Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 756 Circulation Obstacles

This is an era that likes to develop the county economy.

The so-called county economy is that industrial and mining enterprises pursue large and comprehensive, such as agricultural machinery factories, agricultural tool factories, fertilizer factories, chemical factories, sand foundries, foundries, iron factories, silk reeling factories, textile factories, wineries, food factories
What others have, our county must also have.

If it weren't for the limited conditions, I am afraid that in all counties, they still hope to have their own super-large enterprises such as steel factories, thermal power plants, and automobile factories!

The reason why everyone has such an idea actually comes from the mentality of "self-sufficiency".

They all want to do everything without asking for help.

They all like to pursue a complete range of categories and form a small partial cycle by themselves.

Undoubtedly, the temptation to develop this kind of county economy is big enough:

If there are more industrial and mining enterprises in the county, there will be more job openings, and more unemployed urban youths will be settled.

Moreover, a profitable industrial and mining enterprise can bring real economic benefits to the local area.


A medium-sized enterprise with about 500 employees, that is, 500 jobs, can solve the livelihood problems of 500 families.

at the same time,

These 500 jobs can also stimulate local consumption and promote the vigorous development of various service industries, transportation and other related industries.

Just such a company with a scale of 500 people.

If it is run well, the profits and taxes it can pay to the local finance each year are not what a production brigade and 1000 farmers can create.

What if there are 10 or 20 companies like this in a county?

The possibility of this kind of prediction is considered to be great in the simple thinking of the leaders.

Because each county governs at least a dozen communes.

And each commune basically has more than 10 industrial and mining enterprises.

According to the original expectation: Even if one of the enterprises has a good profit, the industrial construction of this county will not be bad.
The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Often each county swarms to build these enterprises, some of them have just been established, in fact, in the selection of production technology and products.

is already behind.

This is the beginning of the establishment of the enterprise, relying on sales within their own county, they can barely maintain it.

However, it took a long time.

The market will naturally carry out survival of the fittest, that is consumers, after solving the problem of having and not having, their consumption concept will inevitably be improved.

at that time,

Consumers will naturally choose products with better quality, more novel styles, and better after-sales services.

When the market has evolved to this level, relying on the documents in the county can no longer prevent consumers from cross-border shopping.

Unable to stop them, they went to neighboring counties to buy things
Once the situation develops to this point, those companies that were originally expected to lay golden eggs have become a heavy burden on the local area.

In such a situation, what should I do?

Then there is a rule: goods from other counties and cities are not allowed to cross the border.

Now the "Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory" in Shilipu has encountered such a problem:
The furniture pulled from Zhimi County to Desui County and sent to Zhouzi County cannot pass other people's checkpoints!

Even the local supply and marketing cooperatives in these counties are willing to go to Zhimi County Furniture Factory to purchase goods in cash.

But once these trucks pulling furniture leave the boundary of Zhimi County, they will be stopped by the other side.
If the goods cannot be delivered to the store of the sales unit, how can there be any sales?

Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory, on the contrary, had to post a large amount of shipping and handling fees!

How to do? !

At the "Multi-departmental Coordination Work Conference in Zhimi County" held in the county auditorium.

Leader Wei looked serious.

Leaders from the County Office, Planning Commission, Light Industry Bureau, Materials Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Finance Bureau, Outreach Office and other departments were all present.

In addition to anger, everyone also felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Seeing the new furniture factory established by Shilipu Commune, its products became a hit and its reputation resounded throughout the Saibei area.

It was a good time for furniture factories to put money in sacks, but encountered problems such as "products could not be shipped out" and "sales links were blocked".

This makes all the leaders here, how can they not be angry?
Anger can be anger.

Everyone can only look at each other and smile bitterly, but they can't come up with any practical solutions.

Don't appear in your own county just because you are stuck with other people's very competitive products.

this kind of thing,

In the past, Zhimi County did not do much.

Just like Ershilipu Commune, that agricultural machinery factory.In order to keep the agricultural machinery factory from failing, and to protect the market share of Ershilipu Agricultural Machinery Factory.

Zhimi County has previously arranged staff on county roads and national roads to prevent other agricultural machinery products from entering
Now the products of my own furniture factory have a very competitive advantage.

