Chapter 715
"Thank you fellow for saving your life!"

"Thank you, woo woo woo, thank you two comrades for saving me!"

A young woman who had just been salvaged by the captain of the Guanzhuang production team and the captain of the militia suddenly fell to her knees at the feet of the captain of the production team and the captain of the militia.

I saw her kowtowing like garlic: "Thank you benefactor! Now my family is ruined and I have nothing on my body. I really don't know how to repay the life-saving grace of the two comrades. Wuwuwu."

The woman in front of her had a beautiful face.

As for her figure? During this period, she needed to do farm work for a long time, and her food was not good.Therefore, the figures of young daughters-in-law and older girls are usually not too bad.

At this time, the wicker waist is not a standard of attractiveness.

And looking for a big butt, thick waist, fists as big as sand bowls, and legs as thick as donkeys is the first choice for marrying a wife in rural areas.

Only in this way can it represent that the woman is a multifunctional and good wife who can work, give birth, and make a bed.

Like the young woman in front of me, her slender waist, long but not thick thighs, and slightly thin but sharp snare drum are not good for rural people!

Rural people, but no one wants to have too barren land. The main reason is that the crop yield is not high, and it is a bit expensive to farm cattle.

Haven't you seen the girls in the pictures of this period, all of them have red apple faces, and all of them are plump and round?

The padded jacket on the woman in front of her has been hung to pieces by debris in the flood.

After she was salvaged by everyone, in order to ensure that the body temperature of the woman would not be lost too quickly, as soon as the woman landed, her clothes and pants were cleaned up by the warm-hearted women and aunts of the Guanzhuang production team.

Now, only a thin men's vest and a pair of big red underpants are left on her body.

It should be convex, and it should be concave. It's really pretty!
no way:
After all, wearing a wet thick padded jacket and trousers can lose body temperature faster than wearing a naked body.

As for the members of the Guanzhuang production team, they can risk their lives and stand on the waist-deep river bank to save people desperately.

But if they are allowed to take out quilts and cotton padded jackets from their own homes to cover these disaster-stricken people.
No one wants to do this kind of thing!

After all, there are not many cotton-padded jackets left in the families of the commune members.

It is possible to risk your life to save people in the river, after all, it is just a matter of effort.

But if you take out the clothes at home and wear them for others, then the members of the commune will not be able to spend their lives in their own homes in the future!

Fortunately, the captain of the Guanzhuang production team, who has seen a lot of naked women and men today, is not interested in taking a second look at her.

I've seen too much and my eyes are a little tired.
At this moment, the production team leader saw the woman kneeling and kowtowing, the Guanzhuang production team leader ignored his own fatigue, stepped forward to pull the young woman up and said softly, "Girl, what's your name?"

The captain was worried that the woman in front of him was scared, so he deliberately asked her name.

In this way, it can also quickly stabilize the other party's mind.

The woman replied: "My name is Ai Meili, I am 20 years old, and I used to be from Wushen Banner."

"Good name!"

The captain casually boasted, not sure if it was true or not, "Get up, girl, it's not fashionable to kowtow now.

We are all members of the production team in the new society, how could we not save ourselves?

Even if there is a disaster in our production team, other brother production teams will also lend a helping hand to us. Get up, don't kowtow, I don't want to make mistakes. "

"Thank you, Comrade. I, I am so hungry and faint now that I have no energy in my body."

Ai Meili, a young woman, covered the top with one hand, and stuffed the other hand into the vital part to cover the shadow.

Then he looked eagerly at the captain of the production team in Guanzhuang, and asked pleadingly: "Comrade, can you give me a bite? Even food is fine, I'm so hungry that I can't stand up."

The captain nodded: "Don't worry, they say save people to the end, our production team won't ignore you."

Anyone who can swim knows that struggling in the water takes a lot of energy.

What's more, the young Ai Meili woman in front of her has already drifted down from a place more than 100 kilometers upstream with a log in her arms?
And Ai Meili struggled to survive in the flood, and kept avoiding those terrible whirlpools in the dim night.

Struggling to avoid impaling trees, broken furniture and wreckage.

Especially the flood was cold, let alone the woman in front of her who had been soaking in the whole night, even if Ai Meili soaked in the piercing flood for half an hour, her body temperature would be lost too quickly and her energy would be exhausted.

I have to say that the life of the young woman in front of me is really big enough!

She was able to suffer until now in the torrent.

After speaking to Ai Meili, the captain of the Guanzhuang production team turned to look at the militia captain.

