Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 798 Handsome Talent and General Talent

Chapter 798 Handsome Talent and General Talent

The opponent's vigilance is very high.

Whenever someone tried to enter the compound, he would pull the bolt of the gun and question the purpose of the person coming here.

This person is the security officer who is in charge of conducting free security patrols for those trucks.

"It's me, Luo Xuan."

Luo Xuan said, "Excuse me, is Director Gu there?"

"Luo Xuan, who is it, who is it! Director Luo?"

The man was taken aback, "Why are you here? And you came here to inspect our work in the middle of the night? Oh, I was scared to death."

While talking, the man quickly ran towards the front door with a gun in hand.

After a while, a very sunny and handsome face appeared at the iron gate, "Ah, is it really you, Director Luo? Wait a minute, wait a moment, I will open the door for you right away."

I saw the young man leaning against the fence with the old [-] big cover, while pulling out a large ring of keys from his waist, he opened the iron gate very neatly.

"Are you Liu Yide?"

Liu Yide was shocked, "Luo, Director Luo, do you still remember me?"

Although there is not much difference in age between myself and the young man in front of me.

But the disparity in status between each other is so great that it is not even a star!

It can be said without exaggeration.

With a phone call, the young man in front of me can get a better job.

At the same time, it can also make him lose his job at once, causing Liu Yide's family to suddenly fall into a bleak wind and rain.

Of course Luo Xuan would not do the thing of smashing other people's jobs.

Not only that, but I actually want to cultivate this Liu Yide well.

That's why he was placed in the "Freight Information Service Agency" in Desui County, which is the closest to Zhimi County, and let him start as a "safety maintainer" at the lowest level.

After Liu Yide became familiar with the procedures of the freight information service agency, he was transferred to a "freight liaison officer".

In the future, if this young man really grows up.

Luo Xuan didn't mind either, and made an exception to promote him to a certain county's "freight information service agency, person in charge of a certain county office".

The reason why I have such a plan,
Just because of the young man in front of him, Luo Xuan had a deep impression: when the sand foundry was abolished last time.

This Liu Yide followed his old mother, and once came to the industrial office of the commune to intercede with him.

At that time, his old mother told herself the history of the suffering of the old Liu family with tears.

Count how difficult it is for her to be a widow, struggling to survive with her three children alone.
And Liu Yide, who was standing behind his old mother at that time, flushed with guilt.

When he saw his old lady, he almost knelt down towards Director Luo.

But as the eldest son in the family, he not only couldn't let his old mother live a better life.

On the contrary, I would also implicate my old lady and come to plead with others.

In the end, Liu Yide plucked up his courage, reached out to support his old mother, and prevented her from kneeling down, "Mother, we just follow the arrangement of our superiors.

As long as I work hard, I believe that the superiors will not treat me badly.If it's me who really can't be a good mother, it's useless for you to kneel down! "

Luo Xuan still remembers it clearly.

This Liu Yide's expression is that he feels sorry for his wife, but also a little bit reluctant to lose his job.

But he is even more unwilling to bow his head to the rich and powerful for this stubborn look
This is a Saibei man with a backbone!
So Luo Xuan thinks: For a man like Liu Yide, he must be given enough respect.

What I want is capable leaders, not training slaves.

A person with a backbone should let him live an upright life, instead of trying to destroy his precious backbone
If the big guys are as neither humble nor overbearing as Liu Yide, how can there be so many crooked things in the society?

As long as there are tens of thousands of Liu Yide who can unite as one, who else on this planet would dare to provoke the Celestial Dynasty?
Chat with Liu Yide, who is on the night shift.

Then he took Luo Xuan to knock on Director Gu's bedroom door: "Director Gu, Director Gu"

Director Gu, who thought he was in a deep sleep, had to wake him up for a long time.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Liu Yide knocked on the door, Director Gu opened the door, "Don't knock, Xiao Liu, I'm dreaming, saying that Director Luo and the others are coming back. Huh? They're really back!"

Liu Yide said with a smile, "Director Luo, our Director Guo has been talking about it for the past few days, saying that we should pay more attention.

Maybe you just get off the train at Desui Railway Station, and then come to our place to inspect the work! "

Director Gu also laughed, "Little ghost, now you know why I can be your leader, and you can only be led by me, right?"

The two joked a few words.

Then hurriedly invited Luo Xuan and others to another room.

Director Gu's explanation for this was: the room just now was his dormitory, and it was dirty and messy.

It really can't be used to receive Director Luo, not to mention that there are two lesbians behind Director Luo?

