Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 893: Laos is developing very well

"Abba, hug!"

The child was stumbling and wearing a bright tiger hat on his head. He was chubby and cute.

Especially this child, one look at it and you can tell that the adults in his family love to be clean, and the children are tidied up neatly.

He didn't have the sloppy look that is common among rural children with a nose half a foot long and dirty clothes on his sleeves and chest.

He has a tiger-like head and a tiger-like brain, and his whole body is clean and tidy, especially his big, bright eyes that blink. Who can resist such a child?
Luo Xuan bent down and picked it up, "Haha, who is this from? It's a pity that uncle doesn't have any candy. Hey, An Hong, do you have any candy with you?"

An Hong smiled and shook her head, "No."

"He can't eat sweets for fear of choking."

A beautiful young woman walked over, reached out to take the little kid, and glared at Luo Xuan, "What are you looking at? You are so polite, do you know?"

Luo Xuan smiled coquettishly, "Isn't it true that at first glance, you have changed so much that I couldn't believe my eyes for a while!"

Miao Meisha pouted, "If you come here in another 20 years, I'll probably be old too, and I'll probably be a grandma."

Luo Xuan couldn't believe his eyes just now, but it was true: because if the little kid in front of him was Miao Meisha's child,
Doesn't that mean that he has a son? !
As a time traveler, wouldn't there be some genetic mutation during the time travel process?

Is it really possible to have a baby?
What's more, when I was with Miao Meisha, I was very careful, but basically missed the target on purpose.
"How's it going? Isn't my Lulu cute?" Miao Meisha leaned close to Luo Xuan's ear and asked.

"C-cute." Luo Xuan's mind was complicated, and when he suddenly encountered this situation, he really didn't know how to deal with it.

"Grrrrrrrr, look like you've bitten a bitter banana! Hahaha"

Miao Meisha didn't dare to tease Luo Xuan anymore, "How about it, Mr. Luo, are you willing to be my Lulu's godfather?"


This means that he is no longer the biological father of the little kid.

Luo Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time felt as if he had lost something, "Okay, it's a great honor."

"Well, when I get back to the village, I'll ask the wizard to help me figure it out. Then there will be a godfather ceremony, and you have to be there."

Miao Meisha picked up Lulu and left, "Come over for dinner when you're done. My brother-in-law, Lao Min, just heard that you were coming. He didn't even bother to come over to the processing plant site, so he ran back to the village to prepare ingredients. He said he wanted to have a good drink with you."

Wait until Miao Meisha walks away gracefully.

To be honest, a woman like Miao Meisha, who is between a mature young woman and a big girl, is indeed not as charming as An Hong or Bai Fenxia.

These two girls have "hard" bodies.

It lacks the graceful scent of a mature woman.

Miao Meisha left.

The expressions on the faces of Yang Che Namu, An Hong, and Bai Fenxia were obviously relaxed.

"I'm not even nervous, why are you nervous?" Luo Xuan looked at the three of them in surprise, puzzled, "When Comrade Miao Meisha came over just now, why were you all so nervous?

Oh, are you afraid that she will go crazy?
Don't worry, although Miao Meisha is a Miao girl, she is actually very open-minded, and her business acumen is even much better than yours. Don't worry, they won't cut off anyone's head. "

"No, it's nothing." After all, Yang Che Namu has been in the workplace for a long time, and her determination is still stronger.

But Bai Fenxia blushed, "Just now, I thought, Comrade Luo Xuan, you had a family here. No wonder when you get here, it's like you're back home. You're familiar with everything you do, but it turns out you're not."

"I cut in line here back then."

Luo Xuan smiled, "So wherever you look at me, you feel familiar. This is normal."

An Hong suddenly realized, "Oh, that's it. Oh, Luo Xuan, should we go to the production team leader here to go through the settlement procedures?"

Lao Dao came over and said, "Don't worry, it's just a matter of holding your urine. Luo Xuan, you are not a good boy, why did you come here?"

He leaned close to Luo Xuan's ear and whispered, "If you haven't been here for so long, that girl from Wanwan really couldn't bear it, and ended up marrying a man on the other side of the boundary river."

Xu Nina?
That is, the one who works as the housekeeper in the Meowa Di Jade Mine and the big boss’s mansion?

I remember that when Lao Dao, Luo Xuan, and Xiong Ying were in jail, Xu Nina whipped Luo Xuan with a small leather whip.