Before his boss could speak, the captain of the militia quickly shook his head: "Captain, it's not because I'm reluctant or selfish.

According to your order, my mother-in-law and aunt organized the mothers-in-law and women in the production team to cook several large pots of millet porridge and steam several large boxes of yellow steamed buns.But now these things are gone. "


The captain of the production team was deeply surprised: "I remember that before organizing the disaster relief, I specially asked the warehouse keeper to allocate 100 catties of millet and 200 catties of yellow rice to help the victims of the disaster. In the morning, I boiled a few big pots of millet porridge, After steaming so many yellow buns, why did they disappear?"

"It's gone, it's gone."

The captain of the militia smiled wryly and shook his head: "I was also very hungry before, and I thought about going to the stove to drink a bowl of porridge and eat two steamed buns, so that I could have the strength to continue saving people.

But I went over there to have a look, the pot was clean and the dog had licked it, and the steamer couldn't even stand a fly, so what else is there to eat? ! "


Perhaps when it came to food, the militia captain's stomach yelled a few times without losing the opportunity to prove the authenticity of what he said.

The captain of the Guanzhuang production team frowned: "Why is it consumed so quickly?"

The captain of the militia sighed: "Leader, the rescued victims have to eat, so the members of our production team are made of iron?

Members also have to drink a few sips of hot soup and eat a few steamed buns to survive!How long can the entire production team last with hundreds of people and only 300 catties of grain? "

The captain of the Guanzhuang production team was speechless when he heard the words
The members of the production team got up in the middle of the night last night and were busy checking the damage to the cave dwellings and courtyard walls at home.

After dawn, everyone had to rush to repair the damaged houses in the production team and help rescue the livestock in the breeding room.

Now the big guys are busy saving people and helping to pour hot soup to the unconscious victims
After surviving this rush, the members of the production team were already hungry. How could they not scoop porridge and eat steamed buns?
The members themselves were very hungry, and coupled with the psychological panic caused by the destruction of the granary, the members of the Guanzhuang production team, why didn't they try their best to fill their bellies?
A mere 300 catties of coarse grains really can't stand their efforts to make it!
The captain of the Guanzhuang production team turned his back to the sky and sighed faintly.

Then he lowered his head and asked Ai Meili who was still kneeling on the ground, "Can you still walk 3 miles?"

Ai Meili shook her head: "Comrade, I'm very soft, I really can't walk."

The captain of the militia picked up a dead branch from the ground and handed it to her: "If you can't walk, you have to go, girl, go! Go to the Shilipu production team. The conditions there are good, and you can live a good life if you go. .”


Ai Meili was puzzled: "Could it be that there are more people and less land over there, so there is more food?"

The captain of the Guanzhuang production team faltered: "It's about the same! Anyway, the Shilipu production team has restaurants."

Ai Meili is actually very smart.

From the dodgy eyes of the production team leader in Guanzhuang, she seemed to understand something.

Seeing that the production team didn't want to take her in, Ai Meili panicked: "Comrade, please give me something to eat! Uh, uh, I'm very capable and can do anything!

Don't treat me like a mother-in-law, think of me as a strong laborer. Woohoo, my mother-in-law died, and my man was buried in a collapsed cave dwelling. I have no home, please, comrade, let me be here You work in the production team. "

Speaking of it.

This young woman, Ai Meili, didn't care about any shame anymore, and saw her kneeling on the ground for a few steps with her knees on the ground, and came to the captain of the production team in Guanzhuang.

He knocked his head a few times: "I don't need work points for work, I just need to eat one bite at a time!"

"Oh, girl, I really can't help you."

The captain smiled wryly: "To tell you the truth, the storage room of our production team has been destroyed, and now we don't have a grain of food."


Ai Meili sat slumped on the ground, her eyes full of despair.

People in rural areas are poor and have low ability to resist natural disasters.

Like this flood, the young woman's family died and her house collapsed, and even the land in the production team was washed away.

If she has no new family willing to take her in, the ending of this Ai Meili woman must be very unbeautiful.

"Go! Go to the Shilipu production team to live a good life."

Seeing that there are still 9% new women, the captain of the Guanzhuang production team sighed: "Their side is richer. In the storage room of the Shilipu production team, there is a mountain of grain. Moreover, there are many unmarried young children in their production team. .”

The production team leader supported Ai Meili, pointed in the direction of the Shilipu production team and said, "You are handsome, and from your appearance, you should have just been married and haven't given birth to a baby yet.