But being blocked by others, what else can the big guys do besides being angry about it?

You do the first day of junior high school, and I do the fifteenth day of junior high school. It's normal, isn't it?

What's more, in other counties, people also want to keep their businesses, and they also need to increase fiscal revenue.

Leader Wei knocked on the table: "Comrades, tell me, how can we help the furniture factory overcome the difficulties that the furniture factory is facing?"

The old Zhang in the office said: "How about we also send personnel to the junction to persuade them to return the products in their factories?"

What this old Zhang means is that through this move, he can negotiate with the other party and let everyone take a step back.

In the end, the two sides reached a compromise.


The director of the planning committee shook his head: "We are all brother counties belonging to the Tuocheng area, how can we draw each other into prison?"

The director of the Outreach Office asked: "Why don't we send staff to visit these brother counties specifically.

Communicate with them well, and strive to allow comrades in these counties to allow our furniture to enter their material stations? "

"It's useless."

The director of the planning committee shook his head: "Not to mention sending a special person to negotiate and communicate, the efficiency will not be too high, and it will take time and effort.

And even if they are out of sympathy, they agreed to our furniture to enter.

But have you ever thought about this question: These furniture, just being piled up in the warehouse of the material station to eat ashes, can't enter the local distribution channel in the end? "

Leader Wei nodded: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. And in view of our furniture, it has an absolute crushing advantage for the furniture sold in these brother counties.

So the comrade of the planning committee, his worries are justified. "

The leaders present thought for a while and nodded their heads.


Shilipu Commune Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory designed the kind of "fashionable modular furniture".

It's competitive, it's too strong!
Once these furniture flood into the neighboring counties, it is bound to have a devastating impact on the local furniture production enterprises.

Faced with such a result,
In those counties near Zhimi County, their furniture companies may have to collapse.

Unemployment and loss of fiscal revenue caused by this, I am afraid that no county leader would like to see this kind of result.

"Aren't they imitating it?"

Someone said at the meeting: "I heard that Zhouzi County, Desui County, and Shenfu County are brother counties.

They are all rectifying and reforming the various furniture manufacturers in the county, replacing production equipment and intensifying style innovation.

It is said that their county has special funds to support them, trying to imitate this new type of furniture produced by our Tianjing Fashion Furniture Factory in the shortest possible time.

At that time, Comrades Luo Xuan and Jian Teng, you must be prepared to be surrounded by wolves and everyone will desperately compete for market share. "

Jian Teng stood up and spoke: "Competition is not afraid.

Many of the new models that our furniture factory has designed and formed are still in the drawing stage and have not yet been launched on the market.

If other brother units have produced them, when we have these styles now, we will upgrade them.

So please rest assured, we, Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory, are not afraid of competition!I'm afraid they won't provide us with a stage for fair competition. "

"Okay, ambitious!"

Leader Wei is very satisfied with Jian Teng's sense of crisis and self-confidence in not being afraid of competitors, "Since your furniture factory has the confidence to always stay one step ahead of others, then I believe that your products will be able to stand firm in the market. "

"But! In addition to occupying the entire Zhimi County and the market in Camel City, other brothers, we have to find a way to occupy a place."

Leader Wei said: "Everyone also knows that I have worked in the Camel City area for a long time."

"You guys must be thinking in your heart, can I go to those colleagues in the past, use the contacts accumulated in the past, and then use this to open up sales channels in brothers' counties and cities?"

Leader Wei shook his head: "To be honest, I can do this.

But I can't guarantee, how long will it last if they open the floodgates to your furniture factory?
Therefore, you have to be hardworking yourself, and the problem of blocked sales channels cannot be sustained for a long time by relying on relationships or old friendships. "

What Leader Wei said.

Everyone present understands that as a leader in a place, everyone wants to boost the local economy.

Although Leader Wei said that he has accumulated rich contacts, if he calls the leaders of Desui County and Zhouzi County, it can indeed temporarily alleviate the problem of blocked sales channels.

But how long?

On the surface, he agreed happily, but behind his back, he threw the furniture into the warehouse to eat ashes. This kind of thing is not difficult at all.

This cannot be simply blamed on others, who are unwilling to let the Shilipu Commune Furniture Factory enter the products.