As a result, Luo Xuan was so angry that he pressed her against the cupboard and beat her hard with a rolling pin.
It turns out it’s her, so just marry her!

That bay beauty Xu Nina, to be honest, she has a cooing voice when she talks and her skin is delicate.

Xu Nina's body is quite feminine, and she can indeed make people fully appreciate the feeling of conquest as a man.

But it's not a good match.

In addition, if everyone is like this now, who would dare to marry her?That's really the old man eating arsenic.

Lao Dao and Luo Xuan had a little joke.

Then Lao Dao pointed to the spectacular and busy construction site and said with a proud smile, "How is it? Leader Luo Da, are you satisfied with the progress of our bamboo products processing plant?"

Luo Xuan nodded, "Not only is he satisfied, he just gave me a big surprise!

I thought that the county had just approved the project and that it would take 2 or 3 months until migrant workers were organized to start construction.

Unexpectedly, it seems to be almost completed now. "

Lao Dao patted his chest, "Of course! Construction started three months ago, how can we hurry up!

What's our relationship?We carried guns together, slept on a big kang together, and slaughtered people abroad together. Let’s not talk about these. "

"To tell you the truth, after you wrote to Lao Min and revealed your idea of ​​​​wanting to process bamboo products, Lao Min came to me to discuss it and thought it was feasible."

The old man smiled and said, "Since then, Lao Min and I have been going through commune procedures, organizing members, and recruiting some labor from other villages. We have started building this bamboo products processing factory a long time ago. "

Speaking of it.

Luo Xuan understood: It turned out that the construction of this bamboo products processing factory had already started in advance.

Even when Lao Min and Lao Dao started building the factory, they had not yet received the approval letter from the commune.

Not to mention that the county has not approved the project at all.

This move is purely a matter of "how bold a person is, how productive the land is" and "do it first, and then go through the formalities later".

Therefore, this bamboo products processing factory project has saved a lot of valuable infrastructure time.

"Aren't you afraid of disapproval in the commune?" Luo Xuan asked.

"You're so scared!" Lao Dao said nonchalantly, "If someone else mentions this project, we will think it over and consider it carefully.

Who are you, Luo Xuan?As long as you want to do something, is there anything you can't do?
Even if the commune does not approve it, it will become a collective workshop built with self-financing in our Lagu Village, and they will not be able to control it. "

"Hehe, and this is a project planned by you, Luo Xuan. Seeing that it can make money, how can the commune not approve it?"

Lao Dao laughed happily, "The commune leaders not only approved quickly, but they were also eager to buy as many shares as possible and get as many bonuses as possible."

The two friends, who had been separated for many years, chatted for a few words and then walked towards the village.As for the construction site, there is no need to look at it.

This construction site was planned and implemented by Lao Dao and Lao Min.

Behind the scenes, Xu Nina, who is well-informed and has many connections in Wanwan, is helping.

Lao Dao is responsible for coordinating land and recruiting manpower.

The careful Lao Min is responsible for the design and supervision of the construction.

As for Xu Nina, who was brought back from Miaowadi, she has connections in Wanwan and has the machinery and equipment needed in the factory.

Xu Nina will find a way to transport it in pieces from the Wanwan and Xiangjiang sides, and through the sea route from the Boundary River.

The customs here are very strict.

For the use of foreign exchange to purchase machinery and equipment, the approval process is very cumbersome and particularly strict.

But the country across the border river is different. As long as you have enough money there, there is nothing in the world that money can't buy!
So for the mechanical equipment, with Xu Nina's secret help, this was enough to reassure Luo Xuan.

As for whether she made a profit in the middle, Luo Xuan didn't care about these things.

in business.

Xu Nina has spent a long time working hard, but if she doesn't make some profit, who will do it?

It’s cheaper and faster than asking the relevant departments of Liao Lao County to file application reports upwards and get approvals at all levels, right?
When Lao Dao led Luo Xuan and his party to the place where Lao Min lived, everyone couldn't help but be surprised:
In this barren place, there is such a paradise?
The old Min family, which saw a shotgun exchange for a cannon, is no longer the shabby appearance it once was in a large bamboo fence house with the wife, children and aunts all crowded together.

A two-story mahogany building in Yishui, with peach and apricot blossoms in front and behind the house.

The pear trees and banana trees are neatly maintained.

The water flows beside the wooden building, and various tropical fruits are abundant behind the house.