Wait until Luo Xuan enters the room.

Only then did I realize that this suite was very clean.

Wanting to come to Director Gu, he already knew the exact time when the green leather train from Yangcheng arrived in Desui County.

Then, according to Luo Xuan's formal style, he made a comprehensive analysis, so Director Gu can be roughly sure: he will definitely go to this information freight service agency in Desui County.

As for Luo Xuan's coming here, is he staying overnight or inspecting work?
That doesn't matter.

The important thing is that when Luo Xuan came, Director Gu had to entertain him well.

After entering the room and taking a seat, Luo Xuan looked at Director Gu who looked good, and said, "How about it, old Gu, are you satisfied with this job?"


Director Gu's eyes widened, "Which idiot dares to say that I'm not satisfied at all, I'll beat him to death!"

Luo Xuan waved his hand: "Don't get me wrong, and you know me, it's useless to play silly things in front of me.

The kind of person who shouts slogans loudly and sneaks, rapes and plays tricks when it's his turn to work, at least he can't get along with me. "

Director Luo in front of me likes to be pragmatic, and Shilipu is the same as the director of the commune.

The two of them especially hated those guys who kept saying such awe-inspiring words every day.

Anyone who has been with Luo Xuan for a long time knows this.

Director Gu was actually the director of the foundry factory who jumped out at the beginning and was determined to oppose Luo Xuan.

It's just that he is the same as Deputy Factory Manager Niu. In fact, Luo Xuan has already done his ideological work in the dark.

He knew that it was imperative to abolish these three factories, a reality that no one could change.

At that time, Luo Xuan only said one thing to Director Gu: Whether you are against my reorganization of these three factories or you support it.

Even if I try my best to become the director of the Industrial Office, I will definitely shut down all three factories before I leave that position!
In the end, Director Gu thought about it, and accepted the reality that "the factory will definitely not survive", and finally chose to fight with Luo Xuan.

Only now did he get the position of "Director of the Desui County Office" which is the closest to Zhimi County, the closest to his home, and also a transportation hub.

Working in Desui County.

There are many benefits. First of all, this is a cargo distribution center. If you come to work here, the business volume of the freight information service agency will naturally be large.

And the volume of business is huge,
On the bright side, there are more performance commissions and various travel subsidies.

In fact, in private, after the business volume of the information service agency increased, its hospitality expenses and various miscellaneous expenses.

It will also become more.

This gave the local person in charge a lot of opportunities to make some money.

It is also an increase in disguise, the income of the person in charge.

When Director Gu heard what Luo Xuan said, his expression became serious.

He replied solemnly, "Director Luo, I know you don't like other people playing silly things in front of you.

I am also telling the truth, I am very, very satisfied with this job.

In the past, I didn't understand what a freight information service agency was.

I just thought it was a matchmaking between those truck drivers and the units and individuals who needed to pull the goods.

At that time, I felt that this was like the kind of matchmaker active in the production team, who would talk about matchmaking between men and women.
This kind of work can't compare to my working as the director of a foundry factory.So face and power? "

Director Gu smiled wryly, "It turned out that I was wrong. It was because of my old-fashioned thinking, I couldn't keep up with the situation, and I couldn't understand these new things!"

Director Gu works here now and is the head of the Desui office.

Through this period of work, he truly realized the bright future of this industry.

And the practical benefits that can be brought to him personally.

First of all, working here is very free.

Working in a service agency, you only need to do work-related things, and you don’t need to participate in endless studies and write endless experiences every day.

There is no need to deal with all kinds of human interactions that have nothing to do with work.

One word: simple.

As long as you do your job well, there are no other worries and problems.

Another more important thing is: working in the freight information service agency, the income is very high.

Director Gu kept his original salary, not to mention, and there was also a very considerable performance commission.

Of course, in the current environment, it certainly cannot be said to be a commission.

But Chen Xiaobai, the general manager of the Freight Information Service Agency, has a brain like a electronic tube calculator.

He has various reasons to make this commission into other accounts and distribute it to the heads of various service agencies.

For example, "labor service fee", "information introduction fee", "friendship fee with brother units", "administrative affairs reception".
There is a subsidy for keeping out the cold in winter, and a high temperature fee in summer.

There are even family members of the staff, travel subsidies for visiting. After all, the stations of these information service agencies are all in other counties far away from their families.

After a long time, either the person in charge went back to visit relatives, or their spouses and relatives came to visit them.

This is also human nature.

The information service agency is open all year round and has a busy schedule.

