it is not easy to go out and buy a box of matches. "

Luo Xuan chuckled, "Don't worry, I have plenty of matches. I even have several lighters."

Old Min's eyes glowed, "Really? You still have a gasoline lighter? Then don't waste this lighter.

You know, giving Miaozu those girls a lighter will make them happy."

Lao Min looked at Zhang Xiaoli behind him,

After all, I still have no guts,
The words were too explicit, "Luo Xuan, you are also a smart man, hehehe. You understand."

Luo Xuan ignored him.

Use some worthless gadgets to deceive those big girls?

Grab the asparagus!
Lao Min turned and went out.

Reaching out from under the eaves outside, he took down a dry and dried pheasant, and cleaned it carefully.

Then chop it, chop it, and throw it into the mushroom soup.

It takes a lot of time to cook the air-dried chicken to a good bite. The three of them will squat in the room, making soup and chatting.

"Luo Xuan! Luo Xuan, come out and get your food."

On Na Mu's head was a bag woven from homemade cloth.There is Luo Xuan inside, the ration for this half month: 14 catties.

Zhang Xiaoli's ration,
It was carried by a girl named Na Li, who was brought over by Luo Xuan and the others.

People here, they don't seem to have the habit of carrying goods on their shoulders, nor do they have the concept of using a backpack.

To carry anything, almost all with the head.

Luo Xuan and Lao Min went out of the house, took the food, and then started to cook the rice.

This is really a veritable "wait for the rice to go into the pot".

"Namu, can you go back to the village and find some people to help?"

Luo Xuan said, "This house is too small to live in. I want to rebuild three bamboo houses a little in front of here, on that piece of flat land."

"Those who help, I will pay."

Luo Xuan added, "Look, how much is the right amount for each person for a day's work?"

Na Mu shook her head, "It's just helping to build a bamboo house. That job is quick and easy. Don't pay them, as long as you can take care of them."

Luo Xuan chuckled, "Then you go back to the village and find someone to help.

I will take care of the lunch and dinner for them today.But these houses must be built before tonight. "

Na Mu was startled, "How dare you give them two meals?"

Now it was Luo Xuan's turn to be surprised: hire someone to help him build a house, let alone take care of two meals, even three meals a day.

Isn't it normal!

Old Min smiled and said, "Student Helix, you probably don't know yet? The people here only eat two meals a day.

Usually around 10 am, have a meal.At 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon, have another meal. "

There are actually quite a few places where you can eat two meals a day.

Including beyond the Great Wall and the side of the loess high slope.

During this period, they only eat two meals a day.

Luo Xuan looked at the sky, estimated that the current time should be around 10 o'clock in the morning.

So Luo Xuan looked at Lao Min, "You should know the specific market for hiring someone to help with the work, right?"

Lao Min nodded, "I know. Well, let me take care of this matter, and you can leave it alone."

Asking others to help with work in the countryside, in fact, every place has its own set of very mature unspoken rules.

This kind of thing is not explicitly stipulated, but everyone agrees and acquiesces to this market.

It doesn't matter whether it's the wages, the amount of wages, or the amount of wages; or please provide them with food, cigarettes, etc.

It has a market price.

If anyone rashly pretends to be generous and ostentatious, he must pay high wages.

Treat these workers to dinner, if the food is really good.

Those who work are naturally happy.

but that person,

He will be secretly cursed by other people!
For example, if you hire a craftsman, if the daily wage is [-] cents, no one should pay him one yuan.

This is regarded as driving up wages and disrupting the market. It will be attacked by people.

"I think it's better to give them two meals today."

Old Min looked at the sky,

He opened the mouth and said, "Student Luo Xuan, you have to be mentally prepared! 10 girls will come to help you work. After two meals, I'm afraid at least 18 catties of food will be eaten for you."

People in this period generally eat a lot.

Especially when eating other people's food, they are ruthless.

Today in the stockade, a total of 28 catties of grain was brought to me.This time, more than half of them were killed by someone!

That's why Lao Min feels sorry for Luo Xuan: In one day, 18 catties of grain were killed.

How will you live the days after that?

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