The paths made of bluestone lead to a quiet place, and the grape trellis in the courtyard is cool and pleasant.

Old Min, who was always very particular about life, now finally has the strength to pursue refinement. Now I am afraid that if he is asked to return to the city, it is estimated that Old Min may not necessarily care about the ten-mile foreign market in his hometown.

A group of people entered the hospital.

Lao Min, his wife, and sister-in-law Miao Meisha laid out fruits, snacks, tea, honey, and invited everyone to sit down under the grape trellis.

An Hong and Bai Fenxia originally thought that they would suffer all kinds of hardships when they came to work in the countryside.

It was like walking into heaven at this time.

Are you really here for re-education?

Why does it feel like you are here to broaden your horizons and travel?

Holding a piece of roasted dried mango softly in her mouth, Bai Fenxia, ​​who was sweet in her heart, couldn't help but ask, "Senior Min, why don't you demolish those thatched houses opposite your house?"

Going to the mountains and countryside lasted for a long time.

The educated youth who went to the countryside to join the team were divided into several generations: old, middle and young. Lao Min was among the first group of educated youth to go to the countryside, so Bai Fenxia had to call Lao Min "senior".

"Demolish it?" Lao Min pushed up the frame of his glasses, "I'm afraid no one dares to move, and no one is willing to move those huts in Lagu Village."

"That's what my old Min is thinking about."

Old Min’s wife was still so considerate, and she explained, “Whenever we open the door, we can see those rooms at a glance.

Seeing it, Lao Min and I can think of the difficult but happy days in the past. "

Bai Fenxia said oh.

But she actually had a misunderstanding. Bai Fenxia thought those huts were the former residence of Lao Min and his wife when life was difficult.

But Yang Chenamu knew: those huts were actually the "educated youth houses" where Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli once lived.

There are memories of Luo Xuan and Lao Min drinking together, as well as memories of Miao Meisha delivering goods to her door and being fucked by a pig in the end.

Of course, the more important thing is that Namu, Nami, Najudi and other Lagu girls work together to deal with the past invasion.
Because it carries so much pain and laughter, no one will demolish the hut.

That night, countless torches lit up in Lao Min's yard, and all the men, women, and children in Lagu Village came to attend Luo Xuan's welcome party.

Everyone had a great time eating, drinking, singing, and dancing!

Laku people love liveliness and prosperity.

As they are addicted to alcohol, there will be endless amounts of corn wine and rice wine tonight, as well as endless amounts of pheasants, rabbits, beef and mutton, pythons, field mice, grilled fish and roasted suckling pigs, which are open to the public.

Why don't the folks want to come?

As for what exactly this banquet is for?

This is not important.

Everyone has wine to drink and meat to eat. After eating and drinking, they can dance for a while.When digestion is almost complete, continue eating and drinking.

"They can really drink and dance."

After drinking several jars of rice wine, An Hong and Bai Fenxia's faces turned red. "Xia, have you noticed that the people here live very happily?"

Bai Fenxia nodded drunkenly, "Yes, the smiles on their faces come from the bottom of their hearts. Their cheerful mood has infected me!"

An Hong smiled slightly, "Maybe it's the people in this village. They have better economic conditions and own so many rubber plantations and breeding farms. So..."

Bai Fenxia shook her head, "No. In this village, because some people are lazy or dull-minded, it is impossible for everyone to become rich.

I asked Luo Xuan, and he said, "Water does not water a tree without roots." Lao Dao and Lao Min only support those who are worthy of help, who are willing to change and want to live a good life.

There are still many poor people in this village, but the smiles on their faces are still so bright. I really envy them.To be honest, I really don’t know how long it has been since I laughed sincerely. "

"An Hong, have you ever asked yourself, how long has it been since we laughed from the bottom of our hearts?" Bai Fenxia asked.

How long has it been since you laughed?
How long have you not experienced the joy that bursts out from the depths of your heart, the feeling of laughing heartily like a child?

This question immediately stopped An Hong: Yes!Ever since I started to understand a little bit, my whole life has changed for the worse.

The more you know, the less you smile.

Every day I listen to other people’s education, or educate others: you must be obedient, obey the calls from above, listen to your parents, listen to the words of the teachers, and listen to the words of the leaders.
All the time, I am either on guard against others or on my way to deal with them.


The spirit of life is haggard, and the sincere smile is gone from the face of life.

Instead, there is conspiracy and intrigue, and there is always a mechanical forced smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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