Then they have to let their family members go to their workplace to visit relatives, which is normal, right?
These various subsidies with various names will make the head of the service agency earn a considerable amount of income.

It has already exceeded their salary income!
But in order to get such a high subsidy, it has a prerequisite: it is closely related to work performance.

Just like Director Gu in front of him, he has only been here for a month, and the performance commission he got in the first month has already exceeded 1 yuan!
This is what he did step by step, and he did it one by one.

Director Guo feels at ease with this kind of money, and has a great sense of accomplishment.

This is completely different from his previous attempts to make some extra money, purely relying on doing some crooked ways!
Earned money dignifiedly.

Let him have more confidence, so he doesn't have to be so frightened.
After Director Gu expressed his gratitude to Luo Xuan, and his determination to work hard, diligently, and work hard in the future.

Director Gu made a suggestion, "Director Luo, I used to be separated from each other like a mountain, and I didn't know the way of this freight industry."

"But now it seems that this is a promising industry!"

"Director Luo, look. Now the drivers are assigned by the unit to deliver goods. After they go out, 95% of the time they return empty."

"And those who need freight, production teams, and smaller businesses.

When they have some scattered goods that need to be transported, they can't find a suitable vehicle to undertake the business."

Luo Xuan said, "So, this is the meaning of our freight information service agency. To build an information bridge for both of them.

As for us, we collect some errand fees and hard work fees from it.

While meeting the needs of the masses, it can also create economic benefits for our units. "

Luo Xuan asked him, "You said so much, do you want to say that we can increase the price? Can we increase the 15% shipping information referral fee?"

"High! As expected of Director Luo, it has to be you."

Director Gu gave a thumbs up, "What I want to talk about is exactly this matter."

Luo Xuan shook his head, "You only want to improve the economic efficiency of our service agency and strive for more benefits for all the cadres and workers in the service agency. This starting point is right."

Now in the heart of Director Gu,
The concept of private enterprises that seek development and create better economic benefits for their own enterprises has already sprouted.

This is completely different from his previous style.

At that time, it was a state-owned unit, so was it profitable?It's not something Director Gu will put in the first place.

What is it that he puts first?

How to gain the trust and attention of superior leaders.

This is what he cares most about, which is the so-called only being responsible to the superior.

Director Gu now has this mentality of thinking about the interests of the entire information service agency.

This is good!It is worth encouraging.

But Director Gu's considerations are still a bit too narrow.

Luo Xuan gave Director Gu a thumbs up, "Old Gu, I'm afraid you're not the only responsible person like you to have such an idea.

This is right, everyone should think about their own benefits in the unit, how can they create more economic benefits for the unit they work at all times?
This is correct and worthy of recognition.And it is also a string that those of us who are employees of the unit must tighten at all times. "


Luo Xuan's words changed, "But Director Gu, have you ever thought about what kind of confidence our information service agency relies on to raise prices?"

Do not wait for the other party to answer.

Luo Xuan continued on his own, "It's because we are the only transportation information service agency in the entire Saibei area, right?"

There is a serious lack of effective communication bridges between the supply and demand sides.

Now organized by Zhimi County, this transportation information service agency is the only one in this industry.

So eat alone.

Now the business of the entire service agency is indeed thriving and booming.

Luo Xuan asked Director Gu, "But once other counties, or even other communes, know that we are an industry that can earn high returns, Director Gu, do you think they will also open a few A business like ours?"

Director Gu was taken aback!
He hadn't thought of this question.

All he has been thinking about these days is how to get more shipping orders.

The specific operation is to post advertisements everywhere and distribute business cards in various units.

or hire someone,

Go to each production brigade and introduce to those leading cadres, what exactly does this freight service agency do?

This is an act of advertising nature.

After going out to promote it like this.

In the future, when they need to use vehicles sporadically, they will send people to the freight information service agency to contact the vehicles.

In addition, director Gu is busy with contacting the truck.

At the same time, I have to be busy collecting, and the freight commission in the middle
It's like transporting a truckload of goods, a total of 200 yuan for shipping.

The service agency charges 30 yuan as an "information fee", which is what he is busy with every day.

But what Luo Xuan considered was farther and broader.

The angle is also higher than that of Gu.

This is the difference between general talent and handsome talent, Director Gu obviously can't reach that level.

Next, Luo Xuan will give them a good training session to broaden their horizons.

Especially that Liu Yide, his thoughts are not as solidified as Director Gu.

Luo Xuan wanted to try it now: Liu Yide, is he a malleable talent?
(End of this chapter)

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