Based on your conditions, if you go to the Shilipu production team, you might be able to marry someone with a better class. This should be done as soon as possible!If it's late, it's hard to tell. "

Ai Meili stuck out her tongue, licked her dry lips, and then knelt down with a "plop": "Thank you two comrades for saving your life. I, I'm leaving. Please allow me to repay your kindness later."

After finishing speaking, Ai Meili slowly struggled to get up, and walked towards the Shilipu production team with difficulty with a wooden stick
Looking at the woman's thin back.

The captain of the militia approached the captain of the Guanzhuang production team and asked in a low voice: "Leader, does the Shilipu production team still have enough energy to provide food to help the victims?"

"I'm afraid it's hanging."

The captain of the production team looked complicated: "I heard that the Shilipu production team seems to have a plan for this flood. They have already prepared flying claws, long wooden poles, ropes and so on.

Early this morning, all the men, women and children of their production team went to the river to find people. "

"If my guess is correct, the production team of Shilipu, which has been prepared for a long time, may have recruited quite a few people this time."

The captain of the Guanzhuang production team looked forlorn, looked towards the direction of the Shilipu production team and muttered to himself: "No matter how capable Luo Xuan is, he can't produce so much food all at once for disaster relief."

"team leader!"

Gan Shuili ran over from the bottom of the river, all wet, pointed to the figure of the woman in the distance and asked, "Captain, did you send that eldest sister to join the Shilipu production team again?"

The captain of the Guanzhuang production team frowned: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

An angry expression appeared on Gan Shuili's face: "Captain! How could you do this? The Shilipu production team, just now a member of the commune came to borrow thatch to build a shed to accommodate the affected people.

I took the opportunity to ask him. It is said that the Shilipu production team has rescued about 180 people.

In addition to those who rushed to the Shilipu production team from other places, the Shilipu production team has now resettled more than 260 affected people. "

"so what?"

The captain of the Guanzhuang production team looked gloomy, "The Shilipu production team saved a lot of people, and they contributed the most! Let's not compare with him, let's go to the head office."

"Captain, what's your attitude?"

Gan Shuili was not afraid of the captain of the production team, and asked sharply: "Is this a matter of fighting for merit? This is a big issue of right and wrong that concerns the lives of the affected people and increases the burden on the brothers' production team!
The Shilipu production team already had a heavy burden, and other production teams were also dispatching the affected people there.

As a brother production team, you are still imitating those production teams who are disregarding the overall situation, and send all the people who are picked up to the Shilipu production team?

This...captain, have you considered the capacity of the Shilipu production team?

Have you considered the pressure on the shoulders of Luo Xuan and the cadres of the Shilipu production team? "

During this period, the educated youth who jumped in the queue did not involve the issue of "returning to the city".

Therefore, when the educated youths were in the early stages of jumping into the production team, their status in the production team would not be lower than that of the "eight members of the production team", on the contrary they were higher and more detached than them.

If Gan Shuili and the production team leader dared to talk like this until the peak period of the return trip of educated youths, it is estimated that her body would have to plan for food on the loess high slope for the rest of her life.

Upon hearing this, the captain of the Guanzhuang production team looked coldly at the angry Gan Shuili, and said, "Comrade Gan Shuili, you know that our production team has no food.

Then I would like to ask you: What will our production team do to help the victims of the disaster?Members of our production team, what will they rely on to survive the spring famine? ! "

The captain changed the topic, and his tone became extremely severe: "Also, should you think about it now, who should be responsible for the heavy losses suffered by our production team during this flood?"


Gan Shuili has been busy saving people and fighting disasters.

She really hadn't thought of this: the storage room of the production team in Guanzhuang was washed away, and the dam that was built with painstaking efforts collapsed.
This kind of major liability accident definitely needs someone to take responsibility in the end!
Don't imagine.

Who proposed to block the river and build a dam, and who insisted on transforming the Wuding River?
It's Xu Daliang! !
Because the barrage raised the water level, the storage room of the production team in Guanzhuang, which was built on a high place, also became ruins along with the torrent.

this responsibility

The cold sweat on Gan Shuili's forehead dripped down along with the turbid river water on her face, Xu Daliang, it's over!

If it is not done well, don't say that Xu Daliang's future is ruined.

I'm afraid, it's possible to let him eat two peanuts!
Moreover, Xu Daliang had to pay 5 cents for a bullet.
(End of this chapter)

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