You must know that the furniture industry is a big industry that affects thousands of households.

Just because the spare money in the pockets of the masses is starting to increase.

So their demand for furniture has become more vigorous.

As people started to work from the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, they worked longer and longer hours.

Their salary level is getting higher and higher, so the cash accumulated by the family must be more.

Now their grandchildren are going to get married, move to a new house, and buy a new set of furniture, which is an essential standard.

Moreover, for their descendants, the furniture at home has been used for decades, and it is actually time for a replacement.

If calculated in this way, the entire furniture industry will have a very large demand peak period in Saibei.

Although Tianjing fashion furniture factory, this kind of combination furniture is quite expensive.

But I can't stand having 6 wallets, let's work together.

No matter how difficult it is to buy a set of furniture, can it be difficult to buy a house for future generations?
We must know that during this period, the houses of the employees were either allocated to them by the housing management office, and they only needed to pay a symbolic rent.

Or it was built by the unit and then distributed to the employees as benefits.

Therefore, buying a house during this period will not consume much savings.

Everyone has a lot of spare money in their hands, the unit will reimburse them for medical treatment, and there is no need to worry about the house.

Then the workers can spend the spare money on hand to improve their living environment.

Therefore, the entire Saibei,

There are 12 counties in the north and south, plus the Inner Mongolia area going north.

The demand of the masses for furniture is very large.

Faced with such a big piece of cake, which county is not tempted?
So they smothered their own market, which is understandable.
Faced with such great resistance.

Those who participated in the meeting today thought about it and couldn't find a good solution.

"Comrade Luo Xuan, why don't you speak today?"

Leader Wei looked at Luo Xuan with a smile and asked, "Don't be a fool to me. You were the one who insisted on running this furniture factory back then.

It was you who instigated Shilipu Commune to start it with loans from credit unions and financing from brother units in Rongwei County.

Now that the furniture factory is running into difficulties, you can't be the shopkeeper. "

Luo Xuan sighed: "At the beginning, I was only confident in the competitiveness of the furniture produced in our furniture factory.

But how could I expect it? I still encountered Difangbaohu. How can I, a small commune-level industrial director, be able to solve this level of obstacles? "

Leader Wei frowned: "Why, do you think the official is too small?"

"If you are asked to manage the industrial production of a county, then you can only solve the problem of sales in this county."

Leader Wei also sighed: "Even if you manage the industry in a region, at most you can only let our industrial products sell smoothly in our region.

If you go to neighboring or other counties and cities, why don’t you still suffer? "

Someone teased Luo Xuan: "Comrade Luo Xuan, do you want to try going to the provincial capital?"

"How can I have that qualification?"

Luo Xuan smiled wryly: "Besides, how can I have such a high level!

Besides, even if we go to the province, what should we do if the products in our province need to be sold to neighboring provinces? "

"Since you already know, this is not a problem that can be solved by relying on status and status."

Leader Wei stared at Luo Xuan and asked, "Don't hide it, just tell me, I don't know what's on your mind, you must have noticed it long ago?"

Leader Wei has rich experience and knowledge.

Luo Xuan didn't dare to play tricks in front of him.

The reason why I didn't speak just now is to let the leaders here fully discuss and analyze the difficulties they are currently facing.

And how difficult it will be to solve these difficulties.

Only when everyone present realizes that this matter is difficult can they make some concessions.

Now the time has come.

Luo Xuan stood up, "Leaders, I am going to let the furniture factory take out part of the profits, and open up the markets of other brother counties and cities in a win-win manner."

Benefit? !
There was an uproar in the venue: this furniture factory was started by Shilipu Commune with self-raised funds.

Zhimi County has given strong support to land, Zheng Ce, and the priority use of materials and the emphasis on power.

This enabled Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory to be successfully opened.

Moreover, in the process of opening the furniture factory, there were so many difficulties and obstacles encountered.

Now that it is hard to see the benefits, it is time to recover the investment and make profits.

Luo Xuan actually wants to give up some of the profits?
Not to mention the leaders present, they were not happy and felt pain in their hearts.

It can be predicted that even the employees of the furniture factory, including their family members, once they heard Luo Xuan's decision, everyone would definitely jump!

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